1 ANNUAL REPORT (April 2018 – March 2019) APR SUMMARY 1. Training Programmes Clientele No. of Courses Male Female Total participants Farmers & farm women 55 490 674 1164 Rural youths 5 47 43 90 Extension functionaries 3 41 26 67 Sponsored Training 11 73 89 162 Vocational Training 2 3 37 40 Total 76 654 869 1523 2. Frontline demonstrations Enterprise No. of Farmers Area (ha) Units/Animals Oilseeds - - - Pulses - - - Cereals 30 12.00 - Vegetables 20 4.04 - Other crops 60 20.40 - Total 110 36.44 - Livestock & Fisheries - - - Other enterprises 10 - 10 Total 120 36.44 10 Grand Total 120 36.44 10 3. Technology Assessment & Refinement Category No. of Technology No. of Trials No. of Farmers Assessed & Refined Technology Assessed Crops 8 40 40 Livestock 1 3 3 Various enterprises 1 5 5 Total 10 48 48 Technology Refined Crops - - - Livestock - - - Various enterprises - - - Total - - - Grand Total 10 48 48 KVK-Kanyakumari-APR-2018-19 2 Extension Programmes Category No. of Programmes Total Participants Extension activities 604 4335 Other extension activities 54 Mass coverage Total 4. Mobile Advisory Services Type of Messages Name of Livest Wea Marke- Aware Other Total Message Type Crop KVK ock ther ting -ness enterprise Text only 17 2 - - 5 3 27 Kanyak Voice only umari Voice & Text both Total 27 17 2 - - - - Messages Total farmers 57987 6822 - - 17055 10233 92097 Benefitted 5. Seed & Planting Material Production 3 Quintal/Number Value Rs. Seed (q) Paddy TPS-5 seed 34.70 Q 88320.00 Planting material (No.) CO-5 fodder sets 11777 Nos. 7066.00 Guinea sets 7150 Nos. 7150.00 Bio-Products (kg) Pseudomonas talc formulation 3.49 Q 38080.00 Mushroom bed spawn 126 Nos. 6300.00 Coconut tonic 4381 Nos. 43810.00 (200 ml pkt) Livestock Production (No.) - - Fishery production (No.) - - Others Azola 0.015Q 210.00 Fodder grass 275Q 5500.00 Maize cob 98 Nos. 490.00 KVK-Kanyakumari-APR-2018-19 3 6. Soil, water & plant Analysis Samples No. of Beneficiaries Value Rs. Soil 285 21600 Water - - Plant - - Total 285 21600 7. HRD and Publication Sr. No. Category Number 1 Workshops 4 2 Conferences 2 3 Meetings 39 4 Trainings for KVK officials 12 5 Visits of KVK officials 151 6 Book published 1 7 Training Manual 2 8 Book chapters - 9 Research papers - 10 Lead papers - 11 Seminar papers 2 12 Extension folder 4 13 Proceedings 1 14 Award & recognition 1 15 On going research projects 1 KVK-Kanyakumari-APR-2018-19 4 DETAIL REPORT OF ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2018-19 1. GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE KVK 1.1. Name and address of KVK with phone, fax and e-mail Address Telephone E mail Office FAX ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra 04652 -275758 04652 -275758 [email protected] Tamil Nadu Agricultural 04652 -275759 University Thirupathisaram – 629 901 Kanyakumari District Tamil Nadu 1.2 .Name and address of host organization with phone, fax and e-mail Address Telephone E mail Office FAX The Registrar 0422-2431222 0422-2431672 [email protected] Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Coimbatore-641 003. 1.3. Name of the Programme Coordinator with phone & mobile No Name Telephone / Contact Residence Mobile Email Dr.K.Thirukumaran - 9842562975 [email protected] 1.4. Year of sanction : 22.05.2004 KVK-Kanyakumari-APR-2018-19 5 1.5. Staff Position (as on 30 March, 2019) Pay Categ Scale ory Prese Perman- Sl. (Rs.) (SC/ Sanctioned Name of the Design- nt Date of ent No Discipline ST/ post incumbent ation basic joining /Temp- . OBC/ (Rs.) orary Other s) 1 Programme Dr. Assistant Agronomy 15600 – 31120 14.03.19 Permanent OBC Coordinator K.Thirukumaran Professor 39100 + 8000 2 Subject Dr. K. Kavitha Assistant Plant 15600 – 28640 28.08.16 Permanent OBC Matter Professor Pathology 39100 Specialist + 8000 3 Subject Assistant Food 15600 – 28640 06.04.16 Permanent OBC Matter Dr. Cissie Theeblyn Professor Science and 39100 David Specialist Nutrition + 8000 4 Subject Dr. R. Latha Assistant Plant 15600 – 28640 03.03.16 Permanent OBC Matter Professor Breeding 39100 Specialist and + 8000 Genetics 5 Subject Dr.S.Nazreen Assistant Agrl. 15600 – 27600 12.03.19 Permanent OBC Matter Hassan Professor Extension 39100 Specialist + 7000 6 Subject Dr. S. Santheepan Training Agronomy 32000 32000 08.03.18 Temporary SC Matter Assistant Specialist 7 Subject Dr. P. Prasanna Training Horticulture 36000 36000 11.10.18 Temporary OBC Matter Kumar Assistant Specialist 8 Programme Tmt. K.R. Sudha Prog. Asst. Agrl. 35900 – 55800 04.06.07 Permanent OBC Assistant (Tech.) Extension 113500 9 Computer Mr. V. Sivaraman Prog. Asst. Computer 35900 – 49600 08.12.08 Permanent OBC Programmer (Comp.) Science 113500 10 Farm Mr. R. Rajesh Farm Horticulture 35900 – 55800 08.05.15 Permanent OBC Manager Kannan Manager 113500 11 Accountant / Mr. T. Arulmuthu Jr. Asst. 19500 – 32200 30.07.14 Permanent OBC Superintend 62000 ent 12 Stenographe Mrs. R. Sumathi Jr. Asst. 19500 – 19500 22.01.18 Temporary SC r cum typist 62000 13 Driver Th. G. Jayasekaran Driver 35400 – 50500 01.05.04 Permanent SC 112400 14 Driver Vacant 15 Supporting Tmt. R. Parvathi PUSM 15700 - 17200 10.04.15 Permanent SC staff 50000 16 Supporting Tmt. R. PUSM 15700 - 17200 10.04.15 Permanent OBC staff Shanmugasundaram 50000 KVK-Kanyakumari-APR-2018-19 6 1.6. Total land with KVK (in ha) : 18.67 ha S. No. Item Area (ha) 1 Under Buildings 606 m2 2. Under Demonstration Units 1.42 3. Under Crops 7.25 4. Orchard/Agro-forestry 0.4 5. Others (specify) 7.01 - Building, Farm roads and pond 1.7. Infrastructural Development: A) Buildings Source Stage of Complete Incomplete S. funding Plinth Plinth No Name of building Completio Status of area Expenditur Startin area . n constructio (Sq.m e (Rs.) g Date (Sq.m Date n ) ) 1. Administrative ICAR 22.01.201 606 67,50,600 - - - Building 4 M2 2. Farmers Hostel 3. Staff Quarters 1 to 6 Nil 4. Demonstration Units 1. IFS ICAR- 2013-18 - - - - - Vermicomposting RF unit Azolla Poultry Fodder 2. Roof top Garden ICAR- 2018-19 RF 3. Spawn Production ICAR- 2016-17 RF 4. Bio control ICAR- 2016-17 production unit RF (Pseudomonas) 5. Bee keeping ICAR- 2018-19 ASCI 5 Fencing Nil 6 Rain Water harvesting Nil system 7 Threshing floor Under progress 8 Farm godown Nil KVK-Kanyakumari-APR-2018-19 7 B) Vehicles Type of vehicle Year of purchase Cost (Rs.) Total kms. run Present status Mahindra – Bol- 2017 7,40,478 28339 Good ZLX Two wheeler - 2009 46,193 41200 Good Hero Honda splendor Two wheeler - 2009 47,875 30734 Good Honda activa Tractor-Massey 2002 2,66,527 987 hours Good Ferguson 1035 Trailer-Two Wheel 2002 67,000 - Good Tipping C) Equipments & AV aids Name of the equipment Year of purchase Cost (Rs.) Present status CCTV Camera 2019 85,204.00 Good Mini Soil Testing Kit (2 Nos.) 2017 1,72,000.00 Good RO water purification system 2017 19,500.00 Good Horizontal Laminar air flow cabinet 2017 28,783.00 Good Electronic Weighing Balance 2017 4,750.00 Good 1.5 KVA UPS 2017 14,500.00 Good UPS Batteries (12V x 26A) 16 Nos. 2017 47,981.00 Good Multi functional Digital Copier with 2017 Good 75,477.00 Printer Biometric Attendance System 2017 11,800.00 Good LC D Projector 2017 34,000.00 Good Public Address System 2017 34,986.00 Good Digital Camera 2017 9,750.00 Good Soil Testing Kit 2016 75,000.00 Good Banana fibre extractor 2011 50,000.00 Good Paddy Power Weeder 2011 32,531.00 Good Fax machine 2009 15,000.00 Good Computer 2009 31,900.00 Good LCD Projector 2006 61,230.00 Good Laptop 2006 38,700.00 Good Drum seeder 2006 4,700.00 Good Coconut climber 2006 2,500.00 Good Cono weeder 2006 2,360.00 Good Digital camera 2006 18,500.00 Good KVK-Kanyakumari-APR-2018-19 8 HP Scanner 2005 3,237.00 Not working Toshiba E-Studio 160 digital copier 2005 Not working 71,400.00 cum printer Spectrophotometer 2004 75,072.00 Good Flame photometer 2004 36,720.00 Good Physical balance 2004 1,15,000.00 Good Water distillation Still 2004 26,118.00 Good Kjeldahl digestion and distillation 2004 24,589.00 Good Shaker 2004 44,077.00 Good Refrigerator 2004 15,750.00 Good Grinder 2004 11,582.00 Good Khelplus 2004 1,48,086.00 Good UPS 2004 10,250.00 Good Soil storage cabin 2004 37,496.00 Good 1.8. A). Details of SAC meeting* conducted in the year Sl.No. Date No of Salient Recommendations Participants 1. 08.03.2019 38 1. Undertake location specific intercropping system/ multitier cropping for Coconut and Rubber (Proposed by: Mr. Ashok Macrin, Deputy Director of Horticulture, Nagercoil) 2. Popularize high yielding VBN6 Blackgram under Rice fallow condition in Kanaykumari district (Proposed by: Mr. G. Manoharan, Joint Director of Agriculture, Nagercoil) 3. The newly released CTCRI varieties of tapioca viz., Sree Jaya, Sree Vijaya and Sree Pavithra shall be assessed for Kanyakumari district (Proposed by: Dr. H. Kesavakumar, Scientist, Nematology, ICAR- CTCRI, Thiruvanathapuram) 4. Popularize the CTCRI bioformulations viz., Nanma, Menma and Shreya for pest management (Proposed by: Dr. H. Kesavakumar, Scientist, Nematology, ICAR- CTCRI, Thiruvanathapuram) KVK-Kanyakumari-APR-2018-19 9 5. Arrange an exposure visit to CTCRI, Thiruvanathapuram incubation centre for the benefit of farmers interested in tapioca value addition (Proposed by: Dr. M. Jawaharlal, Director of Extension Education, TNAU, Coimbatore) 6. Scientists of CTCRI, Thiruvananthapuram to be invited as resource person for trainings at KVK (Proposed by: Dr. M. Jawaharlal, Director of Extension Education, TNAU, Coimbatore).
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