DIRECTORY.] SHROPSHIRE. 8:-!RAW.ARUl~E. 409 Spencer Thomas, blacksmah, High street Wakelam Ellen (Miss), dress maker, Old Shrewsbury road Squire Thomas (Mrs.), miller (steam), Manor mill Wakelam John, cooper, High street Stevens E. Frank, manager Lloyds Bank Lim. Horse fair Whitfield John, estate agent & surveyor, High street Summers R. D. tanner, High street Wilcox Ann (Mrs.), confectioner, Horse fair 'fhomason Henry, grocer & ironmonger, High street Williams John, wheelwright, Aston street Thomson Andrew, farmer, Manor farm Williams Mary Ann (Mrs.), Old Bell P.H. Church street Tipton William, cowkeeper, Church street Windsor Richard, builder, Scllop fields Tong M. (Miss), fancy repository, Market place ·wood ward Richard, ale & porter stores, High street Tudor Mary (Mrs.), White Horse inn, Market place Woodroffe George, clothier &c. Market place & at Madeley Twiss Thurstan Barry, miller, Lizard Yates Jane (Mrs.), Nag's Head P.H. Horse fair Tyler James, White Hart inn, High street Yates James, plumber, Church street Wadlow Edmnnd C. farmer, Stanton Yates Richard, builder, New street Wadlow Thomas, trainer of race horses, Stanton SHINETON, or SHEINTON, is a township, parish and I754· The li\'ing is a rectory, tithe rent-charge £I77 net, village, on the south bank of the river Se¥ern, 3 miles north- gross yearly value £2oo, including IO acres of glebe. with west from Much Wenlock, IO south-east from S~r~wsbury residence, in the gift of the trustees of the late John Anstice and If east from Cressage station on the Severn Valley esq. and held since I878 by the Rev. Hency Lee H.A. of branch of the Great Western railway, in the Western divi- Durham. The charities are £s, left in 1700 by Mrs. Lacon, sion of the county, Condover hundred, Atcham union, and charged on Lord l<'orester's estate. The Duke of Cleve­ Shrewsbury county court district, and in the petty land K.G. who is lord of the manor, and the trustees of the sessional division .and rural deanery of Condover, arch- late Walter Moseley esq. are chief landowners. The soil is deaconry of Salop and diocese of Lichfield. 'fhe church of sandy and loamy in the lowlands, and produces good turnips. SS. Peter and Paul is a building of stone, in the Decorated and barley ; the uplands, being strong clay, are chiefly cult.i­ style, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch vate1 with wheat; subsoil, gravel. The area i.> 946 acres; and a western tower of wood containing 3 bells: a stone rate~ble value, £I,I2I; the population in I88I was 107. figure of the I3th century, supposed to be that of the LETTER Box cleared at 7.30 p.m. No sunday collection. foundress, was discovered in the chancel when the church Letters are received from Shrewsbury by foot po3t; arrive was restored in I854: the stained east window is a memorial · at 8.30 a.m. Cressage is the nearest money order & to the Rev. George Onions Burd lii.A. formerly rector of telegraph office this parish, who died in 1856: an eagle lectern of oak was National School (mixed), with residence for mistress at- presented by the present rector in I88I. The register of tached, built in 1845, for so children; average attendance. baptisms and burials dates from the year I7II; marriages, I6; Miss Fanny Rachael Cooper, mistress Lee Rev. Henry lii.A. Rectory IEddowes George, farmer ILloyd Mary (Miss), farmer Alvis John, farmer Hill Charles, cowkeeper Yates :Fredk. Wm. farmer, Sheinwood SHIPTON, including part of the township of BROCTON, Oxford. Near Larden, in this parish, il!l an old encampment. is a parish and villa~e on the road from Much Wenlock to supposed to be British. Shipton Hall, the residence of Mrs. Ludlow,• and bounded on the east by the rirer Corve, 6! Mytton, and t.he property of Robert Jasper More esq. i8 a. miles south·west from Much Wenlock, 14 south-by-east from mansion in the Elizabethan style. Larden Hall, also the Shrewsbury and 4 south-east from Longville station, on the property of Robert Jasper More esq. is in the occupation of Wenlock and Craven Arms branch of the Great Western the MissesRouse-Boughton. Robert Jasper More esq. lii.P., railway, in the Southern division of the county, upper divi- lii.A., D.L., J.P. of Larden Cotta~e, Stanton, who is lord of sion of Munslow hundred, Church Stretton u11ion, Upper the manor, the Duke of Cleveland K.G. Mrs. Evan Hippisley 1\-Iunslow petty sessional division, and Shrewsbury county and William Reynolds Corser esq. are the chief landowners. court district. The eh urch of St. J ames is an ancient build- The soil is a rich loam ; the subsoil varies from bastard lime• ing of stone in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave, stone to quarrystone. The crops are the usual cereals. south porch and a western tower of wood cont(lining 3 bells: The area is I,682 acres; rateable value, £I ,989; the popula­ there are monuments to Thomas Mytton, d. I762, and his tion in 1881 was I85. wife Martha, d. 1770, and others of this family, t86-.l-74; Parish Clerk Joel Allea also to Thomas More, d. x8o4, and his wife Harriott, d. 1851, ' · and a brass to Robert Henry Cayer More x.A. d. r88o. The LETTER Box cleared at sp.m. Letters are received through register dates from the year 153s. The living is a donative Much Wenlock (Railway Sub-Office), arrive at 9 a. m. The chaplaincy, yearly value £ 120, in the gift of Robert Jasper nearest money order office is at Stanton Long & telegraph More esq. M.P. who is Jay impropriator, and held since I8g1 office at Much Wenlock by the Rev. Robert Evered Haymes M. A. of Trinity College, The children of this place attend the school at Brocton Corser William Reynolds, Moor house 1 Corser William Reynolds, farm r & I Jandrell John, blacksmith, Brocton Mytton Mrs. Shipton hall tandowner, Moor house Lloyd George, farmer, Larden grange Rouse-Boughton TheMisses,Larden hall Dorrell John, fl\rmer Lewis Thomas, butcher & farmer Allen Joel, farmer, Mogg forest Dodson William, mason, Brocton Manning Hannah (Miss), farmar Bluck William, farmer, New house Howard Richard, farmer, Brocton Mansell Richd. farmer, Moor Housefrm SHRAWARDINE is a township and parish, on the pulled down, and on the 8th of June, I645, the church also river Savern, 6~ miles west-north-west from Shrewsbury, in (as was said), for the safety of the castle, was destroyed, the Western division of the county, Baschurch division of the register a.ud other books being burnt; the garrison sub­ Pimhill hundred, Atcham union, Shrewsbury county court sequently surrendered to Colonels Hunt and Andrew Lloyd district, petty sessional division of Baschurch, ru-ral deanery and Mr. Charlton, after only five days' siege of the.. castle, of Shrewsbury, archdeacoury of Salop and diocese of Lich- which, together with the neighbouring buildings, was burnt field. 'fhe church of S~. Mary, rebuilt in I64-9, and the a fortnight afterwards, and the greater part was pulled chancel in 1722, is a plain edtfice of stone in the Gothic down, the materials being used to repair Shrewsbury Castle style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch, and wooden and the wall on the Severn side and to build the old Welsh turret at the west end, containing 2 bells: in the church.is bridge at Shrewsbury. Near the modern houi!e, now called a brass to Martha Botevyle, ob. 178I, and a stained memorial " The Castle," occupied as a farm by Mr. William Ward, is window to Pryce William Bowen esq. of this parish, who ! an extensive mere. The Earl of Powis is lord of the manor died in I868, erected by his friends in the same year. The and sole landowner. The soil is strong loam; subsoil, clay. register dates from the year 1645. The living is a rectory, The chief crops are wheat, turnips, barley and clover. The with the vicara,ooe of Montford annexed, joint gross yearly area is I,951 acres; rateable value, £3,03I; the population. value £6n, net £387, with 6 acres of glebe, in the gift of in I88I was I93• the Earl of Powis, and held since I887 by the Rev. John Parish Clerk, Samuel Edwards. Edward Hill M.A, of Christ Church, Oxford, who rt>..sides at PosT 0FFICE.-Richard Poulter, receiver. Letters arrive Montford. The charities are of £r IOS. yearly value, arising through Shrewsbury via Montford Bridge, which is the from land left by a Mr. Bromley, and distributed annually nearest money order & telegraph office, at 7. IO a. m.; dis- in c.Jals to the poor. In this parish are the remains of an patched at 6 p.m ancient castle, formerly belonpng to the Fitz-Alans, and destroyed in the Civil Wars; it wa.."l garrisoned for the King, The children of this place attend the school at Montford; September 2 8tb., 1 644, by Colonel Sir William Vaughan; the which is a joint school for Montford & Shrawardine outbuildings of the castle and parsonage were shortly after CARRIER.-Wm. Onions, to Shrewsbury, wed. & sat Auden Rev. John Ernest lii.A. [curate] Jones Robert, farmer, Hilley farm Tanner Alfred, farmer llrayne Edward, wheelwright Onions William, carrier Ward Wm. farm~r, Shrawardine castle Eve rail Ed ward, farmer, The Folly Poulter Richard, shopkeeper, Post office .
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