Calgary City 1977 Jun Ca to Ci

Calgary City 1977 Jun Ca to Ci

Byron Creek Collieries Limited C E CREST—See Crest Engineering Ltd CNA ASSURANCE CO , 2970-205 5AvSW. .262-7968 CAE EXPLORATIONS LTD " REGIONAL MARKETING OFFICE B80 Byron G V 712 78AvNW 274-0034 1802-500 4AvSW . 262-7741 52CalandarRdNW..289-9334 CAREER BRANCH 3810MacleodTrS ..243-0326 , Buxan—Cadaster Byron J P 1007 16StNE 277-^3 C E Invaico 1100a 58AvSE 253-2366 Byron L 1012PenrithCrSE 272-0157 CN-CP TELECOMMUNICATIONS C E LUMMUS—See Lummus Cio Canada Limited 303 9AvSE...266-7151 Buzan C 438-1421 7AvNW BYRON SHARPE'S TRUCKING LTD . Buzan G W SbHuntfordCloseNE 27^1^ 363RundleviewDrNE..285-3455 C-E HATCO LIMITED liooa 58AvSE 252-8841 CNIB CATERPLAN SERVICES Buzan Georse E 508-2315 i6aStSW . ■ Byron Wayne D i44MadeiraCloseNE ...273-9181 AFTER HOURS 1260MemorialDrNE..265-6071 I Btizan M 5007BrockingtonRdNW 282-WW Byron's Quality Meats 1041 40AvNW ..282-0927 Chris Nutter Plsint Supt res 272-0831 C P AIR—See Canadian Pacific Corporate Buzan W B 532CanterburyPlaceSW Byrt J l511RouleauCrSE 272-7052 Shop & Warehouse 279-5558 Departments Ogden Plant 9423ShepardRdSE 279-5558 Buziak M l029Re9alCrNE ByrUis George 0 12,07KerwoodCrSW 259-2953 CP EXPRESS Buzik P 716 29StNW 2^»22 Byskal Walter A 2LakERosenPlaceSE ...271-0318 CEA SIMON-DAY LTD 1835 lOAvSW 244-0771 —^See Canadian Pacific Corporate Departments Buzikevich B l-2306a 4StSW 262-W» Bysouth Bob 6-2039 26AvSW 244-1282 C E B LIMITED 5607a-Burle!ghCrSE 253-9246 BuzinskI Peter 3807 49StNE Bystedt M 707 57AvSW 252-1529 C E L CONTRACTING LTD C P Hotels Const Div 7108FountainRdSE 255-6923 Buzogan Josephine 923 iSStNE 277-74« Bysterveld L L 514 19AvNW 289-6465 5925 3StSE..253-7631 C P HOTELS RESERVE-A-ROOM Buzogany Janos P 2635MorleyTrNW ...282-6^ Bystrom C W 1503 19StNW .289-0001 C F AIR FREIGHT INC (No Charge to Calling Buzzard R 6 2005RedwoodCrSE 272-15W Byttynen A 516 38StSW 249-6320 Higinbotham H T Limited Agents Party). Toronto Ont 1-800-261-9411 Buzzelle D 621b ISAvNW 282-8n8 Byttynen T A 704-535 13AvSW 264-3094 204-239 12AvSW.,269-5591 C P Pensioners Association 211 9AvSE 262-12% Byam R Flayne 524-1220 8AvNE ^-^3 Bywater R F l8VarstonPlaceNW 288-8972 C F A C CALGARY BROADCASTING CO LTD 1301 17AVSW 244-9311 CP RAIL Byalt H W 107-1815VarsityEsUtesDrNW 28&-1803 Bywaters R E l39DovercliffeWySE ....272-0211 —See Canadian " Pacific Corporate Departmenti Byatt Stuart 402 37AvNW 277-5279 Byzinski H J BoxSO 281-3777 CFAC CALGARY TELEVISION CO LTD Bzdega Richard 4904WhitehornDrNE ...285-2039 955RideauRdSW..243-3491 C P TV SALES A RENTALS BYBLOS BAKERY 6707ElbowDrSW ...253-3644 Bzdel Len 2329 25AvNW 282-0963 MOVIE INFORMATION 243-0534 1203 9StSW..244-7363 Byblow Andy 2-1706 28AvSW Bzeta Geo l520LakeTwlntreeWySE ....271-6807 CFCN COMMUNICATIONS LTD CP TRANSPORT Byblow Bill 1119-608 9StSW 2M-2017 Bzowey George Ofc 103 8AvNW .277-3826 BroadcastHse. .249-9101 —See Canadian Pacific Corporate Departments Byblow Ted 249-6220 17AvSE Bzowey William 1423 8StNW 289-3503 CFCN TELEVISION LTD Byclo J 13RosetreeRdNW ^"3374 Bzuwki M 437 19AvNE 277-0342 BroadcastHse..249-9101 C P 0 SALES A RENTALS Byciuk A 10607-OakmoorWySW ffll-3005 C F C N THE VOICE OF THE PRAIRIES 24 Hours 828 46AvSE .243-8600 Byciuk Mike 3l5ParklandWySE 271-3173 c ltd Broadcast House..249-9101 CPR Auction Room 1024 lOAvSW 245-2422 Byciuk R 608-825 12AvSW 2W-82W C Bar 0 Welding 174-6724 iTAvSE ...273-7523 C A H TRANSPORTATION CO INC C R Roofing Ltd 2235 44StSE 272-0010 Bye Mrs C 307-412HuntswilleCrNW ....274-2019 C Custom Caulking 1619 39StSW 246-4896 107-3628BurnslandRdSE. .243-1043 0 R C A 315a 36AVSE .243-0850 Bye F W 2806 26aStSW 2«-1^7 02 Transport 2719 7AvNE 272-9851 CHFM 804 16AvSW 265-3696 CRM General Contractors Ltd Bye Garth 2l8-6440CentreStN 27^7910 4908 48StNW..288-4224 C A TRAVEL 2015 33AwSW 249-2990 CHFM MOFFAT COMMUNICATIONS Bye George 2-17llMacleodTrS 269-2603 LIMITED 804 16AvSW..264-8000 C S E Construction Ltd Bye Gilbert J 36BracebridgeCrSW C A TYPEWRITER LTD llCumberlandDrNW..282-2227 Bye James R 228WhltesideCrNE 285-2166 2015 33AvSW..\249-4808 C H Q R R^dio Sin 830 9AvSW 263-5522 C T Cleaning 1913 31St$E 273-3283 Bye Marshall 3836VancouverCrNW 288-2611 C A C Leasing Co 950-1520 4StSW ..263-7800 C I P MID-WEST LIMITED Whlse Paper C & T Holdings Ltd Bye Mrs Clave 1416-808 5StSE C A C REALTY UMITED 4027 7StSE..243-4677 310ChinookProfessionalBldg. .253-3196 Bye Robert l367LakeSyl¥anDrSE 271-7045 4710 17AvSE 273-3538 C I P PAPER PRODUCTS LIMITED C T F INDUSTRIES LTD Byer Bruce 2218-608 9StSW 263-4712 Brentwood Village Mall BAGPAK DIVISION • 8619 52StSE..279-3391 Byer Mrs Ralph B 6312LouiseRdSW ..242-4300 3553b CharleswoodOrNW 284-1192 29HaysboroCrSW 255-0764 C U ENGINEERING LTD Byer Vernon 324 SAvNE 266-6744 6707ElbowDrSW 252-7861 C I P A C Inventors Assoc 5Flrl40 6AvSW. .264-6677 Byers B 6424 3lAvNW 286-5205 310-223 12AvSW..264-1985 CAE- MORSE LTD CUSO 145b-ScienceABIdgUofC 284-6916 Byers-Bush Ltd l25WlnchesterCrSW . .249-8482 4339ManhattanRdSE..243-4251 C I S LTD C V International Paints Div of Crown Cork Byers Doug E 5009TrelleDrNE 275-0265 THE CO-OPERATORS & Seal Co Ltd POBoxSSlStnJ 266-5595 Byers Gene 4638 4StNW 276-6330 CAFO Ltd Edmonton—Call Long Distance SALES & SERVICE CVS ENGINEERING SERVICES LTD Byers George i7-2012CherokeePlaceNW 282-7051 (No Toll Charge) & ask for. .Zenith 06005 2580SouthlandOrSW. .281-1444 412 53AvSE..253-4419 Byers H 8239 4aStSW 252-9326 CAM Distributors Ltd CLAIMS SERVICE OFFICE C W Cement 2712 lOAvSE 272-0338 Byers J C 7211 5StSW 252-5269 204-640 11AvSW..262-7696 2580SouthlandDrSW. .281-1444 Caam Oil Co Inc 705-603 7AvSW ....261-5868 Byers Jack 4636 4StNW 277-5849 CAP CATERING 214-333 17A«SW ..264-6162 24 HOUR ANSWERING SERVICE Caba Bill 509 20AvSW 266-3568 Byers James 27-l2208owValleyLdg ....265-2103 2580SouthlandDrSW. 281-1444 Cabana A 15O8 50StSE 272-1098 Byers John 204PlnepointPIaceNE 285-6427 C A S Ltd S-3928EdmontonTrNE 276-8527 4114MorleyTrNW 289-9208 Cabana Bruce 931 38StSW 242-2890 Byers L L 716 55AvSW 255-1626 CB ENGINEERING LTD 540 16AVNE 276-2289 Cabana J J iBWarwickDr 249-7617 Byers M L 151-3809 45StSW 246-0503 302-509 8AvSW..\266-2411 4940- Ri chmond RdS W 246-5561 Cabana M A 100l-840 9StSW 265-3545 Byers Michael A C B Powell (1971) Limited 3330 17AvSE 272-1181 Cabana S 304-920 9AvSW 266-4121 ll-109108onaventureDrSE..271-6607 415ManitouRdSE. .243-3380 123 llAvSE 265-9130 Cabin Crafts—See Calgary Cabin The . Byers R 4511 4lAvSW 246-8429 C B SALES LTD Whlse 1314 43AvSE 243-1142 5505ShaganappiTrNW 286-2522 Byers R C 2227ChlcoutimlDrNW 289-3202 C J's Equipment & Services Ltd Cable Barber & Beauty Shoppe Byers R J 348CedarparkDrSW 281-2232 CBC AM-FM RADIO 180 94AvSE. .253-9277 1-1707 4StSW..262-3210 Byers R M 15SDalcastleCloseNW 286-1587 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 1724We$tmountBivdNW 283-8361 C A J Plumbing Ltd 6323 35StSE ...273-8593 Cable G 1617 29AvSW 244-0439 Byers Richard G 9lBrantfordCrNW 282-5209 CJAY-FM BroadcastHse 249^2527 Cable J 3-523 24AvSW 266-6879 Byers Rick 623 55AvSW 252-3262 CBRT CHANNEL 9 C J D V 3-351 13AvSW 261-6800 Cable L R 2316 72AvSE 279-3276 Byers Roy 242 iSAvNE 276-6153 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation C J 0 V Radio Drumheller— Byers Tom 824 2AvNW 283-3994 1724WestnKHintBivdNW 283-8361 CABLE TV INFORMATION North Calgary Direct Line (No Charge) Dial..264-6798 148 lOStNW Bygraw G H 414-601 32AvNE 277-3735 C A C Grocery A Meat Market CONNECTIONS-DISCONNECTIONS 264-9860 Bygrave K R llSSilverCrestOrNW 286-4113 C J V CARPET PEOPLE 13X2 9AvSE..265-5502 2719 SAvNE. .272-5517 BUSINESS OFFICE 264-9880 Bygrove Mra M J 1401 9StNW 289-6393 1010 6AvSW 262-5501 TROUBLE CALLS ONLY Bygrove W R 2423 28AvSW 246-0515 CCA COMPUTER CDRPDRATIDN DF 331 41AvNE..276-8141 AMERICA LIMITED Southcentre 271-8111 Bygrow W R Plumbing & Heating 340-7330FlsherStSE..253-7721 4625VarsityDrNW 288-3316 CABLE TV INFORMATION South Calgary . 2423 28AvSW..246-9623 CCC COLLECTION COMPANY (^STETO) 4ll4MacleodTrS /243-0088 3003MacleodTrSE Bygrove William A lloJacquesLdgs ....249-7533 117 17AvNE..276-7901 \243-3598 CUSTOMER SERVICE . ..261-7030 Byklom Robert 236 29AvSE ..263-1910 C & K Enterprises 605 ISAvSW 262-7266 ADMINISTRATION 261-0970 Byler C W 4VarangerPiaceNW 288-1680 CCC REALTY CREDIT LIMITED C & K Grocery Co Ltd 1934 9AvSE ...265-5711 TROUBLE CALLS ONLY 261-2612 329 17AvSW..263-1350 Bylow Bernard 5528MemorialDrNE 272-2837 C K STEEL A MACHINERY LTD Cable Terry Leonard 4243DoverviewDrSE 273-6529 • Bylsraa D J 201-807 6StSE 269-2968 c C C U REALTY LTD Structural DIv 4619 6aStNE. .271-7971 Cabor Ivan 619SlerraCrSW 252-3462 Bylsma D M 507-1711 25AvSW 244-0121 1408-1800 4StSW. 263-7767 Heat Transfer Division Cabot Assurance Management Ltd BYMA F INSURANCE CONSULTING CCD Engineering Ltd 2311 l9StSW ...244-1830 5515-OgdenRdSE..265-1570 10-3515 17AvSW..246-0131 MANAGEMENT 4616VallantDrNW..288-7075 Louis Csepregl Pres res 244-8677 A! Green res 281-3569 C C H CANADIAN 2211 43StSE 243-5466 Stanley J Bell Gen Mgr res 255-6083 Bymoen Linda 305-9l6MemorialDrNW ..283-6341 Cabot K 340 14AvSW 263-9426 C C M 2-3515 17AVSW Attila Csak Plant Mgr res 271-5263 8yram Ron 2516 2AvNW 283-9149 Cabot Peter Bsmt224 22AvNE . 277-9379 CCP North Group Ltd Box3868StnB . 276-1784 Walter Hillen Contr Sales Mgr res .

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