J-,L,*.1 UItt $ittr& TLtort Grrottr lBuhlirbob bp fl utlorttP. ffr-trI THunspav" 9Tn Jur.v, 1987 No. 42 G.N CONTENTg Flcs Ministry of Education, Cultural Affairs and Sports 198- 199 Board of Goi'ernors for Secondary Schools 178 ,iiifil]iltlilb h'rE Notices 170-t7l Minishy of Internal Afrairs t7t 200 Revision of Chiefdom Councillors List- KamajeiChiefdom,MoyambaDistrict 178-179 hrmir:c ef \hcant Posts t7t Court 201 Citation 179 Ministry of Defence Ikdrmrffir Promotions and Commissions* n.-s r I{.F. t7t-172 202 Noticc to Creditors t19 Ministry of Financo ;I[!r of Trcasuy Bills for auctioa 172 SUPPLEMENT Vacancy in the Public Service Vacancy-Social Development Officer-Ministry of Rural Srbof unclaimedgoods Development, Social Services and Youth. PRINTED BY THE GOVERNMENT PR.INTING DEPARTMENT, SIERRA LEONE Annual Subscription: Inland Le390.00,'Ovcreeas US $35. rirrr{frelthc6evcrnneotpociitoe,'*atlaci foUatse-Strit, Frcetowa. Pricote7.50c 6.P.O/lUlrP,[email protected]. I-EONE GAZETII'E 9rx Jur-v. I 170 STERBA Con8rmatkrs of APPaint*rcnt PUBLIC SER.VICE I\CTICES AoumrsrnatroN FREErowN. 9th JulY, 1987. Barley, R. E,, Administrative Officer, 7.10'86' Govt. Notice No. 191 Bundu, A. I., Administrative Officer, 25'7'86' New APPointment Idriss, B. K., Administrative Off.cer,8 .8.86' MrNlsvxv or AcRIcuLTURE, Nntunlr' Rssoucrs AND CLASS II PENSIONABLE OFFICER FonrsrpY MrNIsrnv on l{ralru Soloku, Mrs. Fatmata, Josephine, Second Grade Clerk' 2,11,82. Mansaray, Miss D., Sewing Maid, 1'7'84' CuLTURAL Arrems eNp Spo*rs MrNrsrnv or EpuclrroN, Promotion of Schools Iones. Miss Edna Margaret Rachael, InsPector Auprr (SeiondarY), 24.6.87. Lapia, MustaPha Benson, Education Officer (SecondarY)' Lebbie, T. A. M., Senior Examiner, 1'7'85' 24.6.87. Education Officer Marke, Miss R9qeil1a1:- Jannette, Senior A ccotrrqraNr-GENERAT's --(tuti and Crafts), 8.6'87. (Planning) Senior Accountant,2'1'86' Renner-Jibila, Michael Andrew, Education Officer Cole, E. A.8., 26.6.87. Cole, J. A. 8., Principal Accountant,2'1'86' Officer (Secondary)' Rogers, Dickson Jousauph, Eduoation QoIe, R. B. O., Principal Accountant, 19'8'85' 26.6.87. Caulker, C., Senior Accountant,l9'8'85' Mrs. Georgiana Bonya, Inspector of Schools (Second- Tucker, Kamara, M. L. O., Senior Accounta-nt, l'7 '86' ary),24.6.87 . Kamara, Mrs. B. E., Senior fiss6unfuat,2'1'86' Socrer Srnvrcrs eNo Youru MrNrsrnv or RunAL DEVELo?MENI, Maddy, D. V', Principal Accountant, 2't'86' 1B'7'83' Accountant, 15'8'85' Gray, Mrs. Ivy Viola, A., Second Crade Clerk' Mustapha, M. A., Senior Macarthy, Miss C. I', Principal Accountant, 15'8'85' or Totrusu h4rNrsrnY Sanusi, M. Y. 8., Senior Accountant, 2'1'86' 1'7'86' 18'5'83' Stober, Mrs. M. C. P', Senior Accountant, Dumbuya, Miss Yainkein, third Gra'de Clerk' on E'oms alo LaBoun MrNtstnY MlflsrnYorDnmNcc (lVoms DrvIsIoN) (R.S.L.M.F.) Miss Sarah, thrrd Crade Clerk' 4'1'81' Harv'ey, Johnson. M., Senior Foreman, 1'7'86' CLASS II PENSTONABLE OFFICER AND PowBn MtNtsrRY oE HBa'lrs MrnrsrnY oF ENERGY S., Foreman, 1.7.85' Marrarey, Miss Deborah, Sewing Maid' l'7'84' Atfred, Bangura, A., Foreman, 1.7'85' Appointment Kanugba, S., Foreman, 1'7'85' MrursrnY or HsaLrH Kanu, J. A., Foreman, 1'7'85' (Drfini- Kamr, E', Foreman, 1.7'85' S. O., Storekeeper and Inspecting Pharmaerist Caulker, 1.7'85' tive), s8.12.E3. Kamara, 8., Foreman, Kamara, S., Foreman, 1'7'85' ReiaP TnalsPonr Kamanda, G., Foreman, l'7'85' Turay, A. S., Autornobile Engineer' 2'4'87' Koroma, E. B., Foreman, 1'7 85' Lansana, N.' Foreman, l'7'85' Acting APPointment Monya, S., Foreman, 1'7'85' Foreman, 1'7'85' AorrllNsrnatrox Pessima, A., Pratt, T., Forernan, 1.7'85' Senior Assistant Secretary'l'7 '86' Nicol, S. W., t Saffa, J., Foreman, 1.7'85' Miss-C. F., Senior Arsistant Secretary' 1.7.86. Jchnson, Vandy, J. G., Foreman, l'7'85' A. G., Foreman, 1'?'85' Crvr AvrerroN Williams, PultrNc 15'11'86' Bangura, S. T. A., Airport Commandant' Assistant' l'7'85' eutio. C. O., Scnior Air Traffic Control Officer' 15'11'86' Darley, Mrs. H' A., Senior Sa'les Director of Civil Aviation, 15'11'86' Johnson, J. A., AND Y 15'11'86' MrNrsrnv or RuRAL DEVELoPMENT, SocIAt SER'vrcEs Yandy, T. T. A., Deputy Director of Civil Aviation' Miss I. M. S., Principal Social Development Offic{ AND BRoADcAsrrNG Beury, Mntstnv or lNrox'u'lrro-N 1.7.86. Principal Social Development Offica Alison-Conteh, I., Director, 1'5'4'87' Fap-Bundeh, F. B., 1.7.86. During, W. J. A', Assistant Director, 15'4'87' SIERRA LEONE GAZETTE 171 9;cel Developrncnt Of,1cor, l.7.E6 PnrsrolNt's OrrIcl DcveloPment Officer, 1.7.86 htrr@d i:cial Kamara, L., Steward, rctired on pcnsion, 1.7.87. Srur- Dcwlopment Offiecr, 1.6.87. Dllr:r. l.7.tJ. Posrc tNo TltlcourruNrc,trroNg Gorvie. T., Junior Technical Officcr, rctirod on p.nsion, 2.6.E7. Trrnsfcr :l t \\., Workshop SuPcrintende-nt. ura \e:lral Resources and Forcstry has OBITUARY tr.r, ::uc Ministr.v of Worts and Labour Govt. Notice No. 187 M.P. .rPF 28694 l Srgerintcndent of Workr with effoct r: !$56- The death is announced with regret of Jalloh, M', Leading Hand Ministry, of Works and Labour (Works Division) which sad even ttook place on ?th Octobet,l984. La.rr of -{bscacc lLD,ld:\ISTT.ATIOX 0qre !.6.t4. Gort. Notice No. 188 M.P. JPF 28895 +lE AND PorER Itfimrf,Y E\aRGY The death is announced with regret of Macarthy, S., Senior Office, which sad event took dry'!- !.--87. Chauffeur, Second Vice-President's :t*f,m place on the 29th August, 1986. MFosrx.Y or HBALTH dal's, 15.6.87. rainr n 8.. l9t Govt. Noticc No. 189 l- lli;:r:.'.J.t7. The death is announced with ragret of Paramou nt Chief Samura Sanu II of Sanda Loko Chiefdom, Bombali District, PR NIINo which sad event took place on the 5th of June, 1987. C E., llE days, 1.6.E7. DECLARATION OF VACANT POSTS Frn rr:o Trucour.rsNrctrroxs Govt. Notlce No. 192 M.P. JPF 31415 J,i, rf .{-- {f der:, 1.4.87 Yamsie-Taylor, J., Technician, Posts rnd Telecommunica- S, F " ::- Jar:, 1.3.t7. tions Dcpartment, having been abscnt from duty without leavc $ tt," :i6 aal:, 1.3.87. or rcasonablc cxcusc sincc 4th Deccmber, 1985 ir hcld to havc vacated his post with effect from that date. f, ttl lrd- ill days, 1.3.E7. (This cancels publication in Gazette Nos.46 of l2th June, 1985, ca]:, 1.5.87. bb l' ;" ::: No.19 qf l9i June, 1985 and No. 50 of26th lune, 1985.) .d ttm r Lr.rr BRoaDcAlTrNcI SnvI criTrrrvlslox fort n * - 1:rl da1:, 1t.7.E6. frBe Govt. Notice No. 180 M,P. Conf. JPF 32145 1Sc Cuud Loevr M'bavo- F.. Student Printer, Government Printing Depart- ment havihg 6een absent from duty without leave or rcasonable post Cugroxs AND Exclrr excuse since 28th January, 1987 is held to have vacated his with effect from that date. E 8. t day, i.e.26.6.E7. INCoU Tax Govt. Notice No. 181 M,P. Conf. JPF 30685 m" I'f-'a S. A., 16 days, i.o. 3.7.E6 to 6.7.E6, 1J.4't7 to lrf sl 11.6.87 to 29.6.87, inclusivc. Seisay, T. S. K., Third Grade Clerk, Ministry of Defence (R.S.L.M.F.) having been absent from'duty without leave or ieasonable excuse since lst September, 1984 is held to have va- RcrunPtlor of DutY batio4 cated his post with effect from that date. Dmen'3 AoxrNttrtttlox E aDd rffir F L.19.5.E7. MIMSTRY OF DEFENCE Grotocrcr.rl, SurvrYr Govt. Notlco No . 193 M.P. Cod. ntD.4/3 Yol. Y {hullmq. P E. P., 1.5.87' SUBSTANTIVE PROMOTIONS--OFFICERS-REPUBLIC. OF SIERRALEONE MILITARY FORCES S,uu LrcNr BRoADcAsrINo Sr*vrcr/Truvrsox His Excellency thc President, Commander - in ' C}icf of thc Int. E w., 15.5.87. Armed Forces and Minister of Defence of the Republic of Sicrra E€ot Lconc has graciously approvcd the promotion of tne qualificd Left the Slerra Leonr Clvil Scrvlcc undor-ment-ioned Officer in accordance with Soction V of para'- oraotr tZt of Army Orders of 1965 to the Subltantlve Rank of Com- firhFfi!f,il.y or AGRICULTURT, Nrn-n,u. Rxor-rxcrc lNo FoxHrrY iieutcnant with cffect fr om 9th August, 1986: xerra S. N. Sheriff (SL 352)-RSLR I,rur. Miss J. 8., Tcmporary Clerical dssistent, dismissed, Second Licutenant iierra -: -' t( S.A.T. BAYOH, S. A. Petmancnl Sccrctary. or ENIRoY ,txP Por*lr Bion, MrNrs:rnY Srttr rvrxtm, B.rr" O., Senior Foreman, rctircd on penrion, 26.6.87. FRtr6wN 172 SIERRA LEONE GAZET'TE 9rn Jtrrx S. (SL I9I)-RSLR M.F. Conf. MD,1l3l'I TlCaptain K. Bangura Gsvt. Notiec No. 194 T/Captain T. S. Carew (SL 199)-RSLR H. lC (SL 200) SUBSTAN TIVE PROMOTIO N _CFFIC TR S-RET U ELTC riCabtian Conteh -RSLR T/Captain A. K. Sesay (SL 207)-RSLR OF SIERRA LEONEMTLITARY FORCES T/Cabtain E. v. Coker (SL 269)-RSLR T/Captain B. S. Conteh (SI- 300)- RSLR Sierra Leone Thc under-mcntioned Officer of the Republic of S. T. Davies (SL 263)-RSLR promoted Rank of Lieute- ficairtaln Militaxv Forces is to the Substantive T/Captain E. S. Foday (SL 228)-RSLR nant wiih'effect frrim l3th December, 1986,with Seniority as an T/Cabtain P.
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