"THE HOME OF CHAMPIONS" LONDON MAJORS INTER-COUNTY SENIOR LEAGUE Sparton of Canada ARNOLD’S Limited ELM Jewellery Store LONDON — ONTARIO BERT ARNOLD, Prop. Visit our new and modern store for the finest Compliments of in Jewellery; ;• " ■ > G. W. Stevens & Sons W ■y,- Ml**- .......' 379 CLARENCE STB Fairmont 8890-W SHEET METAL CONTRACTORS . ■ ; s Furnaces - Oil Burners - Air Conditioning LONDON - ONTARIO ... ■ 576 HIGHBURY AVE. Fairmont 1057-J • y .’W- ---------' ■ . - - .--22^—----- ■ - i' •- w . !. '' .'.Sv ■?' «Si- J ■ ■- ■ ■" .... S. E. & N. Food Market London Majors Home Games MAY JULY GROCERIES - MEATS - SUNDRIES Free Delivery Anytime Sat. 13 — Kitchener (8) .. Sat. 1 — Galt (8.30) Mon. 15 —• Guelph (8) Mon. 3 — Stratford (8.30) New Management - S. Gough Sat. 20 — Stratford (8) Sat. 8 — Brantford (8.30) Hamilton Rd. at Hale St. Fairmont 636-W Sat. 27 — Brantford (8) Wed. 12 — Galt (8.30) i ; LONDON - ONTARIO Wed. 31 — St. Thomas (8) Sat. 15 — St. Thomas (8.30) Zz Wed. 19 — Waterloo (8.30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- —------------ JUNE Sat. 22 — Brantford (8.30) Mon. 24 —- Kitchener (8.30 Sat. 3 — Stratford (8.30) Wed. 26 — Guelph (8.30) F. C Warder Radio Ltd. Wed. 7 — Galt (8.30) Mon. 31 — Kitchener (8.30 Guaranteed Service on All Makes of Radio Sat. 10 — Kitchener (8.30) Dealers for R.C.A. Victor - Rogers - Stromberg-Carlson Mon. 12 — Brantford (8.30) AUGUST h. and Admiral Radios Wed. 14 — Guelph (8.30) jDealer Hotpoint Appliances - Dominion Washers Mon. 19 — Waterloo (8.30) Sat. 5 — St. Thomas (8.30 Pick-up and Delivery Service Sat. 24 — Guelph (8.30) Mon. 7 — Stratford (8.30) Wed. 28 — St. Thomas (8.30) Wed. 16 — Waterloo (8.30 795 DUNDAS ST. Fairmont 8436 Thur. 29 — Waterloo (8.30) Mon. 21 — Galt (8.30) SOUTH END Fair. 380 ELECTRIC SALES and SERVICE : Compliments of All Types of Electrical Equipment and Fixtures The White Spot For Your Convenience - Open 24 Hours a Day INGLIS WASHERS After the Game Meat and Eat at THE WHITE SPOT ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES 390 RICHMOND ST. (C. H. Lauvray) and LAMPS OF ALL TYPES Compliments of I . ■ ' Western Home Insulators Roofers —REPAIRS— / ■ ’ ' 636 WELLINGTON Metcalf 2959 294 WHARNCLIFFE RD. S. Fairmont 1617 LONDON — ONTARIO KELVINATOR Cecil Foster PHARMACY OF CANADA LIMITED PRESCRIPTIONS For Service, Quality and Accuracy Delivery Service 1152 DUNDAS ST. I 780 HAMILTON RD. Fairmont 9296 LONDON — ONTARIO “ANY SHIP” “ANY PLANE” “ANY BUS” “ANYWHERE” LES! We can secure Hotel Reservations, Passports, Visas — and the services cost you nothing extra! Ruse Travel Agency 463 RICHMOND ST. Metcalf 727 Thomas - Hamilton - Webber Limited INSURANCE BROKERS 100 DUNDAS Fairmont 7041 LONDON - ONTARIO Compliments of C. W. Judge PLASTERING CONTRACTORS Plain and Ornamental Plastering and Stucco Work Repairs of all kinds — Estimates Free 42 LANGARTH Fairmont 2238 GET IT AT FISHER DRUGS Prescriptions called for and delivered RICHMOND, Near Oxford Fairmont 1269 Compliments of Fischer Cartage Baggage Transfer Agents for JOE BECHARD “ C.N.R. and L. & P.S. MOVING and CARTAGE COLEMANS 15 BRISCOE ST. W. Fairmont 6911-M MEAT PRODUCTS — SAUSAGE PRODUCTS Compliments of Cooked and Smoked Meats, Beef, Veal, Lamb At Leading Meat Counters Everywhere J. F. Marshall 1 Sons Ltd. All Meats Government Inspected SAND & GRAVEL — CRUSHED STONE COAL Coleman Packing Co. Excavating and General Trucking LONDON - ONTARIO 1067 TALBOT ST. Fairmont 2650 OVTUvn ivtviwvaa’ r’irivi\-n AT THE SIGN OF THE MAPLE LEAF, IT’S Compliments oi EE. DAY US CO. George Blake ROOFERS SUPERTEST SERVICE STATION “If there is anything in Roofing We Have It” Open from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. FAIRMONT 3063 “Drive in and let us service your car to-day” 147 WHARNCLIFFE RD. SOUTH 679 DUNDAS ST. Metcalf 9747 LONDON — ONTARIO Compliments of THE Towland Construction Co. Alex Sutherland and Sons LIMITED TINSMITHS PAVING CONTRACTORS 255 GRAND AVE. Metcalf 2761 LONDON - ONTARIO LONDON — ONTARIO Wilton’s Superior Market How To Play Baseball MEATS AND GROCERIES FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FIRST—PHYSICAL FITNESS the Big Leaguer runs around the First of all, I cannot lay too ball park several times before he Service Plus Value at All Times much emphasis on physical fitness even handles a ball. Warming and 462 CHEAPSIDE Metcalf 5049 and training. The lean, well-con­ limbering up his body in this way ditioned athlete finds his muscles lessens the chance for injury and LONDON - ONTARIO elastic and ready to respond to sore muscles. quick, well-timed action. When an GOOD EQUIPMENT athlete is over-weight, he wastes Fielders should select a glove Compliments of precious energy as fat is a burn­ which generously covers the hand, ing fuel which is bound to slow with ample finger length, so the him up. ball will stick there. If your glove SHARRATT’S Proper training and diet are ab­ is too small you will have trouble solutely essential in playing Big grabbing and holding on to the “GREENHOUSE FRESH” FLOWERS League baseball. A Major Leaguer’s ball. Major League players have Funeral Tributes, Wedding Bouquets, breakfast, for instance, consists of their gloves fitted to their hands, fruit, cereal, two soft-boiled eggs, so important is it to have the Cut Flowers and Plants toast and coffee. He eats very little right sized glove. at noon, for he plays better ball on In a catcher’s mitt, look for Call FAIRMONT 2162 a partially empty stomach. Then plenty of fullness and weight. With after the game, he is ready for a a large, full mitt you will handle good, hearty dinner. the ball with more certainty and BEST WISHES FROM Every player will build himself its ample weight will withstand the up physically by getting lots of steady pounding of fast balls. practise in the position which he And while we are on the subject D. C. Electric is to play but he must be sure to of equipment, let us not overlook get enough work, so he won’t tire the importance of good baseball ELECTRICAL WIRING & REPAIRS when he is playing a regular game. shoes. Never buy cheap shoes LONG, HARD PRACTISE IS which quickly get out of shape Fixtures - Residential and Commercial ESSENTIAL or do not fit properly. These will 94 ALBION ST.MET. 4642-W In Spring Training down south greatly impair your speed and bal- Compliments of Compliments of London Concrete Machinery Co. J. W. LeSUEUR Limited 209 WELLINGTON ST. S. Metcalf 6414 CABEL AVENUE LONDON - ONTARIO LONDON — ONTARIO Compliments of Compliments of Ontario F urniture Limited H. Jack Clarke Western Ontario’s Largest Home Furnishings OPTICIAN 228-230 DUNDAS Metcalf 1175 Prescriptions Filled — Glasses Repaired LONDON — ONTARIO 438 CLARENCE ST. Fairmont 2691 Compliments of Compliments of Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Ltd. William Hallatt Tractor NEW BANK OF TORONTO BLDG. Company METCALF 8570 275 COLBORNE LONDON - ONTARIO LONDON - ONTARIO Compliments of Compliments of R. Wessenger Middlesex Seeds Limited FARM SUPPLIES “Where Quality Counts and the Price is Right” 93 KING ST. Metcalf 4963-M 361 TALBOT Metcalf 5480 LONDON - ONTARIO LONDON - ONTARIO Knotty Pine Inn Chicken Dinners - Steaks - Chops Catering to Weddings and Dinner Parties 1 Miles RICHMOND NORT H Metcalf 4421 STAN NELSON, Prop. Compliments of Evans Funeral Service >48 HAMILTON RD. Fairmont 325 Cor. Richmond & Central Ave. Metcalf 6684 Compliments of Par-Tex Foundation Co. Ltd. LONDON - TORONTO GIL ROBERTSON, Catcher Compliments of Compliments of Peckham Bros. Ryan Builder's Supplies Limited BUILDING CONTRACTORS Complete Builders’ Supplies We specialie in moderately priced modern homes Concrete & Cinder Blocks Fairmont 8443-J Fairmont 4965-R RYANCRETE 143 WINDSOR CRES. 1201 BRYDGES ST. Fairmont 5960-1 Are You Planning a Wedding or Banquet? Compliments of if so, try Edgeworth the Caterer Highland Golf Club BANQUETS - WEDDINGS Palatable Home Cooked Meals 150 RECTORY ST. Fairmont 2048 Banquets, Weddings & Parties our Specialty LONDON - ONTARIO PHONE METCALF 4264 wpwxiri? Rnnnivc xT rrnuwv on Compliments of uompnmenra- 01 Bee - Jay Lines Harry McKenzie Trucking of all Descriptions Manufacturers Agent for Heating and Power Brown Bros., Prop. Plant equipment-—-Boiler Feed Water Treatment 35 HOLBORN Metcalf 9006 77 HUME ST. Fairmont 9369 LONDON - ONTARIO LONDON - ONTARIO A RESTAURANT OF DISTINCTION Compliments of LLYN LODGE Burch Electric Family Dinners, Banquets, Wedding Receptions Industrial. Commercial, Residential Installations For reservations call METCALF 8162-M Repairs - Wiring - All makes of Transformers Ewart and Madeline Wylie, Props. and Motors serviced — Free Estimates OXFORD ST. 199 CENTRAL AVE.Metcalf 4693 y2 Mile West of Wharncliffe Rd. ROBINSON BROS., Props. How To Play Baseball London Life Upholstering Co. ance, and speed and balance are to burn your hand, get a piece of We are craftsmen & guarantee our work vital to successful baseball playing. fleece (like you see in the lining ATTENTION of a fleece-lined jacket) and in­ A call will convince ? YOUNG PITCHERS ? sert it between the glove and the First Grade Materials - Free Estimates Many young pitchers make the palm of your hand, with the hide mistake of merely throwing the side against your hand. This will 647 DUNDAS ST. Fairmont 3131 ball to get into shape. Don’t for­ help to absorb the sting. get that good strong legs are vital When warming up your pitcher to pitching success. Throwing a before the game, catch each pitch fast ball for nine or more innings as though there was a runner on cannot be done on weak under­ base getting ready to steal, and see pinning. how quickly you can get yourself FILTER QUEEN Throwing curves is hard on .the into a throwing position. Do this arm and should be done sparingly a lot and you will develop speed in until your muscles mature. Curve getting the ball away to nail base­ Canada’s Bagless Cleaner & Air Purifier pitching can wait until you have runners.
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