Stand: 16.12.2020 List of overseas stations Number Name of station Latitude Longitude Height (m) Country Observation Status above mean Period sea level (NN) 1 Alto-Catumbela 12°57' S 14°45' E 1220 Angola 1928 - 1936 to be processed 2 Benguela 12°35' S 13°25' E 10 Angola 1911 - 1912 not processed yet 3 Bom-Jesus 09°06' S 13°36' E not specified Angola 1911 - 1912 not processed yet 4 Caconda 13°44' S 15°02' E 1642 Angola 1888 - 1890 not processed yet 5 Caimbambo 13°01' S 14°01' E 730 Angola 1911 - 1912 not processed yet 6 Camilungu 09°29' S 15°31' E 880 Angola 1934 - 1938 not processed yet 7 Cassanha 09°51' S 14°51' E 900 Angola 1927 - 1937 not processed yet 8 Catengue 13°01' S 13°45' E 535 Angola 1911 - 1912 not processed yet 9 Cazengo 09°15' S 14°40' E not specified Angola 1911 - 1914 not processed yet 10 Chiloango 05°12' S 12°08' E not specified Angola 1911 - 1913 not processed yet 11 Chinchoxo 05°09' S 12°03' E 12 Angola 1874 - 1876 not processed yet 12 Chinganga 12°47' S 14°54' E 1300 Angola 1932 - 1938 to be processed 13 Chivundu 13°30' S 14°30' E 1500 Angola 1934 - 1938 to be processed 14 Coroteva 12°55' S 13°35' E not specified Angola 1911 not processed yet 15 Cubal 13°01' S 14°15' E 885 Angola 1911 - 1912 not processed yet 16 Cuma 12°48' S 15°03' E 1300 Angola 1911 - 1912 not processed yet 17 Gandu 13°27' S 14°45' E 1630 Angola 1925 - 1935 not processed yet 18 Gangu 10°00' S 14°54' E 1190 Angola 1934 - 1939 not processed yet 19 Gode-Wind 10°15' S 14°55' E 1050 Angola 1928 - 1932 to be processed 20 Huilla 15°03' S 13°32' E 1700 Angola 1896 - 1898 not processed yet 21 Kowale 12°54' S 14°37' E 1260 Angola 1932 - 1939 to be processed 22 Loanda 08°50' S 13°15' E 59 Angola 1879 - 1908 to be processed 23 Lobito 12°20' S 13°32' E 10 Angola 1932 - 1939 to be processed Seite 1 von 109 Stand: 16.12.2020 List of overseas stations Number Name of station Latitude Longitude Height (m) Country Observation Status above mean Period sea level (NN) 24 Lubango 14°49' S 13°30' E 1785 Angola 1896 - 1898, not processed yet 1913 - 1914 25 Lumbungu 11°59' S 15°05' E 1560 Angola 1932 - 1936, to be processed 1938 - 1939 26 Lundungo 07°31'54" S 16°20'09" E 1200 Angola 1930 - 1939 to be processed 27 Luquisa 12°55' S 15°38' E 1500 Angola 1932 - 1939 to be processed 28 Malange 09°33' S 16°38' E 1125 Angola 1879 - 1881, not processed yet 1913 - 1914 29 Mapembe 09°16' S 15°10' E 1000 Angola 1932 - 1939 to be processed 30 Montes-Herminios 08°36' S 14°36' E 800 Angola 1928 - 1940 not processed yet 31 Mossamedes 15°12' S 12°09' E 20 Angola 1913 not processed yet 32 Mukozo 09°20' S 15°04' E 900 Angola 1931 - 1934 not processed yet 33 Namakunde 17°18' S 15°51' E not specified Angola 1915 - 1916 not processed yet 34 Ndalla-Tando 09°13' S 15°04' E 695 Angola 1918 - 1928 to be processed 35 Ndanga 10°19' S 14°43' E 850 Angola 1926 - 1939 to be processed 36 Noqui 05°52' S 13°29' E 20 Angola 1913 - 1914 not processed yet 37 Novo-Mincho 08°33' S 14°26' E 750 Angola 1929 - 1939 to be processed 38 Omupanda 17°08' S 15°46' E 1100 Angola 1906 - 1913 not processed yet 39 Pamba 09°16' S 15°11' E 750 Angola 1934 - 1939 to be processed 40 Quanque 12°49' S 14°47' E 1350 Angola 1937 - 1939 to be processed 41 Quibocolo 06°17' S 15°18' E 985 Angola 1899 - 1900, not processed yet 1913 42 Quiemba 08°41' S 14°31' E 775 Angola 1936 - 1939 to be processed 43 Quingenge 12°48' S 14°55' E 1300 Angola 1911 - 1912 not processed yet Seite 2 von 109 Stand: 16.12.2020 List of overseas stations Number Name of station Latitude Longitude Height (m) Country Observation Status above mean Period sea level (NN) 44 Quitaua 10°38' S 14°43' E 860 Angola 1933 - 1936 to be processed 45 Roca-Rio-Luati 10°15' S 14°54' E 1200 Angola 1933 - 1937 to be processed 46 S-Salvador 06°20' S 14°47' E 570 Angola 1883 - 1887, not processed yet 1911 47 Vila-Pereira-d-Eoa 17°05' S 15°49' E 1062 Angola 1906 - 1914 not processed yet 48 Vossberg-Calulo 10°00' S 14°53' E not specified Angola 1926 - 1932 not processed yet 49 Vossberg-Luati 10°12' S 14°57' E not specified Angola 1932 - 1936 not processed yet 50 Azul 36°47' S 59°52' W 136 Argentina 1901 - 1903 not processed yet 51 Bahia-Camarones 44°48' S 65°42' W 13 Argentina 1901 - 1903 not processed yet 52 Choele-Choel 39°16' S 65°41' W 137 Argentina 1902 - 1903 to be processed 53 Concepcion-del-Urug 32°30' S 58°15' W 20 Argentina 1902 - 1903 not processed yet uay 54 Cordoba 31°25' S 64°13' W 438 Argentina 1901 - 1903 not processed yet 55 Digne-No-4 34°36' S 58°22' W 4 Argentina 1901 - 1903 not processed yet 56 Escuela-Nacional-de- 31°32' S 70°52' W 665 Argentina 1901 - 1903 not processed yet Minas 57 G-de-Julio 35°27' S 60°52' W 75 Argentina 1902 - 1903 not processed yet 58 General-Acha 37°23' S 64°36' W 218 Argentina 1901 - 1903 not processed yet 59 Isla-de-los-Estados 54°47' S 64°03' W 3 Argentina 1902 not processed yet 60 Junin-de-los- Andes 39°57' S 71°04' W 780 Argentina 1901 - 1903 not processed yet 61 Las-Delicias 31°43' S 60°31' W 108 Argentina 1901 - 1903 not processed yet 62 Mazaredo 47°04' S 66°48' W 35 Argentina 1912 not processed yet 63 Mendoza 32°53' S 68°49' W 799 Argentina 1901 - 1903 not processed yet 64 Nahuel-Huapi 41°00' S 71°30' W 740 Argentina 1902 - 1903 not processed yet Seite 3 von 109 Stand: 16.12.2020 List of overseas stations Number Name of station Latitude Longitude Height (m) Country Observation Status above mean Period sea level (NN) 65 Necochea 38°34' S 58°46' W 10 Argentina 1902 - 1903 not processed yet 66 Parana-Mini 34°20' S 58°36' W 6 Argentina 1901 - 1903 not processed yet 67 Patagones 40°48' S 62°58' W 32 Argentina 1902 - 1903 not processed yet 68 Piedra-del-Aquila 39°57' S 70°05' W 468 Argentina 1902, 1904 not processed yet 69 Puerto-Militar 38°53' S 62°05' W 10 Argentina 1901 - 1903 not processed yet 70 Rio-Cuarto 33°07' S 64°19' W 435 Argentina 1912 not processed yet 71 Rio-Gallegos 51°39' S 69°13' W 15 Argentina 1912 not processed yet 72 Rosario 32°57' S 60°38' W 26 Argentina 1901 - 1902 not processed yet 73 San-Antonio-I 40°49' S 64°54' W 22 Argentina 1901 - 1903 to be processed 74 Trenque-Lauquen 35°58' S 62°42' W 100 Argentina 1902 - 1903 to be processed 75 Treorci-Trelew 43°17' S 65°16' W 15 Argentina 1901 - 1903 to be processed 76 Valle-Koslowsky 45°47' S 71°35' W 530 Argentina 1912 not processed yet 77 Villa-Casilda 33°01' S 61°11' W 74 Argentina 1902 - 1903 to be processed 78 Villa-Maria 32°25' S 63°14' W 216 Argentina 1901 - 1903 not processed yet 79 Villa-Mercedes 33°42' S 65°30' W 530 Argentina 1901 - 1903 not processed yet 80 Adelaide 34°55'42" S 138°35'43" E 43 Australia 1886 - 1890 to be processed 81 Albany 35°01'37" S 117°53'01" E not specified Australia 1880 - 1893 to be processed 82 Alice-Springs 23°43'52" S 133°50'00" E 580 Australia 1880 - 1890 to be processed 83 Augusta 34°18'56" S 115°09'33" E not specified Australia 1884 - 1886 to be processed 84 Bowen 20°01' S 148°16' E 5 Australia 1870 - 1876, to be processed 1888 - 1895 85 Brisbane 27°28' S 153°02' E 2 Australia 1888 - 1895 to be processed 86 Bunbury 33°19'37" S 115°38'28" E 14 Australia 1880 - 1892 to be processed Seite 4 von 109 Stand: 16.12.2020 List of overseas stations Number Name of station Latitude Longitude Height (m) Country Observation Status above mean Period sea level (NN) 87 Cape-Borda 35°45'42" S 136°41'11" E 174 Australia 1881 - 1890 to be processed 88 Cap-Northumberland 38°03'40" S 140°39'45" E 6 Australia 1879 - 1890 to be processed 89 Carnavon 24°28'00" S 114°20'13" E 60 Australia 1884 - 1893 to be processed 90 Clare 33°50'00" S 138°36'38" E 412 Australia 1881 - 1890 to be processed 91 Cooctown 15°28' S 145°15' E 6 Australia 1874 - 1895 to be processed 92 Cossack 20°42' S 117°12' E 4 Australia 1881 - 1893 to be processed 93 Daly-Waters 16°15'12" S 133°22'10" E 212 Australia 1881 - 1890 to be processed 94 Derby 17°18'11" S 123°37'43" E 13 Australia 1884 - 1893 to be processed 95 Espeance-Bay 33°51'25" S 121°55'13" E not specified Australia 1883 - 1893 to be processed 96 Eucla 31°40'37" S 128°53'18" E 105 Australia 1881 - 1890 to be processed 97 Farina 30°03'59" S 138°17'05" E 94 Australia 1888 - 1890 to be processed 98 Fremantle 32°03'06" S 115°45'50" E 26 Australia 1880 - 1892 to be processed 99 Geraldton 28°46'44" S 114°36'53" E not specified Australia 1880 - 1893 to be processed 100 Kapunda 34°20'19" S 138°54'59" E 256 Australia 1881 - 1890 to be processed 101 Melbourne 37°47'06" S 144°56'14" E 11 Australia 1856 - 1869 to be processed 102 Mount-Barker 35°04'00" S 138°52'00" E 322 Australia 1881 - 1890 to be processed 103 Mount-Gambier 37°49'54" S 140°46'45" E 41 Australia 1878 - 1882, to be processed 1888 - 1890 104 Onslow 21°38'16" S 115°06'44" E 7 Australia 1885 - 1893 to be processed 105 Perth 31°56'59" S 115°51'14" E 19 Australia 1867 - 1869, to be processed 1876 - 1893 106 Port-Augusta 32°29'45" S 137°46'22" E 11 Australia 1881 - 1890 to be processed 107 Port-Darwin 12°29'44" S 130°48'50" E 60 Australia 1878 - 1879, to be processed 1886 - 1890 Seite 5 von 109 Stand: 16.12.2020 List of overseas stations Number Name of station Latitude Longitude Height (m) Country Observation Status above mean Period sea level (NN) 108 Richmond 20°44' S 143°11' E 208 Australia 1889 - 1895 to be processed 109 Robe 37°09'49" S 139°45'36" E 4 Australia 1881 - 1882, to be processed 1885 - 1890 110 Rottnest-Island 31°59'43" S 115°32'25" E 10 Australia 1879 - 1892 to be processed 111 Strangways-Springs 29°09'33" S 136°33'18" E 50 Australia 1888 - 1890 to be processed 112 Sweers-Island 17°06'55" S 139°35'55" E 10 Australia 1868 - 1872 to be processed
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