PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Cbmr, Thiira., June 28. W3 Manchester Inside Today The, Weather - Identification Leads ^ 't “ Churches Combine V Hospital Ten Night. In A Bar-Room, page 6. Occasional showers and thunderatorms ToQuick Car Recovery senuet Rotary Product. Show picture., p*ge 10. tonight with some heavy rain. Low in the Notes ^ *' Concordia and Emanuel upper 60s. Cloudy Saturday morning. (VISITING HOURS) Lutheran will have the first in a Highs around 80. Lady Luck prevailed in the Fifteen minutes later, Boston series of coinbined midweek case of a Manchester man who TWENTY-FOUR PAGES — Intermediatt! Care Semi- police recovered the car, services tonight at 7;30 at Con­ MANCHESTER, CX)NN.,^FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1973 - VOL. X(HI, No. 229 Manchester A City of Viltage t.harm TWO SECTIONS PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS private, noon - 2 p.m., and 4 had his new 1973 Ford Thunder- thanks to an alert motorcycle cordia Church. p.ni. 8 p.m.; private rooms, 10 bird stolen while on a business policeman who spied the The services ■ will be each a.m. -2 p.m., and 4 p.m. .-8 p.m. trip to Boston. Johnston car because of a Thursday 4pring July at (Con­ Self Service; 10 a.m .-2 p.m.; Stewart Johnston, president special identification sticker. cordia Church and during 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. of Dillon Ford in Manchester, Johnston is a member of the, 100 August at Emanuel Church. SESQUICENTENNIAL Intensive Care and Coronary had the following experience Club in Connecticut, gainiig the The Rev. Burton Strand, ’Tuesday in Boston; Care; Immediate family only, membership by contributing pastor of (Concordia, Lutheran anytime, limited to five Unable to get a hotel room in 8100 annually to a police and (Church, will conduct the litu r^ WEEK minutes. the city, he checked in at a hotel fire benefit fund. at tonight’s Holy (Communion in Cambridge. Fifteen minutes Chilean Rebels Maternity; Fathers, 11 a.m.- ’Two juveniles in the car were service. The Rev. C. Henry 12;4S p.m., and 6;30 p.m. 8 later he came out and was caught. ’The registration plates Anderson^ co-pastor of Eam- June 23 - 30, 1973 p.m.; others, 3 p.m. - 4 p.m., stunned to see his car gone. He had been changed and several nuel Lutheran Church, will be and 6;30 p.m. - 8 p.m. immediately notified the other sets were recovered. ’The the lector. The Rev. Ronald. J. Age Limits; 16 in maternity, Boston police. car, which had been locked, Fournier, co-pastor of Emanuel Schedule of Events 12 in other areas, no limit in was opened in a manner Church, will preach. Attack Palace self-service. demonstrated by the boys to All emergency patients and police. SANTIAGO, Ghile (AP) - armored regiment has rebelled. million people were hit by outpatients are requested to use Some Openings Johnston said there was no Army troops backed by tanks The rest of the troops are loyal general strikes called by The elk is migratory, can In Tots Program damage to the car. Friday, June 29 opened fire with machine guns to the government.” Allende opponents and those the new emergency room en­ swim well and can jump a IVt- trance off Armory St. Access to Products Show (Manchester High School) 5:30 -10:30 p.m. on the palace of Marxist Presi­ The (Chilean armed forces who support him. There are still openings in all foot fence when in the mood. dent Salvador Allende in down­ the entrance via existing “Ten Nights in a Bar-Room^’ - 8 p.m., Community Y, 80 N. traditionally have remained out The anti-Marxists were four weeks of the Tiny Tots town Santiago today. of politics. driveways. * l||||ir ••Hill. ••lull. HIIIII- Main St. protesting Allende’s policies as Summer Program offered by *^'*l|l'' Allende said in a nationwide Pediatrics; Parents allowed 8 Grand Ball (State Armory) Allende took office Nov. 3, well as supporting 12,000 copper the YWCA of the Hartford ■ ■ ■ ■ broadcast that “a seditious sec­ 1970, for a six-year term. a.m. to,noon and 2 p.m. to mid­ Region, Inc. miners who had been on strike Parachute Exhibition (Manchester High School) 7:30 p.m. tor” of the Chilean army was night; others, 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. His administration was for nearly two months to en­ involved. The pre-school program for Historical Exhibit — l^ to n Library, 1 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. formed of a coalition of Com­ force their demands for 41 per Allende spoke shortly after girls and boys, ages 3 to 5, may LOWEST PRICED Cheney Homestead — Special Exhibits, 1 p.m. • 5 p.m. munists and Socialists and his cent wage increases to meet a Discharged Wednesday; be registered for one to four the attack on Moneda Palace in announced aim at inaugyration Coleman Amusement Rides. Parkade, 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. record increase in the cost of Naomi M. Hallenbeck, Edward Sauter, postmaster, left, presents retiring postal weeks which will be held Mon­ downtown Santiago began was to make Chile a Socialist living. 2 Lakewood Dr., Coventry; state. employes with their retirement citations. They are, from day through Thursday from Youth Concert (Mt. Nebo) 7 -11 p.m. during the rush hour. People On Thursday, Gen. Mario Lucille V. Watts, Eagleville; Postal Employes Retire fled the Scene in panic. left, Wilmore H. Peterson df 25 Alton St., Victor L. 9;15 a.m. to 11;30 a.m. begin­ GENERAL ELEC1RIC Since Allende has been at the Sepulveda, commander of the John McDonnell, 709 Main St.; 'The president spoke on the head of the government, prices Armstrong of 81 Carter St. and Joseph G. ’Twaronite of 70 ning July 2 through July 26. Santiago military garrison, said Joseph G. Zowada, 44 Mountain Saturday, June 30 radio from his home in a have risen and food and other military Intelligence had un­ Rd., Rockville; Bonnie Five postal employe!employes, in- Otis St. Sauter is also slated for retirement Friday. Plant lives on Quarry Rd. in The YWCA has the use of Products Show (Manchester High School) 1 -10:30 p.m. residential section of the city. essential commodities have run covered a plot Tuesday by Matthews, 64 S. Alton St.; eluding Postmaster Edward (Herald photo by Knapp) short. Bolton. He has been with the three facilities, two in East Olympic Day (Manchester High School) 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., He said; "In these difficult several civlliang 'and low- Rosalind B. Hodgdon, 78 School Sauter, will bring their careers 18-lb. WASHER moments the working class Hartfofd which are located at airi continuing at Globe Hollow area, 4 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. This sparked demonstrations ranking army officers. St.; Mary Massacco, 71 with the postal service to a should combat the rebel troops. the First Congregational “Ten Nights in a Bar-Room” - 8 p.m.. Community Y, 80 by anti-Marxists from time to Sepulveda did not give any Bluefield Dr.; Geneview close Friday when they retire. (^urch at 837 Main St. and at “Loyal forces should support 9 N. Main St. time. Allende supporters have details other than to say that Boyington, Wall St., Hebron; John Bengston, who has been the East Hartford Housing the workers. They shuld not be held counterdemonstrations. several persons had been Suzanne Lapolt and son. New assistant postmaster, has been «Hi. MINI-BASKET! Grand Ball ( State Armory) mistaken in their duty. Only one Authority building in Mayberry Last week, half of Chile’s 10 arrested. Britian. named officer-in-charge. I South Windsor I Village; the third is in the Com­ Historical Exhibit — Whiton Library, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Also, Carmen M. Ingersoll Also retiring are Joseph G. munity Y, 80 N. Main St., Cheney Homesteads Special Exhibits, 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. and daughter, 71 Trout Stream Twaronite, Victor L. Manchester. Dr., Vernon; Susan R. Fink and Armstrong, Wilmore H. Peter­ Coleman Amusement Rides, Parkade. 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. daughter, 102 Nike Circle; son and Roland Plante. immmmmm N o tC S The program will include arts Reduced to Georgia P. Caruso, East Hart­ Sauter began his career in and crafts, nature study, music, EXCLUSIVE GE MINI BASKETI^ Daily ^ e n ts Open To Public ford; Charles B. Reviczky, games and special trips and Nixon Affidavit 1935 as a letter carrier. He has Bids for expansion of the — eliminates hand-washing of Benedict Dr. has been awarded will be led by qualified adult dallcates, colored Items, small Historical Exhibit - June 24 - July 1 Warrenville; James E. Bump, held supervisory posts at the sewer system into the Birch "nuisance" loadsi the Phipps Memorial staff. Historical Markers - June 23 - June 30 28 Loveland Hill Rd., Main Post Office for many Hill and Graham Rd. areas will Scholarship which is offered to 3 CYCLES Lutz Junior Museum - June 23 - June 30 Rockville; Steven M. Parrott, years, and was named assistant be opened July 16 and work is qualified women by the Connec­ Registration can take place Including Perma­ Natural Science Center - June 23 - June 30 153 Loomis St. postmaster in 1963. He became expected to start shortly after. nent Press with > Wanted By Baker Also, Laura P. Wilson, 15 postmaster in 1971. ticut Federation of Women’s any day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at cooldowni Cheney Homestead - June 24 - June 30 ’The Sewer Commission has Clubs, Inc. the YWCA in East Hartford or Newman St.; Gordon F.
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