126 Of the fifty-three more-or-less complete copies of Blake's writings in private hands, only one has moved to a public collection: VICTORIA UNIVERSITY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. This is Songs of Innocence and of Experience (i), a posthumous copy watermarked with fragments of J WHATMAN | 1831, lacking ten of fifty-four prints. A curious feature of copy i is that one print (pl. 23) is watercoloured (see Illus. 1A), perhaps by Catherine Blake (d. 18 October 1831 [BR (2) 546]) or Frederick Tatham who printed the posthumous copies of Blake's works in Illuminated Printing. The colouring is distinct from the colour-printed copy of the same etching in VICTORIA UNIVERSITY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. The public appearance of Songs (i) has permitted the correction of minor errors in the account of it in Blake Books. COPIES UNTRACED America (S), Book of Thel (S), Descriptive Catalogue (V), Europe (N), First Book of Urizen (K), For Children (F), Poetical Sketches (Q), Songs of Innocence and of Experience (CC, q), "To the Public", Visions (S) are untraced. Six of these ten untraced copies in Illuminated Printing - - America (S), Book of Thel (S), Europe (N), First Book of Urizen (K), For Children (F), and Visions (S) -- have not been recorded since they were sold for the Flaxman family in 1862. Some or all the untraced copies may have been destroyed. Division I: William Blake PART I 126 127 ORIGINAL EDITIONS, FACSIMILES,93 REPRINTS, AND TRANSLATIONS Section A: Original Editions TABLE OF COLLECTIONS ADDENDA Biblioteca La Solana ILLUMINATED WORK: For Children: The Gates of Paradise, pl. 15 FITZWILLIAM MUSEUM LETTER: 4 November 1826; 25 November 1827 (to Catherine Blake) HARVARD LETTER: 7 Oct 1803 VICTORIA UNIVERSI- ILLUMINATED WORK: Songs (i) TY IN THE UNIVERSI- TY OF TORONTO YALE LETTER: autumn 1800? TABLE 5 WATERMARKS ADDENDA W ELGAR Enoch designs <Butlin #827 1-2 ( [1824-27]>94 HAYES | 17 93 I take "Facsimile" to mean "an exact copy" attempting very close reproduction of an original named copy including size of image, colour of printing (and of tinting if relevant), and size, colour, and quality of paper, with no deliberate alteration as in page-order or numbering or obscuring of paper defects, or centring the image on the page. 94 Not recorded in Butlin's Table of Watermarks (I, 627). 127 128 Little Tom the Sailor Large, decorative "W" within a circle similar to Whatman countermarks before c. 1760 A woman enthroned <Butlin #99> (c. 1775-80) J WHATMAN | 1831 Songs of Innocence and of Experience (i) 1797 Little Tom the Sailor fleur de lis95 with horizontal chain lines 2.9 cm apart "Joseph Ordering Simeon to be bound" (1785?) <Butlin #156> TABLE 6 COLLECTIONS OF ORIGINALS OF BLAKE’S WRITINGS ADDENDA Anon. ILLUMINATED WORKS: “Albion Rose” (E), Europe (c) pl. 1 (see “Order” of the Songs), Urizen (E), For the Sexes (N), Jerusalem (c), pl. 6, Small Book of Designs (B) (Thel pl. 7, Urizen pl. 7, 11-12, 17, 19, 23, Marriage pl. 7), Songs (Q), and pl. a, Visions (E, N) LETTER: 18 January 1808 (A) ART INSTITUTE ILLUMINATED WORK: Urizen pl. 9 (Chicago) TYPE-PRINTED WORK: “Blake’s Chaucer: The Canterbury Pilgrims” (B) Bloom, Harold ILLUMINATED WORK: For the Sexes pl. 2 95 An Island in the Moon (1784?) has a watermark of a fleur de lis above a shield. 128 129 BODLEY MARGINALIA: The Mystical Initiations or, Hymns of Orpheus, tr. Thomas Taylor (1787) Kay and Roger ILLUMINATED WORK: Songs pl. 23 Eason Robert Essick ILLUMINATED WORKS: Book of Los pl. 5, Europe (c) pl. 1b (see “Order” of the Songs), 11c, 17c, and pl. 13-14, Jerusalem pl. 28, Marriage (L), Milton pl. 38, Small Book of Designs (B) – Urizen pl. 22, Marriage pl. 20; Innocence (Y) pl. 4-5, 9-10, 13-14, 18, No Natural Religion (G1) pl. a4, a6, b3 TYPE-PRINTED WORK: Descriptive Catalogue (U), Poetical Sketches (Y) LETTERS: 1 September 1800, 7 August 1804 Fuss, Adam ILLUMINATED WORKS: Innocence (Y) pl. 11 HUNTINGTON RECEIPT: 9 September 1806 LIBRARY Kain, Connie, DRAWING: “Tiriel Led by Hela” David and Richard KUNSTHALLE, ILLUMINATED WORK: America pl. 1 Hamburg Larkhall Fine ILLUMINATED WORK: For Children pl. 15 Art Roger Lipman ILLUMINATED WORK: Songs pl. 30 MORAVIAN LETTERS: Catherine Armitage (later the CHURCH poet’s mother) to the “Bretheren & Sistors” ARCHIVES of ?November 1750, and of Thomas Armitage the Fetter (Catherine’s first husband) to the same, 14 Lane Con- November 1750 gregation, (London) 129 130 William Blake and His Circle Part I: Editions of Original titles MORGAN (J. LETTER: 12 March 1804 PIERPONT) LIBRARY 96 NATIONAL LIBRA- LETTER: 25? November 1826 ry of SCOTLAND NORTHWESTERN ILLUMINATED WORKS: Innocence (Y) UNIVERSITY pl. 6-7 1 Parker, Alan ILLUMINATED WORK: Innocence (Y ) pl. 12, 16-17 TYPE-PRINTED WORK: Poetical Sketches (E) DRAWINGS: Larger Blake-Varley Sketchbook; Watercolours for Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress and Blair’s Grave (2) PHILADELPHIA ILLUMINATED WORK: Songs (o) pl. 28, 52 MUSEUM OF ART Rendel, Kenneth RECEIPT: 5 July 1805 Schiller, Justin ILLUMINATED WORK: Songs pl. a Sendak, ILLUMINATED WORKS: Urizen pl. 3, Maurice Innocence (J), Songs (H) VICTORIA UNI- ILLUMINATED WORKS: Marriage (M), VERSITY IN THE Innocence (Y) pl. 8, Songs (o) pl. 18, 24, 38- UNIVERSITYOF 39, 53, electrotypes, and pl. 22-23, 28, 30, 40, a-b TORONTO 44-46, 48 MANUSCRIPT: The “Riddle Manuscript” WESTMINSTER LETTER: letter of James Blake (the poet’s 96 Virginia Murray, Archivist, John Murray Archive, tells me that there is no other Blake material in the Murray Archive which went to the National Library of Scotland. 130 William Blake and His Circle 131 Part I: Editions of Original titles (CITY OF) brother),1 April 1785 ARCHIVES CENTRE Wormsley ILLUMINATED WORK: Songs (P) Foundation Yale UNIVERSITY LETTER: Autumn? 1800 YALE CENTER ILLUMINATED WORKS: America (M), Thel FOR BRITISH (B), Europe (A) and pl. 1, For the Sexes (G), ART Jerusalem (E) and pl. 28, 35, and No Natural Religion (B) DRAWINGS: Gray, Poems (with inscriptions and watercolours), Tiriel Drawing 1 Untraced ILLUMINATED WORKS: 4 Europe prints; Urizen pl. 9; For Children pl. 18, Innocence (Y) pl. 15, Songs pl. 32 TYPE-PRINTED WORK: Poetical Sketches (Q) DRAWING: Tiriel Drawing 10 LETTERS: 22? August 1799 (from John Trusler), 17 April, August?, 12 September, 26 November 1800, January, November (from James Blake), 22 November 1802, January (from James Blake), late April (from James Blake), late April (from Thomas Butts), 16 August, December (from William Hayley) 1803, January, March, March (from Prince Hoare), March, 2 April, late May (from William Hayley), 21? October (from William Hayley), late Oct? (from William Hayley) 1804, 1804? (from Joseph Johnson), June 1805 (from Thomas Phillips), May 1807 (from Cromek), June 1818 (from Dawson Turner), 16 January (from John Linnell), 5 March 131 132 William Blake and His Circle Part I: Editions of Original titles (from George Cumberland) 1827, 1829 (Catherine Blake to James Ferguson); 4 letters to Ozias Humphry TYPE-PRINTED WORK: DescriptiveCatalogue (V) TABLE 7 PRIVATE OWNERS AND PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS WHICH HAVE DISPOSED OF ORIGINAL BLAKES ADDENDA American Blake ILLUMINATED WORK: No Natural Foundation Religion (G1) pl. 4, a6, b3 Anonymous ILLUMINATED WORK: Songs (P) b Baskin, Leonard ILLUMINATED WORK: Europe (c) pl. 1 (see “Order” of the Songs) Bentley, A.E.K.L.B. ILLUMINATED WORKS: Marriage (M), and G.E., Jr Songs (o) pl. 18, 24, 38 MANUSCRIPT: The “Riddle” manuscript Joan Linnell Ivimy LETTER 4 November 1826; 25 Nov 1827 Mrs Burton to Blake) Lord Cunliffe ILLUMINATED WORK: Songs (i) Dennis, Mrs Seth ILLUMINATED WORK: Songs (Q) Hyde, Mary LETTER: 7 October 1803 Kain, Mrs Louise Y. DRAWING: “Tiriel Led by Hela” Roger Lipman ILLUMINATED WORK> Songs pl. 30 Lister, Raymond ILLUMINATED WORK: America pl. 1 Malone, Mary E. LETTER: 12 March 1804 Mellon, Paul ILLUMINATED WORKS: America (M), Thel (B), Europe (A) and pl. 1, For the 132 William Blake and His Circle 133 Part I: Editions of Original titles Sexes (G), Jerusalem (E) and pl. 28, 35, No Natural Religion (B) DRAWINGS: Gray, Poems (with inscriptions and watercolours), Tiriel Drawing 1 Neuerburg family ILLUMINATED WORK: Innocence (Y) pl. 4-6, 8-16, 18 – pl. 7 is apparently still in the family Ryskamp, Charles LETTER: 12 March 1804 WALLRAF-RICHARTZ ILLUMINATED WORK: Innocence (Y), MUSEUM (Cologne) thought to be “on permanent deposit” in the Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, was partly sold–-see Neuerburg family above97 Whitney Family ILLUMINATED WORK: Visions (E) TABLE 8 TITLES AND COPIES ADDENDA Letters of 22? August 1799 (from John Trusler), Aug?, 12 September 1800, November (from James Blake) 1800, January, 22 November 1802, January (from James Blake), late April (from James Blake), late April (from Thomas Butts), 16 August, December (from William Hayley) 1803, January, March, March (from Prince Hoare), March, 2 April, late May (from William Hayley), 21? October (from William Hayley), late October (from William Hayley) 1804, 1804? (from Joseph Johnson), June (from Thomas Phillips) 1805, May 1807, June (from Dawson Turner) 1818, 16 January (from John Linnell), 5 97 I have received no reply to my letter of enquiry to the Wallraf-Richartz- Museum. 133 134 William Blake and His Circle Part I: Editions of Original titles March (from George Cumberland) 1827, 4 untraced letters to Ozias Humphry Songs of Innocence and of Experience contemporary facsimile (Gamma) Sophocles Manuscript (probably not by the poet)98 Spectacles New Copies and Prints “Albion Rose” (E) “Blake’s Chaucer: The Canterbury Pilgrims” (B) Descriptive Catalogue (U, V) Europe pl. 13-14 plus 4 unidentified prints First Book of Urizen (E, newly traced) For Children pl. 18 For the Sexes pl.
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