Technician North Carolina State University’s Student Newspaper Since 1920 Volume LXV. Number79 Friday. April 6, 1984 Raleigh. NorthCarolina Phone 737441112412 :39‘' a".1 Senate sets runoff dates, . adds candidates to ballot J. Voria Willis-Is was only 25 votes behind the because of the “violation of elections News Editor runner-up in the student body presi- policy." and dential race and felt that votes at the Hight stressed that he was “not Angela Plott Vet School would have helped him in accusing any candidate or any orga- Staff Writer the election. nization of wrongdoing." He said it Carson also said that the Elections was an "honest mistake of the Winning appeals to the Judicial Board's policy of including only the Elections Board" and that he “was Board Wednesday, student body top two candidates in the runoffs is glad it was resolved." president candidate Shannon Carson “not documented in the Student and student body treasurer candidate Government documents" and could At the Senate meeting David Kevin Hight will both be added to bewaived. Heller. chairman of the Elections the Student Government run-off He asked the members of the Board. announced that he and Stu- elections on April 16and 17. Judicial Board’s Board of Review to dent Development officials are seek- Both Carson and Hight finished consider his appeal by saying the ing another organization to operate third in their races in the initial “primary concern should be complete the polls during the upcoming run-off election. but the Judicial Board. in and fair representation." elections. Wednesday’s meeting. decided to Hight also appealed a decision Heller requested and attained the waive the Elections Board policy that made by the Elections Board con- Senate's approval of the transfer of allows only the top two candidates cerning the group selected to man $100 from the election’s materials into the run-offelections. the polls. Hight based his appeal on budget to help cover the expenses of Carson based his appeal of the the fact that the group that ran the attaining a new group to man the initial elections on the fact that a polls has a member who is a polls. voting box “did not get placed out at candidate in the election. The Senate also set the dates for the Vet School." although plans Todd Lloyd. chairman of the Board second runoffs. if necessary. for all Staff photoby Bob Thomas called for a poll to be manned there. of Review. said Hight will be placed day on April 19 and until pm. on Run-off elections for student government positions are rescheduled for April 16 and 11. The Judicial Board decided Carson. who works at the Vet School, on the student body treasurer ballot April 20. to waive the election board policy that allows only the toptwo candidates into the runoffelections. Pageant New audit of 86 set for underway Monday Barry Bowden Lola Britt ManagingEditor Staff Writer An audit of Student Government finances is being conducted by the The third. annual Pan African Internal Audit Division of the Office Pageant will be held Monday at 8 of Finance and Business. pm. in Stewart Theatre. The audit began Thursday and may The six young ladies who will be completed today. Student Body at Doak Held compete for the title of Miss Pan President Jim Yocum. who faces African will be judged in swimsuit. possible impeachment proceedings. talent and selfexpression competi- said. He announced the audit to the Above left. North Carolina's tions. Audit Board during a meeting Wed- Todd Wilkinson (10)attempts Contestants in this year's pageant nesday night and recommended that to score on a fly out to are Susan Smith. Donna Jones. the Audit Board consider the results Pauline Penney. Sonya Parson. of this audit as well as those of the rightfield during Jocelyn Bethel and Melanie Keaton. audit conducted by Jeff McCauley. second-inning action The Miss Pan African Pageant was student auditor appointed by Yocum. Wednesday against State at established to help black young The Audit Board. which took no ladies at State express their feelings action during the meeting Wednes- Doak Field. State catcher.lim about their African heritage. accord- day. will meet again Monday. accord- Toman applies the tagas the ing to Jackie Griggs. chairperson of ing to Yocum. homeplate umpire and DJ. the Black Students Board. Yocum requested that the ad- “I would encourage other black ministration audit Student Govern- Surhofl'(9), UNC's on-deck young ladies to participate in the ment books in a letter to Chancellor batter, watch the play. Below pageant." Pauline Finney. a sopho Bruce Poulton dated April 4. left, Surhoi'lturns his back to more sponsored by Phi Beta Sigma "I want an official administration the plate asthe umpire swings fraternity. said. "You learn more audit." Yocum said. “I want an about yourself and other people. You auditor who has done audits before to into an out call and Toman also learn more about how the other do it to make sure it is done right." holds the baseball aloft. contestants feel about black unity." He also opened up his personal Wilkinson was nailed at home Susan Smith. a junior sponsored by finances to the auditors to clear Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity. also himselfof any wrongdoing. to complete a double play encourages other students to partici- The audit performed by McCauley. which started when State pate in the pageant. "If they are submitted to Yocum Tuesday. rightfielder Tracy Black caught willing to put out the work." she said. allegedly uncovered mismanagement “then they will get something from and misconduct involving the Stu- a fly ball for the second out it." dent Government/Apathy Task and relayed it to first baseman Other events scheduled for Pan Force account. The findings of the Tracy Woodson. whotired it African Festival include: audit. according to Phil Segal. vice to Toman for the 0 New Horizons Choir concert Wed- chairman of the Student Senate's nesday at 8 pm. Finance Committee. led six senators inning-ending out. The 0 DanceVisions' Spring Recital to call for the impeachment of Wolfpack. leading 9-0 at the Thursday at 8 pm. Yocum. Steve Hilliard. chairman of time, scored four more times 0 The Gong Show April 13 at 8 pm. the President's Task Force to Com- All of the above events will take bat Apathy. and Rich Holloway. in the bottom ofthe second place in Stewart Theatre. Student Senate president. on its way to a 9-1 ACC The annual Pan African Picnic will The senators decided to drop the victory. Story on Page 6. begin at noon April 14. The Step impeachment proceedings against Show will be held at 4 pm. behind Holloway on Tuesday. Segal said. Carmichael Gymnasium. and the According to Yocum. no charges social event of the season. The Black have been filed as of yet in the Staff photos by Marty Alien. Tie Affair. begins at 10 pm. in the Student Government offices. Ballroom of the Student Center. inside Flower Judging team takes first —— Guys and Dolls a warmer. Page 9, Deadline today Kim Davis day we left. We judged the plants “If we were judging flowers. there — Fans of Twatty get their money‘s worth. Page 3. Today is the last day to apply to serve on State's Assistant FeatureEditor and flowers on the basis of their were six to 12 stems per vase." Student Legal Defense Corporation’s Board of symmetry. condition and Eickhoff said. “or four separate Directors. For the second year in a row. floriferous. For example. a class flowering or foliage plants. We had Lovmg buds in Pack's 9-1 Win vs. Heels. Page 5, Any student interested in applying should stop by State’s Flower Judging team has won of roses would first be considered for three minutes to judge each class on the Student Government office on the fourth floor of first place in the National Flower infestation of insects and disease. the basis of rating the plants from — Washburn on national TV Sunday. Page 6. the Student Center to fill out an application form. Judging Competition. This year's then the stage of opening the flower one to four from best to worst. A The elections will be held on Monday at pm. in the competition was held at Penn State. was in." The condition of the time warning was given at two and a Board Room of the Student Center. Applicants should State sent four students from the individual flower was also important. half minutes." a paradise. plan to give about an informal twominute speech horticulture department as repre~ ”We looked to see if it was broken up Coke expressed surprise in winn- A tool's paradise IS nevertheless emphasizing their abilities and expectations. included Cynde or whether the petals were bruised." ing the competition for a second year. Cynlc’5 Calendar The current board members will vote for four sentatives. They "Last year’s team began practicing in Preregistration candidates to serve as at-large members of the board. Wynia. Nancy Eickhoff. Jay Coke — This is important in determing if the January as soon as we returned to The 1984-85 chairman and secretary of the board will all seniors in floriculture —- and Mark flower will open up correctly. The school. This year we were a little be those applicants who receive the largest number of Young.a senior in ornamentals. uniformity of the group of flowers slow in getting started. Other schools 4:30 PM TODAY is the close of the preregistra- The team received advice from within each vase was also considered.
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