Frat mnnay lose rush privileges Pi Lambda Phi accused of selling drugs, alcohol By Andrew L. Fish cause of harassment he received ty apparently encourages alcohol The Office of the Dean for Stu- from fraternity members. durlngj the pldgiUglll process. dent Affairs is considering sus- The complaints allege that fra- Block said he left the fraternity pending the rush privileges of Pi ternity members recreationally "under good terms." But he was Lambda Phi fraternity, which has use marijuana, cocaine, and ni- not compatible with the "Pi Lam been accused of using and selling trous oxide; also, a member or mentality" and their attitudes to- illegal drugs, selling alcohol ille- members of the fraternity sell ward drugs, alcohol, and women. gally, and engaging in illegal marijuana and cocaine, Block If the Dean's Office opts to bar pledging practices, according to said. PLP from housing freshmen next several sources. In addition, Pi Lambda Phi is year, it could have severe eco- But there is no indication that accused of operating a cash bar, nomic effects on the fraternity. MIT plans to involve legal au- which is illegal without a liquor Many independent living groups thorities in the case. license. Although several sources are currently facing financial dif- Although MIT policy prohibits said this practice is not uncom- ficulties because of the reduced the use, sale, or possession of mon at MIT fraternities, a house number of men at MIT. But to- any illegal drug, a 1985 Campus at the University of Massachu- tally eliminating an entire class Photo Courtesy MIT News Office Police pamphlet on drug use setts at Amherst recently had its from a house would probably The human powered Daedalus '88 completed a successful states that Campus Police "may charter suspended after several jeopardize the fraternity's future of the Aegean Sea last weekend. temperate discretion" ille- crossingWb::k N WA:L·;P'ft- use some members were charged with unless some sort of economic re- for some drug offenses. The goal gally selling alcohol. lief were available. of the Campus Police is "to solve The last charge involves the use IFC Chairman Jeffery M. Daedalus successfully problems, not create them," ac- of alcohol in pledge practices. Hornstein '89 could not be cording to a September 1987 While Block said nothing was reached to comment on the crosses Aegean Sea memo on drug use. forced upon pledges, the fraterni- charges or their impact. Pi Lambda Phi President Paul By Michael Gojer sideways to land into the wind if Davis '89 said he would not com- The MIT-engineered pedal- possible, it just really hovered mernt on the allegations "until MIT graduate freed powered plane Daedalus '88 set above the beach until the winds [Associate Dean for Student A.f- new world records for distance snapped the tail boom, causing fairs James R.] Tewhey makes his from Sri Lankean jail and endurance early Saturday the plane to collapse." ruling." By Niraj S. Desai "He's very thin, but he's in morning in a successful 74-mile The breakup of the craft was When contacted yesterday, Te- Two years after being arrested, good health," Fischbach said. flight across the Aegean Sea. "extremely spectacular" from an whey refused to comment on the Ramanujam Manikkalingarm '85 "He sounds great.... [He has] Eased along by a slight tail engineer's point of view, Drela allegations or any pending ruling. was released from a Sri Lankan the same sense of humor," she wind during the flight from Crete said. According to professor Ste- The charges were made in prison on Friday, according to added. to the island of Santorirni, the ven Bussolari '80, director of three complaints to the Dean's Kathryn F. Fischbach G, a friend Manikkalirngam was released fragile craft came within 10 yards flight operations for the project, Office; the first was filed at the of his. under the terms of a peace ac- of the shore for its landing when "the wings folded straight up and end of February or the beginning A native of Sri Lanka, Mblanik- cord designed to end Sri Lanka's a wind gust brought it to a hover- the aircraft sank unceremoni- of March, according to Mark kalingam is presently in Colombo civil war, Fischlbach siUd. -I ing standstill and then snapped ously into the water 10 meters Block '90, one of the complain- and is unsure of his future plans, Arrested under the Prevention the plane's tail boom - causing from shore." ants. Block, who left PLP after according to Fischbach, who of Terrorism Act, Manikkalin- Daedalus and its pilot, Greek na- The fuselage was towed to land his freshman year, said he only spoke with him on the telephone gam disappeared from his home 27, 1986. tional cycling champion Kanellos (Please turn to page 15) made his complaint recently be- Sunday. in Colombo on March ac- Kanellopoulos, to fall 10 feet into The Sri Lankan government of being a member of the sea. cused him et figures Vikalpa Karnmdayama, a Marxist Kanellopoulos was uninjured FinBoard releases budgi By Annabelle Boyd the office of the UA president - of its funds in a trimester, that group with ties to the Eelam Peo- and quickly swam free of the over" into the Liberation The Undergraduate Associ- received about $32,000 out of a money is "rolled ples Revolutionary plane to meet a considerable trimester's pool. ation Finance Board allocated al- total $76,000 allocated, compris- next Front. crowd. As part of the total allocation, Manikkalingam was held with- most half of its 1987-88 funds to ing 43 percent of the budget. the UA received $13,213 for "of- out charge for nearly a year, and A gentle crash landing student government committees, In past years, the percentage of allocated to UA groups has fice sulpplies" - a catch-all fund was never brought to trial. Professor Mark Drela '82, the according to figures released by funds varied widely, according to Dean for operating expenses, according Manikkalingam is a member of senior aeronautical engineer for FinBoard Chairman Darian C. S. Ebesu '89, former FinBoard to UA President Jonathan N. the Tamil ethnic religious minor- the project, explained to the MIT Hendricks '89. This is the first Every four months, Katz '90. "It is necessary for the ity in Sri Lanka. Some Tamil News Office that there were fairly time the yearly budget break- chairman. FinBoard allocates money - re- JUA to lump all of its operating groups, including the EPRLF, strong winds parallel to the beach down has been released to the ceived annually from the ODSA costs under the office supplies have fought for the creation of a as Daedalus approached for its public, he said. from surplus funds category because the nature and separate Tamil state in the north- "Initially the plane was Eleven of the UA groups - in- or obtained landing. a amount of those costs can change ern and eastern regions of the is- the cluding the UA Council, the -to student activities. When coming in straight on to unexpectedly," Katz said. land. Before the peace accord Evaluation Guide, and student group does not use up all beach," he said, "but as it swung Course was signed last August, Tamil office Also, the UA president's rebels - who are Hindu like iol chan ges received $2090. That fund is used DorrnCon opposes alcoo their kin in southern India - had Having 10-20 TIPS-trained stu- for ad hoc committees, special By Michael Gojer they have considered requiring all received considerable support dents in each dormitory could projects - such as student din- The Dormitory Council stated alcohol events with less than 100 from India in their struggle definitely make an impact on ners -and unanticipated expen- Buddhist last week that it "opposed any al- participants to register along with against the Sinhalese dormitory parties, Fienman said. ditures, Katz said. Former UA cohol policy change aimed at larger ones, which already must majority in Sri Lanka. The TIPS program teaches stu- President Manuel Rodriguez '89 agreed to by strict regulation of small, living- be registered. The peace accord, dents intervention techniques for added that this fund had not R. group oriented events," as such DormCon said in the letter Sri Lankan President Julius preventing alcohol related acci- been entirely used up during his regulation will tend to "drive that it supports the Undergrad- Jayewardene and Indian Prime uate Association's proposed poli- dents. tenure. Minister Rajiv Gandhi, calls for them underground." The com- officers have had so many cy on party registration, which The DormCon letter also ar- UA merging Sri Lanka's predomi- ments were made in a letter ad- they have would not require the smaller gues against "any policy directed duties in the past that nantly Tamil ilorthern and east- dressed to Director of Residence had the time to establish an events to register. at placing the burden ol liability not ern provinces under a semi- and Campus Activities James R. the UA of- and supervisory responsibility of itemized budget for autonomous council. Gandhi Tewlhey and Campus Activities to sponsor DormCon social events on the shoulders of fice, Katz added. Since it can be a agreed to deny the rebels bases in Director Barbara M. Fienman. TIPS training the Fin- the Graduate and Faculty Resi- "conflict of interest" for India and to station Indian In the letter, DormCon out- to advise the DormCon will allocate $1500 dents of the dormitories," saying Board Chairman troops in Sri Lanka to police the lined measures aimed at further- financial matters, Katz from its budget next year to their role as counselors would be UA on its ceasefire.
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