THE LONDON GAZETTE, 9ra JANUARY 1959 267 ROWE, Mildred Jane (married woman), residing at INTENDED .DIVIDENDS. Oakley Court, Windsor, Berkshire, and carrying on business as "The Caves" at 54, Blandford Street, ALMACK, Richard, of 2, Wendover Lodge, Welwyn, London, W.I, and as "The Riverside Tea in the county of Hertfordshire, SOLICITOR, lately Gardens" at Barry Avenue, Windsor aforesaid, residing at 25, Westleigh Avenue, Putney, in the RESTAURANT PROPRIETRESS, and formerly county of London, and carrying on business at carrying on business as " The Windsor Restau- Solicitor's Office, Euston Station, in the county of rant," Carnaby Street, London, W.I, and " Snappy London. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. Snacks," 26, St. Leonards Road, Windsor aforesaid No. of Matter—1,146 of 1933. Last Day for and " Pedlars Pack," Iver, Bucks, as a Restaurant Receiving Proofs—26th Jan., 1959. Name of Proprietress. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUS- Trustee and Address—Morris, George Frederick, TICE. No. of Matter--t58 of 1953. Trustee's Bankruptcy Buildings, Carey Street, London, Name, Address and Description—Curtis, Leonard W.C.2, Senior Official Receiver. Cyril, 13, Wimpole Street, London, W.I, Incor- porated Accountant. Date of Release—25th Sept., FELTON, Anna Theresa Forbes (married woman), 1958. also known as Anne Felton, and Anne Forbes Felton of 106, Ebury Street, S.W.I, and lately of 32A, Addison Road, Kensington, W.I4, both in the BRYAN, Minnie Ethel (described in the Receiving county of London, of no occupation, described in Order as M. E. Bailey (feme sole)) of 31, Warren the Receiving Order as Anne Felton (married Farm Road, Kingstanding, Birmingham, in the woman), of 65A, Chester Square, S.W.I, in the county of Warwick, married woman. Court—• county of London, occupation unknown, and lately BATH (by transfer from Swindon and Birming- residing at 62, Bury Walk, S.W.3, in the county of ham County Courts). No. of Matter—5 of 1956. London. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Hort, No. of Matter-^190 of 1952. Last Day for Philip William, 28, Baldwin Street, Bristol, 1, Receiving Proofs—26th Jan., 1959. Name of Chartered Accountant. Date of Release—24th Trustee and Address—Morris, George Frederick, Dec., 1958. Bankruptcy Buildings, Carey Street, London, W.C.2, Senior Official Receiver. RIX, Thomas Frank, 3, Curzon Street, Long Eaton, PERRY, Edward Archibald, and TAYLOR, Abia and lately of 1, Nursery Avenue, Sandiacre, both Jack, formerly carrying on business in partnership in the county of Derby, BUILDER. Court— and described in the Receiving Order as Perry's (a DERBY and LONG EATON. No. of Matter— , -firm), TOBACCONISTS, of and carrying on 1 of 1940. Trustee's Name, Address and Descrip- business at 380A, Finchley Road, in the county of tion—Turton, Charles Ernest, 4, Middle Pavement, 'London. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. Nottingham, Chartered Accountant. Date of No, of Matter--*59 of 1936. Last Day for Release—16th Dec., 1958. •Receiving Proofs—26th Jan., 1959. Name of Trustee and Address—Walter, Arthur Aaron, Bank- ruptcy Buildings, 'Carey Street, London, W.C.2, BENSLEY, Frederick Short, residing and carrying on Official Receiver. business at Tower House, Castleacre, in the county of Norfolk, ROOT MERCHANT and COMPANY PERRY, Edward Archibald: Separate Estate. Court DIRECTOR. Court—KINGS LYNN. No. of —HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter Matter—-6 of 1952. Trustee's Name, Address and —459 of 1936. Last Day for Receiving Proofs— Description—Clifford, John Basil, 4, Bucklersbury, 26th Jan., 1959. Name of Trustee and Address— E.C.4, Chartered Accountant. Date of Release— Walter, Arthur Aaron, Bankruptcy Buildings, Carey 18th Dec., 1958. Street, London, W.C.2, Official Receiver. PRYOR, Alexander Frank, of 7, Church Lane, East ROBINSON, Charles Alfred Rifleman, 11, Mont- Finchley, London, N.2, LICENSED VIC- gomery House, Mortlake, in the county of Surrey, TUALLERS' ASSISTANT, lately carrying on CONSTRUCTIONAL ENGINEER, and MORRIS, business with another at "The Alexandria," 1, Leonard Daniel, 109, Cumberland House, Kingston Church Lane, Finchley aforesaid, as JOINT Hill, in the said county of Surrey, CONSTRUC- •LICENCEES. Court—HIGH COURT OF TIONAL ENGINEER, carrying on business in JUSTICE. No. of Matter—176 of 1954. Last partnership under the firm name or style of Morris Day for Receiving Proofs—26th Jan., 1959. Name Construction Company at No. 1, Commerce Cham- of Trustee and Address—Walter, Arthur Aaron, bers, 5, Richmond Road, Kingston-upon-Thames, Bankruptcy Buildings, Carey Street, London, in the said county of Surrey. Court—KINGSTON- W.C.2, Official Receiver. UPON-THAMES. No. of Matter—5 of 1955. Trustees' Names, Addresses and Descriptions— WILLIAMS, Frank Leslie, of 11, Bickley Road, Findlay, Leslie Stewart, 48, Holtoway Head, Bir- Leyton, E.10, London, ADVERTISING AGENT. mingham, 1 (resigned 4th Oct., 1956), Hedges, Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Herbert Charles, 4, Charterhouse Square, London, Matter—368 of 1957. Last Day for Receiving E.C.I (appointed 9th Oct., 1956). Date of Release Proofs—26th Jan., 1959. Name of Trustee and —26th Nov., 1958. Address—Morris, George Frederick, Bankruptcy Buildings, Carey Street, London, W.C.2, Senior Official Receiver. REAY, John Tom, residing at 55, Milton Terrace, North Shields, in the county of Northumberland, LUKER, James William, residing at 29, Sun Street, and carrying on business under the style of Scott •Lewes in the county of Sussex, and PHILLIPS, & Son, at 3, Norfolk Street, North Shields afore- Henry Arthur Richard, residing at Greenfields Cot- said, as a MANUFACTURING and WHOLE- tage, Newick, in the county of Sussex aforesaid, SALE CONFECTIONER, and at 7, Livingstone and formerly of 11, Market Street, Lewes, lately View, Tynemouth, in the county of Northumber- carrying on business in partnership at East Street, land, as a RETAIL TOBACCONIST and Lewes in the county of Sussex, and at 206, High CONFECTIONER. Court — NEWCASTLE- Street, Lewes aforesaid, under the style of Gordon UPON-TYNE. No. of Matter—14 of 1957. and Luker (a firm), ELECTRICAL CONTRAC- Trustee's Name, Address and Description— TORS. Court—BRIGHTON. No. of Matter— Thomson, James Mcllroy, 51, Grainger Street, 45 of 1953. Last Day for Receiving Proofs— Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1, Chartered Secretary. 26th Jan., 1959. Name of Trustee and Address Date of Release—9th Dec., 1958. —Parker, Thomas Henry, 8, Old Steine, Brighton, 1, Official Receiver. HOUSE, Gladys Lilian, of 109, North Road, Kew, BATE, Douglas Frederick Beauchamp, of 6, Orpen Richmond, in the county of Surrey, married woman, Avenue, Burnley in the county of Lancaster, Radio lately carrying on business at 109, North Road, Engineer, and BATE, Gilbert Stephen Clavell, of Kew aforesaid, under the name or style of Wood's 192, Colne Road, Burnley aforesaid, Radio Engineer, Grocery Stores. Court—WANDS WORTH. No. lately trading in co-partnership under the name or of Matter—22 of 1956. Trustee's Name, Address style of Bate Bros, at 165, Oxford Road, Burnley, and Description—Cork, Kenneth Russell, ' 19, 192, Come Road, Burnley aforesaid, and 33, Man- Eastcheap, London, E.C.3, Chartered Accountant. chester Road, Burnley aforesaid, as RADIO Date of Release—11th Dec., 1958. ENGINEERS. Court—BURNLEY. No. of Matter D 2.
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