MESSIAH ART TO SHOW ..Messiah in the New World" wired for hanging, and sculptures will be the theme during Columbia must not weigh more than 100 College" s Cb.tis an as ArtSnow to be pounds. Winners will receive pur­ held in the rotunda. chase price of art works up to The show is open to both Col­ $50. umbia College students anq artists Works of art are to be deliver­ of the community. PaintiJigs and ed to the Columbia College art sculptures are to be of any med­ room any Monday, Wednesday or ium. Friday morning before Nov. 19. Awards are to be given to the Exhibits may also be delivered on three best works. Entry fee for Wednesday evening, Nov. 17 be­ the show will be 50 cents per ex­ tween 7 and 10 p.m. hibit with a limit of fout per Artists seeking more informa­ artist. tion are to contact Gary Cheves Paintings must be framed and or Helen Willson at Columbia Col­ lege. Blackburn Voices Opinion: - - Fricot HomeGrown playing their instru~ents Qf the over 120 boys involved in the college pr~gram, 98% were succ:::essflil in their rehabilitation. Before Fricot closed, two boys A dance was held at Columbia period. An Amos and f,ndy film were returned to Youth Authority, College Oct. 30 in the cafeteria. was shown durtng one half hour and since then two others have been There was considerably less peo­ break. The nexr break an out cf reprimanded to Youth Authority. ple there than there are before noon focus movie was shown. At this While the F ricot students were in the cafeteria. time the band left the room and attending Columbia, they were in Chairs were provided in rows went to the pa.rlci.ng lot whei;e they speech tournaments, officers in where people sat and listened to were seen rolling some type of clubs, attended weekend dances on the music. cigarettes. campus, and gave dances and ath­ Occasionally some people would Throughout the dance 'people letic programs at Fricot. get up and move their bodies to dwindled out of the cafeteria and The lowest grade point of any the rhythms of the band. many people came to uie door Fricot student was 2.8, while sev­ The band, Home Grown, played looked in and then left soon af~ eral of these boys had a 4.0 av­ country music that was similar to, terward. erage. While the boys from F ricot as one person described it, "slow At this time the approximated were attending college, they were Johnny Cash". Another comment loss from this dance is 180 dol­ wo_rking on a half-day schedule was that "it's nice music to listen lars. at the ranch wbile carrying full to at home when I want to mellow academic loads. out, but when I come to a dance - The majo:i;:ity of the Sierra Lodge I want to move." The sponsor Doug Tappen, is a Virginia Blackburn students, who had never attended Two breaks were taken by the student at Columbia College. Tap­ Columbia, were transferred to San­ band within a one and a half hour pen will pay all losses. In an interview with Virginia ta Rosa Junior College and to a pro­ Blackburn concerning FricstYoutb gram in that area similar to one Authority Ranch, she stated that carried on with this college. Miss this ranch has been shut down by Blackburn said that Santa Rosa's - Helpers for Handicapped Governor Reagan because of its success has not been as good as extreme financial burden to the Columbia's and that perhaps the Leo D. Sandoval,Director those in -child psychology state. Senator Teale, from Stanis­ involvement has not been the same of Snecial Services in Tuo­ laus and Tuolumne Counties has courses. Virginia Blackburn as with our faculty and with Dr. lumne County, explained the cited Reagan's action as "a~oth­ Harvey B. Rhodes, President of will be assisting student er hatchet. job on the governor• s Columbia College. program for handicapped volunteers along with the • budget." There is a question as to wheth­ youths in room 101 Oct. 28 . s~ecial education ~eachers With the closing of Fricot, the er or not Fricot will be sold or Sandoval and his department throughout the · county. guards, faculty, students, and em­ given away, but the ranch was or­ are looking for volunteers Credits can be obtained by ployees were dispersed thn)Ugb­ iginally given to the Youth Auth­ out the state. The Fricot program ority so that it might be made a to help teach mentally re­ helping in this program. on the Columbia campus was in place where boys who needed to get tarded children, education­ Volun~eers will be re­ existence for two years for sel­ away from their home and their ally handicapped children, quired to dress appro­ ected boys with college potential. environment could be· placed. It hard of hearing children Through the efforts of the presi­ priately for teachihg and has served that purpose well for a and orthopedically handi­ d_ent of the college and the faculty number of years. "Let's hope it long hair or unkempt beards capped ·children. httle or no distinction was made· will be put back into use for the will not be acceptable. between these students and other purpose it was designated very Students who are being Sandoval made this restric- students attending college. soon," Miss Blackburn concluded. approached for service are continu_ed page 4 by David V. Allen arm successfully. He was in per­ Jeff Beck is back! I The English Possibly the biggest difference fect tune throughout the in NOTICE guitarist returned to San Fran­ is in the vacals. Though the group set, Minutes to all student Council cisco Saturday, Oct. 30, to per­ may be moving in its own direc­ spite of the fact that those de­ meetings will be posted on the bul­ form at Winterland, after an :ab­ tion, not attempting to recreate vices are notorious for throwing letin board marked Student Gov­ sence of sever~l years. the success of the old group, th.e one's guitar out of tune. His use ernment in the Learning Resourc­ Also on the bill were Billy lead singer will never come an.y­ of wah-wah pedal (which he, again, es Center. Preston, with the Ma-seer's Chil­ wbe:r-e near ma tcbing the talents is one of a few who can use one well) was. minimal. To Whom it may concern: dren, and Nazgul. of Rod Stewart. His style is a little Thanks to everyone who answer­ annoying, frankly. He's in the habit of ending every phrase with a forc­ Instead of using his group as ed my add about a puppy for the a background over which to play year old chick. She now has one The audience became impatient ed-sounding vibrato that m akes when the stage crew took a little you feel like you' re being put on.· a constant, overwhelming lead, that is part cocker named Tooti­ Beck usually comes in with his Ill, after her mother and her nick­ long of time setting up for Jeff Beck, himse lf, was tastefUl, Beck. A,s one Beck fan yelled, which just about describes him in guitar at the ends of phrases and names. during other such pauses, which William Johnson "Come on, manl We've only been a word. Those of us who have sat waiting 2 years for tbisi" . back late at night with his earlier is much more effective than those FOR SALE": Harley Davidson 7 4, When Beck did come out, the albums, and bung on every subtle non-stop fiascoes which were all Chopped. $950. 211 Linober_g, So­ audience was very receptive, with lie~, were gratified just to eaten the rage for a while. nora. Ask for Dan. many straining to see him. Those som e fragments of the old style. Beck 1s one of a handful of gui­ expecting the Jeff Beck Group Most of the material done this PART TIME JOB: Girl over 21 of old were undoubtedly disap­ tarists that use s a guitar's Vibrato evening was new and can be found wanting to wo:r:k; as -waitress. Ap­ pointed. Beck, of course, is play­ plications in person ar Mexican on Beck's new aJbum, " Rough ing with entirely different per­ and Ready" . The group did do roe's. Mi-Wuk village Thurs. thru· sonnel, without the classic com­ sun. several songs that Beck has done bination of Stewart, Wood, Waller, i n the past. Tbeseineluded" Morn­ WANTED:A better sex life for and Hopkins. ing Dew",, a watered-down version The overall sound of the new all students.Contact • ••• .'••• ef "I Ain' t Super stitious"'', and group is heavier than before, al­ what was definitely the climax of most bordering on a sort of exotJc the show, "Jeff's Boogie". sound, with heavy emphasis on In summation, Jeff Beck is STUDENTS OF CJC rhythm (hard, booming drumming). somewhat different than before, .bring want adds Beck has swapped his Blues style though he can't be expected to for a driving style, spiced by to mountain times office stagnate, not change directions. swift, clean chords played in a­ Since he has been out of action brupt succession. for a while, he must be given a little time to get his stuff togeth­ er, maybe clean up the band a little. He still remains the most tasteful electric guitarist around, Babies Have Withdrawals in this writer's opinion.
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