Residential Extensions Supplementary Planning Document South Ribble Borough Council Residential Extensions Supplementary Planning Document January 2013 C O N T E N T S Section A Introduction and Background Page: A1 Introduction 1 A2 Purpose of the SPD 1 A3 Policy Context 1 A4 Using the Document 2 A5 The Need for Planning Permission 2 A6 Other Consent and Regulations 3 A7 Pre-Application Advice 3 Section B Best Practice Design Principles Page: B1 Best Practice Principles 4 B2 Siting 4 B3 Form and Mass 4 B4 Detailing an Extension 5 B5 Impact on Neighbours 6 B6 Dominance and Overbearing 6 B7 Shadowing/Loss of Light 6 B8 Privacy and Overlooking 6 B9 Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas 7 B10 Works to Front Gardens 8 B11 Boundary Treatment 8 B12 Access and Parking 8 B13 Outbuildings 9 B14 Refuse Storage 9 C O N T E N T S continued Section C Design Guidance Notes Page: C1 All Extensions/Alterations (Guidance Note DG01) 11 C2 Single Storey Rear Extensions (Guidance Note DG02) 13 C3 Two Storey Rear Extensions (Guidance Note DG03) 14 C4 Single Storey Side extensions (Guidance Note DG04) 17 C5 Two Storey Side extensions (Guidance Note DG05) 19 C6 Extensions on Corner Plots (Guidance Note DG06) 22 C7 Front Extensions (Guidance Note DG07) 24 C8 Dormers and Roof Alterations (Guidance Note DG08) 25 C9 Conservatories (Guidance Note DG09) 28 C10 Solar Panels (Guidance Note DG10) 28 C11 Balconies and Roof Terraces (Guidance Note DG11) 29 C12 Extensions in Rural Areas (Guidance Note DG12) 29 Section D Appendix Page: D1 Useful Contacts/References 31 A1 Introduction property and in the long-term may affect its sale ability. A1.1 Within South Ribble, many residents wish to extend their homes as a means of A2.3 The guide can be used to help develop increasing living space or as an and demonstrate best practice principles alternative to moving. The Borough when considering alterations or Council seeks to ensure that house extensions to a property. If such extensions and alterations should relate proposals require planning permission, well to the character of the property and the document should be used as a general street scene, whilst ensuring that reference point with regards to they do not adversely impact on preferential approaches that are more neighbouring properties. likely to be viewed positively by the planning department. A1.2 Although each property or site is different, the general guidance is aimed at A2.4 This guide does not seek to impose rigid distinguishing between acceptable and conditions, or stifle creative and unacceptable examples of common types innovative design solutions. The of development. Proposals designed in document places a focus on good, well- accordance with the advice and principles executed design and approaches that of this guidance document are more likely should be adopted when considering any to be granted permission than those that alterations/extensions. do not. A2.5 There may be circumstances in which the A1.3 The principles in this guidance are guidance contained within this document relevant whether you need planning cannot or should not be followed. In such permission for your extension/alteration or cases, clear justification should be not. However, this advice does not cover established to support a case for all aspects of design and should not departing from the guidelines. restrict imaginative designs where these clearly embody the principles established within the document. A3 Policy Context A3.1 The Council determines planning applications after assessing development A2 Purpose of the SPD proposals against relevant planning A2.1 The purpose of this document is to assist policies. those who wish to alter, improve, or A3.2 At the local level these policies are extend a residential property. Although included in the adopted South Ribble such “householder developments” are Local Plan. However, this document is often small in scale, each will have an nearing the end of its life and will be impact on the character and appearance replaced by the adopted Central of the property, on the locality and Lancashire Core Strategy, the Site environment and/or on the living Allocations Development Plan Document conditions enjoyed by neighbours. (The Local Development Framework) and A2.2 Poorly designed residential development a series of Supplementary Planning can spoil the appearance of a building. Documents covering specific areas. This They can also have an adverse effect on Residential Extensions Design Guide will the surrounding landscape or be adopted as one of the SPD’s. streetscape. Well-designed proposals A3.3 This SPD supports the design standards can make a positive impact and are also set within Policies 17 and 27 of the likely to add value to a property. A poorly Central Lancashire Core Strategy, Policy conceived change or addition can result B6 in the Publication Version Site in some cases in the devaluation of a Allocations Development Plan Document - 1 - and the Central Lancashire Design covering the different types of Supplementary Planning Document. householder development to assist in ascertaining whether planning permission A3.4 It is unlikely that there will be any is required or not. significant negative impacts arising from the SPD on economic, social and This is available to view at environmental matters that were not www.southribble.gov.uk/planning and covered in the Appraisal of the ‘parent’ listed under planning advice and documents the Core Strategy or Site guidance Allocations DPD. Therefore, this SPD will A5.2 Advice can also be found on 'The not trigger the need for an SA/SEA. Planning Portal' www.planningportal.gov.uk. This is the A4 Using this Document Government's online planning and building regulations resource for England A4.1 The document sets out general principles and Wales and gives advice to members that should be taken into account when of the public on planning and building undertaking any extension or alteration. regulations. Within the website is an The document offers guidance by interactive house which gives visual explaining the nature of the elements to information on many common household be considered when engaging in the projects. design of specific types of extension or A5.3 The regulations relating to permitted alteration to existing dwellings. This development are complex and in some document should also be used to assist instances, permitted development rights with the design of new-build residential may have been withdrawn by the developments. imposition of an Article 4 Direction in a A4.2 The document supersedes Appendix 4 of Conservation Area, or a planning the South Ribble Local Plan. It will be condition attached to an earlier applied to all applications submitted after permission. You are advised to contact its adoption. If properties have, the Council to establish whether planning historically, been altered in a manner that permission is required for any proposed conflicts with this guidance, such changes development you may be intending to will not set a precedent for future undertake. decisions, where permission is required. A5.4 Please note that a consultation on A4.3 The Local Planning Authority will refer to proposals to increase permitted the Design Guidance Notes in the development rights for extensions to determination of your planning houses in non-protected areas of application, with those applications that England, has been launched by the adhere to the guidance notes being more Department for Communities and Local likely to gain a favourable planning Government (DCLG). These proposed recommendation. amendments to the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development Order) 1995 (GPDO) have A5 The Need for Planning not yet been agreed (as at December Permission 2012), and may impact upon the guidelines within this document. This A5.1 In some cases “Permitted Development document will be reviewed and changed Rights” may allow you to make alterations where appropriate should changes to the to, or extend, your home without applying GPDO occur. for planning permission. The Council's website www.southribble.gov.uk has a series of self-assessment check lists - 2 - A5.5 Planning permission is now required for Planning Authority for initial advice and conversion of existing domestic comments regarding your proposal. outbuildings/garages into ancillary living A7.2 The Local Planning Authority will aim to accommodation, where sleeping assist you by identifying potential issues accommodation would be present e.g. you may not have considered and will ‘Granny flat ‘or annexe. Please discuss provide early advice with regards to the your requirements with a member of the acceptability of your proposal, provide Development Management Team before guidance on how any issues may be commencing development or submitting overcome or potential alternative a planning application. approaches to any proposed development. A6 Other Consents and Regulations A6.1 It should be emphasised that this guide and the principles contained within it relate solely to planning issues. You should also be aware that a range of other consents may be required before works are undertaken. These may include: • Building Regulations - These cover the technical aspects of construction and are entirely separate from the planning system. Advice should be sought from the Building Control Section on 01772 625420 as to whether Building Regulation approval is required. • Land Owner - You may need consent from previous or adjoining land owners depending on the nature of the works
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