1220 Ccrpid's-Alley, Deansgate, Manchester., Victualler, then of Samuel Hard roan, late of Astley-Bridge, Sharpies, Boundary-Street, Chorlton-upon-Medlock, in no business, near Bolton-le-Moors, Lancashire, Journeyman Srnallware- afterwards of Kegent's-Road aforesaid, in no business.. Weaferi William Bennett, formerly of Wickes, Sheffield, Yorkshire, Richard Tattersall, late of Pigs Lee, Walmersley, near Bury, afterwards of Harvest-Lane, then of Bridge-Houses, Shef- Lancashire,'Stone-Mason. field, Boot and Shoe-Maker and Pig-Jobber, then of Thomas Kdwards, formerly of Park-Road, Toxteth-Park, Shudehill and Mason-Street, Manchester, then of Oak-v Liverpool, Lancashire, Retailer of Ale and Brewer's Tra- Street, then of No. 22, William-Street, Salford, then of veller, afterwards in Partnership with Thomas Smyth, as Bloom-Strer', Salfonl, and Union-Place, Oldfield-Lane, Common Brewers, in Maddox-Street, Liverpool aforesaid, Salford, Re ail Dealer in Ale, and late of Bloom-Street under the 6rm of Thomas Edwards and Co. and late of aforesaid, Boot and Shoe-Maker. Saint James'-Street North, Liverpool aforesaid, Brewer's John Coup, formerly of Haighton, Lancashire, Tailor, Draper, Traveller. and Farmer, and late of Fulwood, Tailor, Draper, and Thomas Kay, formerly of Blacksnape, Over Darwen, near Farmer. Blackburn, Lancashire, Victualler, Farmer, and Joiner, Thomas Williams, formerly of Regent-Street, Liverpool, after- and late of Brick-House, near Over Darwen aforesaid, wards of Duncan-Street, and No. 12, Goree-Piazza, Liver- Journeyman Joiner. pool, Spirit-Dealer and Agent. Moses Pearson, formerly of Oswaldwistle, near Blackburn, Joshua Bond, formerly of the Canal Packet-Office, Wharf- Lancashire, Labourer, afterwards of Frear-Hill, Accrington, Street, Preston, Lancashire, Book-Keeper, then of Saint Lancashire, Farmer/ then of Bashington, Accrington Paul's-Square, Preston, then of Pollen-Street, then of aforesaid, and late of New-Street, Acerington aforesaid, Black Horse-Yard, Friargate, Preston, and late of Saul- Labourer. -'• Street, Preston, Joiner and Builder. George Haworth, formerly of Holcombo-Brook, Tottington John Winnall, formerly of No. 2, Creswell-Street, Chorlton- Lower End, near Bury, 'Lancashire, then of Ashton New upon Medlock, Lancashire, No. 23, Whitecross-Bank, Road, Ardwick, near Manchester, and late of Hotcombe- Chapel-Street, Salford, and late at No. 2, Cambridge-Street, 15rook aforesaid, Journeyman Calico-Bleacher. C'borlton aforesaid, Manchester Salesman. George Titterington .Thompson, formerly of Myers-Street, Abraham Crotnpton, formerly of Great Ancoats-Street, Man- Edge-Hill, Liverpool, also lodging at Birkenhead, Cheshire, chester, Travelling Smallware-Dealer and Retail Dealer in and late of Myers-Street aforesaid, Excavator and La- Ale, and late of No. 45, Marshal-Street, Oldhiim-Road, bourer. Manchester, Travelling Smallware-Dealer only. James Pendlebury, formerly of Poolfold, HalhVell, near Andrew Harratt, late of No. 132, Great Ancoats-Street, Man- Bolton-le-Moors, Lancashire, and late in Lodgings at chester, Clog and Patten-Maker. Sbeephouses, Halliwell aforesaid, Journeyman Stone- Mark Brenimid, formerly of Saint James*-Street, Liverpool, Mason. and laic of No. 1C, John-Street North, Liverpool, Journey- George Dell, formerly of Wood-Bank, near Bury, Lancashire, man Shiji-Carpenler. afterwards, of Moorside, near Bury aforesaid, then of Eden- Knorife Hawe, formerly of No. 20. Minshull-Street, Man- field, near Bury aforesaid, then of Liveaey-Row, near Bury flie'.ter, then, a Prisoner for Dabt iu Lancaster Castle, and aforesaid, then of Cinder- Hill, near Bury aforesaid, Jour- liite of No.'20, Minshull Street aforesaid, Bricklayer. ney man Cotton-Spinner, afterwards out of employment, J<jlm Leigh, formerly ot Church-Street, Preston, and on and late .of Freetown, near Bury aforesaid, Journeyman market day-; at Blacklmrn, and at Charley, Lancashire, Pro- Cotton-Spinner. vision Shopkeeper, afterwards of • Snow-Hill, Preston, and Abraham Thornton, formerly of Clectheaton, Yorkshire, lute of \Vhitinubiini, Lancashire, Schoolmaster. Husbandman and Waggoner, then Farmer and Carrier, Robert Sutherland, formerly of George Leigh-Street, Man- afterwards of Keighley, afterwards of Bradford, then of chester, Victualler ami Iron-Moulder, afterwards of Forge- Briggate, Leeds, then of Brighonses, near Halifax, then of Street, OHIiMin, and Lei^h-Sireet aforesaid, and late of Halifax, then of Townley-Bridge, near Halifax, all in Chapel-Ilo:»il, Salford, Iron-Moaldrr only. Yorkshire, Husbandman, and late of Lever-Street, Man- Peneas Goulcismidt, formerly of No. 4, King's-Row,Cambridge- chester, Porter. •Road> London, Clothes-Dealer, and late of No. GO, Piirk- Bartholomew Brotherton, late of Low-Moor, within Clitheroe, Lane., Liveriiool, Clothes-Dealer and Lodging-House- Lancashire, Labourer. Keeper. William Shipton, formerly of Gratton-Terrace, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, afterwards of Shaw's-Brow, and also of At the Canrt-House, at Lancaster on the 23d day Oak-Street, London-Road, both in Liverpool, Joiner, • then of Creeba, near Peel, Isle of Man, Farmer, then of of ' July 1836, at Nine o'Clock in the Fore- Douglas, Isle of Man, Grocer and Spirit-Dealer, and late of noon. Sidney-Place, Edge-Hill, Liverpool, Joiner. Jlobert Hart, formerly of Mile-End-Road, Middlesex, Cheese- • ' monger, afterwards of Carlisle-Street, Lambeth, Surrey, out of business, then of Margaret-Place, Haekney-Road, At the Court-House, at Lancaster, on the 25th day Shoreditch, Middlesex, Cheesemonger, then of Ann's-Place, of July 1836, at Nine o'clock in the Fore- Hackney-Road, out of business, then of Chapel-Street, noon. Somrrs'-TpwiK Middlesex, Cheesemonger, then of l;harlton- Street, Somers*-Town, and late of Great Cross Hall-Street, Christopher Ifodson, formerly of the top of Yorkshire-Street, .Liverpool, eat ol business. Rochdale, Lancashire, carrying on business at Jackey Brow Thomas Morris,, formerly of the Masons'Arms, Penn-Street, Mill, near Rochdale, in Partnership with Thoma* Hodson, Blackburn, Lancashire, and late of Cobwall, Blackburn, as Cotion-Spinners, afterwards of Drake-Street, Rochdale Farmer and Coaler.. aforesaid, then of Staley Buildings, Oldham New-Road, John Cheeluam the younger, formerly of Peel-Lane, Oheet- near Rochdale, at the same time in business at Well-o'th*- ham, Lancashire, Retail Dealer in Ale and Cowkeeper, LaneMill, near Rochdale, in Partnership with Hodson and afterwards, of ©lock-Alley, Todd-Street,' Manchester, and Dearden,. as . Cotton-Spinners, under the firm of Hodsons late of Collyhurit, Manchester, Journeyman Wire-Worker. and Dearden, and late in business in Partnership with Hod- Iliehard Carter, lute of Great Eccleston, Lancashire, Shoe- son and Wolfenden, as Cotton-Spinners, under the firm of Maker and dogger.. Hodson and Wolfenden. Isaac Prince, formerly of Brook-Street, Chorlton-upon-Med- John Wren, formerly of Anccfats-Grflve,. Every-Street, Man- Jock, Lancashire, ami late-of Thomas-Street, Duckenfield, chester, afterwards of Queen-Street, Hulme, near Manches- Cheshire, Cotton Carder. ter, Salesman, then of Queen-Street, and late of Crown- Joseph Horrocks, late of Nelson-Street, Little Bolton, Bolton- Street, both in Hulme aforesaid, Agent for, the. Sale of le-Moors, Lancashire, .iu no business. *" Printed Calicoes on Commission. John HrierclirTe, late of Hack Mawdsley-Street, Bolton-le- William Hickman, formerly of Oxford-Road, und of Fountain- Moors, Lancashire, Butcher. Street, both in Manchester, in Partnership with.Frederick • William Bootle, formerly of Club-Row, Wigan, Lancashire, Terry, as Silk and Cotton Manufacturers,.afterwards-out of Provision Shopkeeper, Cowkeeper, and Weaver, afterwards business then of King-Street, Manchester, and late of of Sclioles, Wigan aforesaid, Retailer of Ale and Weaver, Bank-Field, Broughtoii, near Salford, Lancashire, oc- and late of: Hmdley, near Wigan aforesaid,^out of. employ- casionally visiting Upper Haylon, near Ludlow, Salop,, at went^ • •' • •• the sauiCjtime in 'business at No. 65, Cannon-Street,.Man-.
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