Global processes (Miami. Fla.) ISSN 2640-8848 (print) Vol.1. 2018. GLOBAL PROCESSES E-Journal for “Global Trends & Processes” Contributors in this issue: Joseph Garske, George Reiff, Hatidza Berisha, Schvab Zoltan, Jagdish Khatri, Musa S. Dibadj, Ronan Chatellier, Dr Manish Sharma, Rubin Zemon, Zoran Vitorovic, Luigi Santacroce, Stephan U.Breu, Mitja Znidaric, Craig Paterson, Astrit Memia, Parvis Hanson, Suki Medencevic Product: ISN INC,FL.- USA VSTM College for Tourism and Managment (BiH) http://vstim-konjic.ba FABIC/FACMED University (Brasil) http://www.fabic.edu.br/ Vol. 1/2018 http://theWebalyst.com About E Jorunal „Global Processes“: This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part and in any form for educational or non-profit purposes without special permission from the copyright holder, provided acknowledgement of the source is made. The E Jorunal “Global Processes” would appreciate receiving a copy of any publication that uses this publication as a source. Suggested citation: E Journal „Global Processes“ . No use of this publication may be made for resale or any other commercial purpose whatsoever without prior permission in writing from E Jorunal “Global Processes” or authors of papers published in E Journal „Global Processes“. Applications for such permission, with a statement of purpose and intent of the reproduction, should be addressed to the Director of E Journal “Global Processes”, [email protected]. DISCLAIMER: The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of E Jorunal “Global Processes” or contributory organizations, nor does it imply any endorsement. The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of E Journal “Global Processes”, concerning the legal status of any country, territory or city or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Comments on the E Jorunal „Global processes“ are welcome and can be sent to: Operational Office Address: E-mails: ISN INC,FL,USA [email protected] Street: SPIEGEL & UTRERA, P.A. 1840SW 22ND ST 4TH FLOOR MIAMI, FL 33145 US [email protected] Note:For more eBook templates go to http://theWebalyst.com Vol. 1/2018 http://theWebalyst.com Executive Board: Director: David Garcia J.L. Bruckner, Owner, Global One, Swiss Deputy Director: Dr hc Sonja Stojanovic, Fabic University, Brasil Assoc. Director: Prof. Dr. Gabriel C.D.Lopes FABIC University ,International Relations, Brasil Assoc. Director: Prof.Dr. Marijana Secibovic, Dean, VSTIM College, BiH Technical Editor:Mitja Znidaric, Slowenia Editor in Chief:Prof. Zoran R.Vitorovic,DID (Ph.D.),Visiting Prof VSTIM,BiH Deputy Editor in Chief : Prof Luigi Santacroce (Aldo Moro University), Italy Senior Editorial Board: Prof. Dr. Zoran Ilijevski Head of the Center for Policy Research and Analysis Faculty of Law "Iustinianus Primus" Ss.Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje ,Macedonia Prof Changgang Guo,Ph.D., Dean, Institute of Global Studies Shanghai Univeristy, China Vol. 1/2018 http://theWebalyst.com Assoc.Prof. Dr. Nguyen Viet Khoi, Associate Dean, Faculty of International Business and Economics University of Economics and Business Vietnam National University, Hanoi,Vietnam, (Vietnam National University is number 1 in Vietnam) Prof Dr. Nilton Elias President FABIC FACMED University,Brasil Prof George Teofilovic Toronto School of Managment , Canada Prof Dr. Alexander N. Chumakov Professor, Lomonosow Moscow State University,Russia First Vice-President of the Russian Philosophical Society Prof.Dr. Javier Collado Ruano, National University of Education (UNAE) Ecuador Founder of Global Education Magazine Dr.Vladimir Pacheco Cueva Aarhus University, Denmark Assoc. Prof. Dr. Veronika Wittmann Global Studies, Insitute for Modern and Contemporary History Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austira Vol. 1/2018 http://theWebalyst.com Prof. Jose M. Cosmelli, Ph.D. Rector Magnificus Pro Deu Malta University, Malta Dr. Victor Faessel Associate Director of the Mellichamp Initiative on 21st Century Global Dynamics University of California, Santa Barbara. USA Prof. Dr. Giovanni Luchena, Professor of Law, Aldo Moro University, Bary, Italy Editorial Board, Prof. Stefano Soriani (Italy) Prof Parvis Hanson (Switzerland) Gorokhov Andrey Anatolyevich,Ph.D.( Russia) Prof. Dr. Manish Sharma (India) Prof. Andrian J.Bailey (Hong Kong) Zoltan Schvab (Hungary) Prof Joseph P. Garske (Japan) Assoc. Prof. Vasetsova Elena, Ph.D (Russia) Prof Rubin Zemon,Ph.D. (Macedonia) Prof Stephan U.Breu (Switzerland) Prof Astrit Memia (Albania) Prof. Hatidze Berisha (Serbia) Vol. 1/2018 http://theWebalyst.com Senior Lecturer Stoletov Oleg (Russia) Prof Kemal Yildirim, (Turkey) Prof Karim Ahmed Haggag ( Egypt) Prof. Jagdish Khatri (India) Prof. Musa S.Dibadj ( Iran) Ronan Chattelier (France) Prof Craig Peterson (USA) Suki Medencevic (USA) Khidoyatzoda Komroni Jamolidin (Tajikistan) Advisory Board H.E. Prof. Askar Akayevich Akayev Former President of Kyrgistan Professor on Lomonosow Moscow State University H.E. Rexhep Qemal Meidani, Former President of Albania Member of East West Bridge Switzerland. H.E. Stjepan Mesic, Former President of Croatia President of the Supervisory Board, Ingra Co. Prof. Jovan Kovacic, President of East West Bridge International member of Executive Committe Trilateral Commission Prof.Dr. Olga Zinoviev Head of International A.A. Zinoviev Science and Education Center, the Moscow State University Lomonossov, President of the International Intellectual Club ZINOVIEV Vol. 1/2018 http://theWebalyst.com Content Editorial 1 1. George Reiff.......... “DUBAI – Yesterday- Today & Tomorrow “ 3p 2. Joseph P Garske ….. “ANGLOPHONE AND CIVILIAN LEGAL CULTURES: Finding a language of law for the global age” 31p 3. Hatidza Berisha …. “Geostrategic and Geopolitical interest of the USA in the Asia-Pacific Region” 54p 4. Schvab Zoltan.... “Reopening the Kosovo Upper Airspace” 96p 5.Jagdish Khatri... “De-Globalization to Re-Globalization- it's time for new Perspectives” 118p 6.Musa S.Dibadj... “Legitimacy limits Territory; Territorizing Limits Legitimacy; Between State and Anti-State in Global Time” 131p 7.Musa S. Dibadj...”Placing Geographia: (Philosophy of Place and the Subject- matter of Geographia)” 159p 8. Ronan Chatellier...”Security issues in Europe” 187p 9. Rubin Zemon...”The development of identities among the Muslim population in the Balkans in an era of globalization and Europeanization: Cases of Torbeshi, Gorani and Pomaci” 194p 10. Dr. Manish Sharma..” Global Ecology and Sustainable Development: A Study in Gandhian Perspective “ 213p 11. Luigi Santacroce, Zoran Vitorovic...”Science Diplomacy: what is and how it works?” 233p 12.Mitja Znidaric...”Human Trafficking and Security Threats” 247p Vol. 1/2018 http://theWebalyst.com 13.Stephan U.Breu..”The challenge of Education of refugee children to avoid creating tomorrow's extremists” 268p 14. Craig Paterson...”Public Reason, the Common Good and Slippery Slopes” 282p 15. Astrit Memia...”Albania generates Peace and Stability in the Balkans” 299p 16. Parvis Hanson..”The future of Globalization Help or Hurt the World's Poor?” 313p 17.Suki Medencevic,ASC...”Moving images as a way of global communication” 327p Vol. 1/2018 http://theWebalyst.com Editorial_____________________________________________________Global Processes Vol. 1/2018 EDITORIAL Visiting Professor Zoran R.Vitorovic Dear Readers, In front of you is our first issue of E-Journal „Global Processes“. A quick glance at this issue highlights our commitment to publish a journal about Global trends, processes and to promote international multidisciplinary scope for processes which are going on in economy, politics, sciences, culture, and medicine. Our E-Journal is open access so that anyone with an Internet connection and web browser can access the contents of the journal free-of-charge with absolutely no restrictions and/or registration. All published articles, photographs, tables, graphs, etc. are available online for the entire world to read, use, and exchange. E-Jorunal „Global Processes“ does not charge any fees whatsoever for an author(s) to publish in the journal. Authors publishing in the journal also retain full copyright to all their materials. Vol. 1/2018 http://theWebalyst.com Editorial_______________________________________________Global Processes Vol. 1/2018/ page 2 In this issue we are proud to present 17 excellent scientific papers about different Global trends and problems, written from eminent authors and contributors of our E-Journal. We hope that this First Issue will motivate other colleagues and experts to join us in a research of Global Processes on political neutral, objective and fact finding ways. There are multiple problems which are expanding on our Globe, but as we all have just one Planet Earth it is extremely important to activate all possible sources and cooperation models to find as soon as possible responses responds on all challenges. Climate changes, political instability, lack of medical care, economic crises etc. should not be an excuse to cooperate between individuals, should not be excuse not to spread positive ideas, positive way of thinking and to try to teach a Global population that each problem is just a challenge to find proper positive answers for global progress and stability of all societies and countries. With this E-Journal we hope, at least with our small commitment, to help all searching for responses and answers through which
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