AROOSTOOK TIMES SHIRE TOWN OF April 13, 1860 To AROOSTOOK COUNTY HOULTON TIMES December 27, 1916 HOULTON, MAINE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1917 NO. 40 VOL. LVII. _5f*Or Library rm nrtrfY WILL ORGANIZE HOW TO KNIT FOR RED CROSS Miss Newell, who has charge of the STATE MILITIA Womans' work, at the recent meet­ Following visits to Washington by Q ing <>t Red Cross workers in Boston, Governor Mllliken and Adjutant Gen­ TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY , N o . said. Knit m your own way, if it is eral George McL Presson, plans have PRINTING, PUBLISHING a good way 1 her*.' <an in* no stand­ $ been put into immediate operation for h ardization in knitting Changes in an entirely new National Guard infan H C'. ' «• rules are not to make experienced H o u l t o n . M a i n e try regiment in Maine. This regiment knitters conform, but to simplify the will be made up of anyone who will W/, work for beginners. Do not attempt A ' / § V. c b.v be accepted between the ages of IS * : vU : C p Pa y t o the: to change needles. Those that have and 45 years, the statutory limit. t- A. ->* ...................... been used are still good and there is I ORDER OF: .... As the first step towards the organi­ no need to buy others. The earlier sation of this new regiment a bat­ directions are still good and may be talion will be created under the com­ .«mV> TWO SOU A TO FIFTY Y<-Xv J y lollowed by anyone accustomed to mand of a major to be brought into them. There is no one invariable instant use as a mobile force for the way of making knitted articles. Use whole state. This battalion will con­ TO TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY your judgment. Any article that is sist of four companies recruited to HOULTON TRUST COMPANY warm, wearable and large enough can 100 men each, to be located at Port­ be used. Do not change the patterns land, Lewiston or Auburn, Augusta 52*106 HOULTON, MAINE of sweaters, helmets and socks mere­ and Bangor. With this as a nucleus ly because there are a new set of the building up of the other bat­ directions. Urge that articles be talions will be started and also the made by dimensions in inches rather creation of a machine gun company, FAC SIMILE OF FIRST CHECK FOR TOBACCO FUND than by stitches.” headquarters company and a supply Sweaters should measure about 18 company to make 15 companies in TrkD k r r r i crkD nilD garettes. retails at 20 cents. inches across, never less than 17 the regiment. TOBACCO FOR OUR Three packages Bull Durham cigar­ inches. Socks should be numbers 10, The new National Guard force will BOYS OVER THERE ette tobacco, retails at 15 cents. 11 and 12, never smaller than 10 when he qrmed and thoroughly equipped by Comfort kits have been packed and Three books Bull Durham ( igar- washed and shrunk. Finished socks the federal government and will be most everything provided for Uncle ette papers. should be sewed together in pairs with olftcered by men of military experience j Sam’s heroes. One tin Tuxedo tobacco, retails at a contrasting thread so that they may in either state or federal service. This j But there's one thing that’s going be ripped apart easily. Wristers also regiment will be under direct federal to play a large part in the winning of >oks Tuxedo cigarette papers, should come in sewed together. The control, but will not be In the federal this wTar, we don’t dare overlook. ould cost 45 cents. thumb-holes of the wristers should service until called. With everything provided for the 1 company proposes to furn- not be too small. Many sent in have Assurances have been received by boys, it may look like, but it isn't, a i a iH'iii. air tight carton, for not been large enough for a man’s the W ar Department that it is the pol­ “vacation trip ”, as a Civil war veteran just two bits. thumb, and in many the thumb-holes icy of the federal government in the of this city put it. ited States government has have been too near the top of the creation of the new National Guard Let’s get down to business. Here’s d the arrangement and will wrister. units to keep them as long as pos- the idea. Boys through the dreary cartons to the front free of In the army lightweight sweaters sible wholly for police service in their nights and drone-like days in the The French government will of good wool are preferred to very states of organization. Their duties | trenches will need smokes. If you’ve admit the tobacco duty- heavy ones. will not only be to perform police never smoked, of course you can t ap­ free. A return postal i But a naval officer, writing from functions and quell riots but to repel preciate this, but there are times when card is enclosed in -3ach ■ on board ship says that his men need foreign invasion should the occasion a smoke is almost as necessary for the package, so taat every heavy sweaters with long sleeves and demand it. preservation of mind and body as air. contributor will re- collars, also mittens. Gray will be Particularly is this true when under M «n of the military draft age who ceivea a personal accepted by the navy All knitted great nerve strain. There’ll be a lot have not bean called for service In acknowledgment socks are sent abroad; the govern* of that. the national army will be eligible to his gift. You will ment supplies the men in this coun- enlist in the new regiment. If they The TIMES has taken the matter up treasure this message j try with machine-made socks. Scarf® are eubaegueatly called under the draft in Houlton and have sflready sent 44 from the trenches jare not needed now, but sweaters. packages across the water and gives ’ helmets and wristers are needed in they wiH be discharged from the state Everybody wants to organisation and mustered into the weekly a list of those who feel for the W H AT EACH PAC KAGE CONTAINS unlimited quantities. The demand give a little Will you help make national army. Thoge men of the boys without a smoke. This contri­ for wristers is immediate and cannot bution of money, space and time is this a success by doing your bit, leav­ draft age who unite with the Nation­ this cause. The American Tobacco Company be filled. i ing your money at the TIMES office? al Guard unit will perform a double purely for patriotic reasons—the same beads have offered their vast establish­ what they will do. Provide— In knitting socks any style may be reason that you are going to give to service not only to themselves but to ments as tobacco commissaries Here’s Two packages of Lucky Strike ci- DO IT NOW. made, provided there are no hard their country. In other words, should seams at either heel or toe and no they be called under the draft they the homes of the new National Guard threads joined by tying. All threads And this instance is closely follow­ will have received more than a rudi­ companies. should be spliced. With yarn so ex­ ed by the erection in 24 hours of the mentary military instruction and will On his recent trip to Washington, The Magic City-Camp Devens pensive due regard should be had to P'red T. Ley Company's office build­ be able to take their places In the economy by not making sweaters or [Adjutant General Presson learned that The biggest construction project of the figures of progress to follow; The ing, a structure 36 feet by 306 feet national army without the necessity . the officials at the War Department New England has recentlv been eom- s(- ks unnecessarily long. Twenty- 6119 buildings whose completion was containing 23 division offices, 2 lava­ of under going a long period of pre- . were very anxious that a battalion of p]ete(1 at ramp ravens, Aver, Mass , three inches in sweaters, ten inches scheduled for September first were tories. receiving room and drafting paration such as has been found j engineers be organized in this state. by the Fred T j ey Co uiulf,r tho’ from the top to the point of begin- finished and ready for the troops, nacassary for the Increments of thejand Gen. Presson thinks that this can rooms with switch board installed. ; ning the heei in socks is enough. The direction of Captain Edward Canfield, about 20.000 having already arrived. The enlisted mens’ barracks are national army already called. These ; be accomplished. Canadians reinforce their stocking Jr., constructing Quartermaster, Frank two-story buildings of novelty sid­ mea will therefore stand a much bet- j ____________________ The building capacity has been at the heels by knitting in a thread of soft A. Barbour. Supervising Engineer and ing with tfm upper story serving as ter chance for non-commissioned and rate of one building every forty white knitting cotton with the wool. Skates on the Flour Barrel. the six divisions under the Engineer­ minutes, necessitating the daily de­ a dormitory with cots arranged in commissioned officers’ berths than It is recommended that partly worn If your flour barrel is hard to get nt ing Department, till headed with big livery of approximately Sou.nmi feet rows side by side.
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