![CC((])Mpromise Effort§ Stall Over BLM Land Swap](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
OOOOOODOOOOOOOOOOO .}' n_ '. :....• ',' ~, .; ',' Two die in plane eras by DIANNE STALL~NGS Wayne said. "Then he started de- Ruidoso News Staff Writer scending." Two people died late Friday The pilot called the airport for when 'their airplane crashed while an advisory and the person on duty they were attempting to land at gave him infonnation about the Sierra Blanca Regional Airport wind velocity, the altimeter reading near Ruidoso. and advised that there was no The bodies of John Lovelace of other traffic, Wayne said. Coppell, Texas, and his daughter, "Everything was tape recorded. LuAlice Lovelace, 26, of Lubbock, (The pilot) said he was at 9,000 were found in the scattered wreck- feet, was circling and would be com­ age Saturday morning about 8 half ing in to land on runway number mile from airport runway. 24," Wayne said. "Somewhere dur- Airport manager Lloyd Wayne ing the circle to the south of the said according to the filed flight' field, about 1,000 yards south of the plan, the Lovelaces were traveling runway, he started a rapid descel1t In a 1966 .Cessna 337-A from Lub- and disappeared. bock to Rmdoso, "There was nothing wrong with WaY!le. said the last recorded the operation of the airport. What transrnlsslOn from the plane about hap.p,ened to the airplane, I can't 9 p.m. was that the pilot intended say. I to sircle the airport b~fore landi.ng. Lovelace had flown into Sierra ~en he came l~ that mght, Blanca several times before, Wayne r VJI~,tt~d wreckage of a twin-engine 1966 Cessna IS about 500 yards from the Sierra Blanca Airport runway. t~e pllo~ was folloWIn~ stand~d said. He was unsure whether any of ',tr~!Wrl over a 200-100t path. The troubled plane cut The crash claimed the lives of a father and his daughter VIsual fl~ght rules, st8>'lng as hig~ those landings were at night. The a~ the highest mo~ntain pe~ untl~ family apparently recently bought a ttlfuu~t) ~ 9.rov8 of junipers near the top of a canyon frorn 1 exClS who had just purchased property in the area. VIsual contact WIth the aIrport, Please see Crasht page 2A CC((])mpromise effort§ stall over BLM land swap by DIANNE STALLINGS "The major remauung issue to be compromise. Bureau officials essentially had agreed to all conditions laid out by the Hi;'1h,',il N\'w:. Staf1 Wrrter "illhe majorr IremanRllDJIl)g nSStlne ft()) !be resroDvedl was resolved was the question of loss of private commission except the land parity issue. r ~ . I ! d I 'i) I 1:-- I'd fl·d (' r a I a c <1 U LS 1t lUn (I f Iand in Lincoln County. The board's inter­ <qpUl ()f {)SS () If \ra lT1l n~ C(])n II1l When Commissioner Monroy Montes, ,:'1 .1' r •. ~ lIf laIld In LIncoln County IS on t!hl e estD((J)Jrn D f [J n tena dl Ln n Jnl land use plan requires parity between county manager Andy Wynham and county ,~ utll l.ltf' 19~q, out' to thp failure of federal and private land ownership ex­ (:{)llllU1l1ty. V9 lRll.1lIrealLH ()f rr.J~!U1J(n Marnagemel1ll1t ',,:,1.\, ,If,d llll'al government offiCIals to changes in the county. No BLM land is attorney J. Robert Beauvais left Woodard's office after a meeting in June, agreement '", 1\ ,,!npllJJlll:-;I' fl'ady for exchange or sale in Lincoln :!~\~ had been reached on everything except the I',,' [11'\\" b dqln'ssmg to many resi­ Company offiClals don't Intl'nd t(1 SJt IILLfll·d County. However, the Roswell District : ttll' tll ..... t,lnr vI!Jagt' of Lincoln, who :Ifound for the nt'xt two ypars, h(lv,'t'\'I'r HIJrI';J\I uJ Land Management Director stated the lands would be identified in the amount of federal land to be put up for sale . q'p""l·,j ttlt' proposnl a~ addItional "WI' do have a plan In mind to \lllS!;J;; [ \ .1,tllIh()Il JiU t dH' proposed RIo Banito : resource management plan), which would Immediately, according to CommiSSIOn wl'\I~d Spenc~r. "~' d,', f'/I,'lll'" tht· prt>servat..1On of t.hp tht, projPct. (;rpen said But tll' !ll!t ,.:: :i l\ch,lrtgt· IIIl }wld yt>stprday," accord­ bt' complete in late 1994." Chwnnan Stirling d \:.... russ any dptaiIs ,I.~: 11! ;! hllfl';tll fWW:-; release tJuly ao. The Lineal n Valley Land Company first Woodard was talking 5,000 ,'ne~, : : , ld :1,,,( I' l[\f(lrmation t~) con1nwnt on Th!' land company galTl:-; tts pnd'j t ! \ ('.' Itlh ~\I:HTn\ .dl\Jut t~w lmpact of thp ex, propospd the exchange to the BLM in Sep­ Muntes wanted 35,000 and the COffirrusslOn :" ,': - Ii th,' -;!tuallOI1,' smu ClplS LIking thl' pr(jfwrt.v HCqUlfl'd III th,· ";\\.:/1 '",1 ~~I' ll!l tIlt' t:lX !la...;!' in Lincoln County. t{'mber 1990 after acquiring the property later settled on 15,000 acres as the numtH'r ~ ~ ~ . ',' 'l,,;rrli;l:, 1'( thp Llnculn Hlsturlc dlld ~t'lllr1g It to ralldtt'fS alrt';\d\ !lll/·r! \ql ,J j I: , i I Jf l ' Jl t f II d " d p w M p xico S tat t' dunng a bankruptcy action. to be Incl uded in an official protest letter to t'll ,t·. I' Ii H. lid ILlt I f£'I': thl' rnaJ(WI' till ttlf' df'al I)" ", 1,;lrn \\'II()u;lrd to notify all intl'r, Under the proposal, the BLM would ac­ thp BLM. pilrtJt'~ "~";It' I'" ,JI lhl"'; vallf')' an' In fWI,'llr lIf I <t II th,lt flU ,1l'tlOn WIll take place qUIrt' abuut 1.115 acres of land and 330 Montes and Wynham subsequently met R(\~"""'I'li .ld'PS :' .l:~~\lrh.... :1\1' thtlt tl\l' I Lu\' COMPROMISE EFFORT t":·; 'hi' t-\t':--;nurce Area's resource of waU'f nghts near the v111age of lf1 Roswell with BLM area district resourcp l~t'!lll'r~t '". I: 1 ::' Il () t 11""; trn 1n t-: .' p;.lfi ,H\1Pl IS completpd In Ll n col n In pxc hange for about 36,719 acres manager Saundra Allen and new district 1~1 ,~ ~I t' "":V.'dt1 eire flot d {(III HL.\1 offiCIals dtld lllllntv lllDU1l1........ : :.1 I'; , :,1,; ul ....;·t df publIC land 1n Dona Ana. Otero, Sierra. Jlrt'ctor Leslie Cone. ~I :' J,~. ,{...; what l ..... g(I.!:g t. I ': t-: ,)\,{'r tLp 1fist jp\\ wl'~·k....; tn. n~' .~: ~~ ;' ... j : pi d I j w;; I; ill' r, fy specIf] ( ;and,...; Edc(v. ChHVt':', San Juan and ValencIa 'They came back confused ahout where " - • ; .1'\ \\". t>f'IIP\,' ttl,· BL~1 ,Jtl ((lmpnJmIRe ·.dIKI·d : .. r :1;"'P,j"';L ir) LIncoln County IlH1tles Wf' stand," Spencer Sald "They said shr :ha " \' f:q r t fa 11 t' d. : r ,t n, d' ,r ' d ) ~ , • l .' . ." 1\l.\1 .\;: the puhilC land prevl0u:-;]v had been VI. uuldn't commlt to anythIng I /', ,., .~ ;Id"'~ BL~1\ R()~wp!, ,j~'fltlfjed plan~ :1',:lh HL.\1' .... lnahillty tl . ,:TIn·.. • ttJ u,,· , I• I' [l1lr:tL:-, In management as lands to Spencer ran lnt(J Allen and (·ont· at a ,•• r" .... ~ • ~ t' , I '. ht'~'r: rH'~()tlatJng ~cu:-;, ,1,.", . ~.1 f' •~ ,. ...1' , 01 , :);).()()(j ,1lrt''''; .; ':" , 'j'" '1.ld W1th thp : Jl' transfeTTPd frum federal own t-' rsru p. :neptlng on <ilia t hpr Issue and tht-' dJ I. r.. .. t I ... if port. ,:, of ~ ~. ~, , . , :~:I':r ~\-\1tched .... : ' I' .: r) -.. h t· J I j (. I J• \. I, ·t·r~ttlt.\p:y ld~'ntdil'd fur dJ:-p"~ . :1'.., 1;\'1' : (,nrpn1"";. ac.cordlnj..; .J 'J:.;t <i month ago, It appeared the BLM ..,jUT! to the f{1O Bonito swap ., : I:. (1; " ~ 'hi' t{,l. H, nJ~'> Thl' 1(,n,r~jl'-;.";lorl ha,..; Jr'.-\l:-t,·,. ".1' Ind commISSIon were about to work out a Cune was SIttIng there saj1ng how sht-' ______________--=_=="=""=->__"'-= ................===__-= COU Id n 't guarantee anythin g," Spencer sal d ',-:- lit" I\L\1 dC'f~'''; ~'I"';f'- lin ~l ~L--. .lb.·t·; ~;I.n.., to thp PXCf:;\',;." ,n,: , ~~., i'JL.\1 rlhT.·1· ... ~'J ... pij somf' 1)[ :.tl· ; r 'I f ~' •• ' I told them I understand they may not ht, ~ '." ..... managp:-o In LIncoln ('lJun'\ t \-".e III C C (] f() r t 1ht e m 1t () g nV e u s 1t 1hl a It comf t{])}f 11: 1fa c 1t IlJ r able to glvr I Fi slgTIed contracU, but fiskI'd . \ wa~ ... Tt 1d t ~ tan(t' I sIn ]1 n f' with d .. I Iid ,I ~ .' thpn what can thf'y do. I told thrm I a H'D (J Hf It Jh e .Y C 3 III (B «» 11: heat t , \\/e ' nn go w nth 11: Ih. e ex­ j'j{lll~ III' t{J!d Thf' :'\('w~ !IIJ!IC\, adnptf"d hy thl' cnmml";~.(II" ..... )/,1 I: tlrrd of tht-' negatnrism. c~"D~~ung~." U~ "., \1.\ IlL!\ havp to "~tart chop· n'4Ulrps thHt IHno pfirIty "hetWf"f'r, hiJ\'I'rn RJnrrncol1fll Counlty (( :()mmnSSnolCl Clhl21llrmaIrll Wp need for them to g1vr that (om· ~' I:',• II'f' t t ho,s f' ()hII go H t j(Jn s .. rnf'nt and pnvatp ownprshlp I)f !:I!Hi tIl Please see Compromise, page 2A Am Hard To Come By and jockey J.R. Valen­ zuela hang on to win Sunday's $22,325 Zia Sopt .omore Champion­ ship by a nose in 19.77 Spar~ ,.................
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