Quebec Radio prom mgr & news dir: Marel Bellemore, chief engr. Magog Lac Megantic Adult contemp, MOR, top-40. M. Alain Guilbert, pres CIMO -FM -1979: 106.1 mhz; 50 kw. 2056 Sherbrooke gen mgr & prog dir; Pierre & gen mgr; Guy Crevier, sls (J1X 2T3). (819) 843 -1414. Diffusion CIMO Inc. Rep: De L'Isle, mus dir; -Pierre Cyr, prom mgr; CKFL(AM) -March 6, 1968: 1400 khz; 1 kw -U, DA -1. Jean Communications AC. Audio news: BN. Format: Adult 3852 Quebec Central (G6B 2C6). (819) 583 -0663. Stephane Gauvin, news dir; Raymond Racine, chief contemp. Claude Boulard, pres; Lucile Boulard, gen Reseau des Appalaches. Format: Top-40, MOR. engr. sls mgr; Danielle Leggett, news dir; Robert Therriault. Lucie Fillion, gen & prom mgr; Alain Campagnat, prog chief engr. dir; Michel Brochu, mus & news dir. Hull Maniwaki CKCH(AM) -June 30, 1933: 970 khz; 10 kw -D, 5 La Malbaie kw -N, DA -1. 72 Laval St. (J8X 3H3). (819) 777 -2771. CBOF -1(AM)-Oct 22, 1973: 990 khz; 40 w, DA -1. CKCH Radio Ltee. (acq 7- 1 -70). Group owner: CBV -FM- 6-92.9 mhz; 820 w. Box 6000, Montreal 1500 Bronson, Ottawa, Ont. (514) 285 -2201. CBC Telemedia. Format: MOR. Pierre Beland, pres; Yvon (H3C 3A8). (514) 285 -3211. CBC. Montreal. Net: CBC AM. Fortin, gen mgr; Michel Lafortune, gen sis mgr; Michel Guitard, prog & mus dir; Andre Pichette, news dir; CHGA -FM-1980: 97.3 mhz; 2.877 kw. 335 rue du Marc Germain, chief engr. Couvet. Radio Communautaire Type B. Format: MOR. L'Annonciation Agathe Quevillon LaFreniere, pres; Lise LeMay, gen CIMF -FM-Co -owned with CKCH(AM). Jan 1, 1970: mgr; Jacques Bedard, gen sls mgr; Sylvie Geoffrion, 94.9 mhz; 74 kw. Ant 1,077 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from CKLR(AM) -1975: 1490 khz; 1 kw -U. 332 De La prog & mus dir, prom mgr; Nicole Girard, news dir; AM. 150 Rue Edmonton (J8Y 3S6). (819) 770 -2463. Madone, Mt. Laurier (J9L 1R9). Radio Mont Laurier Andre Bonneau, chief engr. Format: MOR. De La Durantaye, mgr. Jean gen Ltee. (acq 3- 27 -82). Net: Telemedia. Formal: Div. Andre Dumoulin, pres, gen mgr, gen sls & prom mgr; Louise St. Pierre, prog & mus dir; Raymond Couture, Matane Iles- de -la- Madeleine news dir; Gilles Duval, chief engr. CBGA(AM)-1250 khz; 10 kw -N, 5 kw -N, DA -N. 155 CBIM -FM -93.5 mhz; 4.5 kw. Ant 670 ft. CBC. St. Sacrement St., Box 2000 (G4W 3P7). (418) Rebroadcasts CBGA(AM) Matane. La Sarre 562 -0290. CBC. (acq 9- 1 -72). Format: MOR. Jaques D. Landry, gen mgr; Bertrand Emond, prog dir; Claude Roy, news dir. CKLS(AM)-Sep 1, 1950: 1240 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. Joliette 122, 5e Avenue Est (J9Z 211). (819) 733-5505. Telex: CHRM(AM)-April 13, 1975: 1290 khz; 10 kw-U, DA -2. 057 -45626. Radio Nord Inc. Group owner: Radio Nord 800 Avenue du Phare Ouest (G4W 1V7). (418) Inc. Net: CBC AM. Audio news: SBN. Rep: Warren. 562-4141. Les Communications Matane Inc. Net: CJLM(AM) -April 1960: 1350 khz; 10 kw-D, 1 kw-N, Format MOR. Jean-Joff re Gourd, pres; Denis Radiomutuel. Rep: Target. Format: MOR. Spec prog: DA -2. 854, Rue Papineau. (J6E 2L5). (514) 759-0772. Langlois, gen mgr; Jacques Therrien, gen sls mgr; C &W 6 hrs wkly. Roger Dion, pres; Kenneth Gagne, Radio Inter -cite (1978) Division CAM. Net: Radiomu- Gilles Gauvin, news dir; Jean -Guy Langeuin, chief gen mgr; Andre Anderson, gen mgr; tuel. Rep: All Canada. Format: MOR. Louis Delisle, sls & prom engr. Charles LePage, prog news dir; Pierre Perreault, pres & gen mgr; Jacques Belair, gen sls mgr; Jacques & mus dir; Michel Chouinard, Levesque, prog dir; Christian Barrette, mus dir; Yvon chief engr. Frechette, news dir; Pierre Cardin, chief engr. La Tuque Mont Laurier Jonquiere CFLM(AM) -Oct 3, 1959: 1240 khz; 1 kw -U, DA -2. Box 850, 529 St -Louis (G9X 3P6). (819) 523 -4575. CKML(AM )-May 19, 1963: 610 khz; 1 kw -U. 332 De Radio Haute Mauricle Inc. (acq 1983). Net: CBC, La Madone (J9L 1R9). (819) 623 -1010. Radio Mont CKRS(AM)-June 23, 1947: 590 khz; 10 kw -D, 5 kw-N, Telemedia. Rep: Target, Radio Unie. Format: Var. Laurier Ltee. (acq 3- 27 -82). Net: Telemedia. Format: DA -2. 2455 rue Cantin (G7X 7V8). (418) 695 -2577. Rejean Leclerc, pres & gen mgr & prog dir; Guy Ethier, Contemp. Andre Dumoulin, pres, gen mgr, gen sls Radio-Saquenay Ltee. Net: Mutuel. Format: Adult gen sls mgr; Renee Charest, mus dir; Rejean Harvey, & prom mgr; Louise St. Pierre, prog & mus dir; contemp. Michel Baribeau, pres; Jean Langevin, news dir; Yvon Simard, chief engr. Raymond Couture, news dir; Gilles Duval, chief engr. gen mgr & prog dir; Yves Vincent, gen sls mgr; Francoise Boivin, mus dir; Michel Desmeules, news dir; Danie Dufour, tech dir. CHOC -FM-Not on air, target date unknown: 92.5 Laval Montmagny mhz; 423 w. Radio Communautaire de Jonquiere Inc. CFGL-FM- September 1968: 105.7 mhz; 100 kw. CKBM(AM) -Jan 31, 1954: 1490 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 Stereo. 2830 St. -Martin Blvd. (H7E 5A9). (514) 664- w-N, DA -1. c/o Jean -Germain Huot, 250 Boul. Charest 1500. Stereo Laval Inc. Rep: Standard Bcst. Format: Est. Quebec City (G1A 3H5). Radio CKBM Inc. Net: Kahnawake MOR. Roland Saucier, pres; Yves Saucier, gen mgr; Tele- Media. Rep: Tele- Capitale Unicorn. Format: MOR. Jean Saucier, gen sls mgr; Jacques Charles Gilliot, Louis Paquin, pres; Pierrette Roy, gen mgr; Gilles CKRK-FM -March 31, 1981: 103.5; 50 w. Ant 75 ft. prog dir; Michel Lambert, mus dir; Pierre Houde, mktg Vallieres, coml & prom mgr; Manuel Marsan, mus dir; Stereo. Box 1035 (JOL 1B0). (514) 638 -1313. Kahna- dir; Jean Guy Gibault, chief engr. Pierre Laberge, news dir; Yves Hamel, chief engr. wake Broadcasting System. Format: Div, Mohawk. CKLM(AM) -Licensed to Lavai. See Montreal. Spec prog: Class 1 hr, jazz 1 hr wkly. Melvin Diabo, pres; Eugene J. Diabo Jr, gen mgr: John O'Conner, Montreal gen sls mgr; Dave Bush, mus dir; Nathalie Norton, prom mgr; Pat LaPierre, news dir; Pierre Gervais, chief Levis engr. CBF(AM )-1937: 690 khz; 50 kw -U. Box 6000 (H3C 3A8). (514) 285 -3211. Telex: 05- 267417. CBC. Format: CFLS(AM)-Decernber 1967: 920 khz; 10 kw -U. Box Talk, div. A.W. Johnson, pres; Raymond David, VP 2000, 5 East Trans Canada (G6V 6P5). (418) 833- & gen mgr, Jean Blais, dir of radio; Paul M. Lapointe. Lac Etchemin 2151. Radio Etchemin Inc. (acq 9- 1971). Format: Top-40. Rene Coulombe, pres; Pierre Picard, gen CBF -FM -1947: 100.7 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 823 ft. Stereo. mgr; Herue Lapointe. chief engr. Prog sep from AM. CBFT(TV) affil. CIRB(AM) -October 16, 1977: 1240 khz; 1 kw -U. C.P. 100, St. Georges de Beauce. (418) 625 -1240. Radio CBM(AM)-(Eng) 1933: 940 khz; 50 kw -U. Box 6000 Beauce Inc. Net: CBC. Rep: Tele Capital Unicorn. (H3C 3A8). (514) 285 -3211. Canadian Broadcasting Format: MOR. Jules Venne, pres & gen mgr; Jean LG4 Corp. Ray Chaisson rgnl dir(Eng); Ronald Laplante, Paul Veilleux, coml mgr; Dennis Lacombe, prog dir; Eng radio dir; David Ryan, mus consultant; Bill Akerley, Leopold Levesque, mus dir; Jacques Petit, news dir; New FM-Not on air, target date unknown: 100.1 news dir; Guy Gougeon, chief engr mhz; Rene Berube, chief engr. 583 w. Club Social La Grande. CBM- FM -(Eng) 1947: 93.5 mhz; 24.6 kw. Ant 823 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. CBMT(TV) affil. CFCF(AM) -(Eng) November 1919: 600 khz; 5 kw -U, Lachute Longueuil DA -1. 405 Ogilvy Ave. (H3N 1M4). (514) 273 -5141. Telex: (514) Inc. 7-72). Rep: CIEL -FM -April 9, 1977: 98.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 623 ft. 05- 826638. CFCF (acq Nkstern Bcst Sls. Audio news: News Radio Audio. CJLA(AM)-Dec 1, 1974: 630 khz; 500 w -D, 1 kw -N, Stereo. 89 Quest. rue St Charles (J4H 105). (514) DA -2. 385 Rue Principale (J8H 1Y1). (514) 562 -8862. 527 -8321. Radio CIEL Inc. Rep: Major Mkt, Mediarep. Format: Adult contemp. Jean A. Pouliot, pres; David Radio Lachute(1980) Inc. (acq 1- 2 -80). Rep: Radio Format: MOR. Spec prog: Jazz 2 hrs wkly. Stephan A. Middleton, VP & gen mgr; Mike Hetu, gen sls mgr; Unie -Target. Audio news: BN. Format: MOR. Spec Venne, pres, Michel Jasmin, gen mgr; Jean -Marc Eric Young, prom mgr; Frank McCormick, news dir; Mike Eccles, chief engr. CFCF-N; CFJP -TV affil. prog: Farm 1 hr wkly. Guy Vaillanecourt, pres & gen Gagnon, coml mgr; Pierre Lapointe, prog & mus dir; mgr; Levis Clement, gen sls mgr; Alain Trochet, prog Alain Tanguay, prom mgr: Jacques -Andre Gervais, CFOR-FM-Co -owned with CFCF(AM). November dir; Raymond Nantel, mus dir; Jules Champagne, news dir; Jean -Guy Gibeau, chief engr. 1966: 92.5 mhz; 41.4 kw. Ant 979 ft. Prog sep from Broadcasting Cablecasting Yearbook 1987 B-344 .
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