Oibhona Assembly, Ladies of Odumbua and Combined cath' About Town olic Mothers Ctrcles wtil spon­ sor a oonununion breakfast Xcmben at Ui« MuichMtar Sunday at St. James’ School Btin plcu^ a t waar Hod and Oun Club will meet to- Hell for Catholic Ctrl Scouts la your skoas whea ; n l^ t at the John F. Tlemey and Brownies, after the 9 a.m. A moMl* intt •qu%>p«d wMi Area Rotarians have then reboUt Is Funwml Home, 219 W. Center Mass at St. James' Church. toblea for ammlnatlona andaOl profassloaAl shM n m It Manehmter 4’CUy of ViBago Cham • t , to |wy reapecU to Mrs. Ihoae not yet oontacted and in­ nicawary latoccotety 9qu4p- Meet in April sboB. ALL WORK John ICcOtxM, whose aon, terested in attending may call OUARANTBBD! Jamea McCooe, ia a member. Mrs. Frank Faarina, 158 Birch mant to give PAP teeta wiU ar­ VOL. LXXXm, NO. 182 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCRESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1964 AthrarOslag am Pago M) rive ai Maftohaatar Memorial The annual Spring Conference PRICE SEVEN CENTS St, chairman, or Miss Helen A. of Rotary Dlatriot 789. of which Kembera of the Town Fire Thomas, 25 Cooper S t Hoapitai Wadneaday, March 11. SAM YULYES Oepartment will meet tonicht TYm unit la ownad by the Oon- Manchester Rotary Club ia a Same SMa aa WatMaa at T at the John F. Tierney Fu­ neeticut Diviaion of the Amer- member, will be held at the Ho­ 29 OAK STBBliT neral Home, 219 W. Center St, Joseph J. Twaronite? son of loan Oanoar Society In New tel SUOer-HIKon, Hartford, OPEN aiONDATM to pay req>ect8 to Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. Josef* G. Twaro- Haven. It is aalf-aufftcient and Sunday and Monday, April 19 MoOom, whose son, Joseph Mc- nlte, 84 Spruce St., is on the may be aet up anywhere. ' and 20, with the Hartford Ro­ ODoe, Ts an employe of the de­ dean’s list for the seventh con­ tary Ciub acting aa boat. partment secutive semester at Provi­ About 400 reaervatlona have District Gov. John B. Grant dence (R. I.) College >where he been received for the free PAP of Rockville will be In charge of teata wMoh will be given from School Blaze $2.5 Million Loss Raymi BMok Preoeptory will la a senior, majoring in sodolo- the assembly which will, among meet Friday at 8 pjn. at «y. 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Appoint' other bueiness matters, elact a Orange Hall. menta will be made for every new governor to take office In The Hartford County Asso­ few nUnutea alnoe the test takea July. John T. WIleo of Hartford ADVBIRTIS E3M ENT- ciation of Medical Assistants about aeven minutes. Manohea- la the conference chairman, as- will meet Monday at 8 p.m. at ter area women may call the slated by George A. Lucas of the What to do, why and how. the Hartford YWCA, Ann St. A (3anoer Society at 175 JS. Center East Hartford Rotary Club and V m beat time to plan your es­ film of the World’s Fair, spon­ St. for appokitmenta. Norman F. Sayerf of the West Region Reactor Put Under International Inspection tate is now. The Connecticut sored by the Travelers Insur­ •Manoheater phyviclana, nureea Hartford Club. Bank and Trust Company, 896 ance Co., will be .shown.. Re­ and American Cancer Society All 49 clubs In the district Main Street, invites you to freshments and a social time vohmteera are cooperating In send their president and secre­ come in for qualified advice to will be held after the film. The tMa community project to dem- tary-elect to the conference al­ help you set your plans in mo­ event ts open to all medical onetrate the value of the PAP though any of the 3,122 Ro­ Hope Nations Gen. MacArthur tion. Mr. Thomas B. Cannon, secretaries, or nurses employed test. ldans In the district are wel­ Roaring Fire Trust Officer, is available in by doctors in offices or hospi­ Dr. David OaldwMI Jr., pres­ come to attend. Facing Surgery the Manchester office every tals. ident of the Miuicheater Bnuich District 789 comprises Massa­ Follow Step Tuesday. Discuss your Estate of the American Cancer Socie­ chusetts from Sprktgfield west, WASHINGTON (AP)—Gen. In Thompson Plans with him. No obligation and northern Connecticut Douglas MacArthur has “ob­ of oourse. Miss Susan Landers, daughter ty, said that the teet la simple of Mr. and Mrs. Neal H. Lan­ and painless and can detect bounded by Plainfield, Blast On Controls structive Jaundice of unknown Hampton, New Britain, Bristol Kills Cleric ders, 48 1 Broad St., has been uterine cancer before symptoms mnioM origin’* and exploratory abdom­ elected qpptiomore representa­ appear. The project la pert of and Torrington. GENEVA (AP) — The inal surgery will be performed tive to the student council at the American C3ancer Sociaty’s '^tOLVKD United States announced to try to determine the cause, THOMPSON (AP) — A. Those Horrid Hartford Council for Women. program to tall mowen that tar thaaa ^tara^ilra lioat^^^ Walter Reed Army Hospital She is also director of a 4-H uterine oanoer can be cured if today that it will place one announced today. relisrious brother died of Club, for Puerto Rican Girls of oaAight in Ita early etagea. HEARING AID of its largest nuclear re­ A statement from the hospi­ smoke inhalation early to­ AHE SPOTS* Junior high age, a social serv­ EJduoationaJ literature on the B A H ER IE S actors under InterTiational tal where the Old Warrior has day as a roaring fire leveled ice project conducted by Hart­ life saving aspect of the de­ inspection in the hope that been undergoing tests since the two-story main build­ ford College students. She is a tection program will be given Monday, reported: ing at Marianapolis Prepar­ -WRINKLES 1982 graduate of Manchester to examineea. Projects Uka thda PINE PHARMACY other countries—and par­ "Diagnostic tests of Gen. High School, one are being carried on with 664 CENTER BT.—449-9814 A new anti-parsplrant that ticularly the Soviet Union MacArthur have been complet­ atory School. the mobile unit througtwut the really worktl Solves under­ —will follow suit. ed. It has been determined that Officials of the achool, run by arm problems for many who U.S. delegate Adrian 8. Fisher he has an obstructive jaundice the Marian Brothers religious had dMpaired of affecti va help. told the 17-naUon disarmament of unknown origin." order, and state police estimat­ Mitehum Anti-Persplrant conference the huge reactor While the hospital statement ed the damage at $2.6 million. Hammond Spinet keeps underarms sbsolntaly plant at Rowe, Mass., Is to be did not amplify, ailments which The body cd Brother Alexan­ They^ll Wow Them! dry for thousands of grstsful aced under inspecUon of the can cause obstructive jaundice der Kinsgaila, 78, was found in O rsan......$895 This bevy of town officials, scheduled to appear In the Bolton Orange variety show Satur­ INOTIGE! users. Positive action coupled Stematlonal Atomic Enegry Include cancer of the common Ms bed when firemen raised day night at the Community Hall, won’t really need to do much more than stand there to Tour Investment Headqnartera with eompUto gontlonoos ta Agency—IAEA. bile duct, the gall bladder or ladders to the second floor. Recent trade. In good con­ bring down the house. The can-can “glrU” are, from left. Norman J. Preun, Harold Por- Brother John Banya, also 78, OPEN SATURDAYS 10 AAL TO 1 P.M. normal skin and olothing is Fisher said the United States the head of the pancreas or a dition. Terma. cheron, Stuart Wells, Richard Morra, Eugene Gagllardone and Donald F. Tedford. Official­ made possibla by new type of hopes this step will encourage gallstone that gets Jammed In was admitted to Day Kimball —- Special Value By — ly. they are judge of probate and chairman of the finance board (Preuss), chairman of the for your convenience. Onr regular weekly schedule as fol­ formulula producM by a trust­ the Soviet Union and other coun­ the common Mle duct. Hospital in Putnam for tosat- board of education (Porcheron), fire commissioner and lieutenant in the fire company lows: Monday ttaru Friday 9 AJM. to 5 P.I^; Thnrsday Eve­ worthy 6()-yesr-old laborstorr. tries, to join in a worldwide sys­ nent of smoke Inhalation. (Wells), first selectman (Morra), state representative (Gagllardone). and sonlnr Ment ning T P.M. to 9 PAL Satisfaction gusrsntesd.Don’t tem'^ to prevent the misuse of The school has an enrollment 60SS 0R8AN GO. (Tedford). (Herald photo by Satemls.) agent givo in to jMrspiration wor­ civil reactors for clandestine of 170 students, some from for­ m Alljm St., Htfd. 625-6696 SHEARSON, HAHMILL A CO. ries; try Mitehum Anti-Par- producUon of nuclear weapons. eign oountriea but mostly east­ plaque, inaorlbed with the spirant today. 90-doy suppto Fisher stressed that the IAEA Events erners. It is on R t 200 in this 91S MAIN STREET-JTEL. 649-2821 #4.00 pbu tax. will be invited to undertake the Flotilla Given wording, “Third CoejBt (3uard Founded 1909 rural conununity In the north­ District, 1963, Director’s Hon­ permanent Inspection of the eastern comer of Connecticut . Members New Foric jBtsok Kxehanga HOUSE ond HAU Rowe reactor "whether or not! The Rev. John Petrauskas, District Plaque or Roll, Fotilla 17-9,’’ was and Other Leadlag Cxcbaafes. In State awarded for faithfully meeting Munson's other states reciprocate." But if headmaober, and Father CaM- the requirements of the district.
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