.* "ONCE ARIZONA, ALWAYS ARIZONAn * * Vol. 7 San Francisco, California., 14 April, 1928. No 8 FRISCO AGAIN POST CRUISE MANEUVER8 NATlONAL DEFENSE vs PACIFISM Here we are again troops! How All clouds have been scattered; the These last few months have found does this cosmopolitan city, the New haze has been blown away. At last a great amount of anti-arms propa- York of the West Coast, strike the the correct dope regarding early man- ganda floating around in political cir- eye? Looks pretty good, you say. euvers for 1929 is out-made clear cles in our country. Representative Thats about a 4.0 answer. when the hearings on the 1928 Naval Maas of Minnesota proposes an in- We all have memories of the good Bill were made known. The rumors vest&.ation of * activwes of all or- times spent--also the good money- of the Aeet rounding the Horn are ganimtions protesting egdnst miut- in its many places of amusement. An- only r)cuttlebutt. ary defense programs. It is his be ticipation makes our feet itch t0 pound The United states Fleet wfll Con- lief that certain associations engaged the pavement of Market Powell, and Centrate during January 1929 off Pan- in sending out propaganda hoeffle to other streets; makes our fingers itch ama, engage in war games, gunnery, the naval building bill are dominated, to blow some of that money thats and tactical exercises until the latter financed, and inspired by domestic burning holes in our pockets. Part of February, den, it appears, and foreign interests. He claims that And girls! What fair ones they Units of the Fleet will make short members of Congress mebeen bm- have in this town! Tell me, is it true visits to South American ports. barded with letters against the naval that the Frisco sweethearts are sweet- The proposed employment formed building bill, one member havfng re- er at heart than those of other ports? the basis of the fuel estimates sub- ceived as many as 2,500 of such con- What causes that? mitted to Congress for Fleet opera- munications. Don't forget the laughs you can tions covering the ftscal year July, Representative Maas's proposed in- have on the civillians. Remember 1928 to June. 1929. vestigatlon would be alright, but no they have to pay street car fare and After the Hawaiian cruise the Battle government investigation yet attemp we may not have to. We have to Fleet returns to San Pedro, staying ted has. to our knowledge met ad- like Frisco for that. If you are broke there until the units separate for equately its purpose in establishing you don't have to walk back to the trips to Fourth of July ports. Fol- all of the facts in the case. It is our dbck. lowing that, the Battle Fleet and belief that so long as the people of But somerning else to remember, Train Squadron Two will operate in the United States realize the impor- don't forget to come back every time Puget Sound---Columbia River area, tance of national defense that no 3- your liberty or leave )s up. Donst go off Sad kancisco, and in tBe San amount of propwwda caa do mat. A.W.O.L. or be A.O.L. its a good port Pedro-San Diego area, carrying out deal of damage to our present' azld sad all that, but no place is good Fleet exercises, gunnery training, and proposed military system. enough to stay A.O.L. for. So when engineering exercises. the sweetie begs and pleads to stay The Battle Fleet and Train Squad- No nation can long neglect its nat- ional defense and remain prosperous. .%- 'q just a little bit longer, turn a deaf ear. ron Two are scheduled to leave San " There should be something worth Pedro for Panama on 15 January, History fails to show a single people -. while in your schedule, however, be- 1929. who have been able to rise to main- :a 'tain prosperity without the fore- , -.-, *- , sides all fun. The city afPords many __0__ chances for improvement of historical MODERNIZING THE ARIZONA thought and capacity for national de- fense. % A> + knowledge, there being many spots The recent bill for repairs and al- c. We believe that in this stage of - worth seeing. Here are a few of terations to the ARIZONA states that , -.1 them and the cars to take. the cost of the work should not ex- our history. the great majority of 4.- - :,. Frisco Sights ceed $7,310,000. and that the work is sensible people are convinced that ' ' California Place, Legion of Honor, to be commenced when those ships national defense pays, that the old 7% Lincoln Park. Dedicated to the men now undergoing alterations come out flag is worth working and fighting for, - .*- who died in the World War, and con- of t4e Navy Yards, that patriotism is better than pacif- . tains rare pictures by famous artists. The alterations proposed include ad- ism. So long as these ideas remain L$;. L$;. - .- instilled in our minds we need not L: ,$ Take cars Nos. 1 and 2. ditional defense against submarines City Hall. Take cars Nos. 6. 19, and their attacks by the installation feer the results of propaganda for pac- -{::&. (Cantinad on W. four) (Oolltlnrud on page two) ifism. AT 'EM ARIZONA rr)c* JUST BE YOUR VERY BEST NEXT YEAR'S NAVY AT 'EM ARIZONA It you can't be the pine on the top of According to information recently of A rhip'a paper for the dis~mination the hill, given out by tbe Navy Department, hslniul information aboard the U. 8. 8. Be a scrub in the valley-but be ARIZONA. Publiehad with the consent our navy for the'coming flscal year of the Commanding Ofllcer. Captain W. T. The best little scrub by the side of Tarrant, U. 8. Navy. the rill; 1928-1929 will consist of 304 warships EDITORIAL STAFF Be a bush if you can't be a tree. and auxiliaries and 718 aircraft. E. Sunrrvisorp Oflleer..Ch.gldn 8. Dyer If you can't be a bush, be a bit of Included in the list of warships Editor ............Ensign H. M. Zemmm which will be kept in full commission &rib.. ................B Fh. Ye080 grses, ..................J. Gatanby, Fec And some highmy happfer make. during the year will be 15 battleships, Sealc 16 103 74 Distribution. ........ .E. E. Collins. If you can't be a "muskie," then just cruisers, destroyers, sub- be a bass, marines, two aircraft carriers, eight PRINTERS minelayers, 12 eubmarine and destroy- J. C. Thompson, Prtr 8c But the livliest bass in the lake. J. A. Mmosi. 9ea le er tenders, 12 patrol vessels, three J. L. Vortsrgaard. &a la We can't all be captain's, some have 5eet submarines, one fleet submarine to be crew, minelayer, two aircraft tenders, two FOOT STEP8 Theres something for all of us here; repair ships, two supply ships, five ave you ever, during a stroll on Theres work to be done, and we've cargo carriers and transports, one some sandy beach, noticed foot- all got to do collier, nine oil tankers, 24 mine prints. some distinct, some Our part in a way that's sincere. sweepers and a number of navy hos- pital ships, tugs, ofl barges and mis- nearly obliterated, worn by If you can't be a highway, then just cellanions crafts. washings of the constant $idea and be a trail; 5lled by the shift* sands, orrried If you can't be the sun. be a rtsr; An effort will also be made to ip- by the breeze of the sea shore? Did It isn't by size that you win or you crease the enlisted personnel to 83. they cause you to wonder who made fail ; 250 men, in order that all of the above them, what might have been the oc- Be the best of whatever you are. craft may be manned to full peace cupation of the originator, where time strength. those alternate visible and indistinct - ISN'T IT TRUE? prints were leading him? Ita inter- I don't walk with a seagoing roll. NAVAL ACADEMY esting thinking and wondering about I never had a girl in everq port. On 1 September, 1928, enlisted men those footsteps; but did you ever try I haven't got a ship tatooed on my who desire to enter the Naval Acad- to follow them? Where did they lead chest. emy will be given a preliminary exam- you? Nowhere. I can't tie a knot. ination. Every day we cross the trail of in- I have never been in the brig. Those who will not be over twenty numerable footprints, some 5rm and I never hitch up my trousers. years of age on 1 April, 1929, and distinct, apparently leading someplace; I don't swear. whose mental, moral, and physical others almost invielbl~maze of I am not tanned and browned by qualifications warrant it, will be ac- aimless wonderings, such, that by fol- tropical suns. ce~ted. lowfng them we would get no piace, I ain't a sailor. Those accepted will be sent to either im except perhaps in trouble. I am a yeoman. Hampton Roads or San Diego for a It is a good idea to pick out some __O_I preparatory course. OUR CLOSED PORTS one of goad charactor and habits, Hsre ie chaace to go to the with a purpose and an ideal in life The term "Closed Ports" ctseo not making pr~greas tmards his goal. mean much to many of the boots and His footsteps follow his nose in the quite a few of the old timers of the dir- to hts afm in life, toward Arizona so here is the dope.
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