6868 / CONGR.ESSIONAL RECOR.D-HOUSE APRIL 20· ORJOOON be confined to the bill and which shall continue not to exceed 12 hours, George W. Epley, Sheridan. the time to be equally divided and controlled by those favoring and op­ posing the bill, the bill shall be read for amendment under the five­ PORTO RICO minute rule. It shall be in order to consider without the intervention Jose Monserrate, Salinas. of the point of order as provided in clause 7 of the Rule XVI, the substi­ TENNESSEE tute committee amendment recommended by the Committee on Agri­ Rufus N. McCa lin, Dickson. culture, now in the bill, and such substitute for the purpose of amend­ ment shall be considered under the five-minute rule as an original bill. TEXAS At the conclusion of such consideration the committee shall rise and Hal Singleton, O'D<mnell. report the bill to the House with the committee substitute, as amended, Maggie Thomas, Petersburg. and the pt·evious question shall be considered as ordered on the bill William J. Da vi , Silsbee. and committee substitute thereto . to final passage without intervening Herbert W. Scott, Throckmorton. motion except one motion to recommit. UTAH AMERICAN ME.'RCH.ANT MARINE Arthur H. Reeve, Hinckley. Benjamin Jr. Caffey, Sunnyside. Mr. SNELL, from the Committee on Rules, also submitted the following resolution for printing in the REcoRD: HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Honse Resolution 175 Resolved, That upon the adoption of this resolution it shall be in FRIDAY, April 20, 1928 order to move that the House resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union for the consideration of S. 744, The House met at 12 o'clock noon. entitled "An act to further develop an American merchant marine, to The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered assUl'e its permanence in the transportation of the foreign trade of the the following praye~: United States, and for other purposes." That after general debate, Our blessed Lord, out of the depths of our conscious need which shall be confined to the bill and which shall continue not to and out of our deepest gratitude we would pray never lea"Ve exceed four hours, the time to be equally divided and controlled by nor forsake us. Ble s us with that deep experience of the soul those favoring and those opposing the bill, Ute bill shall be rea<i for that can not be measured, and help us to that peace that no amendment under the five-minute rule. It shall be in order to consider human mind has ever understood,. Lead us to that lo-ve \vhose without the intervention of the point of order as provided in clause 7 depths no mortal heart has ever sounded, and to that joy that of Rule XVI the substitute committee amendment recommended by the no earthly lip ha ever expressed. All along the pathway that Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries now in the bill and such await our footfall, may every mountain be brought low and sub titute for the purpose of amendment shall be considered' under the every valley raieed up and every roucrh place made plain. May five-minute rule as an original bill. At the conclusion of such consid­ our mornings and our evenings bring to us satisfaction becau<·e eration the committee shall rise and report the bill to the House with of work well done. Raise us to a plane where the losse. and the the committee substitute, as amended, and the previous question shall crosses of life are exalted and where the beatitude of our be considered as ordered on the bill and committee substitute thereto to Heavenly Father rest upon us. In the holy name of Jesus. final passage without intervening motion except one motion to recomniit. Amen. Mr. BANKHEAD. Will the gentleman from New York yield The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read anJ for an inquiry? approved. Mr. SNELL. Yes. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE l\fr. BANKHEAD. For the information of the Members of the House as to the order of business next week, we are to A mesSage from the Senate, by Mr. Craven, its principal clerk, as. ume th.at ~e resolution for the consideration of the agri­ announced that the Senate had agreed to the amendment of the cultural blll will come up after we have concluded the flood House of Representatives to the bill ( S. 2725) entitled "An act control bill? to extend the provision of section 2455, United States Revised Mr. SNELL. That is the expectation, that the farm relief Statutes, to certain public lands in the State of Oklahoma. bill will be considered immediately after the conclusion of the The message also announced that the Senate had passed flood control bill. without amendment bills of the House of the following titles: Mr. GARNER of Texas. Will the gentleman yield? H. R. 8835. An act to amend section 98 of the Judicial Code, l\fr. SNELL. Yes. as amended, to provide for terms of court at Bryson City, N. C. ; Mr. GAR1\TER of Texas. As I understand the present bill and we are considering is a Senate bill? ' H. R.l2441. An act to amend section 2 of an act entitled "..in l\Ir. SNELL. Yes. act in reference to writs of error," approved January 31, 1928, ~fr. G_ARNER of Texas. If I recall correctly, the two reso­ Public, No. 10, Seventieth Congress. lutions JUSt offered are for the consideration of Senate bills? The mes~ge further announced that the Senate disagrees to Mr. SNELL. Yes. th~ amendments of the House of Repre entatives to the bill Mr. GARNER of Texas. I am just wonde1ing when we are (S. 710) entitled "An act conferring jurisdiction upon the Coul't going to consider the Senate bill with reference to Muscle of Claims to hear, adjudicate, and render judgment in claims Shoals? which the Northwestern Bands of Shoshone Indians may have Mr. SNELL. I could not an wer that thi morning. against the United States," requests a conference with the Mr. GARNER of Texas. Are you going to wait for the House on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, and Boulder Dam bill until it passes the Senate or are you going appoints 1\Ir. FRAZIER, Mr. SCHALL, and Mr. ASHURST to be the to con ider the House bill? conferees on the part of the Senate. Mr. SNELL. I can not answer that. DISTI GUISHED VISITOR ORDER OF BUSINESS Mr. TILSO~. Mr. Speaker, before taking up the business for to-day I should like to call the attention of the House to the l\Ir. TILSON. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that fact that we are honored by having in the Speaker's row in in the consideration of. the Private Calendar to-day we begin the Member' gallery one of the premier aces of America ; at the first number on the calendar, that the bills may be con­ that man who made a nonstop flight, with a passenger, from sidered in order in the House as in Committee of the Whole this continent to Germany, 60 miles beyond Berlin, one of the and that all bills to which there are less than three objection~ outstanding feats of aviation. We are honored by having as be considered. a visitor in the gallery to-day Clarence D. Chamberlin. [Ap­ The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Connecticut asks plau e.] unanimous consent that it shall be in order to-day to con ider FEDERAL FARM BOARD the Private Calendar in the House a in Committee of the Whole, beginning with the fir t bill on the calendar and includ~ 1\Ir. S~TELL, from the Committee on Rules, submitted the ing all bills having less than three objections. following resolution for printing in the RECORD: Mr. TILSON. Up to the present star. House Resolution 174 The SPEAKER. Is there objection? Resolved, That upon the adoption of this resolution it shall be in 1\Ir. LAGUARDIA. l\Ir. Speaker, reserving the right to ob­ order to move that the House resolve itself into the Committee of the ject, could we not do that in, say about an bout· and a half Whole House on the state of the Union for the consideration of S. 3555, from now so that we can get the bills. I believe we do not entitled "An act to establish a Federal farm board to aid in the con­ have the bills here at the present time. Could we not proceed trol and disposition of the surplus of agricultural commodities in inter­ from the star until half pa ·t one and then we can start at state and foreign commerce." That after general debate, which shall the beginning? 1928 CONGRESSIONAL REOOR.D-HOUSE 6869 Mr. TILSON. Mr; Speaker, I will modify my request on EXTENSION OF :REMARKS accvunt of the situation in regard to the bills. I ask lllanimous 1\Ir. BERGER. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to consent that we may now begin at the star and after consider­ extend my remarks in the REcoRD by printing the platform of ing bills unobjected to for an hour and a half we may then go the National Socialist Party in the RECORD. It is a veL-y inter­ back to the first bill on the calendar and call bills to which esting document. there are less than three objections. Mr. UNDERIDLL. Mr. Speaker, reserving the right to ob­ Mr. EDWARDS. Mr. Speaker, resening the right to object, ject, I shall object to printing the platform of any party in the do I understand from the gentleman that we are to begin at RECORD.
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