If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. CRIME VICTIM ASSISTANCE RESOURCE DIRECTORY CRIME VICTIM COMPENSATION PROGRAM OFFICE OF ATTORNEY GENERAL BONNIE J. CAMPBELL 149715 U.S. Department of Justice National Institute of Justice This document has been reproduced exactly as received from the LO person or organization originating it. Points of View or opinions stated in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the National Institute of Justice. Permission to reproduce this copyrighted material has been granted by Iowa Dept. of Justice/Crime Victim Assistance Division to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). Further reproduction outside of the NCJRS system requires permission of the copyright owner. il 11 .1994 -1995 I I I The Crime Victim Compensation Program of the Attorney General's Office is pleased to provide you with a revised statewide directory of services available for crime victims. The directory is not a complete listing of statewide services available to victims of crime. It contains only entries for those agencies or providers who responded to a survey distributed by the Crime Victim I Compensation Program. When referring victims to appropriate services it may be helpful to check the resources in contiguous I counties. Agencies which have multi-county sen'ices are listed under each county. Inclusion or omission of a particular program or provider in the directory does Dot imply an endorsement I' by the Crime Victim Compensation Program. Enclosed in the directory is a blank copy of the survey form for your use. Please provide copies of the survey to other agencies in your area who wish to be included in future editions, or to notify the Crime I Victim Compensation Program of any changes within your program. The "1994-95 Crime Victim Assistance Resource Directory" is available to all victim service providers, victim witness coordinators, law enforcement, and county attorneys. Additional copies of the directory can be obtained by sending a completed order form along with $5.00 per directory order to; Crime Victim Compensation Program, Old Historical, Building, Des Moines, IA 50319. We hope the resource directory will bl( helpful for you. Feel free to contact us a1 (515) 281·5044 with any comments or suggestions. Wl994-95 CRIME VICTIM ASSISTANCE RESOURCE DlRECl'ORY" ORDER FORM Number of directories _______ at $5.00 per directory. Please make check payable to: Crime Victim Compensation Program Old Historical BuHding Des Moines, IA 50319 Name_________ , __________________________________________________________________ _ OrganizatioD____________________________________________________________________ _ Address________________________________________________ __ City____________________________ State__________ Zip___________ __ - 1 - I CRIME VICDM COMPENSATION PROGRAM Old Historical Building Des Moines, IA 50319 (515) 281-5044 Please complete the following information if you wish your agency to be included in the Crime Victim Resource Directory. __ New entry __ Correction or update to existing entry NAME OF AGENCY/SERVICE PROVIDER: ____________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP: _______________________________________________________ PHONE: ( ) ____________ PHONE: ( ) ___________ COUNTY OR COUNTIES SERVED:____________________________________________________________ _ DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES PROVIDED: (i.e. counseling, emergency shelter, legal assistance) TYPE OF VICTIMS SERVED: (i.e. adult sexual assaulL, child victims, homicide survivors) FEE INFORMATION: (i.e. sliding fee based on income, hourly rate) DOES YOUR AGENCY HAVE A FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM? If yes, please specify the types of assistance available, income or other eligibility criteria. DOES YOUR AGENCY ACCEPT THE FOLLOWING TYPES OF PAYMENT? (YES/NO) DHSPOSCONTRACTOR MEDICAID/MEDIPASS MEDICARE Use other side if needed - II - TABLE OF CONTENTS National Organizations. .. 1 Jackson County ................ 113 State Compensation Programs. .. 9 Jasper County ................. 115 Statewide Organizations ................ 11 Jefferson County ............... 117 Local Organizations Johnson County ................ 119 Adair County . .. 15 Jones County .................. 123 Adams County. .. 17 Keokuk County ................ 125 Allamakee County .. .. 19 Kossuth County ................ 127 Appanoose County . .. 21 Lee County ................... 129 Audubon Counly ............... 23 Linn County .................. 131 Benton County. .. 25 Louisa County ................. 135 Black Hawk County . .. 27 Lucas County .................. 137 Boone County ................. 31 Lyon County .................. 139 Bremer County ................ 33 Madison County ............... 141 Buchanan County. .. 35 Mahaska County ............... 143 Buena Vista County . .. 37 Marion County ................ 145 Butler County ................. 39 Marshall County ............... 147 Calhoun County ................ 41 Mills County .................. 149 Carroll County. .. 43 Mitchell County ................ 151 Cass County .................. 45 Monona County ................ 153 Cedar County ................. 47 Monroe County ................ 155 Cerro Gordo County ............ 49 Montgomery County ............ 157 Cherokee County . .. 51 Muscatine County .............. 159 Chickasaw County ..... .. 53 O'Brien County ................ 161 Clarke County .. .. 55 Osceola County ................ 163 Clay County . .. 57 Page County .................. 165 ,.... Clayton County ................ 59 Palo Alto County ............... 167 Clinton County ................ 61 Plymouth County ............... 169 Crawford County . .. 63 Pocahontas County ....... : .... , 171 Dallas County ................. 65 Polk County ................... 173 Davis County . .. 67 Poltawattamie County ........... 179 Decatur County . .. 69 Poweshiek County .............. 181 Delaware County . .. 71 Ringgold County ............... 183 Des Moines County . .. 73 Sac County ................... 185 Dickinson County .............. 75 Scott County .................. 187 Dubuque County .. .. 77 Shelby County '" .............. 189 Emmet County. .. 79 Sioux County .................. 191 Fayette County ................ 81 Story County .................. 193 Floyd County . .. 83 Tama County .................. 197 Franklin County . .. 85 Taylor County ................. 199 Fremont County. .. 87 Union County ................. 201 Greene County ................ 89 Van Buren County .............. 203 Grundy County ................ 91 Wapello County ................ 205 Guthrie County ................ 93 Warren County ................ 207 Hamilton Coun,ty . .. 95 Washington County ............. 209 Hancock County ............... 97 Wayne County ................. 211 Hardin County . .. 99 Webster County ................ 213 Harrison County ............... 101 Winnebago County .............. 215 Henry County ................. 103 Winneshiek County ............. 217 Howard County ................ 105 Woodbury County .............. 219 Humboldt County .............. 107 Worth County ................. 223 Ida County ................... 109 Wright County ................. 225 Iowa County .................. 111 - 111 - NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AIDS Clinical Trials Information Services American Correctional Association (ACA) 1-800-874-2572 8025 Laurel Lakes Court Provides latest information on federally and Laurel, MD 20707 privately sponsored clinical trials being conducted (800) ACA-JOIN to evaluate experimental drugs and other ACA Task Force on Victims of Crime addresses therapies for HIV/AIDS. critical victim rights issues. Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists (AAIM) American Family Foundation 870 East Higgins Road, Suite 131 PO Box 2265 Schaumburg,IL60173 Bonita Springs, FL 33959 (708) 240-0027 (212) 249-7693 Provides counseling and support to victims of Provides referral and information on cult -related drunk or drugged driving crashes. Also provides issues. court advocacy, public education and lobbies for related legislation. American Humane Association 63 Inverness Drive, East American Association for Protecting Children Englewood, CO 80112 63 Inverness Drive, East (303) 792-9900 Englewood, CO 80112 Dedicated to building an aware and caring (800) 227-5242 society. Has 113 years of experience, expertise, The children's division of the American Humane and leadership ~ finding and fighting the causes Association works to help public and private of social apathy and neglect. agencies respond effectively to child abuse. American Institutes for Research - American Association of Retired P~rsons Victims/ Witnesses in Juvenile Justice System 601 E. Street, NW Program Washington, DC 20049 3333 K Street, NW (202) 434-2222 Washington, DC 20007 Serves members through legislative representation, (202) 342-5000 educational and community service programs, and Conducts research and provides info and direct membership benefits. technical assistance about services for victims and witnesses in the juvenile justice system. American Bar Association - Criminal Justice Section American Professional Society on the Abuse 1800 M Street, NW of Children Washington, DC 20036 332 S. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1600 (202) 331-2260 Chicago, IL 60604 Victims Committee staff liaison provides (312) 554-0166 - information on Association policies, research and Disseminates
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