NASA CR- AEROPHYSICS RESEARCH CORPORATION JTN-11 TECHNICAL NOTE (NASA-CR-141598) THE ENGINEERING DESIGN N75-1711 INTEGRATION (EDIN) SYSTEM (Aerophysics Research Corp., Houston Tex.) 239 p HC CSCL 09B Unclas G3/61 09633 THE ENGINEERING DESIGN INTEGRATION (EDIN) SYSTEM by: C. R. Glatt, G. N. Hirsch, G. E. Alford, W. N. Colquitt and S. J. Reiners prepared for: NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION Johnson Space Center Houston Texas 77058 Reproduced by NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE US Department of Commerce Springfield, VA. 22151 'jis Cnoe N-OT ICE THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED FROM THE BEST COPY FURNISHED US BY THE SPONSORING AGENCY. ALTHOUGH IT IS RECOGNIZED THAT CER- TAIN PORTIONS ARE ILLEGIBLE, IT IS BEING RE- LEASED IN THE INTEREST OF MAKING AVAILABLE AS MUCH INFORMATION AS POSSIBLE. 3. Recipient's Catalog No. 1. Report No2.2. Govern ent Accession No. NASA CR- 4.Title and Subtit!e 5. Report Date THE ENGINEERING DESIGN INTEGRATION (EDIN) SYSTEM. 6. Performing Organization Code 8. Performing Organization Report No. 7. Author(s) C. R. Glatt, G. N. Hirsch, G. E. Alford, W. N. Colquitt and S. J. Reiners 10. Work UnitNo. 9. Performing Organization Name and Address Aerophysics Research Corporation 11. Contract or Grant No. 18100 Nassau Bay Drive, #147 .Houston, Texas 77058 NAS9-13584 13. Type of Report and Period Covered 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Contractor Report National Aeronautics and Space Administration- Agency Code Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center 14. Sponsoring 15. Supplementary Notes 16. Abstract The report provides a description of the Engineering :Design Integration (EDIN) System as it exists at Johnson Space Center. A discussion of the EDIN System capabilities and-applications are presented. 17. Key Words (Suggested by Author(s)) 18. Distribution Statement Design, synthesis, executive, Unclassified - Unlimited EDIN, data base, design simula- tion, multiple programming. 19. Securit;y Jlaif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif.(of this page) 21. Uncla;si fied Unclassified ior soloby the National Tchnical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22151 AEROPHYSICS RESEARCH CORPORATION . JTN-11 TECHNICAL NOTE THE ENGINEERING DESIGN INTEGRATION (EDIN) SYSTEM by: C. R. Glatt, G. N. Hirsch, G. E. Alford, W. N. Colquitt and S. J. Reiners prepared for: NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION Johnson Space Center Houston Texas 77058 December 1974 PREFACE This report describes the Engineering Design Integration (EDIN) system in operation at Johnson Space Center (JSC) at the com- pletion of the contract NAS9-13584, "Extended Optimal Design Integration (Extended ODIN) Computer Program." The study was carried out in the period from June 1973, through December 1974, with funds provided by the National Aeronautics and Space Admin- istration, Johnson Space Center, Engineering Analysis Division, Launch Analysis Section. The report specifically describes the Univac 1110, Exec 8 EDIN system at JSC. Earlier systems adapted to the CDC 6600 have been installed at the NASA Ames Research Center facility, the USAF Flight Dynamics Laboratory facility and the Langley Research Center facility. The original ODIN system was initially developed during 1971 and 1972 under parallel contracts with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, LRC (NAS1-10692) and the USAF Flight Dynamics Laboratory (F33615-71-C-1480). The original system was developed for CDC 6000 series computers but the system has since been converted to the Univac 1100 series computer under contract (NAS9-12829) to NASA Johnson Space Center. The present contract (NAS9-13584) resulted in the expansion of the EDIN technology library, the development of a number of general and special purpose utilities, the development of a geometry technology module and an executive data processor. Numerous applications of the software developed have been accomplished, some of which are presented herein. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page SUMMARY.................. ... ............................. 1 INTRODUCTION................................................3 Study Objectives...................................... Study Approach ...................................... 4 THE.EDIN SYSTEM .............................. 6 THE COMPUTER ..... .. ........................ 6 Computer Operating System.................... ....... 6 The Executive System (Exec 8)..................8 System Processors ............................. 12 Language Processors........................... 13 Utility Processors ............................. 13 Subroutine Libraries...........................14 Applications Programs......................... 15 Computer Concepts and Definitions .................. 15 Absolute Element...............................15 Collection.................................... 15 Element ....................................... 15 Language Processor............................ 15 Program ....................................... 16 Processor...........................................16 Relocatable Element........................... 16 Symbolic Element..............................16 Catalogued File...............................16 Cycle ......................................... 16 Data Base...................................... 17 Data File.....................................17 External File Name ............................ 17 File .................... .................... 17 Internal File Name.............................17 Master File Directory ......................... 17 Private File..................................17 Program File..................................17 Public File ......................................17 Project............. .......................... 17 Qualifier....................................17 SDF Format .................................. 18 Temporary Program File (TPF$) ................. 18 Temporary File ................................. 18 Run Stream Concept.................................18 File Names and Element Names ....................... 19 Executive Control Statements ....................... 20 Control Statement Format....................... 20 Label Field.................................... 20 Operation Fields...............................21 Operand Fields............................... 21 Transparent Control Statements ................ 21 v PRECEDING PAGE BLANK NOT pTME TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page Summary of Control Statements...................21 File Utility Routines................... ............... 22 Systems Symbolic Processors ......................... 26 ELT Processor ......... o.................26 Data Processor .................. ..... ... .......26 ED Processor ................................... 27 CULL Processor..................................27 LIST Processor.................................27 The Collector ........................................29 DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM .................. .................. 31 DMAN Software Package..............................33 DMAN Usage ................... ............ 34 A Discussion of IT...............................35 A Discussion of IOP............................35 The DLG Processor...................................37 DLG Usage ...... ................................ 38 Control Statement..........................38 Option Specifications......................38 Syntax Definition.........................40 Summary of DLG Directives..................40 Descriptions of Control Directives.........41 Processor Interface ................ ........... 45 Usage......................... ............. 45 Restrictions ............................. 46 Technology Module Interface Package..................47 PROGRAM LIBRARY ................................................... 50 Geometry ....... ................................. 50 Aerodynamics, Stability and Control .................. 50 Propulsion...................................51 Mass and Volumetric Properties.......................51 Performance.................................. .52 Thermodynamics........ ............................ 52 Structures................... ........................ 53 Cost............ ....... .................. ........... 53 Environmental Protection .............................53 ABLATOR: One Dimensional Analysis of the Transient Response of Thermal Protection Systems..........54 ACMOTAN: Linear Aircraft Motion Analysis............54 AESOP: Automated Engineering and Scientific Optimization Program............................55 AFSP: Automated Flutter Solution Procedure..........55 AIRFOIL: A Program for Generating Geometric and Aerodynamic Characteristics of Airfoil Sections.55 ATOPII: Atmospheric Trajectory Optimization.........56 COAP: Combat Optimization and Analysis Program......56 CONPLOT: Aircraft Configuration Plot................57 DAPCA: Development and Production Cost of Aircraft..57 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page DATCOM: Configuration Design Analysis Program (TRW) ................ .... .......... .............. 57 DATCOM2: Configuration Design Analysis Program (MDAC) ........... ...... ...... ............... 57 ENCYCL: Design Point Performance of Turbojet and Turbofan Engine ................................ 58 GENENG: A Program for.Calculating Design and Off- Design Performance for Turbojet and Turbofan Engines...............................................58 GENENGII: A Program for Calculating Design and Off- Design Performance of Two and Three Spool Turbofans with as many as Three Nozzles.........58 GEOMETRY: Body Coordinate Generator ................ 59 HABACP: Hypersonic
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