November 7, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8583 minute and to revise and extend her re- for 1 minute and to revise and extend ing patriotism and willingness to serve marks.) his remarks.) and sacrifice above self. How noble for Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, what Mr. SCHRADER. Mr. Speaker, I rise liberty’s cause, yet too many veterans, happens if Congress goes nuts on tax today to share the story of Marco, a upon their return from service, endure cuts without paying for them? DREAMer in Portland, Oregon, and to long wait-times at VA health facilities. Kansas, which did just that, has now continue to urge Speaker RYAN to put That is why I have developed a bill had to raise State taxes back to where forth a clean Dream Act bill. that would reduce the VA physician they were, providing a valuable object In 1995, Marco was brought to the shortage, which is estimated to be lesson for Congress right now: tax cuts United States when he was only 3 years about 5,000. about ideology, not economics, do not old. As a teenager with dreams of going Our VET MD Act would address this work. to college, Marco realized he didn’t by allowing pre-med students to par- Yet Republicans seem to be taking a qualify for financial aid because of his ticipate in organized clinical observa- page out of the Kansas tax cuts, au- immigration status, but he did not tions at VA medical centers. Future thored by Governor Sam Brownback, allow this to deter him. Instead, Marco physicians will have exposure to the that crushed that State’s economy. worked hard in various minimum wage VA healthcare system, and the VA will He promised tens of thousands of jobs jobs, allowing him the ability to attend create potential medical professionals. to fund the State’s schools. He guaran- college part-time. This is just one solution Congress teed a progrowth economy that would In 2012, after applying for DACA, should implement to address the VA pay for the tax cuts and then some. Marco was granted a work permit, physician shortage. It will help lead to Kansas did grow initially, but then making it possible for him to earn a decreased wait-times, better care, and lagged behind all the rest of the States. job with a law firm in Portland, where healthier outcomes. Now Brownback’s tax cuts have pro- he worked his way up from the mail- Our veterans dedicated their lives for duced new taxes for Kansas. room to be a legal assistant. His salary our country. We owe these honorable Let’s learn from Kansas, not become from the law firm enabled him to en- men and women better basic Kansas 2.0. roll in more classes and finally com- healthcare. f plete his bachelor’s degree in account- Mr. Speaker, on this Veterans Day, I GOP TAX SCAM ing. urge my colleagues to please join me. Marco now works as an accountant (Mr. NADLER asked and was given Let us affirm a commitment to action for an Oregon nonprofit that helps ben- permission to address the House for 1 for the men and women who have de- efit youth. minute and to revise and extend his re- fended our liberty and have lived the This President claims to want only words duty, honor, and country. marks.) the best. I have news for him: we al- Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, the Re- f ready have the best and brightest, and publicans are scamming America. They it is time we stopped treating them WE NEED FAIR AND STRONG are offering a facade of lowered taxes like second class citizens. HURRICANE RELIEF PACKAGES that you probably will never see in ex- Mr. Speaker, we need to pass a clean (Ms. MOORE asked and was given change for massive and permanent tax Dream Act bill. cuts for the wealthiest Americans and permission to address the House for 1 corporations. f minute and to revise and extend her re- And for what? VETERANS marks.) Ms. MOORE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to We are told the corporate and upper (Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Penn- highlight the continuing urgency of income tax cuts will result in more in- sylvania asked and was given permis- providing relief and recovery aid for vestment and greater economic sion to address the House for 1 minute Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, growth, which will yield more jobs and and to revise and extend his remarks.) more revenue for the country and high- Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Pennsyl- which were devastated by Hurricanes er wages for the middle class. vania. Mr. Speaker, this week we honor Irma and Maria. While U.S. efforts But this is bunk. They have run this America’s veterans, a group of men and have ramped up after a failed initial re- scam twice before. Reagan passed simi- women with unparalleled courage and sponse, we can and must do more. lar upper class tax cuts and told us the love of country. In Puerto Rico, some 70 shelters re- tax cuts would generate such economic We owe our veterans an eternal debt main open, access to safe drinking growth that they would pay for them- of gratitude. We made a promise to water is a problem, and there are doz- selves. look out for them in exchange for their ens of waterborne disease deaths. Near- What happened? promise to defend our freedom, but ly a third of hospitals are still running The national debt—accumulated gratitude is not enough. That is why I off generators, bridges remain de- from George Washington through am fighting to maximize the care stroyed, and many roads remain im- Jimmy Carter—went from $800 billion homeless veterans receive with my bill passable. Nearly 60 percent of the is- in 1980 to $4.3 trillion 12 years later, to improve reporting from our VA hos- land is without power. and growth was less than under Presi- pitals, to make sure no veteran, at any The news is not better for the Virgin dent Clinton. stage in life, falls through the cracks. Islands, where many still lack access George Bush’s tax cut turned an an- I also helped introduce the Patriot to cell service, power, and clean water. ticipated 10-year $5.65 trillion surplus Employer Act, which would give tax in- Officials estimate $5.5 billion is needed into a $10.63 trillion debt in 8 years. centives to American businessowners for the most essential needs there. And 3 or 4 years from now, Repub- who employ veterans. Mr. Speaker, there are less than 20 licans will use the $1.5 trillion to $2 Mr. Speaker, on behalf of Pennsylva- legislative days left on the House cal- trillion deficit this scam will create to nia’s 13th Congressional District, I endar. How can we be prioritizing tax say: Look at this massive deficit. We would like to thank all of our Nation’s cuts for the wealthy? Let’s put to- have to make savage cuts to Social Se- veterans for their service on this Vet- gether fair and strong hurricane relief curity, Medicare, education, and infra- erans Day and every day. packages for communities ravaged by structure. f these hurricanes, including those in That is what they are building in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. now. The Republicans are scamming VETERANS DAY f America, and we must reject this bill. (Ms. KAPTUR asked and was given CONFLICTS OF INTEREST OF SPE- f permission to address the House for 1 CIAL COUNSEL MUELLER AND b 1845 minute.) Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I rise in OTHERS IN THE PREVIOUS AD- WE NEED TO PASS A CLEAN honor of Veterans Day, which we will MINISTRATION DREAM ACT NOW observe this Saturday, November 11. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. (Mr. SCHRADER asked and was Each Veterans Day, we celebrate RUTHERFORD). Under the Speaker’s an- given permission to address the House America’s veterans for their unwaver- nounced policy of January 3, 2017, the VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:25 Nov 08, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00059 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K07NO7.112 H07NOPT1 H8584 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 7, 2017 gentleman from Arizona (Mr. BIGGS) is putable conflicts of interest that are malfeasance or active negligence. And recognized for 60 minutes as the des- present with Mr. Mueller and others at in those circumstances, we need fresh ignee of the majority leader. the Department of Justice. eyes and clear eyes to give the Amer- GENERAL LEAVE I join my colleague, the gentleman ican people confidence that our justice Mr. BIGGS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- from Arizona, in calling for Mr. system is, in fact, working for them. mous consent that all Members have 5 Mueller’s resignation or his firing. It is not only the Uranium One deal legislative days in which to revise and Moreover, we absolutely have to see that gives us a great deal to question. extend their remarks and include ex- the Department of Justice appoint a We also have this Fusion GPS dossier, traneous material on the topic of this special counsel to look into the Clinton which we have now learned that the Special Order. Foundation, the Uranium One deal, and Democratic Party was paying for. The The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there the Fusion GPS dossier that I will now Democratic Party was out paying peo- objection to the request of the gen- have the opportunity to discuss.
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