1 Revision – 3 May - 2016 2 Forward I have great pleasure to present this revised version of District Off Site Emergency Plan for Raigad District. The District Off Site Emergency Plan outlining the measures to be taken in the event of chemical emergency or Industrial disaster in the entire district prepared on the basis of past experiences. The plan is prepared with a view to help the District Administration to focus quickly on the essentials and crucial aspects of both preparedness and response. There is no life without change and same is applicable for anything including planning and its related documents. With this in mind the District Off Site Emergency Plan is going under 3rd revision after it was made in March -1998. This revision is focused on the aspects like – Updating the list of the industrial establishments falling under MAH category and this includes few additions. Updating the contact details of the responsible Govt. authorities and MARG members who will either directly or indirectly involved in execution of this plan. When I have gone through this document and found that it was made meticulously and special care is taken to ensure that the information incorporated in it is current. I am sure this plan will help in effective handling of industries related emergencies. Smt. Sheetal Teli - Ugale ,(I.A.S.) District Collector & Chairman - District Crisis Group, Raigad June 2016. 3 4 “We ourselves feel that, We are doing just a drop in ocean. But the ocean would be less, Because of that missing drop.” – Mother Terressa. About this plan This is the 3rd revision, June - 2016, of the District Off Site Emergency Plan for Raigad District which was prepared in March 1998 and was subsequently revised in June 2011 & January 2012 by Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health, Raigad, which will be useful to fire fighting crew, Police and emergency service providers. It is the need of the day to update this plan due to additions and changes in the locations of the hazardous factories and pipe lines carrying hazardous chemicals. This plan will be updated, as and when required, by Directorate Industrial Safety and Health, Raigad in association with MAH Industries located in Raigad Districts. All the information incorporated in this plan will assist responders in making decision to combat the Industries related emergency efficiently. While updating the plan efforts are made to maintain its accuracy and correctness. In Raigad District there are 59 factories covered under MAH (Major Accident Hazard) categories. Considering the Industrial pockets and concentration of chemical Industries and Geographical map of Raigad District, the plan is updated which will help the responding agencies to act quickly. I am sure, that information in this plan will be helpful in minimizing the consequences of any untoward incidence occurring in the District. D. E. Sonawane S. P. RATHOD Deputy Director Joint Director Industrial Safety & Health, Industrial Safety & Health, Raigad Raigad June 2016 5 OFFSITE DISASTER (INDUSTRIAL) MANAGEMENT PLAN INDEX SR. CONTENTS PAGE NO. NOS. 1 INTRODUCTION 6 2 RECORD OF AMENDMENT 7 3 RAIGAD DISTRICT 8 4 ABBRIVIATIONS 9 5 PLAN DISTRIBUTION TO 11 6 RAIGAD DISTRICT AND FEATURES 12 7 PROMULGATION DOCUMENT 13 8 LEGAL AUTHORITY AND RESPONSBILITY FOR RESPONSE 14 9 MAH/CHEMICAL UNITS IN - THE RAIGAD DISTRICT AREA 15 ALONG WITH INVENTORY 10 PLANNING FACTORS 33 11 RESPONSE FUNCTIONS 36 12 COMBATING DISASTER 44 13 PERSONAL PROTECTION 46 14 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 48 15 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT /CLOTHING 53 16 LEVEL OF RESPONSE BASED ON INCIDENT SEVERITY 55 17 PUBLIC INFORMATION / COMMUNITY RELATION 56 18 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 57 19 RESPONSE PERSONAL SAFETY 72 20 ONGOING INCIDENT ASSESSMENT 73 21 LAW ENFORCEMENT 74 22 CONTAINMENT & CLEAN - UP 76 23 DOCUMENTATION & INVESTIGATIVE FOLLOW UP 79 24 PROCEDURE FOR TESTING AND UPDATING PLAN 80 25 REFERENCES 88 26 VULNERABLE TEMPLATES OF CHEMICALS 89 27 DETAILS OF PIPELINES 106 28 ANNEXURES 110 29 EMERGENCY ORGANOGRAMS 115 6 OFFSITE DISASTER (INDUSTRIAL) MANAGEMENT PLAN INDEX FOR ANNEXURES ANNEXURE DESCRIPTION PAGE NO NOS. 1 DISTRICT CRISIS GROUP 111 2 DISTRICT CRISIS GROUP MEMBERS 114 3 EMERGENCY ORAGANOGRAM 116 TALOJA / PANVEL / URAN 4 EMERGENCY ORAGANOGRAM 117 PATALGANGA / RASAYANI 5 EMERGENCY ORAGANOGRAM 118 KHALAPUR / KHOPOLI / KARJAT AREA 6 EMERGENCY ORAGANOGRAM 119 ROHA / NAGOTHANE / PALI 7 EMERGENCY ORAGANOGRAM 120 ALIBAG / PEN / MURUD AREA 8 EMERGENCY ORAGANOGRAM 121 M.I.D.C. MAHAD 9 HAZMAT VAN & KIT 122 10 FORMAT FOR SPECIFIC COMMENTS 127 AND / OR SUGGESTIONS FOR PLAN IMPROVEMENT 11 GENERAL GUIDELINES IN DISASTER 128 (PERSONAL PRTECTION OF CITIZENS) 12 SAFTY PRECAUTIONS 129 (RESPONSE PERSONAL SAFETY) 13 LIST OF ANTIDOTES COMMONLY USED 131 AGAINST SPECIFIC AGENT 14 LIST OF WATER REACTIVE CHEMICALS 134 ( CONTAINMENT & CLAN UP ) 15 REQUIREMENTS OF 136 LOCAL CRISIS GROUP 16 CONTACT PERSONS OFR SUPPYING 137 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 17 DETAILS OF FACTORIES 139 AREA - KHALAPUR / KHOPOLI / KARJAT 18 DETAILS OF FACTORIES 141 AREA - ALIBAG / PEN / MURUD AREA 19 DETAILS OF FACTORIES 143 AREA - MAHAD 20 DETAILS OF FACTORIES 145 AREA PATALGANGA / RASAYANI 21 DETAILS OF FACTORIES 147 AREA - ROHA / NAGOTHANE / PALI 22 DETAILS OF FACTORIES 150 AREA - TALOJA / PANVEL / URAN 23 DETAILS OF OFFSITE PIPLINES IN RAIGAD DISTRICT - 153 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL 7 1. INTRDUCTION 1.1 Need for Hazardous Materials Emergency Planning: Reports of hazardous materials spills and releases, however, are increasingly of common place. Thousands of new chemicals are developed each year. Citizens and officials are concerned about hazards & accidents associated with it. e.g. highway incidents, chemical fires, train derailments, industrial incidents happening in their communities. Recent evidence shows that hazardous materials incidents are considered by many to be the most significant threat facing local jurisdictions. Communities need to prepare themselves to prevent such incidents and to respond to the accidents that can occur. 1.2 Purpose of this Plan: The purpose of this plan is to assist public in planning for hazardous materials incidents. The Objectives of this plan are to, Focus public activity on emergency preparedness and response. Provide public with information useful in organizing the planning task. Furnish criteria to determine risk and to help public decide whether they need to plan for hazardous materials incidents. Help public conduct planning that is consistent with their needs and capabilities; Provide a method for continually updating a public’s emergency plan. This Plan will not: Give a simple “fill-in-the-blanks model plan (because public needs an emergency plan suited to their own unique circumstances). Provide details on response techniques. Train personnel to respond to incidents. Public planners will need to consult other resources in addition to this plan. 8 2. RECORD OF AMENDMENT This document shall be reviewed and updated as and when required to assure consistency with evolving capabilities & procedures. The Raigad District Collector is expected to be responsible for maintaining this document and assuring that all personnel involved in emergency response are familiar with the procedures described herein, The present document is edition No.3. Edition Date of change Recording Signature Page no. of change made 2, 3, 4, 9, 14, 18 to 23, and 1st edition June - 2011 S P Kulkarni, Dy. DISH 152 to 156. 2,3,4,9, 2nd edition June 2012 S.C. Gawali, Dy.DISH S. P. Rathod 2,3,13,14,15,16,17,18, 3rd edition May -2016 Jd. DISH 19 to 32, 111,112,113, 116 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 137, 138, 139 to 152. 9 10 4. ABBREVIATIONS ACP : Assistant Commissioner of Police BLEVE : Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion BMC : Bombay Municipal Corporation CBD : Central Business District CCE : Chief Controller of Explosive CCG : Central Crisis Group CETP : Common Effluent Treatment Plant CIDCO : City & Industrial Development Corporation CFO : Chief Fire Officer CMG : Crisis Management Group CMO : Chief Medical Officer CPCB : Central Pollution Control Board CSIR : Council of Scientific and Industrial Research DCG : District Crisis Group DCP : Deputy Commissioner Of Police DIO : District Information Officer DISH : Directorate of Industrial Safety & Health DGFASLI : Director General of Factory Advice Service & Labour Institute DGP : Director General of Police DIGP : Deputy Inspector General of Police EP Act : Environment Protection Act ER : Emergency Response EPPR : Emergency Preparedness & Planning Rules ECC : Emergency Control Centre EOC : Emergency Operating Centre F & ERS : Fire & Emergency Response Station FDA : Food & Drug Administration HSD : High Speed Diesel HAZMAT : Hazardous Material MIDC : Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation MOEF : Ministry of Environment Forest MT : Metric Tone IDLH : Immediate Danger to Life & Health ICAR : Indian Culture of Agriculture Research IC : Incident Commander (is responsible for Incident Activities including development and implementation of strategic decisions, .and for approving ordering and releasing of resources IIC : In-charge IIT : Indian Institute of Technology ICMR : Indian Council of Medical Research ICS : Incident Commander System KG : Kilogram LPG : Liquefied Petroleum Gas LCG : Local Crisis Group LC5O : Level of Concern 50 MAH : Major Accident Hazard MARG : Mutual Aid & Response Group MIDC : Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation 11 MPCB : Maharashtra Pollution Control Board MSRTC : Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation MSEB : Maharashtra
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