Index 2RS, see Two-Round System Audit Trail, 8, 11, 12, 14, 27, 46, 58, 210, 211, 276, 327, 328, 330, 386, Accessibility, 4, 5, 26, 74, 76, 77, 151, 393 152, 181, 216, 241, 337, 341, Auditability, 4, 11, 27, 46, 313, 390 379, 387, 390, 391 Auditor, 7, 13, 67, 113, 122, 123, 125, Accountability, 7, 15, 58, 89, 100, 180, 127, 257–259, 266, 308, 319, 217, 300, 309, 313, 329, 338, 325, 369, 380, 398 342, 398 Australia, 54, 83, 84, 88, 89, 167, 169, AccuVote, 148, 151, 153 170, 187, 241, 313, 314, 335, AccuVote-OS, 151 336, 341 AccuVote-TS, 147, 148, 150, 151 AV, see Alternative Vote AccuVote-TSx, 147, 151 AV-net, see Anonymous Veto Network ACM, see Association for Computing AVC Advantage, 152 Machinery AVC Edge, 153, 154 Adder, 201 Advanced Voting Period, see Early Vot- Ballot Layout, see also Ballot Structure, ing 5, 60, 73, 391 Alternative Vote, 83 Ballot Secrecy, 146, 151, 160, 163, 179, Anonymous Veto Network, 346, 351, 244, 252, 260, 317 353–355 Ballot Structure, see also Ballot Layout, Aperio, 208, 210–212 80, 100 Approval Voting, 81, 91, 96, 99, 297, 298 BallotStation, 148, 149 Argentina, 54, 85, 156, 157 Bangladesh, 54 Armenia, 54 Barcelona, 72 Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem, 95, 96 Belgium, 54, 57, 59, 61, 68–70, 289, 357 Association for Computing Machinery, Benaloh Challenge, 288, 289, 301, 383 60, 204, 280 Bhutan, 54 Audiotegrity, 239, 241, 260, 263–266, Bingo Voting, 194, 195 277 Biometric, 71, 346 Black’s Method, 91 455 456 Index BlackBoxVoting, 148 Commission d’Accès aux Documents Block-Vote, 84, 85 Administratifs, 57 Boardroom Election, see also Board- Commitment Scheme, 194 room Voting, 200, 358 Complexity, 4, 5, 17, 22, 55, 159, 213– Boardroom Voting, see also Boardroom 215, 286, 331, 338, 348, 402 Election, 346, 354, 357, 375 Condorcet Criterion, 94 Bolivia, 54 Condorcet Method, 91, 92 Borda Count, 90, 91, 96, 99, 100 Condorcet Paradox, 95, 96 Brazil, 54, 59, 60, 74, 75, 85, 155, 156 Contingent Vote, 82, 98 Brennan Center for Justice, 74 Controlled Environment, 58, 75 Bug, 4, 6, 7, 69, 126–129, 146, 304, 308, Coombs’ Method, 84 371, 400 Council of Europe, 24–27, 39, 43–46, 64, Bulgaria, 54 69 Butterfly Ballot, 65, 74 Countermeasure, 110, 124, 125, 146, BV, see Block Vote 222, 226, 231, 233, 313, 328, 329, 331, 340, 401 CADA, see Commission d’Accès aux Cumulative Voting, 91, 99 Documents Administratifs Cyberwarfare, 146, 166 California, 151–153, 403 Czech Republic, 85 Cameroon, 85 Canada, 54, 81, 83, 254 D’Hondt Method, 86, 87, 102, 133 Carter Center, 25–27, 64 Danish Method, 102 Cast-as-Intended, 13, 58, 123, 177, 180, DC-net, see Dining Cryptographers net- 193–195, 220, 288, 290, 291, work 300, 303, 304, 309, 313, 314, Decryption Mix, 183, 202, 320–322 325, 329, 336, 337 Delegate, 55, 62, 101, 292, 304, 307, CESG Study, 111 308, 354, 357, 398 Chain Voting, 257, 333, 340, 401, 402 Diebold, 66, 147–153 Civic Activism, 54, 61, 64, 69, 77 Digital Gap, 67, 75 Civic Culture, 71, 72 Digital Signature, 12, 135–139, 185, 245, Civitas, 200, 201, 203, 225, 226 316, 328–330, 361, 362, 369, Classroom Voting, 200, 369, 371–376 388, 403 Closed-List, 85, 86, 100 Digivote, 68 Code Voting, 15, 194, 205, 206 Dining Cryptographers Network, 348– Coercion, 15, 27, 110, 123–125, 129, 351 140, 141, 146, 170, 178, 179, Dining Cryptographers Problem, 346– 181, 195, 201–204, 206, 207, 348, 353, 375 209, 212, 214, 216, 220, 221, Direct Recording Electronic, 5, 6, 8, 65, 226, 231, 232, 235, 236, 264, 68, 71, 74, 146–148, 151–158, 281, 283, 299, 334, 336, 362, 268, 318, 347, 359–363, 371, 365, 394, 401, 402, 404 379, 380, 384, 390, 391 Coercion-resistance, 110, 123, 179, 201– Direct Recording Electronic with in- 203, 206, 209, 281, 299 tegrity, 200, 346–375 Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS), 159, District Magnitude, 100 161, 256, 380, 387 Double-Ballot, 82 Index 457 DRE, see Direct Recording Electronic Evidence-Based Election, 4, 11, 13, 16 DRE-i, see Direct Recording Electronic EVM (Indian Voting Machine), 59, 158 with integrity Exhaustive Ballot, 82, 83 Droop Quota, 87–89, 102 Filibuster, 81 E-Counting, 70, 74 Fingerprint, see also Biometric, 71, 215, E2E, see End-to-End Verifiability 283, 284, 287, 288, 292 EAC, see Election Assistance Commis- Finland, 39, 54, 67, 68, 75, 215 sion Firmware, 148, 151, 154 Early Voting, 152, 380 First-Past-the-Post, 81, 82, 84, 85, 90, Ecuador, 54 98–102 EFFI, see Electronic Frontier Finland Flexible List Voting, 85 Egalitarian, 92, 93 Floating Receipt, 209 Election Assistance Commission, 65, 66, FPTP, see First-Past-the-Post 276 FRAKE (attack), 169, 170 Elections Systems and Software, 61, 152 France, 54, 55, 57, 61, 64, 82, 85, 86 Electoral Formula, 100 Frog Voting, 213 Electoral System, 19, 41, 49, 56, 75, 79– Functional Equivalence, 215 103, 106, 131, 187, 330 German Constitutional Court, 55, 57, 60 Electronic Ballot Marking (EBM), 8, 9, Germany, 54, 56, 58, 85, 90, 155, 177, 337, 338, 340, 380 195 Electronic Frontier Finland, 67 Gerrymandering, 101, 102 ElGamal (Cryptosystem), 294 Gibbard-Satterthwaite (Impossibility) The- ElGamal (Cryptosystem), 118, 227–229, orem, 96, 97 293, 294, 303, 317, 322, 323, 395, 397 HA, see Highest Average Method Eligibility Verifiability, 180, 314 Hacktivist, 146 End-to-End Verifiability, see also Indi- Hagenbach-Bischoff Quota, 87 vidual Verifiability and Uni- Hare Quota, 87, 102 versal Verifiability, 136, 141, Hare System, 84 181, 188, 205, 208, 213, 220, Hare’s Method, 84 242, 288, 299, 313, 314, 319, Hart InterCivic, 151, 152, 379, 381, 404 328, 335, 336, 346, 364 HAVA, see Help America Vote Act Equality, 75, 93, 95, 351 Helios, 15, 196, 200, 203, 204, 214, 215, ES3B, 154, 155 223, 227, 228, 267, 280–310, ES&S, see Elections Systems and Soft- 318, 334, 357–359, 380, 395 ware Help America Vote Act, 65, 66, 68, 177, Estonia, 15, 54, 56, 58, 131–133, 135, 379 142, 143, 165–167, 216 Helper Organization, 191, 193, 215 Estonian Voting System, 15, 131–143 Highest Average Method, 86, 87, 102 European Commission, 23–25 Homomorphic Encryption, 190, 196, European Parliament, 83, 85, 88, 131, 204, 224 133, 143 Hungary, 90 European Union, 135, 166 see EVEREST, 152 ICTE, Irish Citizens for Trustworthy E-Voting 458 Index ID management, 73 Japan, 54, 84, 90 IDEA, see International Institute for Java, 125, 126, 254, 303, 365, 370, 388 Democracy and Electoral As- JavaScript, 126 sistance Javascript, 126, 128, 167–170, 302–304, IFES, see International Foundation for 370 Electoral Systems JCJ, 200–203 IIA, see Independence of Irrelevant Al- Jites, 68 ternatives Illiteracy, 75 Kazakhstan, 54 Imperiali Method, 87, 102 Kiribati, 90 Imperiali Quota, 87, 102 Kleptography, 228, 229, 324 Impersonation, 56, 73, 203, 262 In-house Expertise, 57, 65–67, 73, 77 Largest Remainder Method, 86–88, 102 Incentive, 12, 101, 146, 236, 325 Lebanon, 84 Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives, Legal Framework (for E2E voting), 35, 94–96, 98, 99 40, 54, 68, 72, 74, 215–217 India, 49, 54, 59–61, 64, 74, 75, 81, 157– Limited Vote, 85 159, 195 List Voting, 85, 100 Individual Verifiability, 56–58, 180, 308, Flexible, see Flexible List Voting 366 Preferential, see Preferential (List Indra, 61, 71, 72 Voting) INE, see Instituto Nacional Electoral Lithuania, 90 Instant Run-Off Voting, 83, 84, 87, 88, Logjam Attack, 169, 170 91, 96, 98–100, 102, 206, 255– Louisiana, 152 257, 259, 267, 269, 273, 274, LR, see Largest Remainder Method 394 Luxembourg, 85 Instituto Nacional Electoral, 74 LV, see Limited Vote International Foundation for Electoral Majoritarian System, 100–103 Systems, 49, 64 Majority Criterion, 94, 98, 99 International Institute for Democracy Majority Judgement, 91 and Electoral Assistance, 54, Malapportionment, 101, 102 64 Malaysia, 81 Internet Voting, 27, 39, 56, 58, 61–63, Malta, 88 68, 71–76, 111, 112, 124, 125, MarkPledge, 192–194, 213 129, 131, 133, 136, 137, 142, May’s Theorem, 92, 93 143, 159–161, 163–168, 171, Mexico, 54, 74, 90 181, 194, 201, 217, 265, 268, Microcosm, 100, 101 280, 290, 299, 307, 336, 365 Misprint, 125, 221, 222 Ireland, 54, 61, 63, 64, 83, 88, 215 Mix-net / Mixnet, 305 Irish Citizens for Trustworthy E-Voting, Mix-net / Mixnet, 14–17, 136, 183–185, 63 188, 190, 193, 194, 197, 198, IRV, see Instant Run-Off Voting 202, 204, 205, 209, 224, 225, Italian attack, 336 229, 230, 301, 305, 307, 322, Italy, 85 324, 336, 347 iVote, 167–170 Index 459 Mixed Member Proportional System, 90, Office for Democratic Institutions and 100 Human Rights, 25, 54, 64, 142, Mixed System, 100, 102 143 MMP, see Mixed Member Proportional Oficina Nacional de Procesos Elec- System torales, 66, 67 MNTV, see Multiple Non-Transferable Ohio, 148, 152 Vote ONPE, see Oficina Nacional de Procesos Modified Sainte-Laguë Method, 87, 102 Electorales Mongolia, 54 Open List, 85, 285 Monotone, 93, 95, 96, 99 Open Source, 31, 111, 161, 276 Monotonicity, see Monotone Open Vote, 355, 357–360 Multiple Non-Transferable Vote, 84 Optical Scan, 4, 8–10, 21, 188, 189, 240, 247, 250, 267, 268, 273, 276, Namibia, 54 379 National Democratic Institute, 25, 64 Ordinateurs-de-vote, 61 National Institute of Standards and Tech- Organization for Security and Coopera- nology, 77, 214, 276, 366 tion in Europe, 23, 25–27, 64 Nauru, 90 Organization of American States, 25–27, NDA, see Non-Disclosure Agreement 67 NDI, see National Democratic Institute OSCE, see Organization for Security and Nearly Decisive, 93 Cooperation in Europe Nedap, 55, 56, 61–63, 154, 155 OVELAT, see Observatorio del Voto Netherlands, 21, 54, 55, 61–64, 85, 154, Electrónico en Latinoamérica 155, 254 Overseas Citizens, 61 Neutral, 93, 102, 271 New Jersey, 152 Paillier (Cryptosystem),
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