NASA Agency-Wide Approach for the Management of Resources Less than 50 Years of Age Resource Significance Framework Area 1: Aeronautics Research December 24, 2020 DRAFT Prepared for: Rebecca Klein, Ph.D., RPA Federal Preservation Officer Office of Strategic Infrastructure NASA Headquarters 300 E Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20546 Prepared by: Carrie Albee, Architectural Historian Gray & Pape, Inc. 2005 East Franklin Street, Suite 2 Richmond, Virginia 23223 (804) 644-0656 NASA AGENCY-WIDE APPROACH FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES LESS THAN 50 YEARS OF AGE RSF: Aeronautics Research Chapter – December 24, 2020 Draft Table of Contents Table of Contents .............................................................................................................. i Acronyms ....................................................................................................................... iii 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1 2.0 Methodology ............................................................................................................. 3 2.1 Scope of Study ....................................................................................................... 3 2.2 Project Development ............................................................................................... 3 2.3 Areas of Significance .............................................................................................. 5 2.4 Apex Events ........................................................................................................... 5 2.5 Citations ................................................................................................................. 5 2.6 Property Types ........................................................................................................ 6 2.7 Current Draft ........................................................................................................ 11 3.0 Agency Overview .................................................................................................... 12 3.1 Mission Directorates .............................................................................................. 13 3.2 NASA Locations .................................................................................................... 14 3.3 Real Property Assets .............................................................................................. 16 4.0 Area 1: Aeronautics Research ................................................................................... 18 4.1 Historical Overview ............................................................................................... 18 4.2 Aeronautics Research Centers ................................................................................ 20 4.3 Themes of Exceptional Importance ......................................................................... 26 4.4 Apex Events ......................................................................................................... 28 4.5 Property Types ...................................................................................................... 49 5.0 References ............................................................................................................... 66 Appendix 1: NASA Facility Classification Coding System .................................................. 72 List of Tables Table 3-1. NASA Centers and Component Facilities .......................................................... 15 Table 3-2. Evaluation Status of Real Property Assets by Center .......................................... 17 Table 4-1. Total Potential Tier 1 Assets by FCCS Basic Category ........................................ 52 Table 4-2. Facility Class 1 (Operational, Including Tracking & Data Acquisition & Training) 55 Table 4-3. Facility Class 2 (Maintenance & Production) ..................................................... 57 i NASA AGENCY-WIDE APPROACH FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES LESS THAN 50 YEARS OF AGE RSF: Aeronautics Research Chapter – December 24, 2020 Draft Table 4-4. Facility Class 3 (Research, Development & Testing) ........................................... 57 Table 4-5. Facility Class 4 (Supply) .................................................................................. 59 Table 4-6. Facility Class 5 (Hospital & Medical) ............................................................... 60 Table 4-7. Facility Class 6 (Administrative Buildings) ......................................................... 60 Table 4-8. Facility Class 7 (Housing & Community) ........................................................... 60 Table 4-9. Facility Class 8 (Utility & Ground Improvements) .............................................. 62 Table 4-10. Facility Class 9 (Land) ................................................................................... 65 Table 4-11. Facility Class (Unassigned) ............................................................................ 65 List of Figures Figure 2-1. FCCS Code for Research, Development, & Test Laboratories ............................ 10 Figure 3-1. NASA U.S. Locations ..................................................................................... 16 ii NASA AGENCY-WIDE APPROACH FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES LESS THAN 50 YEARS OF AGE RSF: Aeronautics Research Chapter – December 24, 2020 Draft Acronyms ACEE Aircraft Energy Efficiency ACHP Advisory Council on Historic Preservation ADECS Adaptive Digital Engine Control System AERL Aircraft Engine Research Laboratory AFB Air Force Base AFRC Armstrong Flight Research Center ARC Ames Research Center ARMD Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate BWB Blended Wing Body CAPA Central Airborne Performance Analyzer CAPCS Cooperative Airframe/Propulsion Control System CAS Control Augmentation System CCG National Register of Historic Places Criteria Consideration G CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics CRM Cultural Resource Managers DEEC Digital Electronic Engine Control DEFCS Digital Electronic Flight Control System DFBW Digital Fly-by-Wire DoD Department of Defense ELF Ellington Field FCCS Facility Classification Coding System FRED Facilities and Real Estate Division FY Fiscal Year GDSCC Goldstone Deep Space Communication Complex GP Gray & Pape, Inc. GRC Glenn Research Center GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center HARV High Alpha Research Vehicle HATP High Angle-of-Attack Technology Program HEO Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate iii NASA AGENCY-WIDE APPROACH FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES LESS THAN 50 YEARS OF AGE RSF: Aeronautics Research Chapter – December 24, 2020 Draft HIDEC Highly Integrated Digital Electronic Control HSG Herndon Solutions Group HTSF Highly Technical or Scientific Facilities ICRMP Integrated Cultural Resource Management Plan IPCS Integrated Propulsion Control System ISS International Space Station JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory JSC Johnson Space Center KSC Kennedy Space Center LAFB Langley Air Force Base LaRC Langley Research Center LLRV Lunar Landing Research Vehicle LTV Ling-Temco-Vought MAF Michoud Assembly Facility MPD Multiple Property Documentation form MSFC Marshall Space Flight Center NACA National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics NAS Naval Air Station NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization NETS NASA Environmental Tracking System NHL National Historic Landmark NHPA National Historic Preservation Act NPS National Park Service NRHP National Register of Historic Places NRP NASA Research Park OAPEC Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries PBOW Plum Brook Ordnance Works PBS Plum Brook Station PCA Propulsion Controlled Aircraft PSC Performance Seeking Control RD&T Research, development, and testing iv NASA AGENCY-WIDE APPROACH FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES LESS THAN 50 YEARS OF AGE RSF: Aeronautics Research Chapter – December 24, 2020 Draft RPMS Real Property Management System RSF Resource Significance Framework SCTF Sonny Carter Training Facility SCW Supercritical Wing SMD Science Mission Directorate SOFIA Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy SOI Secretary of the Interior SRFCS Self-Repairing Flight Control System SSC Stennis Space Center SSFL Santa Susana Field Laboratory SSP Space Shuttle Program STMD Space Technology Mission Directorate STOL Short Takeoff and Landing TACT Transonic Aircraft Technology TRRA Tilt Rotor Research Aircraft UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle V/STOL Vertical/Short Takeoff and Landing WFF Wallops Flight Facility WSTF White Sands Test Facility v NASA AGENCY-WIDE APPROACH FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES LESS THAN 50 YEARS OF AGE RSF: Aeronautics Research Chapter – December 24, 2020 Draft 1.0 Introduction As defined by the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), resources less than 50 years of age (<50) are generally not eligible for listing (i.e., they are not historic properties) unless they possess exceptional importance under the Criteria. However, NASA is a young agency with a scientific mission that makes it atypical among Federal agencies in both the character of its historic properties and the nature of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) Section 106 undertakings. While most Federal agencies’ historic preservation programs prioritize resources that have reached 50 years of age (50+) and only evaluate resources under NRHP Criteria Consideration G (CCG) in limited cases of readily apparent significance (e.g., Cold War, Civil
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