676 WOODLAXD. DEVONSHIRE. [KELLY'~ Thomas Waltham Were B. A. of St. Mary Hall, Oxford., Parish Clerk, Daniel Butchers. There are a fe~ charities .of the yea~ly valu.e of about £2o. Letters through A1~hburton R.S.O. which is the nearest Here are quarries producmg a superiOr quahty of green and monev order & telegraph office arrive at 8 a.m. WALL purple slate. Frederick Mtlman esq. William John Kitson LETTER Box cleared at 5· IS p.~. week days only esq. of Shiphay House, near Torquay, and George Edmund Alien esq. of Wickeridge, are the chief landowners. The soil This parish sends two members to the Broadhempston school is clayey ; the subsoil, slate. The chief crops are wheat, board, formed March 12, 1875 barley and oats. The area is 1,6o6 acres ; rateable value, The children of this parish attend the Board schools at £1,716; the population in 189r was 184. Broadhempston & Ashburton COMMERCIAL. Matraves John, farmer, Merryfield [:M:arkerl thus 0 should be addressedDenbury, Pearce Richard, farmer Newton .Abbot.] *.Ashford William, farmer, I,ake Reed Petel' Thomas, farmer Allen George Edmund, Wickeridge Butchers Daniel,carpenter, Orleycombe Smerdon Betsy (Mrs.), farmer, Tor Sherard Lord, Gurrington Cock Jonathan, farmer, Dipwell Smerdon Elijah, farmer, Well Sherard Mrs. Gurrington Hamlyn Edwin, farmer, Waye farm Smerdon James, farmer, Higher lake Were Rev. Thomas Waltham B.A. Leaker Thomas, farmer, Hawks farm White Amy (Mrs.),farmer, Hirelakecot Vicarage *Luscombe John, farmer, Levaton *White John, farmer, Pulsford WOODLEIGH is a parish and small agricultural village, a\·erage £26o, gross yearly value £3go,1net £351, including with a station in the parish, on the Kingsbridge branch of 85 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Dean and the South Devon section of the Great Western railway, 3~ Chapter of Exeter Cathedral, and held since 1888 by the miles north from Kingsbridge, in the Southern division of Rev. Frederick Arthur Sanders M.A. of Keble College, Ox­ the county, hundred of Stanborough, petty sessional division ford. There is a rent-charge of £I I ss. from hnds at Lower­ of Stanborough and Coleridge, Kings bridge union and county dale, which is annually divided amongst the poor of Wood­ court district, rural deanery of Woodleigh, archdeaconry of leigh. The principal landowners and lords of th~ manor are Totnes and diocese of Exeter. The church of St. Mary is an the trustees of the late John Luscombe esq. and Charles ancient edifice of stone, in the Perpendicular style, consist- Tayleur esq. The soil is loam and clay; subsoil, various. ing of chancel, nave, transepts, south porch and an em- The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and pasture. The battled western tower containing 3 bells: the interior con- area is 2,596 acres ; rateable value, £2,140; the population tains some monuments of the Luscombe and Cornish in r89I was rg8. families, and in the chancel is an interesting exam pi~ of an Sexton, William Kennard. Easter sepulchre: the church plate includes a sliver flagon Letters by foot post from Totnes, via Mounts R.S.O. arrive presented by Lady Amy FoTtescue in 1686, weighing 4 at 6.45 a.m Lette1·s should be addressed Mounts R.S.O. pounds 12 ounces, which has the Fortescue and Courtenay Devon arms emblazoned upon it: the church has lately (1893) WALL LETTER Box cleared at 6.30 p.m. The nearest been thoroughly restored at a cost of £I,2oo, under the money order & telegraph office is at Kingsbridge -direction of Mr. G. H. Fellowes Prynne, architect: there are Church School (mixed), formerly a cottage, but altered & 170 sittings. The register dates from the year 1635. The enlarged for a school to hold 45 children; average attend- living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge as commuted £340, ance, 33; Miss Rosa Jane Crooks, mistress SandersRev.Fredk. Arthr. .M.A. Rectory Hurrell Samuel, farmer, Capton Rogers Wm. farmer, Preston Combe Kendall Ann (Mrs.), miller (water) Smerdon James, thatcher COl\I.MERCIAL. Kennard George, blacksmith Trant Thomas, farmer, Borough 'Haker Benjamin, carpenter, Preston L1dstone Agnes (Mrs.), farmer, Farm Underhay Uriah, farmer, Lowerdale Gillard N. Moysey,farmer,Wood Barton Luscombe Henry, farmer, Hendham ·widger George, farmer, Hendham WOOLFARDISWORTHY(nearCrediton)isaparish don Gamlen esq., 'M.A. of Brampton Speke, and Charles . .and village, 6~ miles north from Crediton, where is the Comyns Tucker esq. M. A. of Marchand Bishop, are the prin­ nearest railway station, and 14! north-west from Exeter, in cipal landowners. The soil is loam and clay ; the subsoil is the Northern division of the county, Witheridge hundred, rock. The chief crops are barley, wheat and oats. The Cred1ton petty sessional division, union and county court acreage is 1, 815 ; rateable value, £I ,634; the population in district, rural deanery of Cadbury and archdeaconry and 189I was 176. diocese of Exeter. The church of The Holy Trinity, rebuilt in Parish Clerk, Henry Hemmett. 1845. is an edifice in the Early Perpendicular style, consist· Letters by foot post arrive at 8.go a.m. from Morchard ing of chancel, nave, south aisle, south porch and an em- Bishop R.S.O.; LETTER Box cleared at 5.45 p.m.; Mar- battled western tower, containing 3 bells, the first two dated chard Bishop is the nearest money order& telegraph office respectively 1736 and 1740; the tenor has an inscription in Old English characters : there are 142 sittings. The register A School Board of 5 members W3S formed April7, I876, for ·dd.tes from the year I664. The living is a rectory, average Woolfardisworthy, Washford Pyne & Kennerleigh. Thel- ti.the rent-charge £ 1s1, gross yearly value £ 24I, including bridge also contributes 2 mambers; Rev. H. A. Slack M.A . •9 5 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Rev. hon. clerk to the board; Frederick Chappie, Washford Anthony Benn 1\I.A., J.P. and held since 1893 by the Rev. Pyne, school attendance officer Frederick John Faulkner B.A. of Emmanuel College, Cam- Board School (Blackdog), built in 1876, at a cost of [,1,6I7, bridge. The Rev. Anthony Benn M.A., J.P. of Pudleston for 95 children; average attendance, 74; Wi:liam Henry Court, Leominster, who is lord of the manor, William Blag- Rogers, master; Mrs. Jane Rogers, mistress Faulkuer Rev. Fredk. Jn. M.A. Rectory· Crossman William, miller (water) Slater John, farmer, West Emlett COMJ.IERCIAT,. ' Gamlen Leonard Blagdon, farmer & Snell Thos. farmer, Higher Bowerhay Bel worthy Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer, 1 landowner, East Emlett Tomkins John, thatcher North Densham , Hammett Sarah (Mrs.), dairy farmer Tucker Samuel, farmer Bickley William, farmer, Barton Hern Richard, farmer, South Emlett Webber Chas. farmer, Lower Bowerhay Burrow Francis, farmer, Hudgery I Medland Robert, farmer, Higher Tree Webber Frederick, farmer Crossman George, farm bailiff to H. B. [ Selley Oliver, farmer, East Brownstone White Thomas, farmer Birmingham, of Poughill 1 . WOOLFARDISWORTHY WEST (near Bide- Mrs. Hamlrn, of Clovelly Court; Mrs. John .!.ndrew ~ ford) is a parish and village, 8 miles west-south-west from Richard James Cary-Elwes esq. J.P. of Walland Cary, Buck's .Bideford and 6~ east-south-east from Hartland, in the North Mills; Mrs. Mary Bond and Messrs. Richard Short, Thomas Western division of the county, Hartland hundred, Bideford Cann, John Cory, Joseph Burrow, William Sanders, Job J~etty sessional division, union and county court district, An drew and T. Burrow, Mrs. Coham and Richard Bond. The rural deanery of Hartland, archdeaconry of Barnstaple and soil is various and the subsoil clay. The crops are oats, diocese of Exeter. The church of the Holy Trinity is an roots and wheat. The area is 5,798 acres ; rateable value, ancient edifice of stone in the Norman and Later styles, con- £2,986; the population in I89r was 66o. sisting of chancel, nave, aisles, vestry, south porch and an SexLon, 'fhomas Hopper. embattled western tower with pinnacles, containing 6 bells: PoST 0FFICE.-Job Andrew, sub-postmaster. Letters and above is an ancient watch-tower: the church contains a th '- B"d f d · d t d" • h d t rougu 1 e or receive a 9· 5o a.m. ; rspa~c e a Norman doorway with enrichments and a font of the same 4.30 p.m. on week days only. Clovelly is the nearest date, and was restored in I872: there are about 300 sittings. money order & Buck's Cross telegraph office The register dates from the year I723. The liviug is a vic- arage, gross yearly value £ 90, including 16 acres of glebe, A School lloard of 5 members was formed Nov. 24, 1874; with residence, in the gift of the trusteei of the late Mrs. L. Douglas Richard Harding, clerk to the board E. Hawkes, and held since 1888 by the Rev. Frederick Board School (mixed), opened in 1879, for 100 children; Courtenay Burrough. There is a Bible Christian chapel here average attendance, 59 ; James Hicks, master and a Wesleyan chapel at Almanstone. The principal land- Bucks Mills is an ecclesiastical parish, formed April owners are Mrs ~V. W. Melhuish, o{ Court Ham, Holsworthy; 29, I862, frum the civil parishes of Parkh'\m and Woulfar-.
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