Black s Turn to Harrisbur g For Support on 13 Requests By WILLIAM EPSTEIN "" black professors at Perm Stale. Collegian Managing Editor • _ • • _ The Douglas A>>oct;iUon rejected || ^^ || - | ^ J I« High-ranking state legis- rvis Cites Unive rsity budget ^;l;:^^ lators threatened yesterday to * ^^ o( misconceptions." ^ withhold the University's ap- propriations unless black en- rollment is increased. As 'String To Pull' for Action £H' ":Si offic e. -3= The threat came as TO members gation of the Universll y's n°nc. Irv's •«»'<> • He didn l hesitate Shafcr' Nearly 100 blacks filed quietly of the Douglas Association traveled when asked if the University's policies on admissions and faculty Kline said he would refuse to into Old Main. Each carrying one to Harrisburg to gather political budget request would play a role hiring. Irvis said he wants proof support funds (or " any university or two bricks, they built a wall support for their request that Penn " that the Administration i s in "getting things done. wisely State step up its" recruiting of bl ack that is not spending money topped by one black brick. attempting to open the University "Now >ou 're Retting lien- the for all the people of PcnnsyUai.ia." ,_ ^.^ sudents. wnl sj m,,olj J.c(1 to more blacks. j ,caI.t 0f wiiat i mcan w i,cn i ^ ^ No Avoiding llarrisliurg ihc end of communication between Irvis Pledges Support —He will visit University Park sa-v thcre are certain .strings that " Rick Collins, president of the the blacks and the Administrat ion . next month to speak with can be Pulled," he said. The tri p was an apparent Douglas Association, said las t night ' ' University President Eric A. ..; 'We re Here Too success. ,hjnk they were p„Uy wc„ " ' t have given Walker. that Irvis couldn satisfied that Mr. Irvis is going ' ' answ er and still have been a Attached to the wall was n note K. Leroy Irvis (D-Alleghen.v), ^ a no Cites Role of Budget represent their best interests.." " which read . "NYxt time we won't House majority leader, told the 1° black' man "He (Irvis ) " hU als0 the spokesman said. "Walker evaued us with general bl" ld « kM ' "" ^* Penn State blacks that: "1 am in total support of what js 0n the side of , getting tlnnss lcft a '«"•"•««<¦ •* l « '» e n statements and Ins 10-page report. , '" —He will oppose state funds for you are seeking and I think what like this straightened out." u \ but the.e's no win he's going to «"* '»»» * «•»"• "> < * ™ °< the University until he is convinced you have done so far makes sense,'-' „, , Walker s reply. T1,e spokesman also reported be able to evade Hnrnsburg," that the Administration is fully Irvis told the Douglas delegation. , „ —Collegian Photo by Pierre Bellicini that Herbert Fincman (D-Ptnla.). Collins said. After the blacks left Old Main . committed to satisfying the 13 Answers Questions Speaker of the House, w ould alw 1 15 «'»'«'« entered Ihe building Blacks Meet With Lawmak ers requests presented last week by The Douglas president referred " support Irvis. to a leplv issued Mnnd.i v by »"" left n note on the wall: "This HICK COLLINS, president of the Douglas Associa- the Douglas Association. A spokesman for Irvis said the , s wnlMs not only black. We're here tion, led a delegation of about 70 black students to Meeting yesterday with the black Walker in ie. ixjn.se to the black —He will call for the appointment House majority leader answered ll>0 " stlldents nnd Ims tt r Ln,e-st requests. Harrisburg yesterday to meet with State legislators. of black persons to the University's all the black students ' questions. * " Kline (D-Bcaver). Senate mi- The requests included » call for University officials had no It was reported that high ranking lawmakers will 32-man Board of Trustees. threaten to withhold the University's allocation if "I've been in public life long nority leader, and Hugh Flaherty, increased black enrollment , a full- comment on the developments the black enrollment is not increased. —He will seek a House investi- enough to know how to get things representing Gov. Raymond P. time black recruiter, and additional in llamsbutg. Releases Statement Little Hock Graduate GSA Rebukes USG Sharer Warns The Graduate Student A s s o c I a 1 i o n students in proportion to their rampus w ;de Speaks at Convocation Tuesday night rebuked the Undergraduate membership," the report stated. Students About Student Government for "arrogance and The statement concluded. "GSA will By DAVID NESTOR Green said one of the major anything foreign. The main non-cooperation." not subordinate itself to the whims of problems today is the inability Collegian Nevis Editor problem is domestic, it is the GSA released a statement which said USG." It called for USG tu make a oi certain institutions t o problem of the blacks." that "Jim Womer (USG president) and statement "declaring it 's intention to Ernest Green graduated respond to demands. "Young Insurrection "If folks sit dead center on USG should remember that they alone do cooperate with GSA." from Little Rock Central High blacks are trying to humanize this, it is going to blow up," not represent all the students on campus. „,„„,„, n»„ii» HAR l.ISul.iiU - Vinl.ilioin of the law School in 1958 but so did many these institutions," he added, Womor Itc|,lics 'P . regardless , he said. Consequently, any changes in the role of of whether th ey occur on college or off other people. The thing that He said institutions must cami-uses . will Commenting on schools that the student government could only take After hearing of the statement, Womer not be tolerated in Pennsylvania. Gov. Shalcr wnrned makes Ernest Green different consult with the youth. "There graduate people who cannot place after due consultation." said . "It 's a strange way of rnwkina their is a burden on these yesterday. from the others is that he even read or write, Green said The GSA statement was brought about feelings known." "1 will use all th e resources at my comnmnd to is black. _ institutions to recognize ¦ "The- longer they stay the by USG's .proposed implementation of the He, added that USG docs not "presume see thai order is maintained and public properly ts protected, Green was the first black demands that are honest and farther behind they get. three-point ' plan for USG control of the to speak" for the entire student bods . " begin some kind of change, and that includes schools and collrgrf , th e governor said to graduate from the school Sometimes I think that maybe Associated Student Activities budget, "What we are talking about (in the three- at his news conference. a lter the 1057 Federa l Court "They should keep an ear ' the dropouts are better off chartering of student organizations and a point program) concerns undergraduates The statement was in response to a question order banned segregation in tuned to the communities and i-oncrrnlnfc because they don't continue larger role in the student judiciary. only." Womer said. a student takeover last Wednesday [ got some honest dialogue u ihe computer center public schools. losing ground," he said . Respective Governments Womer said USG has been very specific at the UniscrMty of Pittsburgh. Last night Green said at going. Dialogue is the best After his speech . Green was GSA saidi all organizations which are in talkin g about undergraduate concerns , No Toleration the College of Human .method to achieving change," presented the Distinguished " wholly graduate or undergraduate in 'It i s obv ious that anyllvng concerning Thirty black students occupied the centrr for some Development's third annual Green said. "The youth are " Service to Youth Award, "in makeup should be chartered by their graduate students must be cleared wi th six hours bctore Wesley Posvar, tumc: mi _v cluuicellor . agreed convocation that each of us not going to recind their recognition of his successful respective governments." GSA . They represent one-fifth oi the .school to their demands and promised that no punitive action "a burden not. to help the demands." has , work with youth during the GSA also called lor the establishment population " Womer said, would he trtl-en black man but to help , A mile Problem last four years. of an independent finance committee to He added that he would like to hear "We cannot tolera te violations of the luw, " Shafcr ourselves. " The award ' was presented by the Student control funding. "Such a committee should GSA s comments on a joint committee told m-wsiiirn "\\V tiinnol tolerate violence We cunnnt Green , who received a B.A. Speaking to the students in be run by undergraduate and graduate to deal with the current problem' tolerate insuirrciioii " from Michigan the audience. Green said Council of the College of and an M.A. The iioiernor said h<- w.i« not .f.ei se to sending is now "You 've got a commitment to Human Development. th* State in sociology, State Police in to quell jitudcnt uprisings if he felt the director 'of the Joint make some fundamental Hoopers wen- necessary or if their presence was ' requested Apprenticeship Program of the changes in someone s life other by college oflleird.s . Worker's Defense League, an than your own." 'Pawns' organization that takes youths Any solution for the blacks Speech Department Head Commenting on the threat of another teachers' strike considered unemployable and is also a solution for the in Pit tsburgh , Shnfn- said the pupils were being used puts them through tutorial whites, Green said.
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