t989 BRSCC ''WELCOMETO PEMBREY'' CHAMPIONSHIPRACEDAY SUNDAY,llTH JUNE ORGANISEDBY THE BRITISH RACING & SPORTS CAR CLUB OFFICIAL PROGRAMMEEl .OO firrtsH"FAcrry! \\$P1.tr14 EI{E\IELSH mOiO3 S?Orri:S CENEIE SUNDAY, llth JUNE The promoters reserve the right to amend or cancel the PROGRAMME OF EVENTS programm€ or any part of it without prior notice or refund. LUNCH 13.OO-14.OO RACING 14.OO EVENT 1 BRSCC SUPER ROAD SALOON CAR CHAMPIONSHIP RACE Classes B & C) 1O Laps 14.30 EVENT 2 PORSCHE CLUB GB START UP SERIES RACE 1O l^aps 15.OO EVENT 3 BRSCC TOYOTA FORMUI-A THREE RACE 12 t-aps 15.30 EVENT 4 FORD CREDIT FIESTA CHAMPIONSHIP RACE 15 Laps l6.oo EVENT 5 DESIGN FIREPIACE STNGLESEATER CHAMPIONSHIP (For Libre Cars)/ Q.E.D. HISTORIC F3 RACE 1O Laps r6.30 EVENT 6 BRSCC SUPER ROAD SALOON CAR CHAMPIONSHIP RACE (ClassesA & D) 1O Laps This meeting is promoted by the British Automobile Racing Club and organised by the British Racing & Sports Car Club and held under the General Regulations of the RAC Motor Sports Association Ltd. (lncorporating the provisions of the International Sporting Code of the FIA) and the Supplementary Regulations. RACMSA Permit No:- 16062. Eligibilitymay be checked by a member or members of the Technical Commission listed; D.P. ELSMORE. R. FEWKES. R.T. FORD. M.E. GARTON. J.M. HARRIS. P. HARRIS, B.L. MORRIS. R.A. McKINSTRY. A.J. PARSFIELD. P.C. RICHES, D. RUSSELL. P.J.R. SMYTHE (TRUCKS), S. VINCENT, G.M. WOOD. These Technical Commissioners will be consideredto be'JUDGES OF FACT'within ihe requlationslaid down. OFFICIALS OF THE MEETING RAC Steward Judges Chief Paddock H. M. Kent R. Newman P. Sandford K. Buckle Club Stewards Commentator R. Jones Chief Marshal R. Davies R. Hancock A. Fawdington Race Administrator Race Director Chief Scrutineer C. Woodward H. T. Strawford T. Nichols Breakdowns Clerk of Course Chief Medical Officer T & L Autos J. Porter Dr. P. Baskett Medical Services Deputy Clerk of Course Chief Timekeeper St. John Ambulance A. Fawdington R. Summerfield Starter Secretary of the Meeting Chief Startline A. Fawdington Mrs. P. Strawford Mrs N. Fawdington Course Cars Rescue Vehicle Chief Grayshott Motors V. Lynch Race Course Garage MOTOR RACING IS DANGEROUS AND PERSONS ATTENDING THE MEETING DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK ANIMALS ARE NOT ADMITTED Origination by Graphics Plus, Under no circumstances whatsoever will any animals 4/5 Milk Street. Bath. be admitted to Pembrey whether in vehicles or not. Telephone (02251 442416. The organiser's prime consideration must be the Printed and produced by safety of competitors and anyone found attempting to Norton Press Printing, animal at bring an animal into the Circuit or with any Avro Way, Bowerhill, Melksham, Wilts. the Circuit will be asked to remove both animal and themselves from the Meeting. Telephone Melksham 705529. MOTORSPORT This meeting is prornoied.by.]::the::BRnT$H,: fiNfiCIHlt$:,ffiOlN€. CAN BE DANGEROUS and organised bg the BRITISH RACING and SPORTS CAR CLIJB on &$E ftd@g6 rM ex^w{ r Fc@s &v@@NE*|ffiN laffioFEtYd& h6rir^rffmB Cover Photo: Classic Saloon Car Club cnmnaiitnrc in Aalinn tlSxelrACrryC BRSCC SUPER ROAD SALOON CAR CHAMPIONSHIP RACE Stoitl (cr.AssEs B & c) EVENT L:lO IAPS This is the sixth round of the 1989 BRSCC Super Road Saloon Car Championship. GRID ENTRIES 1 No. Driver,/Entrant Tom Car Engine cc Class B: lSOl-23OOcc 2 34 Kevin Farrington Nanhvich VauxhallChevette 2300 Vauxhall 2279 36 PaulFlanders Ickley TalbotSunbeam Lotus 2200 3 44 GrahamMillward L€icester SunbeamLotus Jon Fin Lotus 2200 47 EddieFisher Swindon VW Golf GTi GTi Engineering 2000 4 48 Tony King Dover VauxhallChevette MS Vauxhall/Johnstone 23OO 49 RAF Motor Sports Assoc 5 SteveSavage Bury St. Edmunds Dolomite Sprint Triumph 7998 6 ClassC: l3O1-18OOcc 55 Chris Kingwell Chertsey Ford Escort XR3 Fotf BD Motorsport 1587 7 57 Vince Mitchell Leicester TalbotSunbeam Skip Brown Cars 1700 74 Peter Edwards Birmingham Ford FiestaXR2 Ford 1600 8 79 Brenton West Highworth Ford FiestaXR2 Ford 1600 84 SteveWild Stoke on Trent Ford Escort Powerdesign 1600 9 10 11 T2 Positions after Cadwell Park May 2 I fourth round but before Oulton Park June 3 fifth round: Clros B: 1 GrahamMillward 32 2 Danny Bellamy 29 3 Tony King 25 Clas C: 1 Peter Edwards 86 2 Vince Mitchell 79 3 David Pearson 63 Next round Snetterton July 2 BRSCC SUPER ROAD SALOON CAR CHAMPIONSHIP RACE (cr-AssEsA & D) EVENT 6:1O IAPS This is the sixth round of the 1989 BRSCC Super Road Saloon Car Championship GRID ENTRIES 1 No. Driver/Entrant Toum Car Engine Class A: 23Ol-4OOOcc 2 1 David Thomas L-ancing Ford Capri 3005 Ashington 3100 2 Martin West Worthing Ford Capri 3.0S Marc Tait 3000 3 3 Andrew MacKenzie Brighton Ford SierraXR4i Swaymar 3200 4 Lynda Stimson Spalding Colt LancerTurbo Colt 2000 4 ' 6 Tnnrr Hatho* Redhill Ford Capri 2800 9 Ray West Andover Opel Ascona West Opel 24OO 5 11 Peter Kitchen High Wycombe RoverVitesse SDi Rover 3900 12 Alan Roper Claygate RoverSDIV8 Rovercraft 3900 6 76 Dave Stimson Spalding Colt Lancer Colt 2000 77 Jeff Robinson Spalding Colt L-ancerTurbo Colt 2000 7 2l MichaelSeaman Noruich Talbot SunbeamLotus 2380 22 Simon White Reading Datsun240GT Nissan 29OO 8 4L Mark Humphrey Maidenhead RoverSDI Rover 3500 45 MostynRutter Hereford VauxhallFirenza Droopsnool Vauxhall 2600 9 Class D: Up to l3oocc 95 JasonDickins Wormhill MG Metro MG 7295 10 98 Jim Dixon Wigston Magna Ford EscortMkll X,/FlowJones 1300 11 t2 Positiorc afterCadwell ParkMay 21 fourih round but before Oulton Park June 3 fifth round: Clas A: 1 Ray West 96 2 David Thomas 81 3 David Tetley 76 Class D; I JasonDickins 45 2 Jim Dixon 30 Next round Snetterton July 2. PORSCHE CLUB GB START-UP SERIES RACE EVENT 2zl0 IAPS GRID ENTRIES cc 1 Car Engine No. Driver/Entrant Town lass A: (Exceeding 2O8bhP) 3300 2 Porsche930 Porsche 2 David PerrY Warrington 3200 Porsche911 CarreraTarga Porsche 4 A. B. Medicks Tollesbury 2500 Porsche Porsche 3 5 Tom Segrue Ruislip 3164 PorscheCarrera Porsche 6 Nigel Mills Biggleswade PorscheCarrera CS Ensineering ?!99 4 7 lan Lawton London J lo4 Porsche911 Carrera Porsche 9 David Gilbed Woking 27OO Porsche911 Carrera Porsche 5 14 Peter Goring London 3000 Porsche Porsche 15 GeorgiosGritriaomiti Tayhill 2630 Porsche9115 Porsche 6 110 ColinWilliams Cardifi 7 Class B: (181-2O7bhP) 2994 Porsche911 Carrera3 Porsche 101 MichaelMcloughlin Dublin 3000 Porsche91lSC Eurotech 104 Hugh Prlce KingwoodSurreY 2994 8 PorscheCarrera 3 Porsche 109 David Butterill Leeds 3000 PorscheCarrera Bob Watson 111 Nick Prowse Brize Norton 9 Class C: (1a1-180bhP) 3000 10 Porsche91lSC Porsche 2O1 G. Siddons Woodmansterne 3000 Porsche911SC Porsche 2O4 Chris HeeleY Leeds 11 Class D: (Not exceeding l4obhP) 2400 Porsche9115 Porsche T2 DorothY Maserati Pinner 1582 106 Porsche356A Porsche Robert ChaPman Bath \582 301 Porsche924 RonoccoPorsche 13 504 RossCunlifie Berkhamsted 14 15 76 I7 LAP CHART RESULTS '10 2 3 5 6 7 8 I 1 2 3 4 5 o 7 8 I 1( lap Records: AII classesto be established CoPYright Programme and programme' withoutno"tice or refund.Alr riterarv matter in this Thepromoters reserve the right to amendor canceifi;;rogramme illegaluse thereof willbe racinsnu;berslis copvright' q;Fl includingthe list ot competii;rsand their "fi Pv oft:g::-T:g competino cars, the club acceptsno endeavouris made.tol;;id il;;;;.ii in the deiciiption prosecuted.Although every p;;;ih;i photographylcine-film'video film' sound that-mayoccur. It isa conditio,ioiua.ni.rio., to ihese iesoonsibilityfor any i"t"il'i,.,s ;;ki"g toiini oithe recordins'/reproduction or *; i.i""v tt"*ptivate) use for or iny othervisual diff"ri.s.r"liiig. rentils.bxchanqinq. rending. usins sain permittins'"";;Ji;;;il;f t; #'r;,; i i, p"uii..';ril;"';ii;g. Sportscar causinsor ""ra Fu.tn"t"-ore,Fe breyand the dritishRacing & dealingwith it in wholeor in part is ;;;i.:b;;iilin?. andwithout or otherwise unyphotograpnr .r iii-trn"il'i., btnu.hof thiscondition club reservethe right to confiscateand retain porrnr.iJ.r'ot their expressconsent in writing BRscc royorA FoRMUTATHREE CHeuproNsHrp RAcE This is the sixth round of the 1989 BRSCC Toyota FormulaThree Championship. EVENT 3zl2 IAPS W GRID ENTRIES 1 No. Driver/Entrant Town Car Engine cc z Vinyl Signs Racing 2 Robert Moores Bolton Chevron838 Toyota 2000 3 MaidenheadToyota Centre 3 Mark Bailey Maidenhead March 803 NES 2000 4 TJ Paul Tickner Godalming Argo JM3 Tickner 2000 l6 Martin Walford ChaddesleyCorbett March 793 Novamotor NES 2000 R AlastairFerguson Bicester Chevron B34 Toyota 2000 5 I ri Team Toomey's t 6 Paul Quinn Farnham Chevron B43 Toyota NES 2000 15 Bernie Toleman Stroud Chevron B47 Toyota 2000 7 18 Vehicle RegistrationsLtd l-aurenceRose Northwich March 793 Vin Malkie 2000 8 20 John Davies Porthcawl March 773 Toyota Novamotor 2000 23 High Mellor Hitchin Chevron B38 Toyota 2OOO 9 27 Bryan Mullarkey Tarporley Chevron B34 Novamotor 2000 28 Duncan Bain Soulbury Argo JM6 NES 2OOO 10 32 Ian Femihough Ashbourne RAIIRTi Toyota 2000 Chris Knapman Radlett SafirRJ03 Toyota 2000 11 5t Reg James Bookham RAIIRT1 Toyota 2000 4I EnvironmentalBuildinos Maintenance 72 Justin Boyce Lymm Argo JM3 Toyota 2000 625 Kelvin Foy Leyton Buzzard ChevronV38 NES 2000 13 14 15 76 L7 I.AP CHART RESULTS )os 1 3 4 5 o 7 8 Y 10 11 12 3 4 5 Lap Record: o To be established 7 Positionsafter Round 5: 8 1 Mark Bailey 48 6 AlastairFerguson 25 2 PaulTickner 35 7 Martin Walford 18 28 Rodney Y 3 Rob Moores 8 Jackson 76 4 Bob Berridge 27 9 Tony Broster lc 5 PaulQuinn 26 10 Kelvin Foy 13 I I Flag Signals Blue/Steady: Another competitor is close Waved: Another competitor is trying to pass.
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