AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES AT ATHENS SIXTIETH ANNUAL REPORT 1940. 1941 AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES AT ATHENS FOUNDED 1881 Incorporated under the Lawo of Massachusetts, 1886 SIXTIE'IH .ANNUAL REPoRT 1940- 1941 { .. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION --------------------- -------- ----------- 3 BoARD OF TRUSTEES ------------------------------------------- ---- 4 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MANAGING COMMITTEE --- ---------- -------- ------ --- --------------- 5 BE IT KNOWN THAT WHEREAS James R_ Lowell, T. D. Woolsey, Charles STAFF OF THE SCHOOL - ------- ----- --------- --- --- ------------------ 7 -Eliot Norton, William M. Sloane, B. L. Gildersleeve, William W . Goodwin, Henry CoMMITTEES OF THE MANAGING COMMITTEE ------------------------- - - 8 Drisler, Frederic J. de Peyster, John Williams White, Henry G. Marquand and Martin Brimmer, have associated themselves with the intention of forming a CooPERATING INSTITUTIONS - - ------ -- ------- ------ ------------------ 9 corporation under the name of the TRUSTEES OF THE AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL REPoRTS: STUDIES AT ATHENS, for the purpose of the establishment and maintenance of a school of classical stu­ Chairman of the Managing Committee ----- --------- ------ - - --- ---- 10 dies at Athens, in Greece, for American students, and have complied with the provisions of the Statutes of this Commonwealth in such case made and provided, Director of the School --- --- --- - ----- --- --- --- --- ----------------- 13 as appears from the certificate of the President, Secretary, Treasurer and Executive Assistant Director of the School ----------------------- -- ----------- 21 Committee of said corporation, duly approved by the Commissioner of Corpora­ Librarian of the Gennadeion - ------------ -------- ---------- ------- .24 tions, and recorded in this office: Now, THEREFORE, I HENRY B. PEIRCE, Secretary of the Commonwealth of Professor of Archaeology ---------------------------- ------ ------- 27 Massachusetts, Do HEREBY CERTIFY that said J. R. Lowell, T. D. Woolsey, C. E. Chairman of the Committee on Publications - ----- --------------- --- 29 Norton, W. M. Sloane, B. L. Gildersleeve, W. W. Goodwin, H. Drisler, F. J. de Peyster, J. W. White, H. G. Marquand and M. Brimmer, their associates and Chairman of the Committee on Fellowships ------- --------------- --- 40 successors, are legally organized and established as and are hereby made an exist­ Otairman of the Auxiliary Fund ---------------------------------- 41 ing corporation under the name of the Secretary of the American School Committee for Aid to Greece, Inc. _____ __ 42 TRUSTEES OF THE AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL Secretary of the Alumni Association ---- ------------------ - --------- 45 STUDIES AT ATHENS Chairman of the Committee on Placement ---- --------------------- -- 48 with the powers, rights and privileges, and subject to the limitations, duties, and restrictions which by law appertain thereto. Treasurer ------ ------- ------ - - --- ----- ---------------- - ------- 49 WITNESS my official signature hereunto subscribed, of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts hereunto affixed .this twenty-third day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun­ dred and eighty-six. (Seal) (Signed) Henry B. Peirce. Secretary of the Commonwealth. 3 MANAGING COMMITIEE 1940-1941 AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES Members Addresses Louis E. Lord, Chairman ___ Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio AT ATHENS La Rue Van Hook, Secretary Columbia University, New York, New York James T. Allen _______ __ __ University of California, Berkeley, California Allan P. Ball __ ______ .:. ___ College of the City of New York, New York William N . Bates ____ ____ University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, BOARD OF TRUSTEES 1940- 1941 1' 1 Pennsylvania Paul V. C. Baur __ ________ Yale University, New H aven, Connecticut William T. Aldrich --------------30 Newbury Street, Boston, Massachusetts Clarence P. Bill __________ Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio John Nicholas Brown - -- --------357 Benefit Street, Providence, Rhode Albert Billheimer ________ College of the City of New York, New York Island Campbell Bonner _________ University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Ward M. Canaday ______________ __ 240 Huron Street, Toledo, Ohio Carl D. Buck ___ _________ University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois Millar Burrows ___________ 409 Prospect Street, New Haven, Connecticut Edward Capps _____________:_ _____ Princeton, New Jersey (Representing, ex officio, Schools of Oriental George H. Chase ____________ ___ __ 24 University Hall, Cambridge, Research) Massachusetts Edward Capps _________ __ Princeton University and Institute for Advanced Ernest B. Dane ---------------- - - 6 Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts Study, Princeton, New Jersey Arthur V. Davis - - - - -------- - - --- 230 Park Avenue, New York, New York Edward Capps, Jr. ________ Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio Thomas W. Lamont ___ _________ __ 23 Wall Street, New York, New York Rhys Carpenter ________ __ Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania George H . Chase __ ______ Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts •w. Rodman Peabody, President ____ 201 Devonshire Street, Boston, Harold Cherniss ______ ____ Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland Massachusetts Benjamin C. Clough __ _____ Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island William T. Semple -- ------ -------315 Pike Street, Cincinnati, Ohio Kenneth J. Conant ___ ___ __ Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Massachusetts T. Leslie Shear ___ ________________ 12 Battle Road, Princeton, New Jersey H. Lamar Crosby __ ______ University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Edwin S. Webster, Vice-President ___ 49 Federal Street, Boston, Massachusetts Pennsylvania Sidney N . Deane _____ _____ Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts A. Winsor Weld, Secretary-Treasurer __ 10 Post Office Square, Boston, Roy Deferrari __________ Catholic University of America, W ashington, D. C. Massachusetts J. Norman W. DeWitt ______ Victoria College, Toronto University, Toronto, Canada ••Herbert E. Winlock - ------ --- ----925 Park Avenue, New York, New York W illiam B. Dinsmoor ____ Columbia University, New York, New York Louis E. Lord, ex officio ___________ 272 Oak Street, Oberlin, Ohio (Representing, ex officio, The Archaeological Institute of America) OFFICERS OF THE BoARD OF TRUSTEES Donald B. Durham _______ H amilton College, Clinton, New York •w. Rodman Peabody, President A. Winsor Weld, Secretary-Treasurer Herman L. Ebeling ________ Goucher College, Baltimore, Maryland Edwin S. Webster, Vice-President Paul Garland, Assistant Treasurer Miss Katherine M. Edwards _Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts George W. Elderkin ______ Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey William Emerson ________ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, EXECUTIVE CoMMITTEE :Massachusetts •w. Rodman Peabody, Chairman George H. Chase Morton S. Enslin _________ Crozer Theological Seminary, Chester, Pennsylvania William T. Aldrich Louis E. Lord Theodore Erck ---- -------Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York Edward Fitch ____________ Hamilton College, Clinton, New York FINANCE COMMITTEE Roy C. Flickinger ____ ____ State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa Harold N . Fowler _____ __ 2205 California Street, WashingtOn, D. C. Ernest B. Dane, Chairman Edwin S. Webster Alexander D. Fraser ___ ___ University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia •w. Rodman Peabody A. Winsor Weld Cl1arles B. Gulick __ ______ Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts •Died January 12, 1941 Miss Hazel D. Hansen _____ Stanford University, Stanford University, California ••Resigned October, 1940 Austin M. Harmon __ __ __ _ Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 4 5 MANAGING COMMITIEE 1940-1941 (Continued) STAFF OF THE SCHOOL 1940,1941 George Mclean Harper, Jr. _Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts • William A. Heidel _______Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut William C. Helmbold ___ _ Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut Director _____________________ __________ Gorham Phillips Stevens Oark Hopkins __________University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Horace L. Jones __ ______ __ Cornell .Univ~rsity? Ithaca, New York Assistant Director --- - ------- ----'--------Arthur W . Parsons Ointon W. Keyes ____ ____ Columbia Umvers1ty, New York, New York A. G. Laird ____ ___________University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin Director of Excavation of the Athenian Agora T. Leslie Shear Ivan B. Linforth - - --------University of California, Berkeley, California Librarian of the Gennadeion and ~rofessor of Robert A. Maclean ___ ____ University of Rochester, Rochester, New York Oassics ______________________________ Shirley H. Weber Miss Barbara P. McCarthy - - Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts Thomas Means ___ ___ ___ _Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine Professor of Archaeology _________ ________ Oscar Broneer Benjamin D. Meritt ______ Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey Walter Miller ____________ University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri Managing Editot of Publications __ __ ____ ___ Paul Oement Charles H. Morgan, II ___ _ Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts Consultant _________________ _______ _____ Anastasios Adossides William A. Oldfather ______ University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois .Arthur W . Parsons ________ American School of Oassical Studies at Athens .Architect for School Excavations - - - - --------John Travlos (ex officio as Assistant Director of the School) James M. Paton __________
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