S6638 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 19, 2017 bravery, his dedication to our Nation’s Tennessee and across the United States Aside from his sterling legal career, servicemembers, and his unwavering on the bicentennial of the birth of Bobby is an active member of his com- commitment to serving others. I am Baha’u’llah. munity, inspiring and helping others. proud to rise today to recognize Mr. f He serves his church as a volunteer and Williams and congratulate him on the a Sunday School teacher, and he has REMEMBERING EVELYNE J. christening of the USNS Hershel mentored the next generation of law- VILLINES ‘‘Woody’’ Williams. yers by coaching in various mock trial f Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, competitions. His example reminds us today I wish to recognize the passing of that our roles as public servants extend 200TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE disability rights pioneer and my long- beyond the office. BIRTH OF BAHA’U’LLAH, THE time friend, Ms. Evelyne Villines. Ever It was an honor to recommend Bobby FOUNDER OF THE BAHA’I FAITH since I first met Evelyne during my Higdon to President Trump. Anyone Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I early years in the Iowa House of Rep- who works with him knows he is a am very pleased to draw attention resentatives, I knew her to be a fierce dedicated professional who has exten- today to the 200th anniversary of the advocate on behalf of those with dis- sive legal knowledge and expertise. In birth of Baha’u’llah, the founder of the abilities. She had an outstanding work addition, he is widely respected in the Baha’i Faith. ethic and never stopped campaigning law enforcement community, and these The Baha’i Faith has over 5 million for those with disabilities to be recog- relationships will be incredibly valu- followers around the world, including nized for their abilities and not by able as he takes on this important role. over 2,000 in Tennessee. Baha’is come what others saw as their limitations. Bobby understands the challenges and from virtually every racial, ethnic, na- Thanks to people like Evelyne, our issues facing North Carolina, and I tional, tribal, and linguistic back- society has made a lot of progress in know that he will continue to lead the ground on the planet. this area. Evelyne’s tireless work On October 22, 2017, Baha’i commu- U.S. Attorney’s Office with dignity and earned her recognition on both the respect. nities across the United States and State and national levels as an in- around the world will commemorate ductee into the Iowa Women’s Hall of f the 200th anniversary of the birth of Fame and the national Hall of Fame ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS Baha’u’llah—the founder of the Baha’i for Persons with Disabilities. Evelyne’s Faith—and celebrate his life and his efforts were recognized as paving the teachings. way for passage for the American with TRIBUTE TO NORMAN JOSEPH Baha’u’llah was born to a noble fam- Disabilities Act of 1990. ily in 1817 in Persia, modern-day Iran. She served on numerous commissions ∑ Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. President, I am As a young man, he was known for his and joined the board of SourceAmerica pleased to commend Norman Joseph of charity and service to others and was in its infancy, leading the company to Jackson, a leader in Mississippi ath- called the father of the poor. In 1844, he become one of the largest employers of letics, on his induction into the founded the Baha’i Faith, a new and people with disabilities in the Nation. Belhaven University Sports Hall of independent religion with its own Evelyne’s advocacy and resulting ac- Fame this month. Coach Joseph is a scriptures, laws, teachings, and prac- complishments have opened the doors Vicksburg native who played quarter- tices. of opportunity for people with disabil- back and defensive back at Mississippi Baha’u’llah proclaimed a message of ities. State University. As a coach in the justice, unity, and peace. This message I am honored to stand before you in recog- nearly four decades since, he has deliv- called for, among other things, the nizing Evelyne for her lifelong commitment ered a tradition of excellence, success, equality of women and men, an end to to service. Evelyne’s legacy will live on for and Christian character to student-ath- racial prejudice, universal education, years to come through the countless individ- letes in Mississippi and across the interfaith harmony, and international uals who will continue to benefit from her country. cooperation. As a result of his teach- life’s work. Norman Joseph has coached on every ings, Baha’u’llah was imprisoned and f level of 4-year college football. Start- exiled for over 40 years by the Persian TRIBUTE TO ROBERT HIGDON, JR. and Ottoman empires. ing and rebuilding teams became a Despite the injustice and oppression Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, today I hallmark of his career. He built the he faced throughout his life, wish to recognize Robert Higdon, Jr., Belhaven University football program Baha’u’llah continued to promote a and congratulate him on his appoint- from the ground up and served as its message of peace and unity based upon ment as the U.S. Attorney for the East- inaugural head coach. Coach Joseph harmony within the human race. In ern District of North Carolina. launched Belhaven’s recruiting pro- every place to which he was banished, Bobby earned both his law degree and gram, designed its uniforms, and con- he touched the lives of all those around undergraduate degree from Wake For- sulted on the creation of practice fa- him. Even some of his opponents, after est University and has a decorated ca- cilities and a new athletic complex. meeting him, became his friends and reer in public service and in private Under his leadership, the football pro- admirers. practice. Prior to law school, he gram experienced immediate success Today Baha’is in Iran are still per- worked for then-Secretary of Transpor- and achieved a Top 25 ranking for 6 secuted for their faith, and human tation Elizabeth Dole and for Senator consecutive weeks during its second rights experts have called their situa- John East. Upon graduating from law season. tion one of the clearest and most se- school, Bobby served as a law clerk to Coach Joseph has coached at three vere cases of religious persecution in Judge Eugene H. Phillips on the North Jackson-area colleges. In addition to the world. Carolina Court of Appeals. After work- Belhaven, he served as quarterbacks The Baha’i Faith first arrived in the ing for several years in private prac- coach at Millsaps College and head U.S. over 120 years ago. Baha’is now tice, he began a successful career as a coach at Mississippi College in Clinton live in every State of the Union, in- Federal prosecutor. for nine seasons. cluding Tennessee, where the commu- From 1991 until 2015, Bobby served in At Mississippi College, Coach Joseph nity has grown to over 2,000 members. the U.S. Attorney’s Office and the U.S. took a program in decline and estab- Wherever they live, Baha’is cham- Department of Justice in a number of lished a winning culture. Under his pion the principles that Baha’u’llah roles, including chief of the criminal guidance, the team had an eight-win proclaimed. They strive to build a bet- division in the Eastern District of season in only 3 years. Within 5 years, ter world by being good citizens, serv- North Carolina. He has vast experience the team won the conference cham- ing their communities, and working investigating, prosecuting, and advis- pionship and went to the second round side by side with others to promote the ing on criminal cases, ranging from of the Division III playoffs. Coach Jo- common good. violent crime and drug trafficking to seph took his team to NCAA Top 25 Na- On this important occasion, I con- white collar and public integrity tional Rankings in scoring offense, gratulate the Baha’i community of crimes. total offense, passing offense, rushing VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:11 Oct 20, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19OC6.148 S19OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE October 19, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6639 offense, first downs, and fewest inter- TRIBUTE TO TODD DUNLAP ting your time and talent to enable the ∑ ceptions. In 2009, he coached Mis- ∑ Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, today I success of others. sissippi College to the American wish to recognize Todd Dunlap from f Southwest Conference cochampions East Helena, MT. Todd served in the EXECUTIVE AND OTHER and was named the 2009 American U.S. Navy for 24 years as an electronic COMMUNICATIONS Football Coaches Association Regional warfare and cryptology specialist, ulti- Coach of the Year and the 2009 Amer- The following communications were mately attaining the rank of master laid before the Senate, together with ican Southwest Conference Coach of chief petty officer, the highest enlisted the Year. accompanying papers, reports, and doc- rank in the Navy. Todd’s service in- uments, and were referred as indicated: Coach Joseph began his coaching ca- cluded seven deployments overseas in EC–3135. A communication from the Gen- reer at the University of Louisiana at support of Operation Iraqi Freedom eral Counsel, Federal Energy Regulatory Monroe as a position coach working for and other efforts. His work supported Commission, transmitting, pursuant to law, John David Crow, who was Bear Bry- Special Operations Forces on the the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Remedial Ac- ant’s only Heisman Trophy winner.
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