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'.*... u.r py ppK s. , .l- . ........s .. ,rr. y ' ....... .z.. .a..;. jk-. izj--.g jjj-u* . -@ -. r-ZakX..nvj . j . v . .. ... .. I Som e hard lessons Iearned Tiki Sails Im proved H andling at orner Turks aicos PI ood problem s Inexpensive nchors N ew s from Seapeople No 47 M ARCH 2002 @ @ @ @ # * z A * The official Sailm aker for W harram catam arans W ith m ore than 40 years experience w e understand the T iki and W harram rigs better than anyone else. A w ide choice of m aterials together w ith our traditional sailm aking skills allow s Jeckells to design and construct sails to m eet your particular requirem ents. A ll W harram sails guaranteed for 5 Years For further details contact C hris Jeckells O n Telephone 01603 782223 Fax 01603 784023 Email chris@ jeckells.co-uk . W eb Site www.jeckells.co.uk . Page 2 The Sea People I ssue 47 March 2002 * C o ntehts and C o ntacts The Sea People Magazine of the Polynesian Catam aran Association @ PCA 2002 Editorial New ed. in town 5 New s View from the Helm - Our new Com modore 4 News from Sea People 1 2 2 boat mini-rally in Turks & Caicos 1 4 Launchings 28 Seam anship lntra Coastal W aterway voyage 6 Hints & Tips 1 1 Tiki rig improvements 1 6 Cat Corner - Bottle Creek, Turks & Caicos 24 Construction Anak Mas refits & sails to new hom e 18 Plwoood problem s 20 Belfast Anchor - DIY 23 Pot Pourri Letters 26 H u mou r 8 & 27 Ditty Bag 28 Contacts Cover Picture: Tim Ainsley relaxed & enjoying Iife Editorial Team : at the helm of his Raka 36 'Beluga' in the waters Dave, Ken, Ben off North Caicos. Photo by Ben Mullett (see associated story pages 14 & 15). Editorial Address : PCA, 118 Howeth Road, From the PCA Constitution: Bournem outh, Dorset, BHIO 5NS, UK The objects of the Association are to promote and fudher the interests of builders and owners of Polynesian Catam arans, and e-mail: editor@ pca-seapeople.org to encourage the development of good seam anship in aII its website : www.pca-seapeople.org aspects am ongst the association's m embers. ''Polynesian Catamarans'' shall mean the various classes catamarans as designed by Jam es W harram . The Sea People March 2002 Page 3 A V iew fro m the H elm I have been asked to contribute a few thoughts to each Now these are words addressed to the members, not to magazine. In general I shall be doing just that, the random the com m ittee. The thing that these initiatives have in com- thoughts of an idle fellow, but for this first time a rather more m on is that they were staded by enthusiasts who were not serious Iook at the place in which we find ourselves seems to on any comm ittee though having shown that enthusiasm be called for. they tended to get roped in. Think about it and see what you For the Iast couple of years l have watched from afar as can do. the PCA seem ed to tear itself apad. It would be of no benefit Leading from the front as ever, I will organise a meeting to any of us to try to work out what went wrong and, still Iess, on the Mar Menor near Cadagena in Spain in early October whose fault it was. W hen I was asked to stand aj commo- 2002. Two boats are signed up already so there is room for dore, I accepted in the hope that somebody who ha'd taken no folk without boats. Get in touch if you are interested, active pad in the association for a few years m ight help to pull In m y introduction to you as a possible commodore I it back together. It so happened that Jenny and I were due said that I did not want to be a hands on comm odore but to back in England at about the time of the London meeting on keep a watching brief on the general direction in which the Jan 12th so we stretched our stay in England to take in both association was going. I have given here a few thoughts on London and a constructors meet at Poole on 26th Jan. that matter. Please get in touch with me if you want to dis- The London meeting was, to say the Ieast, tense but in the cuss generpl matters that you think the ''office staff' might end comm on sense prevailed and we got through the busi- not have time for. I have the Iuxury of being able to spend ness, managed to talk to oId friènds and heard James telling quite a Iot of my time sitting on deck and just thinking. us about sailing in the Med. I do hope that those who went Please also think hard about the matter of the constitu- along thinking in the back of their m inds that it might be time tion and give your thoughts to the sub comm ittee. W e have to Ieave the PCA were persuaded to give the new com mittee a one off oppodunity to get this right and we don't want to a chance to get things going. W e are nothing if we don't t)l() ïh/ it. speak for a Iarge propodion of W harram owners. Al1 of Iast May your breezes be gentle. years m embers will be receiving this magazine and I would M ike W ynn Iike to make a personal appeak to those of you who have not renewed this year to do so now and give us the support we Your recently elected PCA Comm itlee can be reached by the fol- need to get the association back on its way. M ore of which lowing methods (thanks for pm icipating in the voting. 1 60 total soon. ballot papers returned). This is the highest recorded involvement by The constructors meeting was more Iike oId times and very our members. W e hope we won't let you down. m uch the sort of thing that the PCA does well. lt was a horri- bIe day with half a gale trying to blow away Jeremy Slacks M ail - PCA Committee, shed but eight or nine folk gathered to admire his l l 8 Howeth Rd, Bournemouth, BH 10 5NS, England very well built Tiki 26, to Iearn new techniques and to pass on Telephone +44 (0) 1202 53l 445 the hints accumulated in, between us, many many hours of Email - [email protected] building. People came and went but a few of us stayed aII day and finished off with a m eal in the Iocal before, for Jenny and Individual M embers e-mails are as follows - I , a Iong drive back to Cambridge. Mike Wynn [email protected] ( l45 votes) So, if we are going to get the association back on its way, Ken Hook PcAsecreto @pca-seapeople.org ( 147) what is that way? It seem s to me that there are three main also [email protected] strands. The first has to be the magazine. Only a m inority of Ollly Mullett [email protected] ( 144) mem bers have web access, even fewer actually have it at Dave Peak Editor@ pca-seapeople.org ( 1 43) home. W e need more articles and more volunteers to help [email protected] ( 143) with the production of the magazine. The second strand is the Gerald W inkler [email protected] ( 1 48) meetings. I 'II guarantee that if you ask mem bers for the high- Lee Shipley PcAozijlpca-seapeople.org ( l 36) Iights of their tim e in the PCA nine will mention the Plymouth Steve Tellardin PCAUSA ttpca-seapeople.org ( l 40) meetings to every one that mentions an AGM , still less an EGM ! And of course there are other m eetings which brings Co-opted Committee members me to the third strand which is to Iook after overseas mem- Roger Ayres PCACOM 1 @pca-seapeople.org bers better. Frank Sarnighausen [email protected] The meetings that Gerald W inkler has organised in Austria Mike Duckett [email protected] seem to me to offer a way forward here and bear a Iot of thinking about. For that matter the m eetings that the Cart- Full contact details will appear in the members handbook which as wrights have organised in the Nodh of England meet a real ever is acknowledgement of your membership fees. need for those who cannot get to meetings at the other end of the country.
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