Holyoke Public Schools Connections Holyoke Public Schools A Community Working Together Our Web site: www.hps.holyoke.ma.us Volume 8, Issue 3 Spring 2010 Holyoke Public Schools Blooming with positive news By Dr. Eduardo B. Carballo awarded. Those re- ceiving this recogni- Inside this issue: Superintendent of Schools tion for 2010 are: Susan Cohen, Center for Excellence; Nor- How nice to see signs of spring! • Meet Peck School’s mand LeBlanc, Dean Students have been working very Family Coordinator 2 Technical High School; hard over the winter months, and Josiah Friedberg, many have been preparing for Donahue School; Ana • Family Notices various MCAS and MEPA tests in Malave, Morgan • Bullying Essay Winner 4 addition to performing their regu- School; Justin Cotton, lar school work. The students are Peck School; Elaine looking forward to spring vacation Furtak, Sullivan School; and will have an opportunity to 5 and Carole Gamache, • Grinspoon Photo refresh themselves before the next E.N. White School. Essay round of testing begins for many of Our congratulations them. They have been well pre- go to each of them, pared, and I am confident with and our thanks go to • Helping Haiti 6 their effort and our continued all of the dedicated encouragement and support, they Superintendent of Schools Dr. Eduardo B. Carballo teachers in the Holy- will be very successful. It is impor- presents Josiah Friedberg of Donahue School his oke Public Schools. tant for them to get plenty of sleep certificate on achieving The Harold Grinspoon The winners are 7 and be well-rested, and the role of • Talking Points featured on page 5 of Excellence in Teaching Award. their parents in ensuring this is this issue of the sincerely appreciated. Connections newsletter. As many of you know, Holyoke We were pleased to see that the High School Principal, David Du- • Science 8 Celebrate Holyoke Public Schools Drop-Out Rate has decreased by pont, will be our next Superinten- week is April 26 through April 30. almost two full points. This is very dent of Schools. After the April Our Rising Stars recognition will positive news, and is the result of vacation, the “Superintendent-in - take place this year on April 29, ongoing efforts in the district to Transition” will be coming on- • Sports 10 beginning with the Merry-Go- perform better transitioning from board at the Central Office, and I Round Reception (in which every- the middle schools to high schools. am looking forward to working one is welcome) and ending with This could not be achieved without side-by-side with Mr. Dupont until the banquet at Dean Technical. the commitment of the counselors the end of the school year as we • Spanish Highlights 13-16 Each year students in grades six and staff at the high schools as well deal with the many challenging through 12 are recognized for as the Gateway Program with issues he will face in July. The excelling in scholarship, leadership, Holyoke Community College and school district is very fortunate to and citizenship. A complete list of the ENLACE efforts under the have someone such as Mr. Dupont, the Rising Stars is on page 15. leadership of Jaime Cotto. This who has dedicated his entire life to Congratulations to all of our Rising downward trend is encouraging, work on behalf of Holyoke School however, we will work diligently to Stars! children. As I end my 8 ½ years as continue improvement in this im- Again this year, the Holyoke High Superintendent of Schools, I cannot portant area. School Music Department pre- think of a better person to replace sented another spectacular musical It was my pleasure again this year me in this role. production which received very to notify the teachers who were positive reviews! This year, FAME, selected as recipients of the Harold Grinspoon Winners won the praise of the audiences. Grinspoon Excellence in Teaching Our congratulations go to Direc- Award. This is one of many re- Page 5 tor Mark Todd, and to all the stu- warding roles of being a Superin- dents, staff, and others who tendent. Holyoke Public Schools is worked to support this major very fortunate to have so many effort. The City of Holyoke is very Rising Stars outstanding teachers, and as a proud of our students’ perform- result, it is not an easy task to Page 15 select the final seven to be ances! Page 2 Connections Edited by - Kelly Doktor - [email protected] Editor Emeritus: Laura DuPont Contributing to this issue: Nora Burke Patton Aaron Morris Mission Statement Pauline Carriere Cheryl Parzich The mission of the Holyoke Public Schools is Amy Fitzgerald Terri Pudlo SPECIAL THANKS TO: to provide educational Josiah Friedberg Virginia Roche Luz Aguilar opportunities for all Carmen Sikand students to reach their full Helen Gibson Hilary Russell potential in a safe, secure, Mike Hines Yvonne Hilyard Miranda Smith healthy learning Aaron Patterson environment while valuing Ellen Jackson Jody Spitz Jeannie Stone diversity and promoting Judy Taylor responsible citizenship. Lois Keefe Sue Werenski Renee LaRue Mary Wright Alison L’Heureux Maria Luisa Arroyo Meet Peck’s Family Access and Engagement Coordinator One of the highest priorities of Child-care is provided at all meet- sive Case the Peck Full Service Community ings. Through P-PUA, families Manage- School is family engagement, and learn about services, supports, ment as a result, María Luisa Arroyo and programming located within program has been hired as Peck’s Family Peck and its attendance zone, as is offered Access and Engagement Coordi- well as to find out about upcom- for fami- nator. Arroyo brings a multilin- ing volunteer opportunities in the lies in gual background of teaching at the school and in the classroom. P- crisis. high school, GED, and college PUA oversees Peck’s Parent Am- Holyoke School “Being a levels, as well as having rich ex- bassador Program, which matches part of Committee the skills and talents of family perience as a local published poet. the Peck members with classroom curricu- “I welcome and engage families as commu- Maria Luisa Arroyo lar foci and other school-wide Mayor Elaine Pluta their children’s first educators and nity has as true partners at Peck,” said needs. been a joy for me as we – faculty, William Collamore Arroyo. Some of the projects Arroyo is also at Peck to connect staff, community partners, and Yvonne Garcia Arroyo is currently working on families with services to address families - work together and, as a include organizing a Summer Op- basic and immediate needs. As a result, have redefined what Margaret Boulais portunities Learning Fair for fami- Full Service Community School, ‘community’ is,” said Arroyo. Gladys Lebron-Martinez lies, coordinating a Monthly Fam- Peck offers sign-ups and support “The excitement and spirit of ily Conversations/Charlas Series through the Virtual Gateway’s collaboration I experienced at the Howard Greaney for parents about Supporting Common Intake for families need- 2010 FSCS Full Partnership Meet- Dennis Birks Learning at Home, coordinating ing to sign up for (among others) ing with over 60 community part- Peck’s Parents-in-the-Classroom MassHealth, Women, Infants and ners, faculty, staff, and parents, Michael Moriarty Project, and overseeing the design Children (WIC), subsidized child affirmed that we as a collective Cesar Lopez and development of Peck’s Family care, and Supplemental Nutrition group are moving together in the Assistance Program (SNAP) bene- right direction in the best interest Devin Sheehan Resource Room. fits. Families can also be referred of all our students and their fami- Another key component of the to in-house medical and mental Family Engagement work at Peck lies.” health services through Peck’s is the establishment of Peck Par- For more information, contact partnership with River Valley ents United in Action (P-PUA), a Maria Luisa Arroyo at (413) 534- Counseling Center’s school-based FSCS parent-driven work group 2040 or email her at: health center, and a comprehen- that meets three times a month. [email protected]. Volume 8, Issue 3 Page 3 Dr. Seuss! http://www.hps.holyoke.ma.us _____________________ In celebration of Dr. What’s New on the Web Seuss’ birthday on March 2nd, the Title I team was By Judy Taylor busy with a Dr. Seuss Family Night at McMa- Holyoke Herald wins hon School. At right, the District Homepage The staff of the Holyoke High School student Cat in the Hat (Ronnie http://www.hps.holyoke.ma.us Authier) is flanked by newspaper, The Herald, received seven awards first graders Davis at the 39th Annual Scholastic Press Forum held NEW O’Connell (l) and Saman- at American International College in March. The tha Authier. Below, Herald took first place as best newspaper and • Take a look at the Antonio Correa reads a also first place in photography, profiles, editori- Announcements section Dr. Seuss book with his als, and cartoons. The team also placed fourth for information daughter Chantel. place for news feature story. regarding the district Grinspoon winners for Excellence in Teach- ing. Photo highlights Green Eggs and Ham and teacher profiles are included. The William R. Peck School music teacher Peg • Click on the Kinder- Boulanger celebrated Dr. Seuss’ birthday with garten Registration the kindergarten and first-grade students set- link within the An- ting Dr. Seuss’ book Green Eggs and Ham to nouncements section music. The students read the book along with for contact informa- Boulanger and set it to song and used rhythm tion regarding the ap- sticks. plication process for children who will be 5 years old on or before Kelly School annual St. Patty’s Day luncheon September 1, 2010.
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