•-'•--»•- » •-» Til COUNTY! :.t. tOP COVERAGE and Leader Shoppar *-4op dreolatton covarag* ta Woodbridfe area. Serving Woodbridge Township, Carteret and Edison 1 At t. ». WMikHtf.. N. ™ Woodbridge, New Jersey, Wednesday, April 29,1970 W«Mj TEN CENTS District 8 Loyalty Day Parade to be Held In Woodbridge on Sunday WOOIHIRlDfiF, — V.F.W. VFW's answer to the Commu- TO START AT 2 P.M. marzi of the Eighth Dlitffet] Posts, their auxiliaries, fire nists' May Day parades. The parade Will slart prompt- and a member of the FHtuil companies, firs! aid squads, VI U I'osts and their anvil ly at 2:00 P.M. from Upper VFW, announced that NflR] high school bands and other iaiics from the area will par Main Street near the Brass Street, Woodhrldge will bar) veteran organizations from [li i|>.id' as follows: from Fast Bucket, down Main Street, to closed off from ! :30 to 3:3» P> ] all over Middlesex County are Brunswick, New Brunswick, the Municipal Building, to M. Alternate routes will lie exported lo participate in the Perth Amboy, Metuchen, Hope- Hahway Avenue, with review- Grove Street or Bunnft Lane to : District 8 Vf-'W Loyalty Day lawn, South River, Carteret, ing stand at the intersection of Route 9, parade in WoodhridRe proper. South Amboy, Iselin, Laur- Martin Terrace and Railway Approximately $700 worth! Sunday, with the Avenel VFW ence Harbor, Edison, Wood- Avenue; to Freeman Street, of trophies have been par- as host post. Mayor Kalph P. hridue, Spotswood, Sayrevile, to the Woodbridfie llifih School ehasrd for the band and drill! Harone will serve as grand Ihinellen, Old Bridge (two stadium where band and drill competition, Refreshm e n t a marshal. posts), (olonia, Fords, South competition will be conducted. will be availableftat the I The loyalty Day Parade is Plainfield, Middlesex, Avenel, The Woodnridge Senior High dium for participants la the I held throughout the country to Piscataway, Franklin Park, School Band will lead the pa- parade. The competition tt; show loyalty and devotion to Cranbury, Jamesburg, North rade followed by Mayor Ba- expected to get underway' country and Hag and is the Brunswick. rone. Commander John Al- around 3:30 P.M. Barone Urges Council to Spur Freedman, president of the club. Public Health Nursing JFK High Band Public Hearing on Anon Letter vrk County WOODBRIDGE — "I want to of the council are slightly dU- Director is Appointed Receives Invite gel it over as quickly as pos- fereHt", Burgess remarked. l<T>lii|> Post Mayor Answers Tomasso sible. I want the truth out. That He also said that be hat 'In- WOODBRIDUK - Dr. An of West New Jersey Hospital To Orange Bowl is why I removed any possible terviewed several investigator* and will make his recommwidi- ip.iMiMiK — "Not at tome Attalla. Director of the Di School of Nursing, Camden and WOODBRIDGE — In answer The plan as conceived by the road block to the investigation." ISELIN — John F. Kennedy ion to the council. ButgeM •••• • — but anything is vision of Health, hm announced Seton Hall University College Mayor Ralph P. Barone made Memorial High School Band ito t:°uncil President Gene To planners and the mayor is that p would not comment himself at \iii-.ir lii>rgess, Co- the appointment of Mrs. Verna of Nursing. She holds a Masters h dl h ask- m&sso's criticism regarding fu- sometime in the future a high (tha, t, =»•"«"«"<."'««statement toda*y w»™ ««• to the date the public hewing .1 • ;].,;. when asked K. Hanisch a* Director of Pub-'Degree In Pujnlk Health Nurs has been invited to partici- . ,,.,_,. .,, ° ,cd by a reporter at his weekly will be held. I I AUKR PUKSS if he lie Health Nursing and Home ing Administration and Super I pate in the Orange Bowl par- ture plans for a Municipal Build- ing in th« old claypits area, May- rise municipal building will be press conference if he thought r.iii(iii|;dc fur the- post Health Services. vision from Columbia Universi ad•e i•n Miami-- , Florida, and constructed in Woodbridge Cen-janyone was "dragging his or Ralph P. Barone told mem- -. rimnnan of the Prior to her appointment in•'>'. New York City. the decision wil be made to- ter, the former elaypits. The heels." bers of the press today at his Four Youths Fined a'.ir f'.irty. WoodbridiiC. Mrs Hjinisch was ~~ " " night (Wednesday) by the plan is to rent out the upper A month ago, Police Director Miiphy, Tornjhip Chief PuWie Health Baad Parents Association. U weekly conference; floors to help pay for the cost Joseph Galassi asiced for an in- As Narcotics Users "One of the responsibility of |?n is ;,n avowed cat- ;ihe Nrw Jersey State the invitation is accepted, the of construction and. as the mu vestlgfttkyi after Councilman WOODBRIDGE — Four young school chiraren will have to he administration is to plan for '!'•• i ..uf ;riu; ___ SO. ^ ^u*iUi. iflie has nicipaJity\jfcnjws. .11 will take Gene Torn ass 0 r*ceivci an "an- men, who wera arrested in a raise most of die funds. he future. After all the work i- the uiiamiTnous . „. worke, „. d as a . nursing- con WOODBRIDGE — Semiannual over additional floors as need onymous letter signed *a won narcotics raid at the Queens is done and recommendations "' "f Hip Counly lulUnt and supervuor. : i tr«tioQ for new applicants The musical contingent has ed. dering witness," alleging a cov Gardens apartment complex on reg s madv then it is up to the coun- er up of a complaint said to m Woodbridge In her most recent position, who are eligible for Kood .Stamps also been invited to take p;nf The present Municipal Build- March 26 and charged with the have involved a police lieuten- Mrs. Hanisch developed many,under Middlesex County Food in the Junior Orange Bowl, cil to accept or reject the pro- ng at 1 Main Street is literally use of narcotics were fined $25 ant. • ,1 nrwe-omer to the educational programs for nurs stamps Program, will be held December 28. posals." bursting at the seams. Con and $10 court costs each when ll ;i. ;d denied startled "The newspapers have lost es and assisted University;in the Township the week of If the JFK band goes to The mayor indicated he did not -tructed in 1924 for a community they appeared Wednesday morn- •>l if ho was a can- sight of the fact that it was not Schools of Nursing in continu May 4. Florida it will take part ia intend to be hampered in his of 12,000 people, the various mu- ing before Municipal Judge Aa ••(•iniit'.eit that he the council, but the administra- ing education • programs and Applicants do not need to be the King Orange Jamboree work, saying "that when all the nicipal services are attempting drew D. Desmond. The drivert i :i|'prnarhed about planning field experience for i( be eligible as acts are in, they will be pre- tion and Galassi who called for on we are to Parade on December 31, to work out of the same struc- licenses of the four were also tini Uiat no firm nurses in baccalaureate aid eligibility is based on income sented to the council, then In its the probe". Dr. Barone contin- which will be televised in revoked for one year, r li.id, hern made. ure for a community of 100,000. ued. Told by the same reporter masters degree programs. ln]and aswu versus expenses color nationaljy by NBC-TV. wisdom it can make the deci- addition, she served on the Goi Applicants may register and that there have been rumors Those who were found guilty '••'• lip had believed The band will be the guests of sion to accept or reject. Our ernor's Task Force on Nursint information as follows: that the "whole thing wUI be were Richard Mielczarek, 19, 519 'ii>ji a. at the mom receive the Orange Bowl Committee responsibility is to plan and that and helped to prepare its final> Governor Replies, whitewashed", the mayor re- Brooklawn Avenue, RoseUe; >: pfn>-.f rl lo be con- Mflnday May 4 olsen Towers at the Orange Bowl clasic the is what we will do". plied: Kenneth Hutton, 19, 378 Wood repOrt- |555 New Brunswick Avenue, But Promises Nothing night of January 1. It has Asked if he had mentioned the Avenue, Iselin; Thomas Fee, 18. li''fnian. Highland Mrs. Hanisch has prepared,Fords; Tuesday, May 5, Cooper been the policy of the commit- idea of a new Municipal Build "I hope not. I want the chips WOODBRIDGE - In reply to 732 Keep Street. Linden and ;-n--. nity serving as pamphlets and guides and hasjTowers, 1422 Oak Tree Road, tee to invite all out-of-town ing to the council the mayor said to fall where they may and • iJemisciatic Chair- had articles on nursing subjects;i | and Wednesday, May 6, Mayor Ralph P. Barone's hand proper action taken if neces Jeffery Macbride, 18, 68 Clover se m participants to the game. he had "mentioned it casually". Avenue, Colonia. ai.M) Middlesex published in National and State;stern Towers, 55 Brook Street, delivered letter Monday, during sary. As things stand now The mayor went on periodicals. Her organizational! woodbridue, from 9 A. M-» to 4 say the Fair Share Caravan, Gov- there is a cloud on the police GBADUATE that he did sot feel was activities include membership: f ernor William T. Cahill stated department and with this in SENIOR CHOIR GROUP IS\ WOODBRIDGE — Eighteen wrong for him to "express his vestigation I am sure it will be in the American Public Health John W.
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