mag28.qxd 28/11/2008 08:56 Page 1 MAGAZINE OF THE GEOLOGISTS’ ASSOCIATION Volume 7 No. 4 December 2008 Meetings Jan/Feb/March CIRCULAR 977 Besotted by Baltica Festival Dinner Wealden Field Trip Letter to Editor Festival Report Jurassic Churches Part 1 Obituary to Bob Stoneley The PGA Illustrated Festival Field Trip Book Review Mole Valley go to Sea Book Reviews Photographic Competition Mons Porphyrites Rockwatch News winners mag28.qxd 28/11/2008 08:53 Page 2 Magazine of the Geologists’ From the President Association Autumn is proving to be a busy time for the 150150 Volume 7 No.4, 2008 GA! On 31st October, I met with the Local GAGA Groups and Affiliated Societies for the first time as President. We are going through a period of is published by the review so feedback from the groups is very CONTENTS important, particularly when it comes to tackling Geologists’ Association. difficult problems such as boosting membership. Four issues are 3. The Association The meeting was a positive one with excellent suggestions made as to how activities can be produced in the year. 4. GA Meetings Jan/Feb/March advertised and events organised. In the evening, I ISSN 1476-7600 5. Festival Dinner joined around 120 members to celebrate the 6. Festival Report 150th Anniversary of the Association with a Production team: JOHN CROCKER, wonderful Gala Dinner at the Café Royal on Paula Carey, John Cosgrove, 7. The PGA Illustrated Regent Street. Guests were provided with a sou- Vanessa Harley, Bill French 9. Mole Valley go to Sea venir menu from the 1880 GA Dinner, as well as that night's menu adorned with great sketches by Printed by City Print, Milton Keynes 10. Mons Porphyrites Mick Oates. It was a pleasure to see so many 11. CIRCULAR 977 friends, old and new, enjoying themselves in such memorable surroundings. Several members The GEOLOGISTS’ ASSOCIATION 15. Wealden Field Trip with very long memories were present, including does not accept any responsibility 16. Jurassic Churches Part 1 Horace Saunders (now 98 years old), who had for views and opinions expressed attended the GA Centenary dinner! After speech- 18. Festival Field Trip by individual authors in this maga- es by Eric Robinson (the oldest past President in zine. Book Review attendance) and myself, in which we reaffirmed 19. Rockwatch News the lively and inclusive spirit of the GA and looked forward to a successful future for the The Geologists’ 20. Besotted by Baltica Association, the evening was rounded off by an Association 21. Letter to Editor after-dinner speech by Iain Stewart, one of our most active proponents of geoscience communi- The Association, founded in 1858, exists to 22. Obitary to Bob Stoneley cation and star of award-winning TV pro- foster the progress and diffusion of the sci- 23. Book Review grammes such as Journeys from the Centre of the ence of geology, and to encourage Earth. Iain spoke strongly about the importance research and the development of new 24. Competition winners of improving the public understanding of geolo- methods. It holds meetings for the reading gy by making it relevant to everyday lives and of papers and the delivery of lectures, emphasised the accompanying need for us to organises museum demonstrations, pub- Advertising Rates engage in stewardship of our planet. Thank you lishes Proceedings and Guides, and con- Full Page £360 Half Page £190 to everyone for attending, and especially to Sarah ducts field meetings. Quarter Page £100 Stafford for organising such a special event. Annual Subscriptions for 2008 are Other sizes by arrangement. With barely a pause for breakfast, it was on to £40.00, Associates £30.00, Joint the Festival of Geology at UCL the next day. The Members £58.00, Students £18.00. whole day was an absolute buzz of activity, with For forms of Proposal for Membership and ADVERTISEMENTS guest lectures, a photo competition, informative further information, apply to the Executive While precautions are taken to ensure the displays by Local Societies and a raft of book and Secretary, The Geologists’ Association, validity of advertisements the Association mineral stalls to browse. Particular highlights for Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J is not responsible for the items offered, for me were seeing a blur of happy kids engaged in 0DU. any loss arising or for their compliance with hands-on activities in the Rockwatch room, talk- regulations. E-mail [email protected] ing to Local Groups members about their field- Telephone 020 7434 9298 trips and learning more about the wonderful GA Fax 020 7287 0280 © The Geologists’ Association. photographic archive that has been carefully Website: http://www.geologistsassocia- All rights reserved. No part of this publi- tended by Marjorie Carreck. It was a great tion.org.uk cation may be reproduced, stored in a opportunity to catch up with people and a pleas- retrieval system or transmitted, in any ure to hear how many look forward to this event form or by means, without the prior per- as a high point in their 'geological year'. The President: Danielle Schreve mission in writing of the author and the Festival goes from strength to strength each year, Executive Secretary: Sarah Geologists’ Association. supported and encouraged by the membership. Stafford Again, an enormous vote of thanks is due to all LAST Copy dates for the the organisers and helpers, in particular Susan Brown, Sarah and Geraldine in the GA Office, Circular & Magazine the Rockwatch team, Wendy Kirk and the UCL March Issue January 14th student helpers, the local societies and, of course, Cover picture: June Issue April 22nd to UCL for allowing us to host the event. September Issue July 22nd The weather is turning distinctly miserable as I December Issue October 21st write so we must content ourselves with indoor The cover of the menu (drawn activities and lectures over the winter. Luckily, by Mick Oates) for the Items should be submitted as soon as possi- Council is hard at work putting together the 2009 Sesquicentenial Dinner in the ble and not targeted on these dates. We wel- lecture and field meetings programmes so there come contributions from Members and others. Pompadour Room of the Cafe will be plenty to look forward to. Roll on the next 150 years! Royal - see page 5 for report Closing dates for applications to the Curry Fund for 2009: January 30 2009 Danielle Schreve 2 GA Magazine of the Geologists’ Association Vol. 7, No. 4, 2008 mag28.qxd 28/11/2008 08:53 Page 3 THE ASSOCIATION Report from Council period of review of the groups and the for publicity bookmarks was deferred The relationship between the GA and meeting this year was most productive pending further information. Local Groups and Affiliates was dis- with a wide range of topics being dis- Herefordshire and Worcestershire Earth cussed, in particular - how they should cussed, including how we could Heritage Trust applied for a grant of interact and support each other. This increase membership. The Mole Valley £1992 towards the cost of publicity for will be developed in the meeting with Geological Society was noted as an the Geopark Way which was deferred Local Groups as reported below. example of good practice, in particular pending supplementary information. Council was pleased to learn that a suc- writing reports for the local paper and The application from Chris Pamplin, cessful application had been made to linking activities to Local Heritage who runs Fossil Walks for funding for the Curry Fund to fund the work of get- weekends had both improved member- hard hats was refused. A late applica- ting the GA's collection of historic pho- ship and attendance at events. The tion, tabled from Harrow and Hillingdon tos and other items into an appropriate separation of the responsibilities of a for support for publicity for a local exhi- state of conservation. field trip leader from the administration bition, was refused. Suggestions were Council was saddened to report the of a field trip was discussed, as was the given for alternative sources of support death of Bob Stoneley, a long time organisation of a health and safety from the local authority via its compre- supporter of the GA who has held many form. Regional events were considered hensive library communication system. posts in the Association. An obituary and most people felt that a festival Of the previous applications dis- will appear in the magazine and the away from the metropolis should have a cussed, that for support for Tedbury PGA. different form from the annual one at Camp was withdrawn by the applicant. Proposed new funding schemes, and UCL. It was explained by one group We understand that a re-application will general reorganisation of the whole how it is now simple to register for be made in due course, with slightly dif- field of the Geologists' Association charitable status with its financial ferent requirements for funding. The Awards was discussed. This was seen advantage of Gift Aid and all Groups West Sussex Archive Society responded as an important incentive to attract new were encouraged to follow this model. to our comments and it has been members, as well as a means of offered a grant of £650. The draft for attracting high-quality applications and John Crocker the reprint of the Poxwell Pericline reinforcing the GA 'brand'. General Secretary booklet by DIGS has been agreed and Professor Marriott was welcomed as the group was awarded £960 to cover the new Editor of the Guides. A num- the cost of this. Richard Chivers, who ber of projects are already under way Curry Fund Report was offered a loan rather than a grant, refused this.
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