Iu aGfje Oupreme (Eourt ®f ®fjio State ex rel. Summit County Republican Party Executive Conunittee, : Case No. 08-0478 Relator, : Original Action in Mandamus vs. Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner Respondent. RESPONDENT'S EVIDENCE - VOLUME V Deposition Of Jennifer Brunner - Transcript Exhibits A through C MARC DANN (0039425) i Ohio Attorney General Richard N. Coglianese (0066830) [email protected] Counsel of Record William C. Becker (0013476) Damian W. Sikora (0075224) Pearl M. Chin (0078810) Assistant Attorneys General 30 East Broad Street, 16th Floor Columbus, Ohio 43215 614-466-2872 614-728-7592 fax Attorneys for Respondent Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner D MAR 14 2QQ.3 k SUPREME C pIFjR ^pRT RIO Certificate of Service This is to certify that a copy of the foregoing Respondent's Evidence, Vol. V, was served upon the following, on this 14th day of March 2008, by US Mail, postage prepaid: Timothy J. Grendell Grendell & Simon Co., LPA Broadview Heights, Ohio 44147 440-746-9604 (Fax) Attorney for Relator Gilbert, Bobbie From: Farrell, David Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 12:54 PM To: Summit Cc: Speelman, Eleanor Subject: Constitution and/or By-laws Dear Marijean: Thank you for checking your records for a copy of the Summit County Repubiican Party's Constitution andlor By- laws for either the Central or Executive Committees. Although I understand a copy is not currently on file in your records, if one should be found or if a new copy is submitted to the Summit County Board of Elections, please let me know right away. Sincerely, David M. Farrell Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and Director of Elections Office of the Ohio Secretary of State 180 E. Broad Street -15th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 995-5221 (w) (614) 485-7060 (fax) EXHIBIT 3/11/2008 rage i or i Gilbert, Bobbie From: Farrell, David Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 4:30 PM To: Speelman, Eleanor Subject: FW: Sigel Letter and Affidavit Eleanor: Please see the e-mail below regarding Summit County. David David M. Farrell Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and Director of Elections Office of the Ohio Secretary of State 180 E. Broad Street - 15th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 995-5221 (w) (614) 485-7060 (fax) ----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 4:23 PM To: Farrell, David Cc: [email protected] Subject: Sigel Letber and Affidavit I am an attomey and I am working with Mr. Scott Sigel. Attached is a letter and affidavit (that was previously e- mailed to you) from Mr. Scott Sigel, a member of the Summit County Executive Committee, conceming the recent recommendation for appointment of a member to the Summit Board of Ellections. If you have any quesions, pelase fell free the contact me or Mr. Sigel. We respectfully request that your forward this information to the Secretary of State for her urgent attention. Steven L. Yashnik Scott Sigel 3250 W. Market St., Suite 14 1007 Buinker Drive Fairlawn, Ohio 44333 Fairlawn, Ohio 44333 (330) 867-1500 (330) 414-7729 [email protected] Sc.ott Sig_e).c^yahoo.com Regards. Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Livinc 3/11/2008 Scull N1. Sigrl 1' Iiu!Il,.c•r!Sritt I,ur I;nt li. ( )luu .{.1; : " : lU-.J!,1. 770 l I \ 1 -\I \II 1't•11ruan 'ti :'un^ Irr.ui!eI 13ru)n)cr 'Nrcrc;.n^ ,r1Stalc ^'tl± I:.:^.t lir,,.t.l titn^a. I^Ih I!ut,; i).:^n tircr^t;tre Iirunitrr: Il;l JCcllk G:or)(c717c't! :!IN'ri1I IIK j,C•Ilr.lill,; 1tiS4IC rrl 1!1C rCl,!,lt;t:lUilal h!t' 1IC\ %1"'11111!(oI` .) thrWtnnltt(oullh!31r:u'd ,)tC!W:c'tY„n>. Since_ruuni!!hcAlar+l, ^'to,iJinr;,h.,m„u: i tt> thi511onitiuu. I iccl uhJt,.atud t.,natta4t %cru illtr!tcdir)(Cl,::'l:r^u- ( .. .7I l.iI111c1' ill u!l{CIl t17C t710^C rCCC11I St,OtIllllfH111 frtrlll tllt 51.111}plli Ir) '... 'li'.Cd. \ '!.1,'rC;l s!!n ,tturll.dli<!acil tt]!tl llt,r Ir,IL,u itYblh!1: I•h3'ryl A ({rr6!Cf r'•I'tXCYtrllti: t,N11n:iIlBc lul IV!l t;lll.lll:Y i,tlt' l,ttr;,t,:,i ^I!i pil.y li - t' unnllil I `. - :In(t !?.!^ulJi^:n! 1 v.rulltr ( ,•rnru^n- mrrnlct t iO h;mt^ I Ii;l,c .,.,..I!Nt',trrm-.nnlllcS,t)l:n..!1I'",t..-rL. A!.: .nII1. I,,..r, A lq)niillc,_! t.,!jl=..Ir,' 11).- Is„I•'r,ni^atlr,n r.t '.li,,:rP. :rt lr. !1 . 1 : 1crln rl:lln: mn!-1`I`ltl; Ih:: prII,,J I In,l . ,, „d,llin . , !i:ht!+: 110 1 ,6, ! :::r nlt. r'Ic 1 .:. .Ii, Irr!, hul_. .I,ut:, .II„ :.alt,.I ii:., 1..._I .. ..- I)ryri!r rcrl.lrll rN :.-nt".. I Iti.t .•Iypr,..i,31r,! 111r, I,ci;.l;•!:^ ',. !1 :Ic:.I-...,.I: 1, . ^ r.. :I?. ;i!I Ali +. \1' iti n 1 '.i.':a.,.^ ;:c.i N.i ., i '.ll1r .^n!,: tf::illn7illitttl,tt! t'•hR_h CAmI.n!lit{ a II>I o!1_'ll Intli\hl!I:tl, <q; thi ;>.c.uli,t' f._. +:il IIIC Illrall ol tha' 3tICC1111r. I Mi,.l ihi C\C["rlntC Jir['i I:rroI Iic 1001 Itlt I!!r P•: !nC1flhCr, I hal hbl l'on11(iltCv I 1,1 nDinCti 11C rRcCltlPl hiLUlt tl llll a Il`Il i:111 Of 1TICrl11'NJr\'I111r71C, A+ IhC\' 1tC!C ..:I:li';I, I 111I1r'lai.'ti 117r •. <( Ar thr cr!nc:lusittn. AIr. ac:llirlkulTlturric'tll^ tlccl>ucJ;l lw,rt;ln f,rr,rln I ?°. 1 cr:tal! otiC 1 41 N/l Cll}t, ll?inl• Urlt ,Ir ihl' sCt t11hiISC ligtIICS a> f,! It,r.1) 11.!.CIi1hClN I -illt io !' nu! nher_ vtcrc !lrrltrnt I>riur tt) ihc nulniu,ltit,tl ot' 41r. I).Il:.^t \I th.lt p,,illl. I n,:w .110! <,'-' ,ne,u ,,i ttrdrr rukIr. .\rillin3.otf r+uinline ,lu! Ihc: lr!t;k tr! .t .lu.rl!tui !:, lrn,dlt tr;u:, I Ie• sli,qnlYsrd nn^.^lyt^etit,n^. ^ratinl: ' .. thc Lrtt tt.l, .11Galr.,I ..i .I.!I , t':!I - ! -: .. rt:!, nordclnta!nrirn .r! Ir,#,tlf nleniher.prr,cnt.. K:uhrr li ,:-:•,I c:crho 1„unt llr,l'.,-. ,hrd thal Ihirs hc rr!lertcal in Illr rcc„rtl. I,uhWyurntlv t"tc,l ;a: r,u lir!).II.,, nt,nlln.,IL 11 !lu, tl.l,_ranl !trrgul:rrit} \\ ilh Illi> l.u:k ul`quelr-um :md rho tle Iihcrate disn:g+trd to thc :ryuircl+,cnts :rl i'cu liamx•nt,r j'.rtr^iQill'C .Inll t17l: IcE%V. 1 ICY'I thC. 11Ultlinatllql'ditl)IUYC(t 111:11 Illl.',ht 1'!? IhC Sitllllll!t ( utllitR l:CptlHican I'url)is ttu11 ancl trlid. I cicv+ thrirmUtrns :ts 1jn4l::rl1in11=p- tlar frr,ilimac^ nrlll^ .:lcci„ral pnlc:css. aviotaritm ollm rTho us a committcc lnc-Inbrr.mi m h,cuiv nl;.ulc .: "rc'. i4 tlli f}rSriCSti Irl N'hlCI7 tUu !(!111 6tf^r tlllh- J! Chi,tl^It1C a Ih'r>!^r1:11 rCj>7t.'iC6l,ltl`.C tu SdC`.e; •. ! !Ite [3t^arcl „i !{L•ctian3 ^ I f:i.. Irlcitlcnr. :Ilunr tt i!h rlunlcruus olhcr,i. 1 think. nhtltt ;1 ,ii.rc,tar;l I .Ilr ntlr :,I Ia,t I,tl tI11iCItlnlct1G11 I1nrilC>9, JiKl •.I ITrII1Cfi1 t'! RhLLSl' t i IIUtiCr I?; !,7! It::rtfer h!Il ot h!,tp ^t7t111!l lty U(ri:'r;lt10l1 .311a .Aa 1i11C'Q_t.l i tll lht.' I.{l1:Jrd til 1liitl„tl" I:`.t 1 f!IOr^' ! :.'lll!'I,,' .!tlrr ilti, ll,un tten IItrrl?rtratrd. AIr AIvllirrhel7"Il;ul thc.lutt:rc;r, I,,,1„ ,n!t lil.tr•,. I(t,und thc cnrnnlrnl> tt, !,c hnth nntiluntlc,l ,tntS t!11.!;l,1.t iil "Vtltl' tu Ii\htll' i:!Itt!{!ttqCC In !Illti (?r+^i.•ti^., i hllillhli i'd.IlKII lh.l` '. 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D 1r-v ...,:> c,o r,> 7conov .._.. ::«fl'(ill.it[' FA'ci ) . ^:C . r ) r `atl`T: 7.i.
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