177 The Art and Pasta Festival, The Burnt House, 26, 34–35 Index 163 Business hours, 165 Index Artists’ House Gallery, 87 Bus travel, 15 See also Accommoda- Ascension Church of tions and Restaurant Augusta Victoria, 94 C Auster, Daniel, 59 indexes, below. Cabs, 9, 164–165 Austrian Hospice, 12 Cadim Gallery, 83 Avenue of the Righteous Calatrava, Santiago, 101 A Among the Nations, 29 Calvary, 13 Absalom’s Tomb, 37 Avi Ben, 88 Cardo Maximus, 26 Absolut Copy, 167 Avi Biran, 88 Car rentals, 164 Abu Gosh, 156 Avram Bar Café, 127 Cave of the Sepulcher, 13 Abyssinian (Ethiopian) Cellphones (mobile phones), Church, 75 B 163 Access America, 168 Bargaining, 85 Cemetery, Roman Accommodations, 130–140. Bar Kochba letters, 22 Catholic, 20 See also Accommodations Barluzzi, Antonio, 48 Ceramics, 82, 83 Index Bars, pubs, cafes, and clubs, Chagall, Marc, 28, 45 best bets, 133 127–128 The Chagall windows at breakfast buffets, 137 Basilica of the Agony, 93 Hadassah Medical Tel Aviv, 155 Beach promenade (Tel Aviv), Center, 28 Ades Synagogue, 71 153 Chamber of the Holocaust, 20 Agua, 63 Beersheba Street, 71 Chapel of the Ascension, 91 Agur Winery (Moshav Agur), Beit David, 58 Cheese, 83 160 Beit HaOmanim (Jerusalem Cheshin, Amir, 21 Ahava, 84 Artists House), 126 Children of the Holocaust Ahava Visitors’ Center (Mitz- Beit Sefarad Israel, 73 Memorial, 29 peh Shalem), 146 Ben-Yehuda, Eliezer, home Children’s Wing, 22 Air travel, 164 of, 75 Chocolat, 83–84 Al Aqsa Mosque, 11 Ben Yehuda Street, 57–58 Chocolate, 83–84 Al Hakawati Palestinian Bet Guvrin caves, 157 The Chords Bridge, 101 National Theater, 123 Beth Hatefutsoth (The Dias- Christ Church, 42 Alrov Mamilla pedestrian pora Museum; Tel Aviv), Christian Biblical Institute/ mall, 27 151 International Evangelical Alyagon, Hanitai, 21 Bible Lands Museum, 33, 52 Church, 76 American Colony, 6 concerts, 123 Christian Quarter, 99 The Anglican School, 76 Biblical Zoo, 51 Church of All Nations, 40, Antiquities, 82 Bikur Cholim Hospital, 76 48, 93, 100 Antiquities Park (Ein Gedi Billy Rose Art Garden, 22 Church of Mary Magdalene, National Park), 145 Bimot, 125 40, 62, 92–93 Antonia Fortress, 40 Blackston, Max, 21 Church of Notre Dame of the Arabic words and phrases, Bloomfield Garden, 66, 103 Ark, 157 175–176 Bloomfield Science Church of St. Alexander, Archaeological Museum and Museum, 52 40–41 Garden, 22 Bolinat, 127 Church of Saint Anne, 40 Archaeological Park, The Book Gallery, 83 Church of Saint John, 62 Jerusalem, 17 Bookstores, 83 Church of St. Paul, 73 Archaeological Seminars, 36 Borderline, 127–128 Church of St. Peter in Archie Granot, 87–88 Botanical Gardens, 102 Gallicantu, 20 Archimedes Screw Breakfast buffets at hotels, Church of the Archangels, Fountain, 59 137 26–27 Architectural landmarks, The Bridge of Strings, 101 Church of the Holy Name of 44–49COPYRIGHTEDBrigham Young University MATERIALJesus (co-Cathedral of the Area codes, 165 Jerusalem Center, 123 Diocese of Jerusalem), Ariel Center for Jerusalem in Broad Wall, 26 41–42 the First Temple Period, Brodie, Stanley, 166 Church of the Holy Sepul- 35, 54 Browns, Shmuel, 21 cher, 5, 12–13, 39 Armenian ceramics, 82 Bulghourji Lounge and Church of the Redeemer, 41 Armenian Church, 66 Gardens, 128 Church of the Resurrection, The Armenian Quarter, 26 Burekas, 113 156 115_676363-bindex.indd5_676363-bindex.indd 177177 66/17/10/17/10 111:201:20 PPMM 178 Church of the Visitation, 61 Downtown West Jerusalem, Gaya Games, 86 The Citadel of David, 20 57–59 German Colony The City of David, 18, 36 Dressing modestly, 13 residences, 67 Index Classical music, 123–124 Drive Israel, 160 The German Hospital, 75 orchestras and Dung Gate, 98–99 Gifts and souvenirs, 85 repertories, 125 Gihon Spring (Fountain of Clock tower (Jaffa), 150–151 E the Virgin), 19 Co-Cathedral of the Diocese Easter, 13 Glass objects, 86 of Jerusalem (Church of Greek Orthodox, 5 The Golden Gate/Gate of the Holy Name of Jesus), E.B. Eli Gallery, 86 Mercy, 94 41–42 Eden-Tamir Music Center, 61 Goldman Promenade, 103 Coenaculum (Room of the Educational Bookshop, 83 Gorny Convent Grounds, Last Supper), 20 Egged, 164 61–62 The Coffee Mill, 84 Egged Tours, 15, 23 Gozlan Park, 67, 104 Constantine, Emperor, 39 The Eighth Note, 87 The Great Synagogue, 42 Consulates and embassies, Ein Gedi National Park, 145 Greenfield, Yitzhak, 63 165–166 Ein Gedi Sulphur Springs and Grotto of Gethsemane, 93 Convenience (24-hour) Spa, 144 The Guide, 170 stores, 166 Ein Karem, 60–63 Gulbenkian Library, 27 Convent of the Pater Noster, Ein Yael, 51–52 Gur Arieh, 83 91–92 Electricity, 167 Credit cards, lost, 168 Elia Photo Service, 88 H Cup o’ Joe coffee shops, 104 El-Kas, 11 Ha’aretz/International Currency exchange, Embassies and consulates, Herald Tribune, 170 168–169 165–166 The Haas Promenade, 5, 14, Emergencies, 167 103 D Enot Tsukim Nature Reserve, Hadassah Medical Center, Dalia Flowers, 85 147 Chagall windows at, 28 Damascus Gate, 14, 99 Eretz Israel Museum (Tel Haga Maria Sion (or Dormi- Danny Azoulay, 86 Aviv), 151 tion) Abbey, 20 Darian Armenian Ceramics, The Ethiopian Consulate HaHavatzelet Street, 58 82 Building, 74 Haircuts, 167 David, King, 18 Ethiopian procession, 13 Hall of Names, 29 Tomb of, 20 Etz Chaim Yeshiva, 46 Hall of Remembrance, 29 Davidka Square, 76 Even Yisrael, 69 Hamashbir, 84 Davidson Exhibition HaNevi’im Street, 72–76 Center, 17 F Hasmonean water tunnels, Dayan, Moshe, 59 Falafel, 113 37, 54 Day of Atonement (Yom Fall, 163 Health insurance, Kippur), 71 Families with children, 50–54 167–168 The Dead Sea, 143–147 Fashion, 85 Hebrew University (Mt. “swimming” in the, 144 Faxing and photocopying, Scopus Campus), 95 Dead Sea Beach, 144 167 The Hebrew University Dead Sea products, 84 Film Festival, Jerusalem, 163 Synagogue, Givat Dead Sea Scrolls (The Shrine First Prison of Jesus, 27 Ram, 49 of the Book), 22 Flam Winery (Eshtaol), 159 Hebrew words and phrases, Delicatessens, 84 Flea market (Old Jaffa), 150 172–175 Department stores, 84 Flowers, 85 Hedya Jewelers and the The Diaspora Museum (Beth Fountain of the Virgin (Gihon Sarah Einstein Hatefutsoth; Tel Aviv), 151 Spring), 19 Collection, 86 Dining, 106–118. See also French Compound, 47 Herod, King, 4 Restaurant Index Herodian column, 59 best, 108 G Herodion (Herodium), 27 kosher, 117 Herod’s Gate, 99 Gaia Smith, 83 saving money with Hess, 84 Galeria Me’atzvim, 85 “business” lunches, Hessed VeRahamim Games and toys, 86 110 Synagogue, 70 Gan Daniel, 59 Doctors and dentists, 166 Hezekiah, King, 18 Garden of Gethsemane, 40 Domaine du Castel, 159 Hezekiah’s Tunnel, 6, 18 Gardens and parks, 100–104 Dome of the Rock, 11 Hill of Evil Counsel (Mount of The Garden Tomb, 39–40 Dominus Flevit, 92 Contempt), 15, 19 Gate of Mercy, 94 Dormition Abbey, 20 115_676363-bindex.indd5_676363-bindex.indd 178178 66/17/10/17/10 111:201:20 PPMM 179 Index History of Jerusalem, J Kook, Abraham Isaac, 58 170–172 Jaffa, 148–155. See also Kosher, 117 Holiday observances, 167 Tel Aviv and Jaffa Holocaust Art Museum, 125 Jaffa Gate, 14 L Holocaust Museum, 28–29 Jaffar’s, 4 L.A. Mayer Memorial Holy Cross, Monastery of Jason’s Tomb, 34 Museum for Islamic Art, the, 42–43 Jerusalem Archaeological 126 HolyPass, 18 Park, 17 Lechem Tushiya, 83 Holy Sepulcher, Church of Jerusalem Artists House Liberty Bell Park, 103 the, 12 (Beit HaOmanim), 46, 126 Lions’ Fountain, 66 Holy Trinity Cathedral, 42 Jerusalem Bird Observatory, Lion’s Gate, 99 Holy Week, 4 101–102 LiveO, 87 Hotels, 130–140. See also The Jerusalem Center for the Lodging, 130–140. See also Accommodations Index Performing Arts, 123–124 Accommodations Index best bets, 133 The Jerusalem Cinema- best bets, 133 breakfast buffets, 137 theque, 127 breakfast buffets, 137 Tel Aviv, 155 The Jerusalem Corridor, Tel Aviv, 155 The House of Quality, 48–49 156–160 Lost property, 168 Hulda Gates, 17 Jerusalem Day, 162 Lutheran Church of the Hurva Synagogue, 26 Jerusalem Film Festival, 163 Redeemer, 41 Hussein, King, 11 Jerusalem Gates Souvenir, 85 Hutzot Hayotzer, 5 Jerusalem International Fes- M tival of Chamber Music, Mabat Platinum, 170 I 163 Mahanaim, 73 ICAHD (The Israeli Commit- Jerusalem Municipality, Mahane Yehuda market, 28, tee Against House walking tours, 23 76 Demolitions), 23 Jerusalem Pottery, 82 Mail and postage, 168 Independence Day, 162 The Jerusalem Print Malha Mall, 51 Independence Park, 104 Workshop, 73–74 Mardigian Museum of Arme- Inn of the Good Samaritan Jerusalem stone, 46 nian Art and History, 27 (Jerusalem–Jericho Road), The Jerusalem Symphony Maresha, 157 147 Orchestra (JSO), 125 Mary’s Spring, 60 Insurance, 167 The Jerusalem Theater, 127 Masada, 4, 27, 143–144 The International Arts and The Jerusalem YMCA, 124 Mazettim, 83 Crafts Fair, 163 JEST (Jerusalem English- Mazkeret Moshe, 70 International Book Fair, 162 Speaking Theatre), 125 Medical insurance, 167–168 International Evangelical Jewelry, 86 Melia Art & Training Church, 76 Jewish Film Festival, 162 Center, 87 The International Festival of The Jewish Quarter of the Mia Bar, 128 Puppet Theaters, 163 Old City, 25 Mifletzet slide, 53 International Oud Festival, John the Baptist, 60 Mira Gallery, 85 163 Judaica, 86 Mirror Bar, 128 Internet access, 168 Judaica Wing, 22 Mishkenot, 69–70 Intira, 85 Mishkenot Sha’ananim, 67 The Israel Camerata, K Mitzpor Tomer outlook, 73 Jerusalem, 125 Kad Vachomer, 54 Mobile phones (cellphones), Israel Festival, 5–6, 162–163 Kanaffeh, 4 163 The Israeli Committee Katlav Winery (Ness Harim), Monastery of the Holy Cross, Against House Demoli- 160 42–43 tions (ICAHD), 23 Khader M. Baidun & Sons, 82 Montefiore Memorial Israeli
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