THE SAR COLORVolume 9 Number 3 GUARDSMAN October 2020 The National Society Sons of the American Revolution XX Xxxxx -1- In this Issue 12 11 &13 Reports from the field National Color Guard Events - 2020 Dates and times are subject to change and interested parties should refer to the State society color guard activities from the last three months respective state society web sites closer to the actual event. 7 43 Fifer’s Corner Vetrans Day Table of Contents Commander Report 8 Safety Aricle 3 Flash in The Pan The Message from our Color Guard Commander 4 Color Guard Event Calendar 9 Tribute to a Great Man Find the dates and locations of the many National Color Guard Bill Marrs events Virtual Participation 5 Color Guard Commander Listing 10 Contact Information for all known State society color guard com- Color Guard Medals manders with reported changes Running Lead Ball 6 Halberg 42 Your Help Needed -2- Commander Raborg on General Commander’s Report Compatriots, Fellow SAR Colorguardsmen, I hope all of our guardsmen have had a relaxing summer and are ready to mount up and join the ranks in the upcoming fall commemorations and events. Although our national Congress and Fall Leadership events were cancelled ad- ministrative work continues. Since July I have processed Silver Color Guard medal applications for David Moore (MI), Michael Rowely (IA), Henry Baer III (OK), Martin Reynolds (OK), Albert Lankford Jr. (OK), Glenn Fast (OK), Myron Schrouf (OK), Robert Thomas (OK), Michael Kelley Jr. (MD), Carroll Harbaugh (MD) and Ted Wilson (TX). I also approved Martha Washington Medals for Dr. Stephanie Kelley (MD) and Emma Weltz (MD). Moving forward. “Time to Mount up” On Sept. 12th the committee held a virtual meeting. The agenda included safety “The National Color Guard is the most visible public face of the Sons of the refresher training, a original 1760 halberd acquisition for the SAR Museum and Ed- American Revolution” We must move forward, continuing our guards mission ucation Outreach Center, Proposal of a new national event , Medal of Honor Parade and find ways to adapt and stay in the field. Battlefields, parks and cemeteries by the Texas Society, Handbook revisions and a temporary virtual events policy. The have large open spaces that allow us to social distance and stay safe. By also fol- command staff and past commanders Dooley and Fosdyk have committed over two lowing CDC guidelines to wear face masks, when close, and sanitize before and thirds of the funds for the halberd, the parade, handbook revisions and virtual events after events we can keep safe. I also encourage state and chapter color guards to policy were approved and move on for further committees approval. consider adding a surgeon to their ranks to look after their members. This role is another step in moving through these difficult times. In the field. Along with personal safety precautions we must also adapt events partici- During the summer, as the pandemic has ebbed and flowed throughout the coun- pation to limitations imposed by local and state governments. Our temporary try many events have been postponed, cancelled or were modified to a virtual for- virtual participation policy includes consideration for using smaller guards to mat. I participated in this format, along with 2nd adjutant Rob Meyer (NJ) and Billy continue live events. Adjusting dates, times and locations, to keep crowd sizes Locke (NJ) on August 8th for the Atlantic Middle States Conference. Some events down may also help to meet limitation regulations. Creating scheduling time- however have started to transform and combine live commemorations with a virtual tables for larger groups of participants may also help live events to continue. format. I wish to commend the Kentucky Society and their color guard for the out- Combining pre-recorded events with live events is another consideration to standing job they did in using this format on Aug.15th to commemorate the Battle of meet these limitations. Blue Licks. Although a few technical glitches did occur, they planned and executed the event with great success. Because of local limitations that were imposed, the Let us hope that “this too shall pass” and we may look to brighter days where Society limited participation to only the states color guard, so I attended virtually. we can once again march together and share the fellowship of all our members. Two weeks later, while on vacation in Myrtle Beach, SC, I again participated in this way, along with guardsmen Michael Kelly (MD), to commemorate the Battle of Yours in Patriotism, Long Island and the Maryland 400. I also visited the graves of Maryland General C. Louis Raborg Jr. Modecai Gist in Charleston and Colonel Francis Marian, the swamp fox, of South NSSAR, National Color Guard Commander Carolina. At the end of the week I was very pleased to attend in person, the South Carolina Societies 238th commemoration of the Battle of Eutaw Springs. Lead by first adjutant K. Scott Collins the color guard presented and posted the colors. The commemoration was attended by over seventy five members of the SAR, DAR, CAR and other local organizations. The event was also recorded and will be shown at a later date. On Friday Sept. 11th I participated with members of the Maryland Color Guard in a first Patriot Day Community tribute at Memorial Park in Thurmont, MD. Past Color Guard Commander Dave Hoover and Maryland President and national guardsmen Gene Moyer also attended. On Sept. 19th Adjutants K. Scott Collins (GA), Robert Meyers (NJ) and my- self lead a group of fifteen guardsmen and conducted the Washington’s Tomb vigil. Guardsmen came from Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, Georgia, North Carolina and Texas. This year we had great weather and even though there were limitations imposed on tours, the event was well attended and the guardsmen were asked to pose for many photos with guests. I look forward to attending the newly approved Battle of Chestnut Neck commemoration in Port Republic New Jersey on Saturday. Oct 10th. -3- *A local event celebrating Memorial Day, National Color Guard Events - 2020 - Independence Day and Veterans Day may be HISTORIC Date Color Guard Event Location Host counted as a National Color Guard event for January 17 Battle of Cowpens Chesnee, SC Daniel Morgan SAR the purposes of applying for a Color Guard Medal. Only a single event on each day may February 1 Battle of Cowans Ford Huntersville, NC Mecklenburg SAR be counted. Multiple events on the same day February 14 Battle of Kettle Creek Washington, GA Georgia cannot be counted multiple times. If the event February 14 Crossing of the Dan South Boston, VA Virginia is on a weekend nearest the actual holiday, February 22 Washington Birthday Parade Laredo, TX Texas that can be counted with respect to the single February 27 Battle of Moore’s Creek Bridge Currie, NC North Carolina event limitation. For example, if a Veterans Day Parade occurs on a Saturday such as the 8th, then an event on the 11th does not count.. March 10 Last Naval Battle of the Revolution Merritt Island, FL Florida March 15 Battle of Guilford Courthouse Greensboro, NC North Carolina Note: As of the 2020 Spring SAR Leadership April 12 Halifax Resolves Halifax, NC North Carolina Meeting, a policy was adopted by both the Na- April 18 Patriot’s Day Nationally tional Color Guard and National Historic Sites May 8 Battle of Pensacola Pensacola, FL Florida & Celebrations Committees formally establish- May 11 Raid on Martin’s Station Ewing, VA Virginia ing that only the National Historic Sites & Cel- ebrations Committee may designate National May 16 Armed Forces Day Historic Events based on that committee’s es- May 17 Battle of Thomas Creek Jacksonville, FL Florida tablished criteria. The only exception being that May 25 Spirit of Vincennes Rendezvous Vincennes, IN Indiana established Color Guard policy of recognizing May 25 National Memorial Day Parade Washington DC District of Columbia President General, or his designated SAR Gen- eral Officer representative, attendance at an May 25 Memorial Day events * Various locations otherwise unrecognized event will make that May 26 Battle of Fort San Carlos St Louis, MO Missouri event a National Event. actual event. May 29 Buford’s Massacre Lancaster, SC General Francis Marion SAR June 11 Action at Machias Machias, ME Maine June 17 Battle of Bunker Hill Charlestown, MA Massachusetts SAR June 20 Battle of Ramseur’s Mill Lincolnton, NC Catawba Valley SAR June 28 Battle of Monmouth Monmouth Cty, NJ New Jersey SAR July 4 every year Let Freedom Ring / July 4th Events * Various locations August 2 Siege at Fort Laurens Bolivar, OH August 19 Battle of Blue Licks Carlisle, KY Kentucky September 6 Battle of Groton Heights Groton, CT Connecticut September 8 Battle of Eutaw Springs Eutawville, SC South Carolina September 25 Gathering at Sycamore Shoals Elizabethton, TN Tennessee September 17 Vigil at George Washington’s Tomb Mt Vernon, VA September 17 Vigil at George Washington’s Tomb Mt Vernon, VA October 4-6 Point Pleasant Battle Days Point Pleasant, WV West Virginia October 6 Chestnut Neck Port Republic, NJ NJ October 7 Battle of Kings Mountain Blacksburg, SC Kings Mountain SAR (NC) / Daniel Morgan SAR (SC) October 17 Battle of Saratoga Stillwater, NY Empire State October 19 Yorktown Days Yorktown, VA Virginia October 22 Red Bank Battlefield National Park, NJ NJ November 11 Veterans Day Events * Nationally Various December 9 Battle of Great Bridge Norfolk, VA Virginia December TBD Wreaths Across America Various Locations December 26 Ten Crucial Days Princeton/Trenton, NJ New Jersey Events that can occur on random dates throughout the year Massing of the Colors Fields of Honor / Healing Field Honor Flight Liberty Tree Planting / Dedication The following National Meetings are considered National events by Color Guard Policy due to the attendance of the President General: NSSAR Spring Leadership Meeting Annual NSSAR Congress NSSAR Fall Leadership Meeting The National Events listed above count toward earning the SAR Silver Color Guard Medal and National Von Steuben Medal for Sustained Achievement (See the NSSAR Color Guard Medals section).
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