Printed Stationery, Circulairs, Folders If You Want The News of Your Dis- Etc. You Can Depend on Getting a trict Subscribe for Glengarry’s Home Good Job of Printing Done at THE Paper. Everything of Interest is An- NEWS Because We Don’t do any nounced in its Columns. ‘The News’ Other Kind to 1st January 1907 for $1.00. VOL. XV. ALBXANDKIA, IBIDAY FEBRUARY, 23, 1906. NO 4 late Rev. Colin Mc-Kcxchar, a short Apple Hill < > time ago. < > While hauling logs for Mr. D. A. Miss Lillian McNamara spent -the McLEISTER’S McKinnon on Tuesday morning, Mas .week end viaiiting friends in town. I Headaches | COUNTY AND DISTRICT ter Hugih Coleman met with a pain Mr. W. E. Hiayea callcjdl on Mon- ful accident. As a result of an up trea.I flriendia recently. < Are frequently caused by oyeatrain, Cough set he received a bad crushing, sus Mrs, Alguire, of Osna;bruck, was and in nine cases oat of ten are NEWS NOTES GATHERED BY INDUSTRIOUS I taining ac the saizse time, a frac- the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. cured by wearing properly fitted CORRESPONDENTS OF GLENGARRY’S HOME PAPER. tured leg. IWe all hope his recov- Coleman* t Balsam glasses. If you are suffering ery may t>e speedy and complete. Mrs. P. A Conroy visited' Corn-, from headaches and medicine wall friendis trecenitly. AND fails to relieve you, have your Lancaster the Alcxatnidiria septet, resulted in a Miss Ola Ross, of Cornwall, spent eyes e*amined and you will æorc of* oji-e to nothing in favor Greenfield. a few Ways in ttown last week. probably find the cause of all Mr. Decell-es, of Brockville, was of the local team. The lights were D. A. McDonald left for Wahnap- Mir. Rod' McDonald, of Roxborough, LaGrippe your trouble. a' guest' at the McRae Hooise over noib a.s satisfactory as might be itae on Saturday, wihor© he has se- visiteid Lis Idaughter. Mrs. A Grant Sunday. wiisbed, and. acted a.s a drawback to cured a reliable position with the ^hi« week. Tablets Jas, A. Fraser, 2nd Char., leaves a certain ertent in much effective MISS CUDDON MePhee Bros. ;tVe wish him. suc- Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McDonald call for the jNorth (West shortly. Bom cambinjaticoi work, which i.s to be s cess. ed on Martîntown friends Monday. Refracting Optician voyage James. / Teigrotite’d!, as the teams were even- are a sure cure for Miss Marcella McCulloch, of Alex -Mr. N-ormian McKenzie, of Moose Mrs. A. Lyman and Mrs. F. Mc- ly matched and played a very clean andiria, is visiting her unolc, Mr. Creek, called on friend's hero recent Donald, of Glen Nevis, visited Lan gentle manly game. Alexandria has A. J. McDonell. ly- oaster fricnids on Monday. a young- team they might well be Coughs, Mrs, Spencer, of Montreal, wios Rev. Mr. iLang!Il,Of 'Martintown, A Good Mr. and Mrs. McLeod, of Avon- proud of, they certainly are comers the guest of Mrs. Munro the past was a iMaoday visitor. more, AA'teirD the ©ucrsts of Mrs. D. •amdi in another year, if they hold week. Mr. A. Danoause paid Martdntown Colds, {Time Keeper Fraser, Oak St., this week. togetherr, will make it very inter- Mr. and Mrs, D. J. McIntosh spent a business visit on Monday. Garnet Wiood, of the Bell Tele- esting for their opponents. Sunday in iMonkLand the guests of Mr. S. Grant has completed put- AND ^ Is what you want when you buy a phone Co., 'Mon,t(reul, Sundayed at The dance on Fridiay evening, un- -the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs ting in a (large supply of ice for Ç watch. I have some special his home, the McRhc House. der the auispices of the Lancaster John Mclht|0>sh. Rev. Mr. Gaiueiroin. ^ watches at special prices. Will ^ Mr, and Mrs. F, T. Cositello, Alex Hockey Club, wa,s a decided success. Mrs. T. McNairn A\as the guest of Mr. Dan. J. McDonald returned Hoarseness, < show them to you with pleasure ' andria, were in town on Friday. Al ex andiria, Mart init o wn, iWi 1U a ms- Mrs, J. Coleman on Saturday. homie from Cobalt indisposed with J. A. McMillan, and' sister tON'Tn, Fort Covington, Bain.sville and Miss C. O’Shea, of Munroe’s Mills, typhoid fever. 25c. a package, at our Miss Julia, tegistieired at the McRae Other placets were well rcpresenited, cajled cm friends here recently. -, : to any Drug Store. person who prove* that House Friday. iLpvTandis of eighty couples took Mr, S. Kennedy and Mias C. Mc- Mr. A McLellan, Cobal-t, is visit Sunlif^ht Soap contains any Mr, Ang,us McDonald, License In Intosh attended* the entertainment in I H. R. Cuddon, | injurious chemicals or any port: and fully ■enjoyed themselves. ing his (family here. form of adulteratiooa spector, Alexandria, was in town ^v. J. E. 'McRae, of Alexandria, Alexandria on (Wednesday night last On Sept, 14th, 1905, Mr. S. M. Car J. McLEISTER, Watebmake»’, Jeweller and on Wednesday. [wjaisl in town on Friday last. and iTeporti a good time. sea,lien placed’ â note in a cheese, Optician, tRev. Dean ri-^vomey, of Williams- Mr. J. D. McArthur, contractor, of Mr. John Finlan and his daugh-. 'on Feb. ,10th, 1906, h© receivodl a let Druggist and Stationer ^ tqwn, was in town Fridjay. W'Lnmipeg, and wife, arrived Friday ter, Mrs. CunnmingB, of Malone, are her. firottn Mr. J. Harris, Heanor, Der Mr. and Mrs. Brady visitied eventing last to spend .some time visiting their many friendis ■ here. , byishire, Eng., st'ating that th© cheeac , à WWWVWV^V>A/WWWWWS/V Cornwall friend's one day last week. .wilth. flriemdis tind relatives in this The Misses Bella and Mayme Mc- ha,d been cut there on Jan. ^^Oth, and Mr. and Mrs. John Caron paid vicinity. Donald attended the euclwe party in iwafl founidi eatisfactory, and soid for Cornwall a visit the latter part of The Martintoavn hockey team at- Moose Creek on tbe 12th inst., where eight pence per pound retail. This last week. tended the. -dance in the McRae they took part in the programme. oheose sold heire for U 1-2 cents per Monsieur Parron has just return Hall hero twi Fridiay night last, and Mias B. McDonald won the lady’s pound. Mir. Carscallen has received cd from a somewhat lengthy trip to on Satnmday morning proceeded to fi.rst- prize. several such replies during bis !3 better than other soaps, Valleyfield and surrounding country. Cofteau to cross sticks ,w;ith the cheese career. A number assembled at the homo Crooked Spectacles The hens und the premises general puckchasexs of that town, return but is best when used in of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McDonell, 21- ly were well cared for during his inig the B-amie evening with a new and badty fitted frames are unsightly, are worn with discomfort, and are as a C the Sunlight way. b’t.h, on FridUy niig'hit to congratu- absence. supply of wc-alps under their belts. •As the weather is fin© and th© oftuse of their optical defects, a direct menace to health and eye sight. ^ late them on the 14th anniversary Akihougb late in th© season a . Mr. Freeman, or Cornirtiall, was Sunlight Soap contains of tbeir marriage. Dancing andi card roads in good condition, consider- You save these annoyances by having yonr optical work done by us. We ✓ few; of |the village dogs axe being in town on Tuesday, able hauling is being *done. take every pains in fitting our cases, giving relief and comfort, to the wearers v no injurious chemicals. trained to dra.w^ the children around playing were ind'uLged in, refreidi— at a very moderate expense. Examination of eyes free. J Mrs. Allard^ of River Beaudct.te, Quite a numbeir (from around) hero on small hand sleigljte. Ceirtainly an ments being served- at midnight, af spent Sunday with her another, Mrs attendled the coiafsquerade at Martin Sunlight Soap is pure Lmprovem-ent upon having these curs 1er which Mrs. Mclnjcowh» the Misses Rousseau, Oak &t. town on ThuXiS|dfay night and- report i^nappinig, at one’s heels and possib- Bella and May McDonald and Mess-rs D. A. Kennedy soap, scientifically made. a good time. ly taking a breakfast out of the. Maxville Angus MicDonjaidj ano. F. O. Parent Jeweler and Optician, - Lancaster. Every step in its manu' oalf of one’s 1-egs. entertained the party by. singing a Messrs. J. McNia^roara audi W. M. facture is watched by an The little fajil of «now; last week |Mr. Gatscll, of th-e Bank of Ot- number of Gaelic and English •McCallum were ith© gueiats of Mr. ta,w!a, SuAdlayed with Alexandria fri songs, when all left for their re.s iR. McNamara on Sunday. VWWW WV^WN/WWVWWWWVWWVVAiWWVWWWWWW i improved the roa,dis a|nd judging by expert chemist. the nu(m|ber oif eaiw-’logs coming in ends. pectivc 'homes after voting Mr. and> Mrts, S. M. Carsoallen paid Alexan Mrs. McDonell, -a. host and hostess Sunlight Soap saves One miiglht ifuispccit that a d'am had Wc coQgra.tuid'tc Mr. Robert Hun dlria a visit on Friday. broken loose bame.W’bere. The mill* ter, Sr., who has beem elcote,dJ Pr© tihat could not -be surpassed, an-o; Mrs. T. McLeianan spent a few labor, and the wear of 'ha’s oommenced fwork again and the sidient of the Dominion Ayrshire wishing them a long life of con-^ days visiting her- parents this week.
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