.a-, v^ (.•^-J j(. vii.*it»f iv *•*.•* v Uugaman Library Eoat Haven,Conn Pago Eight THE BEANFOED EEVIEW, THUESDAY, MAEOH 9, 1039 THE POCKETBOOK State Highway THE MOVIE GUYED Calendar Of Events Employee Dies THE HOME NEWSPAPER IS A o/ KNOWLEbCE * VITAL FORCE IN EVERY TO^VN THE HOME TOWN PAPER PORTRAYING AS IT DOES — of — HOT TIP FOK THE WEEK: I or tragedy that has been waiting for Hnd and 'Itli Tnt'sdny niglit, Nnslmwena Council, Degree of I'o- BRANFORD — NORTH BRANFORD William Henry Thomas of 83 Hop- LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN A clmplcr out ot the innklng ot them, eiijiontiia in Hed Men's Hall. son Avenue passed away Monday STONY CREEK — PINE ORCHARD the west Is unveiled in Waller Wag­ Dudley Nichols has prepared an IHI and .'ird Fridays—Vasa fStar Lodge, No. 150, Svea Hall. morning at U In his home follow­ FAMILIAR LANGUAGE SHORT BEACH — INDIAN NECK excellent screenplay from the. story ner's "Stagecoach," which Is now Thursdays! Vitiii, Knst Haven llotary Club. ing an Illness of six months dura­ CJje Ptantorli Eebietn GBANNIS CORNER — MORRIS of Ernest Haycox which appeared tion. He was 6i years of age and COVE — EAST HAVEN being shown at the Loow Poll Col­ In Collier's as "Stage to Lordsburg" AND EAST HAVEN NEWS lege Theatre tor a second big week. was born in Blrstol, England, com­ and John Pord has directed the EVEEY WEEK ing to this country 15 years ago. For VOL. XI—NO, 49 Tills now production, an epic ol Iproductlon with his usual pace and Branford, Connecticut, Thursday, March 10, 1039 Fridays—-Pawson Tribe, I. 0. R. M. at 8 P. M. in Hodmen's Hall. the past seven years he had been a Irontler life and courage, concernsl---,-^YlonUonviriinn : CongratulationCrtneratulatlons are also resident of this town. He had been Price Five Cents the adventures of a band of men duo Bert Glcnnon for his splendid and women in the days when Amer MAEOH 10th employed by the state highway, de­ cinematography of the Arizona partment for the past 16 years. He lea was young. The production co- mesas and plateaus. Sliorl Beaeli Union Chnpel ReliearBal, 7:30. Congregational stars Claire Trevor and John Wayne was a member of the First Baptist Several Bills In Hearing Musical Art WBRY Broadcast The 2nd big feature on the screen MAEOH 11th Church and the Modern Woodmen with prominent roles played by An­ Is "There's That Woman Again", Corcoran Sundquist Post of America'. dy Dovlne, Louise Piatt, George with Virginia Bruce, Melyyn Doug- Dance, Italian Amei'iean Club , Church Calls Scholarship Will Feature Bancroft, Donald Meek, Tim Holt, las, Margaret Lindsay, Stanley • Beside his widow. Bertha Turner, In State Legislature Of Thomos Mitchell and John Carra- Rldgo and Tom Dugan. MAEOH 13th he Is survived by tour brothers and Rev. B. Anthony tour sisters In Englahd and a sister Concert Tues. Local Talent En tertained By A uxiliary dlne. See you In the MOVIES, Rotary—12!l5—Congregational Church Parlors. In Australia. The funeral services The picture opens as the Overland Your Movie Guyed Indiiin Nook Fire Company nioolH. At tho special meeting of the On March 21st, Tuesday evening Stage Is about to leave Tonlo for were held yesterday afternoon with Interest To East Haven Radio Slatlbn WBRY has an­ East Haven Community Council PTA services In the funeral hom6 of First CongrDgatlonal church Sun at 8 p. m. at Library Hall, the nounced a new series of broadcasts tordaburg, Driving It Is Buck Rlck- day morning following the morning on Twentieth Anniversary abeugh, who Is occompanled by Norman V, Lamb ot Mohtowese St. Musical Art Society will present a ot High School programs. Eventual­ service It was voted to extend a ciiii Curly WUcox, . travding with the Writes Article MAEOH 14th Rev. A. W. Jones, pastor of the First Members Of Board of Finance Would Receive Compensa variety program for tho benefit of ly, the series will cover all Connec­ Baptist Church, officiated assisted to Rev. B. Kenneth Anthony of the Scholarship Fund. Tho Society ticut schools. It can best bo do,scrlb- coach as shot-gun guard. One by Junior Musical Art mods in the Academy. one the passengers board the by Rev. Arthur Tedcastle of. Bay- tion For Duties—Teachers' League Represented At Danvcrs, Mass. to the pastorate has already 'presented soholar.slilp cd as a Held class ot vocational gui­ Post No, 83 Has Done Tremendous Amount Of Relief On Problems Of Chapel AVorkors meet with Mrs. .Jolni Pard6e r awards amounting to $000.00. The coach; there Is Lucy Mallory, going port, R. I., nephew pf Mrs. Thomas. Hearings On Tenure Of Office Bill. rendered vacant by tho recent res­ dance and will give the talented Work During Years Of Its Existence—Gave Success­ to Join her army officer husband Short Bcaeli Clmpel Workers, 3 P. M. The bearers were Harry and Robert ignation or Rev. C. R. Cooley. Mr. program will !be in tho form of achildre n a chance to learn some­ "Town OnioialH Niglit" Kast Iliiven Young Repul)lieuns. radio broadcast programs, with Mr. ful Ball For Rehabilation Of G-reen. before she Is to become' a mother; Highway Safety Tedcastle of New Haven, Howard Yesterday was "East Haven Day Anthony was graduatcti fi-om Yale thing about Radio Broadcasting. Mr. Peacock, a clerical-looking whis Stony Creek PTA, 8 ;00. Little ot Woodbrldge and John University In 1328; a member of Willis Pratt ihaster ot ceremonies. The programs arc presented each Cantata Rehearsal in Trinity Parisii House. In the state legislature at Hartford, Corps Members key drummer; Doc Boone, a dipso­ The following article appeared Quinn, Otto Metz and Stephen with a batch ot bills concerning Phi Beta Kappa; teaclier at Yale In The following members of the Friday night at 8:00 o'clock. Bran­ Corcoran Sundquist Post No. 83, maniac doctor; the mysterlou!) Hat- Plnta, all of this place. The burial i this month In,"Orderly Traffic" and China, Ohangsha, China for 3Musical.Ar t Society will.toko part ford High School will broadcast on Supt. Pinkham American Legion, according to cus­ ' MAEOH 15th East Kaven furnishing the work for Held, a notorious gambler, and Dal- was written by Leslie J. Soronson, was In Hamden Plain cemetery. the day's committees. Town Counsel Pay Tribute At years; returned to Yalo where ho In vocal and Instrumental solos, vo­ March 17. Those taking part in tho tom, ceiobraled Its anniversary las, played by Claire Trevor, an un- program will Include announcers, president, Institute ot. Traffic En­ Indian Nock Auxiliary. Edward L. Reynolds Representa­ was gradiiiitod •with tile B. D. de­ cal and instrumental ensembles: Announces New Tuesday night In the Community fortunate lady of the town who Is gineers. Mr. Sorensen with Mrs. singers, musicians, dramatic groups House Aprol Sale, '2:00, Women's Guild, Cln'ist Kpisuopal Church, E.H. The Junior Mulcal Art .Society will tives Charlotte Miller and Ernest Luncheon Today gree In 1034 In the divinity school; Margaret Fouser, Harry Lindberg, being forced to leave by the mem­ Soronson and their daughter lived and tap dancers. The program will Master Maston Degree, Widow's Sons Lodge, (i ;30. meet tomorrow evening at 7:30 In Carpenter, with some of the town received the divinity degree cum Alice, Burr, Florence Smith—guest, A bcnutiful cake, donated by Oas- bers ot the law and order society, In Short Beach part of the summer fathers and others interested, were bo under tho supervision ot Mr. Attendance List the Academy on the Green. The sub laudc magna; stood at the head of Rosalie PInkliam, Cornelia Osborn, tollon's Bakery, bore the American This hetorogonqbus group Is joined and autumn. on hand at tho hearings Fourteen members of the Wom­ Nellie OsbornJ Andrea Paine, Eliza­ Fi'ank Coyle, Director of Music, fl.t the outslkrts of, the town by MAEOH 10th Ject ot the meeting wfil be "Music his class; recel-ved Archibald prize Legion emblem and tho insoriptloh en's Relief Corps were honored this beth Baldwin; Marian Adams, Ada Branford High School. Banker Gatewood( with the funds Based on Literature." The follow­ One of the measures had to do for standing first in scholarship; Superintendent ot Schools, Ray­ Post 83, 20th Anniversary, TBAPPIC ENGINEERING Supper St. Andrew's Mothers' Club. with tenure of office for East Ha­ noon at a luncheon In the First Sliepard, Audrey Rogers, Charlotte mond E. Pinkham, announced the of his bank nestllnB. In his reavy ing members will present the pro­ elected to Day Graduate fellowship; The broadcast progi:am will bo as Members ot tho auxiliary gave tho Traffic engineering represents the Turltcy Supper, Si Mary's Parisli (Ii30 at tho Trysr t . ven school teachers, a bill in which Baptist Church. Adams, Mary Jjevlln, Jane Mattson, following list of pupils of the local valise, and, a tow miles further on, ian Sisters. gram: Roberta Baldwin, Virginia and was pastor at the First Con­ follows: Announcer, John Erlck- party. Mrs. Addle Jackson president, by the Rlngo kid, played by John technical engineering approach .to Povorty Parly, AVoodlund 'romiile, No. 27. Pyllr Both Sides In Spain Foster Bracken, Beatrice Kelsey, Rosemary the educational forces ot the town They have been members for 25 Helen Smith, Isabel MacLeod, Clara schools having perfect attendance presided and past presidents re­ the problem ot ,sate and, orderly Turkey Supper, North Brunlord Civic Association. are much Interested. gregational Church, Belmont, Mass., Carwford, Helen Rice, James Cos- son; Main Street March, Weidt, En­ from September through February, Wayne, a young fugitive from" Jus- Hess, Shirley Kolbln, Anne Gale ' years and sat at the head table.
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