Report and Recommendations On Minority Girls’ Education COMMITTEE ON GIRLs EDuCATION National Commission for Minority Educational institutions Ministry of Human Resource development Government of india, new delhi Prepared By : dr. shabistan Gaffar Chairperson, Committee on Girls’ Education, NCMEI, New Delhi Edited By : Mr. a . R. Agwan Director, Centre For Advancement of Voluntary Efforts (CAVE), New Delhi assisted By : Mr. Junais P. Assistant to Chairperson, Committee on Girls’ Education, NCMEI, New Delhi designed By : Royalthotz, new delhi [email protected] 2 Report and Recommendations On Minority Girls’ Education n t e n 1. Foreword 2 - 4 2. Preface 5-6 3. Contents 7-8 4. Abbreviations 9-11 5. National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions 12-14 6. Committee on Girls Education 15-32 7. Introduction 33-37 8. A Note on Government Initiatives 38-61 9. Public Perceptions and Perspectives 62-71 10. The State of Minority Girls’ Education in India 72-89 11. Regional Perspectives 90-144 12. Issues in Girls’ Education with a Focus on Muslim Girls 145-173 13. Innovations in Girls’ Education 174-193 14. Recommendations and Proposals 194-219 15. ANNEXURE i) Orders regarding the Constitution of Committee on Girls’ Education 210-225 ii) Details of Members of the Committee on Girls’ Education 226-227 iii) Details of Seminar, Tours and Meeting Appertained to the Committee on Girls’ Education 228-234 Report and Recommendations On Minority Girls’ Education 3 iv) Details of Official Meetings of the Committee on Girls’ Education with the Govt. Officials. 235-236 v) Activities of Committee on Girls’ Education till 2009 237-271 vi) Resolution of the meeting of the Committee on Girls’ Education held on 26th July 2010 at the office of NCMEI, New Delhi 272-279 vii) Resolution of the North-Eastern Zonal Seminar on Empowerment of Minority Girls Through Education held at Guwahati, Assam 280-284 viii) Report of the Western Zonal Seminar on Empowerment of Minority Girls Through Education held at Pune, Maharashtra 285-309 ix) Report of the Southern Zonal Seminar on Empowerment of Minority Girls Through Education 310-465 x) Presentations at the Central Zonal Seminar on Empowerment of Minority Girls Through Education 466-487 xi) Address by Dr. Rehman Khan, Dy. Chairman, Rajyasabha at the Northern Zonal Seminar on Empowerment of Minority Girls’ Through Education 488-497 xii) Report of the Eastern Zonal Seminar on Empowerment of Minority Girls Through Education and other activities of the Members, CGE, NCMEI at West Bengal 498-531 xiii) Female Literacy of Minority Concentrated Districts in India: 2011 532-534 xiv) List of Organsations/NGOs/Institutions associated with the Committee on Girls’ Education 535-538 Report and Recommendations On Minority Girls’ Education - HQIM GOVERNMENT OF INDIA. J U S T IC E M S A 5 1D P T Q U I KAttOrMLCOMHIiWOH ftW MVHHTY Chairman ' educational w ffm unoH S FhW 4^4 FOREWORD ThcChHimian Njtfina;iJ Commission far Minorilv Eilttrariotutl Ipititm bm I'lkp am) nofety oiptViioJ JVcombld Id *Hir CnKliiVFkft, cf ihc ilwriidkd nlijcrt* fft tmr CwHtilulintt i* to < w « \w fl3l W\ < fcirtm iJw lih^n> -bf itauglkl. i P>|K¥tiKn. M k f, lW[h end tturrftllt-. To pmplmiefil aad fortify dies* arnutd otjeeLcfce^ I'll til ufltw CuFiitiluiufi pcvvidfii H.1UI11 (tamituncmai Jtl^nncc fllav be ™ Jf H1 A n k k t 2S and JJ, ^*ich ifltftt Ribnk cdm ltw ul arnJ iidCural itjhli lo |Ik niifWtiict fLiftJoiliftHat Among the inW'rilws. M uslim n « d *fQ:iql aiiciicum jj*. cOn'panri to ulhCT oiinofjlk*at rin=y h*^w*ttiK<J ucully, cdtiCalKrtall^ irtd «.v#winiu*ll* I harfLWinL ALtxifdinE ihc S&dur CoatmltlK fCfioa MtiMlmi mv Hiratrfiing iitt bntUm n f bhc f llu t f lM iQittl ofiftc (.cmAIry. (Educational hpiAiiVflnWsn K Oflf of llK n in ciiik i fh real and pmcivcJ ilkiulion of Munlintv Ciw ^onH n i«Afeiici4 gpfrnibnl b> (ftii C«nmnwinh llic hjrtt 10 AWwTNhlc Che iniluwvo society. Tim wtiit 10 Nuil Ihelf chikLvn Arc bfOuptll up in *H im k tVajs? u-ibhouL IaIa cly,- '((rtitartitlvfc i/jp . Eilfim lirjj on dig coooepl 4jf J « iflrtpttwH. (*PfvT. Armmjii Srt> ukl ihm empiwtemiciu or i*^nfn it me Of lhe main iAun Of development and nre t*r |lv CKKV* kr^nhAl it i*tirofV*-edjtAflTwi, Fit bo cifrbafittul^' JjgtJtwjictf cnnnpufnilv thm ihc Mutbm arc. tJk iqiKsiionar ^wnfn'icfibcMinn toiltein|KirariMtsis and jut^ng, Kttpin^ bl vjeny ihc abnniiq dn?p cnn n i t o f th e MugJiUn p rJt mul uNtie w l t f 44mtMn it cultural fxlon u l< i| n^iiri Mu^ih (jvlinliKUliOfi, lb( t(vrunlislc(i fiaj hft up 41 l t'Ommrttw m tHrt* Educhltal. The main pfcjDetkf i\ah k> pn>flKi44-nhnMiti^l arrwrtji Mih Iihi BlfU tiy jiwjrtiUfw within rtie community. craih^ iH^mmfclc rondiilioAi Iw Mlnlim Gilt* friu^iim and Milnj it IxriliUIuf IIul devctops * lyutm of Hrt»-<trimq; *mcv^ wW*> <nJufoiicmni taiiEiftitfro and 4gctK fiM ufuKviiC fo Ifih domain. OWltB ■ i 3 *M No A 111; f WK JHvtn In tanud P#t*l Chiw*. Km EJlH - 1 lOOTI (0 ) C11'J338T780L [fl) 0>v2338SflM VHbhH ~ TWWnprtM in flmritfKJ : Bftl, S*mlvhrt‘ O * 1 r 1tS W 1 Report and Recommendations On Minority Girls’ Education O r t4th July, 2Q10, I addressed a letter to Hon'ble the Minister for H R D h Shri Kapil Sibal id accord sanction of a sum o r Rs. 20 lacs for the year 2010-2011 far meeting the expenditure o f the Committee. Pursuant to the ^aid request the Commission was allowed to meet (lie expend iturc from unspent balance of the grant in the year 2009-\ D, When the Committee was constituted. Iniltally there was not much forward movement. The Committee actually got activated only after D t, Shatn Start Gaffar look over as. Chairperson, She has gatvanizpd the members into action and her unstinted efforts have culminated in completion o f iht report. SJie remained in constant touch with the Commission during this period and these interventions have proved quite fruitful. Dr, Shabistan Gaffar and other members o f the Committee successfully generated awareness on minority guTs education among minorities in general and Muslim in particular. Muslim girls face a double jeopardy of being at the receiving end of conservative outlook of the comm unity and the larger banc o f prejudices o f the system. Dr. Shabistan GaflTar and some members of the Committee have at their own evpcnws visited many parts of the country* organized zonal conferences and seminars and acquired first hand knowledge about various issues at the grass-root level. Out o f twenty lakhs, the Commission has spent less than Rs. Two lakhs for meeting the expend i i u r e o f the Committee, related t o p a y m e n t o f honorarium to ihc Chairpcreofl and for holding conferences/ seminars in various parts o f the Country. I would like to commcnd on their emhusiasmT devotion and dedication in spending their valuable lime and resources in gutting acquainted with the basics o f the problems and suggest appropriate solutions. The awareness programmes on ‘empowerment of women through education* organized by the Committee resulted in enrolment of 1,44,75,000 students of Lhe Muslim community in 2009-1A in primary education out o f which 492 were Muslim girls. There is a need for quality education for Muslim girls but there is no demand from the Muslim community. So one has to translate the need to demand. And this can only be achieved if the Muslims arc aware of their Constitutional righLs and the corresponding obligation o f the Slate. It is an opportune moment for self introspection. Constitution of the Committee on Girls education is a positive step for promoting higher education for minority girls to bridge the disparities among genders and in improving their access to quality education. Needless to add here that quality is j ine {jva-noti for the robust growth o f Indian higher education. In no time the Committee devised creative and cITectivc stralcgics on a gigantic endeavor. In Report and Recommendations On Minority Girls’ Education addressing iht problems, the Committee has gi*en valuable recommendations which touch upon subjects dealt by other ministries, viz* Ministry Tor Human Resource Development, the Ministry of Minoriiy Affairs, Ministry of Social Justicc and Bmpowcrment and Ministry of Women & Child Development ctc. II rtced& to be highlighted that the Committee organizes regional conferences^ seminars in difFercm pans o f India periodically. The report of the Committee is vtry informative for Ihe stakeholder, educationists, social activists. NGQs elc. in ihe field of educaiion and child welfare. II will help our minoriiy girls to access quality education, thus leading to their empowerment and going a (ong way towards addressing the concern for a more eqtiiiahle model of growth for them, I am grateful to all ttic active members of the Committee* D r Shahfslan Uaffar+ Mrs. Abeda Itiamdar, Mrs, Atiys Mushtaq, Dr+ Sumayaa Dawood,, Prof. Najitia Akhtai\ D r Qamar Rehmati and Mrs, Shecba Fstimi for their help and cooperation in conducting zonal conferenced seminars on the subject, (JUSTICE M.S.A SIDDIQUI ) 2 3 * A pril. 2012 Report and Recommendations On Minority Girls’ Education 8 Report and Recommendations On Minority Girls’ Education PREFACE The Chairperson Committee on Girls Education ducation remains a top priority in India and educating girls become further important in the country where women constitute fifty percent of human resources and are playing a vital Erole in shaping the economic, social, cultural and political fabric of the society.
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