
RINITY, BUALITY, OR @NENESS? An enlightening scripturally based article explaining the much misunderstood relationship that exists between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. by Jacob O. Meyer RINITY, DUAI,ITY, OR ONENESS? by Jacob O. Meyer T,, (.( )nrprt,herirl the nressirge of trinity fs one supreme being, er- bear reeord in heatsen, the Father, the t he Ililllr, Ilt( )l'(, t holotrgh lr'. ( )n(, is tinq in three persons, all equal Word, and the Holg [spiritl; and these tttust initiirllr- olrtrrin rr goorl unrlt,r.- in rank and in eternity, hauing lhree are one. And there are three that strrnrling of' tht, t,xisting rt,littionshilr the same substance and yet being bear wilness in earth, the Spirit, and the l)r,t\\'t,t,n tltt, IX,t's()ns in tltt, sl)t.ir.it tritl three separate persons, but ualer, and the blood; and these three agree firrn i l..,' of' the )lrr.jestv olt tligh. united in one G-dhead. in une." Ont, r,1' the Irirsir. tenets tltught In' The bettel Ilible eno,clopedius The translation from the Aramaic r)r,111inirl ('hrist ilrnitv is tht, trinitr'. irrlnrit that no Old Testanrent Peshitta Version renders 1 .John Tiit, ('hristiirn rt,ligion is lrirserl I)r.t,- I)itssrrge crrn be found that lt'ill Jl:7-ll this way. "And the Spirit testifies rlonrinrrntlv Lllx)n rr firrn lrt,lit,f in .justif'r'the clor:trine of the trinit-l'. that lhat uery Spiril is truth. And there this rlot'tt'ittt' \litt'ty gt'oLll)s ttiitke In ftrct, t]rev irlso freell' adnrit to ar ore lhree lhal bear wilness, the Spiril and this one (lo,:trine ir TEST of'fell,ru'- rlerrlth of ntuterial in the New lhe ualer and bktod; and lhese lhree are sh i p. I f \'oLl bt,l ieve t he teitch i ng of 'l'estrunent that rvould (:onfirnt this nne." Obviously, there is a great the trinit)', \'( )u iu'e ir(.(,eptt,rl. If 'fhev rlot'trine. rrckno\\'ledge that d ifference between the translation \'( )u rlistr\'( )\\' t h is doct rinr,, \'( )Ll ir r.e there is no Scrilttnre that plainly rupperrring in the King James text rejected irrtrl lirllelt,rl irs rr cultist. rlescrilles ol'defines the trinit)'. Yet, rtrrcl that of the Peshitta Aramaic It is ir sub.ject highll't.hiu'!{e(l u'ith thev cling tenrrciouslv to the clrr- version. How can this be explained? elltotiorr. ilut (.rrn the trinitr' lrc trine rrnrl insist utr)olt its necessit.v. I)t'( )\'en frorrr t ht, \\'orrl'l It is Greek Text FollotDs Peshitta inrpet'irtil'e tlrrrt \r'€, r,xirrnir-rt, the A Dubious Proof Text sub.ject thoroughlr', so thrrt n'e (.irn Let us go further and examine stattd oll the solid founrlirt ion of The onlv Scripture in the entir.e the Greek text of 1 John I-r:7-8. It sou nd cloct ri ne. Authorized Version of the Bible reads: "For lhere are lhree whieh testify; thrrt superficially irl)pears to support the Spiril, TrinitU Proaen [Jnseriptural and lhe ualer, and the blood; the triniturirrn rlrrctrine is l John and the lhree are of une." (Benjamin i-r:7-l{. The doc:trine of the trinitl. has In the K ing .lumes text this Wilson trunslution.) See also the been defined us ftrllou's : The hoty pttssag(,t'eitds, "For lhere ore lhree rhat Scholarly Greek New Testament. O Copyright 1983 Assemblies of Yahweh, Bethel, PA 19507, All Rights Reserved The last clause in the Greek text Yahweh? Or who has been his eounselor? nlan. The reason why such vital literally reads, "And the three for Or who has first gioen lo him, and il shall importunce is attached to a name is the one are." be reeompensed to him again? For of him, that we ma.y receive everlasting life The basic thought that emerges and through him, and lo him, are all only through calling upon (asking from a careful perusal of the Greek things. To him be lhe glory lo lhe ages. for it from) the Being whose Name text reveals that the Spirit and the Amen-" Let us alsrl remember merrns everlasting existence. With- water and the blood unite in their Ephesians 3: 14- 15: "For this eouse I out this distinct characteristic mani- witness to the plan of salvation bow mA knees to the Falher, from uhom fest in the Nume of the Mighty One revealed in Yahshua the Messiah eaerA family in heaoen and on earlh i,s we worship, we would never receive our Redeemer. named" the blessing of everlasting life in the If you are interested in a further Kingdorn of Yahweh nor would we The Son Subordinate confirmation of the veracity of what Is be adopted into the family of the was stated heretofrlre, see any of the Yahshua the Messiah is the only Most High. How can rrnv other than more recent translations of the New begotten sc)n of the Heavenly Father the true Mighty One give eternal life Testament, such as the Revised Yahweh. Notice carefully what we to rt human being? "Fur att the elohim Standard Version, The New Inter- read in John 1:14 , "And the word of lhe peoples are idols; Bul Yahueh made national Version and The New beeame flesh, and labernacled among us lhe heal.'en$." (Psalm 96:I-r) Pletrse English Bible. (and.De beheld his glory, glory cs of lhe confirm this for vourself irnmediate- Origin of Ttinity only begotten from the Fother), full of ly in,loel 2:32, Acts'2:21, und graee and truth." The Word, the Rrxnans I0: 1jl. The average student of the Bible dabar, the me'mr a, who became the If you hrtve never reud our book has undoubtedly never studied deep- Messiah of Israel revealed in human presenting bihlical und reseurc'h ly enough to know that ancient form was the only begotten son of facts to suhstant iate the Sucrerl pagan mythologies are replete with the Father. Names drx:trine, write in frlr it trinities. In ancient Egyptian wor- The term "only begotten Son" is immediatelr,. This helpful work ties ship there were three trinitarian found also in 1 ,Iohn 4:9. "rn this ua$ together the vital inforrnution on deity groups. The most prominent the looe of Yahweh manifested in u{t, thal this dynamic subject. It is free triad was Osiris, Isis, and Horus. Yahweh has sent his only begollen Son into when vou write to: (Some authorities say that it was the world that we might lioe through him." Isis, Horus and Seb.) Generally Do you grasp the importrrnce of these took the form of a father, harmonizing all of these Scriptures? The Assemblies of Yahweh mother, and child (son) combination They reveal that the Father is P.0. Box C in the traditional, mythological supreme in the universe, the great Bethel, PA 19507 mighty ones family. first cause of ALL. The Almiehty The plethora of mythological Heavenly F'ather has existed eternal- The true Nurne of t he N,Iessirrh family triads in pagan religions can ly. He had no origin the human incrlrprlrutes the 1)rrct ir., itbbrevilrted ultimately be traced to an origin in mind can understand, but He has form of the Ileavt,nlv I,'rttlter"s Nrrnre Babylon, Genesis 10:8-12. Nimrod, always existed. Eternity cannot be rvith rr wol'cl that defines the, ntissiorr his wife-mother Semiramis and their comprehended by the mind of man. He c:rrlne to perfrrrnr. This ('onrbinrr- son Tammuz-this corrupt worship The true definition of His reveal- tion wrlrd that He uses as His Nanre marked the beginning of false mes- ed, personal Name is seen as being reflects u,Itut He u,i l l do for t hose siah worship abounding today in derived from the Hebrew verb of who rvitnt salvitt ion. Therefore, \r,e churchianity. The true Messiah of existence-hayah. The Name Yah- read in Achs 4:12, "And in rumc ttther is Israel is uerA unlike the one which weh represents the imperfect frlrm there solaalion: fo, neither fs there onll worships. churchianity teaches and of that verb. But, it is employed by other nam e under h e uuen, t hat fs gi t:en proper The Father is Supreme the Almighty as a noun: am.ong men, in uthi,:h ue musl he saued." Yahweh. Therefore, the Name It is only through the Nanre of the Thorough study of the Bible Yahweh means "to exist forever" or Messiah, Yahshua, meaning Yahweh shows that the Almighty Father "one who has self-existence and is salvation, thut we ntu)' receive stands at the head of everything. eternal life." th is great blessing of ever'lasting I ife. We see this concept quite clearly in To digress briefly, eonsider that This Name is exclusive where sarl- 1 Corinthians 8:6. "Yet to us there is the Bible teaches the vital import- vation is concerned. one Elohim, the Falher, of whom are all ance that we know, use, and call Please see rrn explunation of the things, and rxe to him..." Practically upon the Name-YAHWEH-which meaning of Messiah's Name in the same thing is found in another was revealed as the exclusive Matthew l:21 (He [Yahwehl, shall one of Paul's letters, Romans 11:34- appellative of our Heavenly save His preople flsraelJ from their 36. "For who has known the mind of Father in His inspired Word to sins).
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