Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 3-5-1998 Spectator 1998-03-05 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1998-03-05" (1998). The Spectator. 2054. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/2054 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. SEATTLE II - N I V E R S I T Y BULKRATE U.S.POSTAGE PAID SEATTLE. WA TheSpectator PERMIT NO.2783 I I■■■!II This Week: Lot swap improves parking situation Ben Carlson apositivespinto thesecondphase StaffReporter ofuniversityparkinglot closures. - The Department of Public g 'It' -)iti ; '^M A"win-win"tradecompletedlast Safetycompleted the first phase week between Seattle University of lot closures three weeks ago, andProvidenceMedicalCenter will when theymoved themain cam- add over 50parking spaces to the pus entrance oneblock north to university'slots,andeliminate the MarionStreet. The Bellarmine need forvaletparkinginthePigott Halllot wasclosedFeb.9tomake lot. way for the construction of the Her 1998: a Story cel- SU swapped55 spotsintheCon- newlaw school. ebration of women on nolly Center lot for a 106-space Phase two began last Sunday, campus and around the parkinglotlocatedacross 12thAv- whencrewsclosedthenorthCam- world, organized by the enue fromBellarmine Hall. pion Hall lot. An underground Wismer Women'sCenter. Previously,Providenceemploy- parking garage and the Arch- Neivs, page 4 eesusedthe lot,called the SeaPort, bishop ThomasMurphy Village, and were shuttled betweenit and a community of student apart- thehospital. Withthe trade,Provi- ments, will sprout up from the News dence employeescanpark a block Campionlocation byFal1Quarter Richard Young,SUpoliti- awayfromthehospitalatConnolly, 1999. cal science professor, be- whileSUstudentsgainvitalspaces "Weare inournewconstruc- comes endowedhumanities rightacrossthe street fromcampus. tionparkingplanwithbothfeet," chair. Page2 The SeaPort lot opened for stu- Slettensaid. "We madeupallof dent useon Saturday,Feb. 28. the spaces weclosed in the(Bel- AnnaSarton,longtime em- Jerry Pederson,director of Ad- larmine) lot and the Campion ployeeandleader oftheuni- ministrativeServices andPlanning, north lot." versity community, retires. proposed the deal to Providence Makingup thelostspaceskept Page3 officials and worked out the de- additional studentscarsfromclog- tails. gingthe streetparkingintheFirst "It'sadandydeal,primarily for Hill area. City officials were Opinion students," Pederson said. "They pleasedby this fact, accordingto Campus safety is lacking can park muchcloser toschool." Pederson. at SU, but little action has Theideafor theSeaPortlot swap Withtheadditionof theSeaPort been takenby theuniversity. from campus brain- Public Safety developed a Steve Ford / Spectator parking spaces, Page6 storming session. Pederson ap- scrappedaplan touse valetpark- Carspack the Pigottparkinglot, whichis servingas the university'smain proached the Providenceofficials ingguardstostack-parkcommuter entranceandlot duetoconstructionandtheuniversity'snewparkingplan. Campus Comment: What withthe thought. carsin thePigott parkinglot. haveyoudone toprotect the "We thought(theswap)had alot "(The SeaPort lot) wasn'tin the SeaPortforoveradecade,buttraded "(TheSeaPortlot)tookoffour environment?Page 7 ofappealforProvidence,"Pederson cards in putting together the con- thelot totheCityof Seattle in1989 backshaving to stack valetpark- said. "I just told them what the structionplanforparking,"saidMike in exchange for abusbarn lot on ing,"Sletten said. advantages would befor themand Sletten,directorofSU'sDepartment 14th Avenue. SU developed the While stacked parking would Features what they'dbe for us. Theywere of Public Safety. "Then Jerry got new landintotheEastSportsField. havefurnishedtheuniversitywith AssistantEnglishprofessor pleased to do it for a temporary the dooropenonit,and thatbrought Providenceleased theSeaPort lot the same amountof spaces as the winsnationalawardand$500 period." a worldof relief to the formula for from the city,so the deal required for herpoem.Page8 Thedealalleviated tons ofstress students andemployees." city pre-approval before the swap forparkingorganizers. SU actually owned and used the wasfinalized. Theacquisitionputs SeeParking on page 3 Transplantinganelm tree across campus proves to be difficult. Page 9 Twelve faculty granted tenure A$E MEGAN MCCOID recommendation to the Board of assured that they will not lose their university,suchas throughservice MysteryMachine's"Head Editor-in-Chief Trustees. employmentoverissuessuchasteach- oncampuscommittees. Whena is ten- First Into Everything" hits AccordingtoUniversityPresident ingmethods. professor granted recently SJ, who Father Sundborg ure,butnot as five newheights. Page10 The Board of Trustees Father Stephen Sundborg, also stated that promotion, of decidedonthefuturesofanumberof presentedhis finalrecommendations theevaluationprocess looksat three this year's candidates were, "that university look- "Coming of Age in SeattleUniversity faculty,as means thatthe is higher production Babylon" goes straight to approvals fortenureandpro- ingfora levelof research," hell. Page11 motionweregivenduringthe in publications and in board'sFebruarymeeting. Father Sundborg explained. "It's Seven facultyweregranted hardtobalance between first-rate Sports tenureandpromoted toasso- teaching and first-rateresearch." added, Theskiteamconquersthe ciateprofessor,andfivemore He "It's a very signifi- slopesin theNAIA national weregrantedtenure(seebox). cantissue whenauniversity grants tenure, tournament.Page13 The approval from the becauseit's acommitment Trustees marks for these onthepartof theuniversityto that next25, 30,35 Get the first pitch of the newly-tenuredindividualsthe individual for the road. new season with the end ofa longacademic years." Spectator'sChieftainsoftball Review for this statuscomes Alongside thosereceiving ten- ure, in preview.Page14 after six yearsof workat the threefaculty wereadvanced university, when all profes- rank to full professor status, one sors apply fortenure. waspromoted toassociateprofes- Classifieds.... page 15 These applications are re- sor, and two were appointed as ASSU back page viewedby theprofessor'sde- professors emeritus, an honorary partmentandschool,theircol- title for those faculty whoretire On the Web: lege,and theuniversity's Rank and during the Feb. 19 meeting, tenure mainareas whendecidingontenure. from teaching at theuniversity. www.seattleu.edu/ TenureCommittee. Thepresident servesas a kindofjobinsurance. Those three areas are the quality of Promotions will go into effect of the universityis given a recom- Tenured faculty enjoy protection teaching, the level of research, and FallQuarter,1998,and tenure will student/spec mendation,whoin turngivesa final of their academic freedom, and are the candidate's contribution to the follow inFall Quarter1999. News 2 Young throws chair at apathy Pigott-McCone appointee addresses citizenshipry MeghanSweet Young ManagingEditor spentmostof Fall and news briefs A 1997 study out of UCLA re- Winterquar- vealed thatlevelsofstudent apathy ters this year towardpolitics are at an all-time planninghis high. strategy; he Dr.RichardYoungwouldliketo hasalsobeen see thatchange. teaching Student AdvisoryGroupsSoughtby Information Services With his new position as the only one Pigott-McCone endowed chair in course per Information Services is seeking group of 8-10 students a to the Collegeof Arts and Sciences, quarterinor- become part ofanadvisory/focusgroup. Thisstudentgroup will Young would like to arm young der to ac- provide insight projects, opinions sought inIS and their willbe people with the education neces- commodate implementation policies before ofcertain or enhancements. For sary to make informed decisions his new po- example, student input sought of will be as to whether location about government and the world sition. networkconnections forlaptop computersinPigottortheSUB.A around them. Beginning desire to work withIS and Academic Computingarea,ability the Youngstated that "thereis areal this spring, to work in a team, andgoodcommunication skills are required. need to do a better job" teaching he willbegin may contact Erdmann at to Interested students Paul 296-5550 studentsaboutthe workingsofpoli- bringingout- apply. tics. side speak- "Weare inaperiodin which the ers to cam- AttentionAllJune Graduates political has been de-emphasized pus. almosttothepointofbeingdefined On May AllJunegraduatesmust purchaseor renttheir cap andgown at out of existence," Young stated. 28, Young Young, the BookstorebyFriday, toreserveyour Richard thenewPigott-McConeEndowedChair SU March20.Itisadvised "AlotofAmericansthink thatgov- will wel- possible. packet inthe CollegeofArtsandSciences. order as soonas Aninformation isalsoavailable ernment isirrelevant." come Ever- at Normally, mailed to prospective the bookstore. these are the Last fall,Youngbegan his two- greenCollegeprofessor Stephanie "(Coontz) is an extremely im- graduates,butthisyeartheyareonlyavailable atthebookstore. For yearchairshipwiththeintentionof Coontz (o campus to speak about portant and influential thinker in moreinformation,call296-6160. bringingissuesof governmentand her book "The Way We Never respect to women's roles in con- citizenry tothe forefront ofstudent Were."
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