BLUFFSIDE: CITY ON THE EDGE FOR CASTLES AND CRUSADES REDESIGNED AND NEW CONTENT BY: Hal Greenberg, Peter J. Schroeder, Der- rick Landwehr, Warren Bailey, Brian Boonstra, Becky Glenn, Doug Herring ART DIRECTOR: Peter Bradley COVER ART: Jason Walton INTERIOR ART: Peter Bradley,Jason Walton, Ruth Ducko, Artem Shukaev, Thuan Minh Pham CARTOGRAPHER: Peter Bradley LAYOUT: Peter Bradley. EDITING: Steve Ege PLAYTESTERS: Robert, Chuck Morris, Ross, Darcy, Josh Garlock, Nate Welte and Kurt, Rhianon Miller, Bran Miller, Michael Miller, TJ Dyer, Paul Byra, Steve and Hoss, Robert Miller, James Abbott, Dustin Abott, Amber Abbott, Danielle Brill, Mykayla Sherrer, Hannah Sherrer, Joshua Sherre ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTORS: Written by James Govreau, Curtis Bennett, Andrew Troman, Jeff Quinn, Warren Bailey Additional Writing: Hal Greenberg, Becky Glenn, Steve Miller, Eric Downton, Renee Downton, Matt Mosher, Charles Plemons III Art Director: Hal Greenberg Editor: Jim Govreau and Becky Glenn Layout and Editing: Becky Glenn Content Editor: Matt Mosher and Charles Plemons III Cartographer: Paul Chapman, Anna Dobritt Cover art: Paul Chapman Pull-out Map: Paul Chapman, Tammy Pressman NPC Tech: Charles Plemons III Interior art: PEB, Ben McSweeney, Brannon Hall, Shane Coppage, Storn Cook, Steve Redinger, Steve Cook, Neal Webb, V. Shane Special thanks to: Doug Herring, Becky Glenn, Adam Williams 1818 North Taylor, #143, Little Rock, AR 72207 email: website: or Interested in Castles & Crusades ® the role playing game? Want to learn more? There is a large online community of gamers who post home brewed rules, adven- ture discussion and help incoming players disgest the game and it’s potential. Please visit our online forums at the web address mentioned above and get involved. All are welcome!!! © 2013 Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved. Castles & Crusades ® is a Registered Trademark of Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved. C&C, Castle Keeper, SEIGE engine, Troll Lord Games, and the Castles & Crusades, SEIGE engine, and Troll Lord Games logos are Trademark of Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America TABLE OF CONTENTS OC2: The Palace of Sem La Vah 18 BLUFFSIDE: CITY ON THE EDGE 1 OC3: Sixam Ieuna Aerie 19 FOR CASTLES AND CRUSADES 1 OC4: Tribunal of Review and Retribution 19 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 7 OC5: Black Boudoir 19 DISTRICTS OF BLUFFSIDE 7 OC6: Golden Lantern 20 POINTS OF INTEREST 7 OC7: Rooftop Inn 20 RELIGION 7 OC8: Silver Wyrm 21 APPENDICES 7 OC9: Gardens 21 MAPS 7 OC10: Museum of Sem La Vah 22 CHAPTER 2: HISTORY 8 OC11: Theater on the Bluff 22 SEM LA VAH 8 OC12: Blander Estate 23 THE BARROKKS 8 OC13: Hollingsworth Estate 23 THE GREAT SUNDERING 8 OC14: Pomander Estate 23 THE WALK 8 OC15: Varian Estate 23 REDISCOVERY 9 OC16: Wellington Estate 24 OBSIDIAN TOWER OF THE UNKNOWN 9 OC17: Vellum Valley 24 THE PALACE OF SEM LA VAH 10 MINING DISTRICT 24 RUINS 10 HISTORY 24 SETTLING BLUFFSIDE 10 MINING DISTRICT TODAY 25 ADAMANTINE 11 POINTS OF INTEREST 25 BOOM TOWN 11 MD1: Adamantine Gate 25 SIXAMS DISCOVERED 11 MD2: Bluffside Regulars Post 17 25 JARMAN DISAPPEARS 11 MD3: Tower S3 26 THE GOBLINOID WAR 11 MD4: The Abyss 27 STEAM GNOMES 12 MD5: Miner’s Rest 27 THE UNDERCITY 12 MD6: The Quarry 27 SORDADON 12 MD7: Adamantine Security Council (ASC) 28 CLIFF DIVING 12 MD8: Great Furnace 28 TODAY 12 MD9: Miners & Burrowers Society Guildhouse 28 CHAPTER 3: TIMELINE 13 CHAPTER 4: POPULATION 13 MD10: Minting Hall 28 CHAPTER 5: POWER STRUCTURE 14 MD11: Baths and More 29 ADAMANTINE SECURITY COUNCIL 14 MD12: Schoones Estate 29 THE FIVE 14 MD13: Uribe Estate 29 WIZARD COUNCIL 15 TEMPLE DISTRICT 30 RELIGION 15 HISTORY 30 VAULT 15 TEMPLE DISTRICT TODAY 30 ADVENTURERS 15 POINTS OF INTEREST 30 CHAPTER 6: BLUFFSIDE PROPER 16 TD1: Dine Divine 30 THE OLD CITY 17 TD2: Street of Sorrows 31 HISTORY 17 TD3: Carl’s Temple 31 THE OLD CITY TODAY 17 TD4: Castle of Purification 32 POINTS OF INTEREST 17 TD5: Conflagration of Life and Succor 32 OC1: Dragori Embassy 17 TD6: The Exploratory 33 2 CASTLES & CRUSADES TD7: Grove of Peace and Harmony 33 WD19: The Boarding House 47 TD8: Holy Sanctuary of Peace and Protection 34 WD20: The Golden Fleece 48 TD9: Phantasmic Temple 34 WD21: Toppin’ Ya Off 48 TD10: Sem La Vah Redux 34 WD22: Farmer John’s Bountiful Harvest 49 TD11: Teacher’s Library 34 NEW CITY 49 TD12: Valhalla 35 HISTORY 49 TD13: Winged Death 35 NEW CITY TODAY 49 MILITARY DISTRICT 36 POINTS OF INTEREST 50 HISTORY 36 NC1: Asylum 50 THE MILITARY DISTRICT TODAY 36 NC2: Dungeon of Bluffside 50 POINTS OF INTEREST 36 NC3: Brocail’s Inn 50 M1: Bluffside Regulars Barracks 36 NC4: Bay Divers 51 M2: Take a Bow 36 NC5: Arms 51 M3: Cattle Bane 37 NC6: Bluffside Crier 51 M4: Heavy Metals 37 NC7: Body Worx 52 M5: Denis’ Adventure Exchange 37 NC8: Kinlay’s Outfitters 52 M6: Polearms and More 38 NC9: LaRousa’s Messengers and Guides 53 M7: House of Flesh 38 NC10: Abandoned Warehouse 53 WIZARD DISTRICT 39 NC11: Smith’s Smithy 53 HISTORY 39 NC12: Trader’s League Guildhouse 54 THE WIZARD DISTRICT TODAY 39 NC13: A Light in the Dark 54 WIZARD COUNCIL 40 RUINS OF SEM LA VAH 54 THE TAINTED ONES 40 CHAPTER 7: THE UNDERCITY 55 HOUSE MEMBERSHIP 40 UNDERCITY HISTORY 55 POINTS OF INTEREST 40 SEWER SYSTEM 55 WD1: Obsidian Tower of the Unknown 40 PHYSICAL LAYOUT OF THE BLUFFSIDE SEWERS 55 WD2: Academy of Arcane Arts 41 DANGERS OF THE SEWERS 56 WD3: Library of the Magical and the Mundane 41 DENIZENS OF THE SEWER 57 WD4: Wizard Council 42 S1: Middenmans’ Wharf 57 WD5: Emerald House 42 S2: Floaters’ Rest 58 WD6: Pearl House 42 S3: Cleansing Tunnels 58 WD7: Topaz House 43 S4: Cube Pits 58 WD8: Sapphire House 43 S5: Umbra Incognita 59 WD9: Agate House 43 UNDER OLD CITY 59 WD10: Amber House 44 CATACOMBS 59 WD11: Onyx House 44 CA1: Lair of Tamalek 59 WD12: Ruby House 44 TUNNEL NETWORK 60 WD13: Amethyst House 45 WAREHOUSE DISTRICT 60 WD14: Flaming Sphere 45 W1: Warehouse Offices 60 WD15: Atroxi’s Herbs and More 45 W2: Great Winding Room 61 WD16: Griffin’s Gem Emporium 46 CAVERN HARBOR 61 WD17: Alton’s Alterations and Clothing 46 CH1: Inn Between 61 WD18: Mouse’s General Merchandise 47 CH2: Swinging Wench 62 BLUFFSIDE: CITY ON THE EDGE 3 CH3: Cavern Harbor 62 SD9: West Tower 78 COACH & SIX MARKET 62 SHIPPING DISTRICT 79 CS1: Glimbim’s Curio Shop 63 SH1: Vault of Nypen 79 CS2: Jefrey “Jef” Jefferson’s Tally Shop 63 SH2: Grove of the Sea Druid 79 CS3: Blunt & Blade 63 SH3: South Tower 80 CS4: Blood & Ink 64 SH4: Tumor’s 80 CS5: The Bard’s Tale 64 SH5: The Bleeding Elf 80 CS6: Far & Away 64 SH6: Golden Palace 81 CS7: Mr. Rat 65 SH7: Market 81 NATURAL CAVES 65 COMMONERS’ DISTRICT 81 CN1: Guard Outpost 03 65 CD1: Barnacle 81 ACELDAMA 66 CD2: Citadel of Phenbras 82 AC1: Aceldama 66 CD3: Sordadonia 83 AC2: Aceldama Training Room & Cells 67 CD4: Stormrite Ship Yards 83 MINES 68 CD5: Hillary’s House 84 MI1: Chitty Desk 68 CD6: East Tower 84 DWARVEN HALLS 68 CHAPTER 9: GUILDS 85 DH1: Skills Quarter 68 ARCHAEOLOGICAL GUILD 85 DH2: Steaming Anvil 69 MINERS AND BURROWERS SOCIETY 85 DH3: Rested Pipe 69 SOCIETY OF EXPLORERS AND 85 ADVENTURERS DH4: Battering Ram 69 TRADER’S LEAGUE 85 DH5: Temple of the Miner 70 CHAPTER 10: SECRET SOCIETIES 86 CHAPTER 8: SORDADON 71 CHILL BRINGERS 86 HISTORY OF SORDADON 71 GOLDEN SABRES 86 FLAVOR OF SORDADON – THE LOOK 71 HAMMERS 86 HARBOR DISTRICT 72 ORDER OF THE FLAME 86 HD1: Lighthouse 72 UMBRA INCOGNITA 86 HD2: North Tower 72 CHAPTER 11: OUTSIDE BLUFFSIDE 87 HD3: Pool of Senna 72 NEARBY AREAS 87 HD4: Port Authority 73 FARMLAND OF BLUFFSIDE 87 HD5: Well of the Worlds 73 F1: Hawk Drydor’s Cabin 87 HD6: Blackthorne Square 74 BLUFFSIDE MOUNTAIN RANGERS 87 HD7: Pinnacle 74 RHB: Ranger Home Base 87 HD8: Blackthorn Trading Coaster 74 SUNDERED MOUNTAINS AND RED MOUNTAINS 88 SEA DISTRICT 75 RED RIVER AND DELUE RIVER 88 SD1: Fahil’s Flotilla of Fun 75 COLDWIND FOREST 88 SD2: Tower of Vost 75 Perten 88 SD3: Tuirein Palace 75 Kirkwood 89 SD4: Harold’s Hole 76 Targ Ak’ala Beng 90 SD5: Sojourn 76 Giant Castle 90 SD6: Naval Academy 77 Drashti-Kyung 90 SD7: Rusted Nail 78 Fortress of the Orcs of the Two-Fisted Clan 90 SD8: Scallywag 78 Burial Mounds of the Barbarian Wilds 90 4 CASTLES & CRUSADES Waymicol (Waypoint Mining Colony) 90 MOLE MAN (HOMO TALPIDAE) 121 Waymicol (thorp) 91 MOON STEED 122 Bluffside Defense Outposts 91 MULE DEER 122 FURTHER AFIELD 91 NEVAEQUARLANI 123 SEA OF ISHAMARK 91 RAKER 123 DRAGON SANDS 91 RIPPER 123 STEAM GNOME CIVILIZATIONS 91 SHADOW LYNX 123 CHAPTER 12: RELIGION 92 SNOW LEOPARD 124 THE GODS 92 SNOW RACER 124 GOOD VS EVIL 92 THORN FAERIE 124 LET GOD SORT IT OUT 92 TUMBLEWEED 125 OLD AND NEW 92 APPENDIX 3: GUARDS 126 IMMORTAL AND ONCE MORTAL 92 APPENDIX 4: RACES 129 A GOD BY ANY OTHER NAME 92 DRAGORI 129 AVATARS 92 NEVAEQUARLANI 130 GODS IN BLUFFSIDE 92 SEL’VARAHN 131 Great Provider 93 SIXAM IEUNA 132 Sky and Air 93 STEAM GNOMES 133 Sustainer 94 APPENDIX 5: CLASSES 136 Frozen One 94 ARISTOCRAT (CHARISMA) 136 Great Mother 94 BLOOD GUARDIAN 137 Great Teacher 94 BLUFFSIDE MOUNTAIN RANGER (STRENGTH) 139 Traveler 95 CAT BURGLAR (DEXTERITY) 142 Builder 95 ELVEN DEFENDER (CHARISMA) 145 Miner 95 EXPLORER (INTELLIGENCE) 147 Healer 95 NEVAE WANDERER 149 Sufferer 95 SISTER OF MERCY (CHARISMA) 150 Purifier 95 TUNNEL FIGHTER (CONSTITUTION) 151 APPENDICES 96 APPENDIX 6: SPELLS 153 APPENDIX 1: NPCS 96 APPENDIX 7: ITEMS 164 APPENDIX 2: CREATURES 117 ARCHAEOLOGIST’S TOOLS 164 ADAMANTINE GUARDIAN 117 CHARCOAL/GRAPHITE STICKS 164 ARBOR FISH 117 FINGER BELLOWS 164 BALDEN 117 GOBLIN SLEEP POISON 164 BAY GUARDIAN

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