3524 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 8, 1982 EXTENSION OF REMARKS REFORM OF LICENSE RENEWAL the public and the broadcaster to "(i) issue an order denying the application PROCESS move away from the ephemeral stand­ for renewal filed by such licensee under sec­ ard now used by the Commission to tion 308; and make determinations for renewal to a "(ii) accept and consider such applications HON. AL SWIFf concrete and measurable standard. for a construction permit as may be filed under section 308 for the broadcasting sta­ OF WASHINGTON The bill I introduce today is totally IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion operated by such licensee. consistent with the approach of H.R. "<C> The Commission shall not accept and Monday, March 8, 1982 4726. It is, however, no substitute for consider any application in accordance with • Mr. SWIFT. Mr. Speaker, today I either it or some other method of as­ subparagraph <B><ii> unless and until the am introducing legislation that will suring the preservation and vigorous Commission has issued an order denying an reform the license renewal process for implementation of the public service application for the renewal of the broad­ radio and television broadcasting sta­ obligation of broadcasters. I welcome casting station license involved." cosponsorship of both of these bills as SEc. 2. The amendments made by this Act tions in this country. Essentially this shall apply to broadcasting station license bill would eliminate the present cum­ I believe they both represent policy changes that need to be adopted. renewal applications and construction per­ bersome comparative renewal process mits filed with the Federal Communications and replace it with a streamlined, two­ I am joined today in introducing the Commission under section 308 of the Com­ step process. two-step renewal bill by seven of my munications Act of 1934 <47 U.S.C. 308) Under current regulation when a colleagues on the Subcommittee on after March 8, 1982.e station applies for renewal, it has a Telecommunications, Consumer Pro­ record of actual performance by which tection and Finance: Mr. TAUZIN, Mr. its public service efforts can be judged. LUKEN, Mr. MOTTL, Mr. COLLINS of DR. MORRIS CHARNER However, anyone else can file competi­ Texas, Mr. BAILEY, Mr. TAUKE, and tively against that station, offering Mr. MOORHEAD. more promises for comparison with Our subcommittee has before it al­ HON. BENJAMIN S. ROSENTHAL the station's actual record. ready a full plate of legislation which My proposal makes the process more may probably keep us from consider­ OF NEW YORK rational in that the first step would be ing a comprehensive bill, but we are IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for the FCC to determine whether or concerned that we move forward with Monday, March 8, 1982 not the station has, on the basis of it's some broadcast legislation this year. actual record of service, met the public Mr. Speaker, this bill will give us e Mr. ROSENTHAL. Mr. Speaker, on trust responsibility contained in the that opportunity. It has bipartisan March 26, 1982, Rabbi Dr. Morris 1934 Communications Act. support on the subcommittee and I Chamer will be honored for his 30 If the station has done the job it's look forward to working with my col­ years of dedicated service as principal supposed to do-any citizen or group and head of the Rosh Ha Yeshiva in leagues on it this year. Forest Hills, N.Y. Today, I want to can provide information or comments I ask unanimous consent to have the for FCC consideration in making that full text of the bill printed in the take the opportunity to pay tribute to judgment-then the FCC simply pro­ this man who has dedicated a major RECORD. portion of his lifetime to the better­ ceeds with the renewal process. The text of the bill follows: If, on the other hand, the Commis­ ment of the Jewish community, both sion finds the station has not per­ H.R. 5752 here and overseas. formed in the public interest, or has A bill to amend the Communications Act of Prior to his tenure with the Yeshiva 1934 to make certain revisions in proce­ in Forest Hills, Dr. Charner served as violated FCC rules, it must reject the dures applicable to the renewal of broad­ application and accept other appli­ casting station licenses principal at the Mizrachi High School cants. in Israel and the Yeshiva in Hartford. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Among his numerous achievements, This reform will rationalize the re­ Representatives of the United States of newal process and put the emphasis America in Congress assembled, That sec­ Dr. Charner earned masters and doc­ where I believe it should be: directly tion 309<a> of the Communications Act of toral degrees from Columbia Universi­ on a judgment of a station's perform­ 1934 (47 U.S.C. 309(a)) is amended by insert­ ty, as well as membership to two edu­ ance of its public trust responsibility. ing "(l)" after the subsection designation, cational honor societies, Kappa Delta In the last Congress, the House and by adding at the end thereof the follow­ Pi, and Phi Delta Kappa. At Hunter passed H.R. 6228, a bill I introduced ing new paragraph: College he spent 7 years as an instruc­ which required the FCC in renewal "(2)(A) The Commission, in acting upon tor of Judaic studies. For 12 years, Dr. proceedings to consider performance, any application for the renewal of a broad­ Charner acted as the national presi­ casting station license which is filed by a li­ dent of the Yeshiva English Princi­ not unrelated issues such as other censee under section 308, shall grant such ownerships. This bill is an extension of application for renewal if the Commission pals' Association, and for 8 years he that effort and, I believe, a more finds that such licensee has operated the served as the president of the Long direct way of achieving the same pur­ broadcasting station during the most recent Island Association of Yeshiva Princi­ pose-to focus on actual performance period of license- pals. One of his many accomplish­ of a licensee in determining whether "(i) in a manner which serves the public ments was the founding of the Joseph to renew. interest, convenience, and necessity; and and Sylvia Shaw Synagogue of Dov I would want to add, however, that I "(ii) without serious violations of any pro­ Rel, where he also spent 25 years as have another bill, H.R. 4726, which is vision of this Act or any rule or regulation rabbi for the congregation. before this Congress and is designed to of the Commission authorized by this Act or Morris Charner's dedicated religious quantify the public trust responsibil­ by any treaty ratified by the United States. "<B> If the Commission determines, after and educational pursuits have made ity. I still firmly believe that quantifi­ notice and opportunity for a hearing, that a him an intelligent, effective, and well­ cation will further streamline the reg­ licensee specified in subparagraph <A> does liked leader. Those of us in Queens are ulation of broadcasting. Further, I be­ not meet the requirements established in honored and proud that he has used lieve it is in the best interests of both subparagraph <A>, the Commission shall- them to improve both the lives of our e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. March 8, 1982 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 3525 young people and our community as a inequality of opportunity. As a senior The struggle for dignity and justice whole. program officer of the Lilly Endow­ for all Americans in the workplace and I wish him mazel tov in his future ment, he has spent a great deal of in the ranks of the labor movement­ endeavors.• time in New Jersey setting up pro­ and today the fight to defend and grams for youth employment, juvenile expand affirmative action programs. justice and minority leadership devel­ Labor Today was the first labor pub­ DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR., opment. lication to call for a March on Wash­ RECOGNITION DAY PROGRAM Mr. Speaker, this was a very impor­ ington-and then rallied its readers to tant awards program because it re­ help build the campaign that eventu­ HON. PETER W. RODINO, JR. minded all of us of the value of indi­ ally blossomed into the historic Soli­ OF NEW JERSEY vidual commitment to Dr. King's darity Day Demonstration in Wash­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dream. ington on September 19. The Dr. Martin Luther King Recog­ Labor Today has been particularly Monday, March 8, 1982 nition Day Awards were engraved with supportive of H.R. 1784, legislation • Mr. RODINO. Mr. Speaker, I want the nobility of one of America's great that I have introduced in the last to call my colleagues' attention to a teachers and leaders-a man who three sessions of the Congress that very special event in my congressional spoke the truth and embraced a would provide more than 7 million district celebrating America's contin­ nation with its meaning. The North jobs by reducing the workweek to 35 ued commitment to human rights. I Ward Center's program is dedicated to hours, imposing a double time penalty was proud to participate in the Dr. bringing the fullness of that meaning on overtime and outlawing forced Martin Luther King, Jr., Recognition to many more generations of Ameri­ overtime. And, of course, it should Day program sponsored by the North cans.• come as no surprise to anyone that Ward Center of Newark on February Labor Today stands in vigorous oppo­ 26.
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