Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, University of North Florida NutriNews Volume 7, July 2015 Nutraceuticals On the Job Training There’s An App for That! Nutrition News Announcements—P. 4 In the News—P. 5 The Supplement Shelf— P. 6 Research Connection—P. 8 Fit and Fueled—P. 10 On the Job Training—P. 12 Local Healthy Haunts—P. 13 Nutrition News—P. 14 Hot Topics and Current Trends—P. 16 From the Academy— P. 20 Announcements Congratulations! FCAND was selected to receive the award for “Most Creative Activities during National Nutrition Month: presented by FAND. Thank you to all the RD;s and students who helped with this year’s NNM theme. And a hug e thank you to Doretta Leung for being our NNM Committee Chair and organizing this year's events. The electronic scrap- book can be seen at www.eatrightjax.com. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Flori- da Department of Agriculture, and many other organi- zations throughout the state have teamed up to create and promote local meal sites during school break. The non-profit organization 211 Palm Beach/ Treasure Coast is helping local students find meals during the summer break when they may not have ac- cess to free food at school. Florida families can now get help finding local meal sites this summer by call- ing 2-1-1 or visiting SummerFoodFlorida.org. Mark you calendar! August is Kids Eat Right Month. During this month we focus on shopping smart, cooking healthy, and eating right to help the health and well-being of our children. More details can be found about the initia- tive at http://sm.eatright.org/KERM2015pr. Start getting excited for FNCE 2015. This year it is in Nashville, TN! For more program details and registration dates and deadlines visit. Www.eatright.org. 4 In the News The Big Three Legislative Priorities By Tara Kessinger The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is ask- tetics professionals are pleased asked to support the ing us, as the food and nutrition experts, to let our bipartisan reauthorization of the OAA to ensure that voices be heard on Capitol Hill. Now you can join the qualified nutrition staff, including registered dietitian voices of 350 Academy members who are attending nutritionists, are included in the bill at all levels of the the Public Policy Workshop 2015, by sending your aging network. Senators and Representatives an email urging them to 2. Treat and Reduce Obesity Act: The Treat and support these three crucial bills: Reduce Obesity Act provides Medicare beneficiaries 1. The Older Americans Act: Congress passed the and their healthcare providers with meaningful tools Older Americans Act (OAA) in 1965 in response to to reduce obesity by improving access to weight-loss concern by policymakers about a lack of community counseling and new prescription medications for social services for older persons. The original legisla- chronic weight management. The bill also requires tion established authority for grants to States for within one year and every two years afterwards, the community planning and social services, research and Secretary of Health and Human Services to make rec- development projects, and personnel training in the ommendations to Congress to combat the obesity epi- field of aging. The law also established the Admin- demic. Support of this bill will allow registered dieti- istration on Aging (AoA) to administer the newly cre- tian nutritionists to independently bill for obesity ated grant programs and to serve as the Federal focal counseling to Medicare patients. point on matters concerning older persons. 3. Preventing Diabetes and Medicare Act: The Although older individuals may receive ser- Medicare Diabetes Prevention Act of 2015 if approved vices under many other Federal programs, today the will provide Medicare coverage for the National Diabe- OAA is considered to be the major vehicle for the or- tes Prevention Program (National DPP) to eligible ganization and delivery of social and nutrition ser- beneficiaries determined to be at high risk for type 2 vices to this group and their caregivers. It authorizes diabetes. This legislation has the potential to slow or a wide array of service programs through a national halt the diabetes epidemic which impacts millions of network of 56 State agencies on aging, 629 area agen- Americans and their families and which cost our na- cies on aging, nearly 20,000 service providers, 244 tion $322 billion in 2012. Passage of this legislation Tribal organizations, and 2 Native Hawaiian organiza- would expand Medicare coverage of medical nutrition tions representing 400 Tribes. The OAA also includes therapy to include people with prediabetes, helping to community service employment for low-income older reduce health care costs and improve health outcomes Americans; training, research, and demonstration ac- among the Medicare population. tivities in the field of aging; and vulnerable elder For more information please visit the following web- rights protection activities. We as nutrition and die- site: www.Eatright.org 5 The Supplement Shelf Conjugated Linoleic Acid By Natalie Wrightson body fat at the end of the studies1. The majority of CLA is the shorthand for a nutrient called the animal studies produced the similar dramatic conjugated linoleic acid. It is a group of isomers de- effects and researchers wanted to see if CLA would rived from linoleic acid, one of the essential fatty have the same effect on humans as it did with ani- acids in our diet. There is a big hype around CLA mals. There has been multitude of clinical trials and its effect on body composition. Based on exten- done that involve humans to determine the an- sive animal research, CLA can increase lean-tissue swer2. Unfortunately, the human trials did not pro- mass while decreasing body fat. CLA does this by duce the same dramatic results that the animal reducing adipocyte differentiation. The isomers of studies did1. They resulted in inconsistent and in- CLA that have this effect on body composition are significant results. Due to their insufficient conclu- the cis-9, trans-11 CLA isomers and the cis-12, sions, the topic of the undetermined effect CLA has trans-10 CLA isomers1.The cis-9, trans-11 isomer is on human body composition has become quite con- the most abundant, naturally occurring CLA isomer. troversial2. It can be found in most meat and dairy products. The supplemental form of CLA contains an equal There are a lot of research studies out there mix of the cis-9, trans-11 isomer and the cis-12, concluding that CLA does not affect human body trans-10 isomer2. The supplemental form of CLA composition. The meta-analysis Efficacy and safety can be found at any general nutrition store. of dietary supplements containing CLA for the treatment of obesity: Evidence from animal and CLA has been extensively researched human studies, published in the Journal of Lipid through both animal studies and human trials to Research in 2003 found there to be no significant test its effect on body composition. The animal re- difference in body weight or fat mass between the search that has been done shows that CLA had a placebo group and the CLA user group1. A review drastic effect on the animals’ body composition. The published in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research animals in the studies that were given CLA ended in 2008, Anti-obesity effects of conjugated linoleic up with increased lean-tissue mass and decreased 6 acid, docosahexaenoic acid, and eicosapentaenoic published in the Journal of Nutrition; CLA isomers acid, came to the conclusion that most studies do not have the potential to increase insulin resistance and support the hypothesis that CLA helps decrease body can have a negative impact on blood lipids. CLA sup- weight. The Journal of Obesity published a review plementation has also been associated with GI dis- containing Randomized Control Trials in 2011 titled tress1. Fortunately, CLA supplements that contain a An evidence-based review of fat modifying supple- mixture of trans-10, cis-12 isomers and trans-9, cis- mental weight loss products. This review also con- 11 isomers drastically reduce the risk of serious ad- cludes that CLA use yields little to no change in body verse effects. The proper dosage of CLA has not yet fat1. been determined and it is unclear if higher doses That being said, there are many studies out produce greater results. According to the animal there that do show small reductions of body fat mass studies, CLA doses higher than 6.8g produced great- er weight loss than lower doses2. In human trials, in CLA users1. The meta-analysis, Efficacy of conjugat- ed linoleic acid for reducing fat mass: a meta-analysis however, no sufficient data was produced to deter- in humans published in the American Journal of Clini- mine whether or not a higher dose of CLA would 2 cal Nutrition focused primarily on studies that sup- yield greater weight loss . Even though the animal tests showed that higher doses can be associated ported the hypothesis of CLA improving body compo- sition in humans. The discussed results show a small with a greater outcome, their findings cannot be translated to humans because the dosage scale be- reduction of body fat in CLA users2. This study con- cludes that even though the fat loss is small, CLA does tween animals and humans has not yet been deter- 2 have a positive effect on body composition in humans mined . that, in the long run, will prove to be beneficial2. The Based on research studies, articles and re- minimal weight loss will be beneficial over time be- views, the hype about CLA being effective in increas- cause the average American adult gradually gains ing lean-tissue mass and decreasing body fat in hu- weight over the years so with the gradual weight loss mans should be stopped.
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