Repertoire of the Practice of the Security Council The members of the Security Council held informal After hearing all the opinions expressed in the course of consultations on 30 March 1995 pursuant to paragraph 13 of consultations, the President concluded that there was no resolution 748 (1992), by which the Council decided to review agreement that the necessary conditions existed for modification every one hundred and twenty days or sooner, should the of the measures of sanctions established in paragraphs 3 to 7 of situation so require, the measures imposed by paragraphs 3 to 7 resolution 748 (1992). against the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. After hearing all the opinions expressed in the course of Decision of 22 November 1995: statement by consultations, the President concluded that there was no the President agreement that the necessary conditions existed for modification On 22 November 1995, after consultations among of the measures of sanctions established in paragraphs 3 to 7 of resolution 748 (1992). the members of the Council, the President issued the following statement on behalf of the Security Decision of 28 July 1995: statement by Council:26 the President The members of the Council held informal consultations on 22 November 1995 pursuant to paragraph 13 of resolution On 28 July 1995, after consultations among the 748 (1992), by which the Council decided to review every one members of the Council, the President issued the hundred and twenty days or sooner, should the situation so following statement on behalf of the Security require, the measures imposed by paragraphs 3 to 7 against the Council:25 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. The members of the Security Council held informal After hearing all the opinions expressed in the course of consultations on 28 July 1995 pursuant to paragraph 13 of consultations, the President of the Council concluded that there resolution 748 (1992), by which the Council decided to review was no agreement that the necessary conditions existed for every one hundred and twenty days or sooner, should the modification of the measures of sanctions established in situation so require, the measures imposed by paragraphs 3 to 7 paragraphs 3 to 7 of resolution 748 (1992). against the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. __________________ __________________ 26 S/PRST/1995/56. 25 S/PRST/1995/36. 8. The situation in Mozambique Decision of 14 April 1993 (3198th meeting): Zimbabwean and Malawian troops to remain in the resolution 818 (1993) transport corridors which ran across Mozambique to neighbouring landlocked countries beyond the time On 2 April 1993, pursuant to resolution 797 specified in the Agreement. The Secretary-General (1992) of 16 December 1992, the Secretary-General noted, however, that there were several reasons for submitted to the Security Council a report on the concern. Many of the timetables established in the United Nations Operation in Mozambique (ONUMOZ),1 Agreement had proved to be unrealistic. There had in which he reported on the operation’s deployment been little progress in implementing a crucial aspect of and the progress made in the implementation of the the Agreement, namely demobilization, which had General Peace Agreement.2 affected the timetable of the whole peace process. The Secretary-General’s assessment of the period Under the terms of the Agreement, the ceasefire was to under review included a number of positive be followed by the separation of the two sides’ forces developments. The ceasefire had largely held, both and their concentration in certain assembly areas. parties had continued to exercise restraint, and a need Demobilization of troops who would not serve in the for peace was strongly felt among the Mozambicans. Mozambican Defence Force was to begin immediately Arrangements had also been worked out to permit the thereafter. Continuing deep mistrust between the parties, __________________ however, had resulted in reluctance to begin assembly 1 S/25518; for the establishment and mandate of and demobilization of troops, and had contributed to ONUMOZ, see S/24892 and resolution 797 (1992). See the delay in the deployment of United Nations military also chapter V. observers. Another complication was the insistence by 2 S/24635, annex. the Resistência Nacional Moçambicana (RENAMO) 468 07-63109 Chapter VIII. Consideration of questions under the responsibility of the Security Council for the maintenance of international peace and security that its troops would not assemble unless 65 per cent of conclusions of the Donors Conference for Mozambique, the United Nations armed components were deployed held in Rome on 15 and 16 December 1992. and ensuring stability in areas under its control. That The representative of Mozambique stated that six interpretation, he stated, went beyond the provisions of months had already elapsed since the signing of the the Agreement and the operational plan of ONUMOZ. Agreement and, despite the existence of numerous Delays had also accumulated in the implementation of obstacles, peace, fragile as it might be, was a tangible another aspect of the Agreement. The timetable for reality in his country. A ceasefire was being observed holding the elections was seriously in question. by the parties, even in the absence of international Although a draft Electoral Law had been circulated, the supervision and monitoring. The fundamental issue, delays in doing so required adjustment of the however, was that the Agreement had to be fully timetables, particularly the dates for the elections. He respected and faithfully implemented in letter and indicated that he would continue his discussions with spirit. Recalling that the Agreement was made up of the parties on the new dates and would keep the seven Protocols, he pointed out that Protocol III, which Council informed. He reiterated that the military dealt with the cessation of the armed conflict, was one situation must be brought fully under control for the of its most fundamental and decisive components. The election to be successful, and appealed to both parties, document established an operational timetable for the and to interested countries which had offered ceasefire, according to which the separation, assistance, to complete as soon as possible the concentration and demobilization of forces would take arrangements for the training of the Mozambican place within 180 days of the entry into force of the Defence Force which remained a high priority. Agreement. Since none of the steps described above The Secretary-General also reported delays had been implemented, his Government was therefore relating to the full deployment of ONUMOZ. Reasons concerned that that delay would impose a delay in the for that varied from a lack of quick responses by troop- timetable for the electoral process. In addition, the contributing countries to United Nations requests for electoral campaign could only begin after the troops to the absence of a status-of-forces agreement formation of the Mozambican Defence Force, a process between the Government of Mozambique and the that had not yet been started because of the failure of United Nations, which was yet to be approved. He had RENAMO to select its candidates for the training of received personal assurances from the Government that the first group of instructors in Nyanga, Zimbabwe. the agreement would be signed without further delay. Moreover, due to the failure of RENAMO to appoint Further, he had directed that every effort be made to its representatives, it had not been possible to set up complete the deployment of the ONUMOZ military the National Police Affairs Commission and the component by May 1993. Commission on Territorial Administration. Stating that as far as his Government was concerned, all efforts At its 3198th meeting, on 14 April 1993, the were being made to implement its share of Security Council included the report of the Secretary- responsibilities, he informed the Council that the General in its agenda. Following the adoption of the Government had just handed over to the political agenda, the Council invited the representatives of parties a draft electoral law for their consideration and Mozambique and Portugal, at their request, to was hoping that their review would conclude in time to participate in the discussion without the right to vote. allow the Assembly to adopt it next June. The speaker The President (Pakistan) then drew the attention of the emphasized that the peace process could not be members of the Council to the text of a draft resolution sustained without international supervision and prepared in the course of its prior consultations,3 and monitoring. The rapid deployment of the United read out a revision made to the draft. The President Nations forces was therefore crucial. In that regard, he also drew their attention to a letter dated 30 December informed the Council that his Government had just 1992 from the representative of Italy,4 addressed to the submitted its view on the draft status-of-forces Secretary-General, transmitting the summary of the __________________ agreement and was looking forward to signing the agreement as soon as the negotiations were concluded. 3 S/25591. Turning to the issue of refugees and displaced persons, 4 S/25044. he said that an agreement had recently been concluded in Geneva with the Office of the United Nations High 07-63109 469 Repertoire of the Practice of the Security Council Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), for the 3. Stresses its concern about the delays and repatriation of 1.5 million Mozambican citizens from difficulties which are seriously affecting the timetable for neighbouring countries. He concluded by stating that implementation of the peace process envisaged in the General Peace Agreement for Mozambique and in the report of the his Government would continue to cooperate fully with Secretary-General of 3 and 9 December 1992 containing the the Secretary-General and his Special Representative operational plan for the Operation; towards the establishment of a lasting peace and effective democracy in Mozambique, as called for in 4.
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