gagfo-a »„ , r • t ,<• v? ;;j"X* BANK REGISTER Uiurt Wsakl* «pt»««t u Stsmd'Clui alatur *t tbs Pott- 31." om» at B«l Bank. It J, outer cos AM ot Hutb I, HI». RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21,* 1931. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES on the north side of East'Front rovements Indicated above are to e Aplenty . ToWs New Mayor street be extended to a point near Vlonthly Report Annual Message e completed during 1081 England the Topic Annual Report erf Washington street. Another sug- I wish to express my thanks to the gestion was that night collections of nembers of the council for their For This Woman Begins His Duties garbage bft-made on the btislneM sec- ofRedCross of Mayor Salmon 'ery splendid co-operation, and the of Club Meeting the Police Chief tion of Broad street. Mr. Kohn lonsclentlous and diligent conduct of Sadie Mande of HOJSKM Charles R. English Presided «t asked the. mayor and council to take Thirty-Seven Cases of Veteran e Tells What the Commission- their duties they have shown during An Interesting Program at a Interesting Facts and Figurt* in • Has « Series of Mlsfortancs, the Official Meeting at Redaction to prevent outside business in- Compensation Handled Dur- ers Have Done the Past Year the year, and I have no doubt but River Plaza Home Last Thurs- His Statement of Uw Work' •"> terests from coming Into Bed Bank what this fine spirit will continue. day Night—Articles and Re- : V: Winding Up In Her Getting Bank Monday Night—A Gift and operating here t8t a few days or ing Month—Many Patted First and What They Expect to do The borough la to be congratulated Done by the Police Depart* \ j|| Into trio Toilaof the Uw. of Two Baskets of Flowert. a few weeks to the detriment of local Standard First Aid Tetts. During the Coming Year. this respect. freshments from Great Britain ment During the Past Year. ' ;" i : merchants. He.said these transient r 0;i .'Mr«;^Ms.(Uo> Manolfc' one ,o« the Charles E. English, the new mayor operations comprised auctions and The. November report of the .Mon- Fair Haven's budget of expense) The Woman's club of River Plaza ' Harry H, Clayton, chlei of polio* • * jnostrtBpeoUd colored residents of >f Red Bank, began his duties.Mon- 1931 will bo Introduced at next TO ELECT OFFICERS. met at the home of Mra. Henry C. of Red Bank, submitted his.annual ' peoUd coloro<r d r cither similar enterprises. He sub-nouth county chapter ot the Red ' &HWm*fl>:.tr*lm,*«i , so•»«*t• JntiMf/io Roubl)*niiltlae Jeslaat -weeweekk ay night after having been on a mitted for the consideration of the Cross shows that 67 cases were hand- tonday night's meeting of the com- Mecklem, Sr.. of River Flaza last report to the mayor • and council ' ! :rip In Florida, The Lfohs club of ' isloncra. Tho council now meets Bremen's Follce Association Will Thursday night. Mra. Arthur Lln- Monday, night. It showed ,that dur- Hhrough ignoranctot tha law. She Mayor and council an ordinance which led * In which veterans were, assisted Meet Tomorrow Night. Red Bank, ot which organization Mr. had been adopted at Butler, Penn- securing government compensa- yery second and fourth Monday in- denstruth and Mrs. Louis Despreau: ing the past year property Valued st ' .• niohilo: wltliput'(ivdrlver'* license. English'Is a member, made a gift sylvania, to prevent such operations. lOB and medical treatment :ead of every second and fourth The firemen's police association of were received as new members. Fol- $13,387.02, exclusive ot automobiles, ;> About B«y»n;^)«k» ago an auto- f two baskets ot flowers to him.The matter was referred to Mr. Gop- In the first aid department, 27 'uesday. Red Bank will meet at Relief com- lowing the business session the first had been reported to police head- mbWlo owntd'by MM. Manele was Thomas M, Oopslll was the only ao- slll. ; passed the standard first aid test The following is Mayor Ferd S. pany's flrehouse tomorrow night to of a aeries of programs on "Inter- quarters as stolon, and that property > (I»mige4 fceyphdrepair when It was ent councilman at, the meeting. Members of the Eatontown fire de- almon's annual message: •lect officers and to hear a report by national Religions" took place, the valued at $1,037.76 waa recovered, « ,• hit by an automdbilo driven by a It was generally expected that a John H. Abrame, who operates a partment who passed were Robert Garbage Collection. This Is still committee which was appointed subject being "England," This fea- Property valued at 53,000 was recov- ture was In charge of Mrs. Meck- XJttw Btumwlcfejnan; Two of Mrs. arga nucober of Central avenue resi- line of eight busses between Asbury Bennett, Leon Smock, Jr., Edward sing maintained to tbe satisfaction last week to prepare by-laws and ered for the police departments of ents wotild bo-present to protest Park and Peterson, asked for per- Immons, Fred Beale, Jr., Andrew rules. The association will elect a lem, Mrs. John Morrison and Miss other municipalities, Twenty-eight M«iAle'« eons were In their mothec'e mission to take on and discharge pass- believe of all, and we hope tho Mary Brand. cw and they' were badly injured. against th« new steel towers and ecker, Jr., Joseph Finn, Arthur Igh standard maintained will bo president, vice president, secretary, automobiles, valued at $12,275 were igh tendon line on that street, but engers' at Bed Bank. The request Sehtley, Joseph T. Riley, Ralph mptaln, first lieutenant and second An introductory talk was given by stolen and 28, valued at $11,278, were > ••tTbo boys "were-, taken to the Red was referred to Mr. Gopslll. mtlnued. Wo have received many /• Bank' hospital. One of them jeturned less than a dozen persons from Cen- tangler and Linton Williams. icpresslons of approval from the res- lieutenant. The present ofllcers are Mrs. Edwin H. Brasch. Antiques, recovered, The pol|c« recovered ono tral avenue were at the meeting. An ordinance passed its first read- Standard and advanced courses ients- with regard to the efficient 3harles Bennett captain, Fred Mun- wedgewood articles and modern automobile, valued at $600, which U'i.'n'oBiis - almost recovered about, two ing, prohibiting automobile parking ; :*w«bk(i" aafo.: The other boy Is still The principal objections were made rare passed by the following em- aSanner in which thla Service has len first lieutenant and Harry Feeney chlnaware from England were ex- waa stolen in 1929. by Mr. and Mrs. Lerdy , Lane and on Plncknoy road for a distance ot ployees of the Jersey Central power hibited. Mrs. Mecklem read a let- '•_'•'at.•• ttia: hospital.; Among Ms ,other 3een conducted. lecond lieutenant. s Other features of the report Mrs. Alex Burlelgh. fifty feet east of Broad street and light company at Keyport: Eva .' Injuries he nag o broken l«g. Zoning Ordinance. Some amend- ter from a relative In England de- showed that one automobile valued At a previous meeting complaint i At the reorganization meeting on Boyce, Myrtle Boyce, Helen Lam- scribing the Installation of tho lord at $500 was recovered for anothtr '•'.'rT?ie New Brunswick man was ar- New Tears the only official of H bertson, Helen Rose, Paulino Ogilvie, lents have been made to the zoning /j; rwted "on a oharge of driving a car was made that the steel towers en- :dlnance, and wo feel that it is now mayor of England. Mr. and Mrs. police department; and that 483 roached on the sidewalk space. It who was not reappolnted was Srwley Margaret Walters, Doris Titus, Clif- Margaret Slattery Richards, who were guests of the lodgers were accommodated at po- wbrts drunk and. a fine -was imposed. M. White, the building Inspector. At ford Bray, James Noldslnger, Cyrus motioning to the satisfaction of all The New Brunswick man baa nlnce ia'. reported that the sidewalks oncerned and without much of the club, gave recitations and songd In lice headquarters; that 745 street !; vere beyond the property line and the meeting on Monday night Mr. Ross, Laneta Ross, Marie Dougher- Welsh. Books from the British lights were reported out by polio*, : token an appcil to have the line ia-, White was named for reappolntment ty, William Titus, Ernest Ludwlg, Ifilculty that was encountered prior Speaks Tomorrow ^b He claims, he was not drunk, hat they could be re-laid in such a o tbe enacting of the amendments. Iales were shown. men; that 810 window" and doors . manner that the towers would nofoc- by Mayor English and he was unan- Richard Fenwlck and Carlton Lud- Dressed in a Scottish costume, were found open or unlocked by tho , Several Holmdol residentidt s whho were lously confirmed. wig. Knollwood. Lake avenue has been Noted Boston Lecturer on Child upy any part of the sidewalk space. ipened and may now be used. Willie Mrs. John Morrison played several police and reported to the owners; , itthe sqerie of the accldonnhortly Problems to Address Mem- that 1,822 minor complaints of va- 'after tho collision occurred say there The electric company, through Its Seven boy scout leaders passed the t is our desire to finish the com- bagpipe BOIOB and executed Scotch epresentative, Theodore Moore, 'of- letlon of the opening In'a credit- bers of Parent-Teacher Asso- dances. Later in the evening Mrs. rious natures were r Investigated; Was liquor In the man's car and advanced first aid tests. They wero that thirteen juvenile cases were Vthat h» threw It out on the road.
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