NASA Technical Memorandum 4211 Directory of Research Projects Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program Henry Holt, Editor NASA Office of Space Science and Applications Washington, D.C. NI A National Aeronautics and Space Administration Office of Management Scientific and Technical Information Division 1990 INTRODUCTION This directory of research projects provides information about currently funded scientific research within the Planetary Geology and Geophysicss (PGG) Program. The directory consists of the proposal summary sheet from each proposal funded under the PGG Program during fiscal year 1990, covering the period from October I, 1989 through September 30, 1990. The summary sheets provide information about the research project including: title, principal investigator, institution, summary of research objectives, past accomplishments, and proposed new investigations. This directory is intended to inform scientists in the PGG Program about other research projects supported by the program and can also be utilized by others as a PGG Program information source. The research projects funded under the PGG Program include investigation over a broad range of topics including geological and geophysics studies of: terrestrial planets and satellites; outer planet satellites and rings; comets and asteroids; planetary interiors; lithosphere-atmosphere relationships; impact cratering processes and chronologies; planetary surface modification by fluvial, aeolian, periglacial, masswasting, and volcanic processes; planetary structure and tectonics; multispectral and radar remote sensing; and solar system dynamics. Also, cartographic and geologic maps of the solid surfaces of planets and satellites are produced and distributed. Statistical information about the PGG Program is presented the next two pages. The following four pages are an alphabetical listing of all program principal investigators. The remainder of the directory consists of the project summaries arranged alphabetically by the PI's last name. For additional information about the Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program, contact one of the persons below: Ted A. Maxwell Joseph M. Boyce Discipline Scientist, Planetary Manager, Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program Geosciences Programs Code EL Code EL NASA Headquarters NASA Headguarters Washington, DC 20546 Washington, DC 20546 111 PRECEDING PAGE BLANK NOT FILMED PLANETARY GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM 13000 12000 []4.5Z COLA S IN 1000'S 11000 • ACTUAL 100O0 9OOO f I I I FY 86 FY 87 FY 88 FY 89 FY 90 SUPPORT TASK BREAKDOWN SUPPORT ACTIVITIES UNIV/GOV,T RESEARCH iv FUNDINGBYCATEGORY 1600 1400 1200 1000 $ IN 10O0'S 80O _r; 600 400 2O0 0 Verbs Data T_t. Dynamics R_. $ens. Impact Cart_. Othr. Geotogy Lith/Atm Outer $upp. Ptanets NO.INVESTIGATIONSBY CATEGORY 35 30 NO. $TUO|[S 20 15 Car tog. Othr. Supp. Outer Venus Data Tect. Oyrwm(cl Rein. Sens. [iqo_:t Geotogy Li thlAtm ptanets ORIGINAL pAGE IS V OF pOOR QUALITY AVERACEGRANTCONTRACTSIZE 9O 8O TO 6O 5O $ Ill IOGG'S 4O 3O L_ 10 0 Lith/ktm FUNDINGSOUGHTVS. GRANTED 300G 25O0 S IN I(XX)'S 1500 1000 Lith/Atm Outcr Ptlnet$ vi Or(Jt_,r,g,.. P_GE _-" OF POOR k,-_U_L!:.Ty PG&G PROGRAM: SUPPORTED PROPOSALS IN FY 90 INVESTIGATOR INSTITUTION Adams, John B. U WA Ahrens, Thomas J. Cal Tech Arvidson, Raymond E. Wash. U Baker, Victor R. U AZ Baloga, Stephen M. JPL Banerdt, W. Bruce JPL Batson, Raymond USGS, Flagstaff Bell, Jeffrey F. U HI Boring, John W. U VA Boss, Alan Carnegie Inst. of Wash. Bridges, Frank U CA, Santa Cruz Brown, Robert H. JPL Buratti, Bonnie JPL Burns, Jospeh A. Cornell Burns, Roger G. M.I.T. Butterworth, Paul S. NASA/GSFC Campbell, Donald B. Cornell Carr, Michael H. USGS, Menlo Park Christensen, Philip R. AZ St U Clark, Roger N. USGS, Denver Clow, Gary D. USGS, Menlo Park Condit, Christopher U MA, Amherst Craddock, Robert Smithsonian Crisp, Joy A. JPL Crumpler, Larry S. Brown Cuzzi, Jeffrey NASA ARC Davies, Merton E. RAND Corp. Davis, Donald R. PSI Davis, Philip A. USGS Flagstaff De Hon, Rene A. NE LAU Dermott, Stanley F. U FL Gainesville Durham, William B. LLNL Elston, Wolfgang E. U NM England, A. W. U MI Eshleman, Von R. Stanford Esposito, Larry W. U CO Fanale, Fraser P. U HI Fink, Jonathan AZ St U French, Richard G. Wellesley Frey, Herbert NASA GSFC Gaffey, Michael J. RPI Gaskell, Robert W. JPL Gehrels, Tom U AZ Goguen, Jay D. JPL Golombek, Matthew P. JPL vii PG&G PROGRAM: SUPPORTED PROPOSALS IN FY 90 INSTITUTION INVESTIGATOR w_t NASA/JSC Gooding, James L. U HI Gradie, Jonathan C. AZ St U Greeley, Ronald U AZ Greenberg, Richard J. M.I.T. Hager, Bradford U Pittsburgh Hapke, Bruce JPL Harris, Alan W. PSI Hartmann, William U HI Hawke, Bernard Ray Brown Head, James W., III U WA Holsapple, Keith A. N AZ U Holt, Henry E. U AZ Hood, Lon L. U VA Howard, Alan D. U CO Jakosky, Bruce M. U CA, Berkeley Jeanloz, Raymond U VA Johnson, Robert E. JPL Johnson, Torrence V. UCLA Kaula, William USGS, Flagstaff Kieffer, Hugh H. AZ St U Kieffer, Susan W. SUNY, Buffalo King, John S. USGS, Denver King, Trude USGS, Flagstaff Kirk, Randolph L. OR St U Komar, Paul D. U AZ Lebofsky, Larry A. U CO Lee, Steven W. U AZ Levy, Eugene H. SUNY, Stony Brook Lissauer, Jack J. USGS, Flagstaff Lucchitta, Baerbel U HI Lucey, Paul G. U AZ Lunine, Jonathan I. AZ St U Malin, Michael C. Carnegie Inst. of Wash. Mao, Ho-kwang JPL Martin, Terry Z. JPL Matson, Dennis Smithsonian Maxwell, Ted A. U HI McCord, Thomas B. USGS, Flagstaff McEwen, Alfred S. U CA, San Diego McFadden, Lucy-Ann U MA, Amherst McGill, George E. NASA/ARC McKay, christopher Wash. U McKinnon, William B. U AZ Melosh, H. J. JPL Metzger, Albert E. USGS, Menlo Park Moore, Henry J. U HI Mouginis-Mark, Peter J. viii PG&G PROGRAM: SUPPORTED PROPOSALS IN FY 90 INVESTIGATOR INSTITUTION Murali, A.V. LPI Murray, Bruce C. Cal Tech Nash, Douglas B. San Juan Res. Inst. Nellis, William J. LLNL Nicholson, Philip D. Cornell Olson, Peter Johns Hopkins Orenberg, James B. San Francisco St U Ostro, Steven J. JPL Owen, Tobias C. U HI Paige, David A° UCLA Parmentier, E. M. Brown Patterson, Chris W. Los Alamos Natl. Lab. Peale, Stanton J. U CA, Santa Barbara Phillips, Roger J. SMU Pieters, Carle M. Brown Plescia, Jeffrey B. JPL Polek, Thomas E. NASA/ARC Pollack, James B. NASA/ARC Porco, Carolyn C. U AZ Richter, Frank M. U Chicago Sagan, Carl Corne i 1 Salisbury, John W. Johns Hopkins Saunders, R. Stephen JPL Schaber, Gerald G. USGS Flagstaff Schmidt, Robert M. Boeing Schubert, Gerald S. UCLA Schultz, Peter H. Brown Scott, David H. USGS Flagstaff Sharpton, Virgil L. LPI Sheridan, Micahel F. AZ St U Shoemaker, Eugene M. USGS Flagstaff Singer, Robert B. U AZ Soderblom, Laurence A. USGS Flagstaff Solomon, Sean C. M.I.T. Spudis, Paul D. USGS Flagstaff Squyres, Steven W. Cornell Stevenson, David J. Cal Tech Stewart, Glen R. U CO Strom, Robert G. U AZ Tanaka, Kenneth L. USGS Flagstaff Thomas, Peter C. Cornell Thompson, Thomas W. JPL Tittemore, William C. U AZ Turcotte, Donald L. Cornell Tyler, G. Leonard Stanford Underwood, James R., Jr. KS St U Veverka, Joseph Cornel i ix PG&G PROGRAM: SUPPORTED PROPOSALS IN FY 90 INVESTIGATOR INSTITUTION Ward, William R. JPL Warren, Stephen G. U WA Watters, Thomas Smithsonian Weidenschilling, Stuart PSI Weissman, Paul R. JPL Wetherill, George W. Carnegie Inst. of Wash Whipple, Fred L. Smithsonian Williams, James G. JPL Wisdom, Jack M.I.T. Wu, Sherman USGS Flagstaff Yoder, Charles F. JPL Zimbelman, James Smithsonian Zisk, Stanley U HI Zuber, Maria T. NASA GSFC PROPOSAL SUMMARY ! ABSTRACT PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR John B. Adams Dept. of Geological Sciences AJ-20 University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 (206)543-6221 CO-INVESTIGATORS Milton O. Smith PROPOSAL TITLE Spectral Reflectance of Planetary Surfaces ABSTRACT a. Our overall research objective is to provide new information on the chemistry, mineralgy and geology of planetary surfaces using muttispectral images and reflectance spectra in the visible and near-infrared wavelength region. The approach is to interpret the remotely sensed data in terms of laboratory reference spectra, and to use spectral mixing models to quantify mineral phase-abundances. b. We worked with Ray Arvidson's group on two approaches to the intercomparison of Viking Lander, Viking Orbiter, telescopic and laboratory reflectivity spectra. We calibrated Viking multispectral images using available information on the instrument responses, and we derived photometric and atmospheric parameters. We also calibrated the data sets using a spectral mixing model. The two approaches were compared. They provide a basis for interpreting the surface composition of Mars at a wide range of spatial scales. We continued work with Paul Johnson on a semiempirical model for calculating binary mineral mixtures which vary in particle size and illumination geometry. Calculated mixtures are within laboratory experimental errors. ¢. In the coming year we propose to investigate: 1) the effect ol spatial scale on spectral mixing; and 2) the spectral mixing systematics of sets of telescopic spectra of Mars, the moon and asteroids. d. Johnson P.E., Singer R.B., Smith M.Q., and Adams J.B. Quantitative determination of mineral abundances and particle sizes from reflectance spectra, J. Geo0hys. Res., in press. Adams J.B., Smith M.O., Guinness E.A., and Arvidson R.E.1988. Geologic units on Mars: Spectral and textural mixing evidence from Viking Orbiter, J. Geoohvs. ResL, in preparation. Arvidson R.E., Dale-Bannister M.A., Guinness E.A., Adams J.B., Smith M.O., Christensen P.R., and Singer R.1988. Nature and distribution of surficial deposits in Chryse Planitia and vindnity, Mars, J. GeoDhvs. Res,, 94.82,1573-1587. Smith M.O. and Adams J.B., Isolation of compositional variance from Viking Lander multispectral images, (abs.) Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XX, March, 1989.
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